
Influenza Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Studies have actually shown that black elderberries can help to reduce the severity and length of influenza."
"What we don't want is we don't want people to be getting sick with influenza and sick with COVID-19 at the same time because they're both potentially quite serious viral infections but different types of viral infections."
"The flu literally does get stronger every single year, and you have to re-up on the vaccine."
"For every one person who gets the seasonal flu, they will pass it on to on average 1.3 people."
"We cram thousands of animals in cramped, filthy sheds—arguably a perfect storm environment for the emergence and spread of super strains of influenza."
"Vaccination is a really important part of our response to the 2009 h1n1 virus."
"The one thing you could predict about influenza is that it's unpredictable."
"Manuka Honey has potent inhibitory activity against the influenza virus."
"Quercetin reduces susceptibility to influenza infection."
"It's particularly important this year because if someone has COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, their chances of dying are 2.7 times higher."
"The influenza vaccine does not appear to reduce immunity against COVID-19."
"Flu vaccine is especially important for children, especially those younger than five years old."
"Could the influenza epidemic of 1918 have originated in outer space?"
"The flu kills between 250 and 500,000 people a year. That is with no lockdown and no social distancing."
"Do not underestimate this, this is not a normal flu this is serious."
"N-acetylcysteine significantly attenuated the severity of influenza-like illness."
"The 1918 influenza pandemic is the most deadly pandemic of the last century."
"The infection fatality rate of COVID is half what we would experience from a normal flu season."
"The Spanish flu did not come from Spain."
"The novel H1N1 strain achieves sustained human-to-human transmission."
"The two glycoproteins on flu virus are hemagglutinin and neuraminidase."
"Flu was favored by the transportation technology of the industrial revolution and since, and once again by urbanization, and of course population growth and overcrowding."
"More people died of influenza than of casualties in the First World War."
"This infection kills young, vigorous, robust adults."
"Temperature and humidity influence influenza virus transmission."
"One of the teams that we're working with published a 2020 paper in Nature where they showed that when influenza virus infects the lung the bacterial organisms in the lung shift towards a more imbalanced state."
"The flu virus actually can mutate and change its shape."
"Vaccination against influenza is highly recommended."
"The H in H1 stands for hemagglutinin; the N in N1 stands for neuraminidase."
"Hemagglutinin is actually the molecule that helps the influenza virus attach to the host."
"Fever is more common in influenza than it is in a common cold."
"It wasn't a swine flu... the pigs that were having the flu at the time of the 1918 pandemic among humans probably got it from the humans, not the other way around."
"The pandemic of 1918 is one of the most historically devastating pandemics of influenza."
"Each year, 3,000 of almost 50,000 people die from influenza; most of these are elderly, most of these are people who are too weak of an immune system to fight off the infection."
"Elderberry... has been proven to lessen the symptoms of influenza and the common cold."
"The influenza of 1918 was not only much more lethal than seasonal flu, the death rate was very high among young adults."
"The best way to contain influenza is by getting a very efficient and safe vaccine."
"It's wonderful to be with you talking about such a relevant piece of history as the 1918 influenza pandemic."
"The best way to prevent getting influenza is to get the yearly flu vaccine."
"Human ancestors were one bad flu away from going extinct and never evolving into modern humans."
"Influenza has a significant annual burden."
"...for the first time in 2021, there were high path influenza viruses in birds, wild birds over the summer..."
"If you've got a monoclonal antibody that will neutralize a broad spectrum of flu viruses, then you could use that against whoever comes in with the flu."
"These neuraminidase-targeting molecules have unprecedented breadth to seasonal and zoonotic influenza A and B viruses."
"...influenza antivirals work on H5N1 subtype..."
"Flu is an incredibly deadly virus because it's one of the viruses that has killed more people in this world than any other virus."
"The flu virus makes [people] more susceptible to things like pneumonia from Streptococcus pneumoniae."
"Influenza viruses are constantly changing, requiring ongoing surveillance and frequent vaccine virus changes."
"The number of detected emerging novel influenza viruses is increasing, requiring ongoing laboratory and epidemiologic investigations for risk assessments."
"It's also worth looking at the last devastating pandemic, the 1918 influenza, which didn't go on forever."
"In 1919, an influenza virus mutated and it caused an absolute pandemic."
"We know that the influenza came so quickly and was so rapidly disruptive, on its own right, that it then triggered a set of public health responses, which are what we now call social distancing, public gathering bans, school closures."
"The greatest lesson of the flu pandemic is that flu can't be ignored."
"A century later, the battle against the 1918 flu and its offspring continues."
"We're actually interested in the carbohydrate component of the flu virus, and it's a very relevant thing for what's happening right now."
"The only thing predictable about influenza is that it's unpredictable."
"Highly pathogenic avian influenza has long been recognized as a significant agricultural problem."