
Sexism Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"The fact that there are differences between the sexes doesn't mean that sexism is justified."
"The abuse of the planet could in part be rooted in sexism."
"Sexism is wrong. You're both equally precious."
"The wage gap is basically the idea that women are paid less in the workforce by virtue of well being a woman because, you know, sexism."
"Sexism and misogyny are endemic in our society."
"Sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women."
"Andrew Tate openly calls himself misogynist and a sexist and argues men should have authority over the women in their lives."
"There is great pleasure in the matter-of-fact way Jenkins and Heinberg make points about chauvinism, sexism, and equality."
"We need to be clear that we are all participants in perpetuating sexism until we change our minds and hearts."
"Making people aware of the sexism would help change attitudes and help men feel empathy for the women who are the victims."
"The pervasive frat boy workplace culture continues to thrive."
"I think there is to a fair degree sexism. I absolutely do."
"If you've got a problem with sexism, look in your own party."
"Sexism is an everyday horror whose presence we've naturalised, but whose effects still haunt us."
"This world is sexist. This world is messed up."
"Racism and sexism are very big business in technology platforms." - Sophia Noble
"It's a very problematic system and very antiquated, very sexist."
"It seems a lot less sexist than other schools, and it seems really open to the idea of same-sex parents, same-sex relationships with children that might not conform really tightly to male or female."
"The GDP is sexist because it adopts a framework of value creation and productivity that is traditionally anchored on individualistic male-dominated activities."
"Misogyny and sexism are fundamental in the creation of the myth of witches."
"Teaching our children that they are inferior or inherently bad based on immutable characteristics such as race and sex can be extremely damaging to their emotional and mental well-being."
"Sexism and misogyny did not start with the internet, right? It's been around for a long time."
"Even if all of the jokes about women are fully ironic, being made by people who aren't personally sexist, it can still be grating to hear that as a woman."
"Sexism is bad, and you shouldn't do it regardless of the circumstance."
"Ironic racism or sexism reinforces these sorts of ideas within our spaces when it's often done to disguise acceptance of these views."
"Ironic sexism is dependent upon the false assumption that people no longer really hold retrograde sexist beliefs and therefore the very idea of sexism is now just a hilarious joke; but nothing could be further from the truth."
"Video games are saturated with stereotypes of women... cultivate sexism."
"Sexism is suggesting that women are of less importance than men."
"Feminists make this argument for example that women cannot be sexist because..."
"Sexism against men is still just called sexism."
"Just because sexism, or anything for that matter, could be worse, doesn’t mean that it isn’t still worthy of critique."
"Giving someone a spot not because of their skill but because they were born a certain gender is sexist and it causes division."
"Bossy is more sexist than because I, and a lot of other people, call men."
"Blizzard fostered a horrifically sexist workplace culture, pay disparity was everywhere and female employees were treated as second-class citizens."
"Sexism is still very much alive in Hollywood as well as it is in the world."
"Started to analyze my own sexist views and started to ask myself why."
"You're going to say I don't think that's true that seems kind of sexist like that doesn't seem fair."
"Racism is real in America, it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America, it has always been. Sexism too."
"I hate misinformation based on using sexism or whatever as some sort of weird straw man argument to excuse the failures of certain individuals."
"Men only interact, deal, and talk to you for sexual reasons. There's no such thing as a platonic relationship between men and women."
"This has caused quite rightly quite a lot of outrage because it's seemed as deeply sexist the government in this case have responded to that backlash by pulling the ad."
"Sexism isn’t just, like, bad in the abstract. It is a system of power that oppresses people."
"Remember, if you criticize Kamala Harris, you're a sexist."
"Ghostbusters: The all-female reboot was immediately met with an unfair amount of disdain."
"Sexism, misogynist, it's not appropriate in a hearing."
"My experience around sexism has not been specifically having myself be dismissed, but the limited expectation of me and the limited idea of what I meant to contribute."
"The idea that you can position yourself as superior to others through self-control and self-denial is super sexist."
"Sexual harassment is despicable; those who exploit structural sexism and power imbalances must be exposed."
"Everyday sexism happens, and it's so easy to let it go, not to speak up."
"It's extremely sexist to reduce the value of women to their reproductive abilities."
"I appreciate exploring the dangers of sexism in the workplace... what they can add to the team is simply not appreciated or even acknowledged."
"It's very hard to be seen not as some sex object, not as some plaything. We're always treated as that."
"Constructive criticism is different to being talked down upon or being sexualized or being used just to be that reasoning to be a pretty face that they can latch onto to make them look better."
