
Demonstration Quotes

There are 4697 quotes

"I am always prepared to believe a mathematician or scientist because they can demonstrate and predict with precision, unlike spiritual or mystical claims."
"If God is in fact real, God should be able to demonstrate it right now."
"It's incredibly encouraging to see thousands of people descending on Washington D.C. for the rage against the war machine rally."
"Rappers are an excellent demonstration of this type of sexual signaling."
"In many cases, you need a demonstration before people take things seriously."
"Keep it simple; demonstrate ability, not memorization."
"I've done a calculation; if you don't believe me, all the equations are on the blackboard."
"The world outside is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity; it's waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity."
"A good leader demonstrates the behaviors they want to see in their followers."
"Salvation is to demonstrate the name of God and why He who began a good work will perfect it."
"She then marveled at this hidden power which adaru had just demonstrated to her."
"It's a nifty mechanic that I thought was worth showing you guys."
"We've never tested this before, let's see it right now."
"So, as you guys can see, that's actually myth confirmed."
"Can you imagine 30% of the entire population comes out in the streets."
"Is this really invisibility? Well, you saw the results."
"I'm creative, and I'm not going to tell you that, I'm gonna show you."
"Often times people need to see it in action before they can conceptualize what you're talking about."
"Let's get into a painting...every time I use a technique, I'm gonna call it out."
"Pretty cool and also sort of a demonstration of polymorphism."
"Now that I've explained how it all works and showed you in action, I guess the only thing left to do is to crack on with the tutorial."
"When he gets to the other side and is waiting for the tram to move to progress the mission, Ash decided to show off a glitch that used to be used in Any%, but was phased out in favor of Shieldy McSoary. Boxy McFloaty."
"As you all can see, this glitch definitely does work."
"The best prophets are the ones that just show and tell."
"Dude that's so good, this is so perfect, dude this is a perfect demonstration of Republican obstructionist policies in display."
"Oh, it's real. Ready? One, two, three... Fake!"
"This is a live show like there's an easy way to solve this uh Scott St. Pierre why don't you just show us the picture of the person who's playing on season four"
"Remember, we teach by demonstration better than any other way."
"The goal of this video is to show you exactly as much as I can what it's really like to have and use each one of these different tablets here."
"Hundreds of thousands of people stood outside in all weather prepared to stand for sometimes days."
"Now that we've clearly become king of the ocean, I want to show you something really ridiculous."
"This sort of damage is truly insane as you can see we are dealing 1 million damage per explosion."
"We've got some really interesting results here's our beefsteak pectoral a lot of damage there our pork ribs on the front of the target devastating damage there our slugs just annihilated our orange and grapefruit lung tissue."
"This experiment... tells the world