"Let's say bye bye to sexism, to anthropocentrism, and celebrate the earth."
"These kinds of attitudes about women... are traditional sexist attitudes."
"Sexism isn't a gamer problem. Sexism is a social problem."
"Because sexism has been around longer than racism."
"He's a real '90s sexist mocking things like PMS and saying that women know less about politics than men."
"This industry is just as sexist and racist as any of you, yeah."
"Dan Levitar wouldn't hide in a corner while two little jack-offs try to brow-beat Jim Brown or Charles Barkley. This is sexism."
"Sometimes my lyrics are sexist, but you lovely bitches notion on trying to correct this."
"It's very easy to get polarized into if you don't approve this then you must be a sexist."
"There is something inherent about black women's experiences with both racism and sexism."
"Guys who are rude to women they sleep with aren't jerks, they're sexist."
"As is often the case with sexism, contemporary attitudes towards sex aren't great for men either."
"We are not evil, we are not bad, we're not misogynistic, we're not out to hurt anybody."
"Hillary Clinton isn't widely described as a hawk because of our sexist double standards which expect that women be dovish. She's seen as a hawk because she is a hawk."
"There's just no world in which she hasn't dealt with a bunch of sexist garbage."
"It's not only sexism, it's downright demoralizing."
"Sexism is unacceptable, it has no place in our organization."
"I always tell everybody the biggest issue in the world is sexism."
"I think most of the sexism in modern games is a symptom of lazy game design, not hateful intent on the part of the developers."
"Congratulations on overcoming the sexism for all those years; it makes your previous accomplishments all the more impressive."
"Women are treated kind of shittily in gaming."
"Y'all don't like black women, y'all don't like women, and y'all also don't like black women."
"I don't care if you don't like what I'm saying or can't understand it because you're so caught up in your own sexism about the way I'm speaking in my vocal fry."
"The only thing this guy's got a PhD in is his sexism."
"...women have largely been footnotes... WWE placed more value on a woman's physical appearance than her physical ability... there is a troubling foundational sexist patriarchal culture within the WWE."
"Women can't be plumbers," he said. She's one of my best. You do not talk to any of my employees like that.
"If you think those women characters, the characters specifically 'cause they're not real fictional, but if you think they're unattractive, you think a fictional video game collection of pixels is unattractive, you're sexist and a bigot."
"A woman is valuable because what the Bible says, she's created in the image of God. Men are valuable because they're created in the image of God, and we're not going to dump on each other, that's sexism."
"I was also denied entry in multiple countries on the grounds of sexism."
"Go home and make me some dinner, woman."
"It's unfair and reductionist to call 2049 sexist."
"If the only thing you took away from this character is that she is like a dominatrix, then I would like to be so bold as to suggest that the only sexist here is you."
"Misogyny isn’t just another random trait the Ferengi have in addition to their compulsive greed — it’s a comorbidity."
"The irony of it is, they think they're doing better for you, and you're not accepting it. So you're in the wrong. It sounds a lot like misogyny, don't it, when men try to tell women what it is they're supposed to be doing?"
"Sexism harms everyone even those who perpetuate it to an extent."
"I just don't want to be called difficult or crazy or all the other sexist [ __ ] that men say about women in the workplace."
"You can't be sexist towards women if we're going to follow it to its logical conclusion."
"I guess so, yeah, I don't know, we were in a sexist time where women couldn't decide, but she said, 'You're gonna marry me [ __ ]'."
"Sokka's sexism in the original series is a character Choice... as he encounters numerous powerful women, he begins to break down the ideals of traditional masculinity that have been instilled in him."
"It's absolutely critical to drive sexism out of the world. It's critical and so many instruments of cruelty are built around the principles of otherness and the power structures that go with that."
"It's nice to have all you pretty women with us today."
"It's not sexist according to the clear what's happening in the circumstances."
"These systems are racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynist. All of those words. This is exactly what those things are."
"There is no difference between Barb and Stripperella. It's blatant, it's stupid, and the only reason it exists is because Pamela Anderson has boobies."
"Completely brutal, completely sexist."
"We're back with your favorite segment where he puts me up against a woman and I beat her because I'm a man and she's a woman."
"I met this guy in New York that I'm pretty sure hates women, or he's just mad at us right now, 'cause, like, he came up to me out of the blue and was like, 'Yeah, no offense, but I don't think female comedians are funny.'"
"Patriarchy, sexism, hell, hurts us as much as it hurts women, just in different ways because it's almost like it's a male prison that we're stuck in."
"Call me a [ __ ], but I do think that the subtext here is pretty sexist because it feels like the movie is saying that women don't actually know what's best for them."
"'You need to take accountability for your fellow man's actions and make a conscious effort, conscientious effort to put an end to this form of sexism. Don't remain a sheep for the rest of your life.'"
"Labeling real complaints such as this as sexism does nothing but harm people who do experience real sexism."
"Your voice matters just as much as anyone else's, arguably more than theirs because you're not a sexist douchebag."
"It's massively sexist and actually homophobic as well to think that there's any sort of behavior standard to being male or female."
"Maria shook her head and took a step away from him. 'I'm good at my job, Mr. Harris. All of my clients love me, and my evaluations show top client satisfaction. You're being a sexist pig,' she accused."
"I've learned it's better not to be sexist when it comes to evil."
"For those of you who are women, it was blatant misogyny."
"There comes a point where even Hollywood has to put money above misogyny."
"I'm gonna keep it a bug, women shouldn't vote, women should lead, women shouldn't speak."
"It's a sexism because when you're the face, people don't give a [__] about who the scriptwriter is."
"You want to be consistent with them."
"If someone makes a racist sexist joke, say with total seriousness 'I don't get it, can you please explain it?' Then watch them crash."
"Implicit misogyny undermines women's agency."
"It's almost more dehumanizing to deal with somebody who thinks that their brand of sexism is actually doing me a favor."
"wow that is incredibly sexist but true"
"She's replaceable. This is a female we're talking about."
"...they claim that they can't be sexist or homophobic because they're a woman."
"Racism and sexism are injustice, to be fought with justice."
"If you're a chick, all you gotta do is have a smoking body and show lots of skin."
"White men have been trained, peer pressured and hazed by the U.S. military to release their anxiety, self-loathing, and hatred of the enemy onto Asian women’s bodies."
"The greatest problem in your life is America racism sexism homophobia, your parents never."
"American Fiction challenges the undercurrents of sexism in society, raising questions about who gets to tell the stories of a culture."
"Man, I think it's very sexist to assume that a woman ain't strong enough to hit a man hard enough to hurt him."
"She's a woman who destroyed a [ __ ] company by saying three words: 'I know sexism and gaming.'"
"I would rather live in a world without sexism than without inflation."
"A man being sexist is not interesting a woman being sexist is not interesting most people are most people are sexist and racist and bias and Prejudice and this idea that you're not is you're lying [ _ ]."
"Sexist language refers to spoken or written styles that do not reflect the presence of women."
"Benevolent sexism puts women at a higher position, above men, causing damage when women fail."
"To say that that's like all a woman can do is just be a mom is very sexist."
"If we look deeper, though, the materialism that’s projected onto this character is more than a little sexist, and it reflects pressures on a long-othered minority group to assimilate and rise in the American social hierarchy."
"When it comes to raising children, men still face an enormous amount of sexism from all sides."
"Women are too emotional to be in positions of power. What is this, season six of Survivor?"
"The whole topic of racism and sexism and other isms in our society in my opinion is a breakdown of understanding."
"Sexism inherently benefits women."
"If we didn't have sexism, there would be one standard, and women want to get the jobs, but we allow women these opportunities through sexism."
"Meritocracy or traits such as hard work ethic are racist or sexist or created by a particular race to oppress another race."
"Life is sexist, it's just that women like to call things sexist that don't benefit them, but they have no problem with the sexism that benefits them."
"A good woman should be seen and not heard."
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be out here all alone and you definitely shouldn't have to do this by yourself, let a man help you baby."
"There's a dimension of racism and sexism that is linked to the class power relationship too."
"You know what girls like to send nudes? Yes, they just need an excuse."
"Does misogyny and sexism exist in America? Yes, absolutely."
"We thought we were a country that was pretty much over sexism... not so much."
"The idea that God is somehow obviously a man is a sexist idea to its core and not even borne out by just going to a library and opening a couple books."
"It's just [__] annoying to be like hey give me some ammo so I can tell my girlfriend why women shouldn't breastfeed in public."
"Yes, Viseris ultimately became the keeper of this prophecy, but he only ended up wearing the crown as a result of sexism and dumb luck, which is an incredibly important pillar of the dance of the Dragons."
"I'm offering you my perception, but my perception does account for real things. Intersectionality is a real thing that I'm accounting for. Women's perspective is a real thing that I'm accounting for. Sexism is a real thing that I'm accounting for."
"Is chivalry really the root of all sexism today? No."
"He chose to belittle her, diminish her, and use sexist language."
"The main issue with dating advice is that while there are helpful principles, they're often mixed with irrelevant or sexist content."
"When incompetent Men explain my own area of expertise to me I do it pretty much every day will get called emotional or difficult or might just literally get murdered."
"It's incredible how criticism of even like a single woman is seen as some personal betrayal."
"Here's the insidious nature of sexism in our modern society: the guy making that hiring decision, he could be sexist. No question."
"How do you reliably quantify one bout of sexism when it usually relies on you inferring somebody else's motives?"
"I find him sexist, chauvinistic, he whinges, he deals backhanded insults, 'cause he's got no balls to actually say anything to your face."
"Women's bodies are a source of temptation for men."
"Misogynistic Bane: 'I don't like SMY either. Wom home in the kitchen where they belong.'"
"Women are machines for suffering. For me, there are only two kinds of women: goddesses and doormats."
"I'm seriously sensing some workplace sexism happening over here."
"That's sexist. It's not sexist if women got more views, more sponsors, more brand deals."
"If a woman cheats, it's different. Like a woman cheats, it's different. Honestly, men with these sexist views, like it's so outdated."
"Mission Impossible doesn't have these crazy requisite TNA shots of the women in their movies. It's the same thing they do in The Fast and the Furious trailers. You're looking up someone's crotch."
"The problem with sexism is that it is a large obstacle in a woman's human pursuit of joy."
"Smooth the DJ for 20 euros says, 'Here's how to kill your company with three magic words: sexism in gaming.'"
"It's interesting that you have to dig that far to find quote unquote sexist language in Finnish."
"Unfortunately, the misogyny is always there."
"It's just stupid on all fronts because she as it turns out she happens to be just an attractive uh feminine woman. It's just dumb."
"That silence is actually deeply revealing of just how much sexism exists in our culture towards men."
"Looking at women, you know, commenting on their bodies in a disrespecting way."
"From the moment Shirley Chisholm announced her campaign for president, she was bombarded with sexist commentary, racism, ridicule, and a basic lack of respect."
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman, and I've always put an asterisk next to that and said the most disrespected person in America is the black trans woman, the most unprotected person in America."
"It's like 1950s sexism, it's like Mad Men sexism."
"It is patriarchal and sexist right at the heart of it."
"One of the ways you can assert your worth and your manhood is to be sexist to women."
"I definitely felt sexism almost in every scene."
"Society sometimes makes women out to sound crazy when they have very normal questions about the dirty dicks they're considering putting inside them."
"WWE is as sexist as anybody. The reason why they hire these female on-air performers to interview everybody during these segments is because they're easier to look at."
"It's not sexist to criticize someone of the opposite gender for valid points."
"We need to move to a state where the words 'sexist' and 'misogynist' are no longer used about the attitude of the NHS towards women."
"One of the really insidious things about systemic and institutional sexism is that most often regressive attitudes and harmful gender stereotypes are maintained and perpetuated unintentionally."
"I immediately texted her and just said, 'Finally,' because it really is still such an issue, the sexism and the ageism in stand-up comedy is so prevalent."
"The message that it sends is so sexist."
"The problem with no name... is sexism, and the solution is feminism."
"Her quick and calm response when faced with sexist jeers from the host put huge issues under the spotlight."
"The people reinforcing sexism are usually men, so if we want to break down these tropes and stereotypes, little boys are the ones who are going to do that."
"It isn't sexist to talk about sex differences; what's sexist is assuming that women need to be identical to men in order to be worthy of equal treatment."
"Sexism and misogyny affect everybody, regardless of your gender."
"Sexism is a lot more subtle now, and the people who notice it are the ones who experience it and the ones who listen."
"You're treating women like they're less than men here, you realize this, right? You're being sexist."
"In America during World War II, there was never any shortage of sexism."
"The apparent benefits afforded to women almost always exist within an otherwise sexist construct."
"Being a woman in the world is a difficult thing, and you're constantly facing sexism in a way that nobody else is going to understand."
"The way that women and men interact now is absolutely influenced by sexism, by the patriarchy."
"The things they're not even taking into account are only proving my point even more so because it all stems from patriarchal sexism and gender inequality."
"It all stems from patriarchal sexism and gender inequality."
"...so far don't actually have much of a problem with this video I'm actually glad this video is calling out um like actual examples of like uh sexism that exists against women in media that's existed in the past."
"I can't tell a lady what sexism is, so sometimes I got to shut up and listen."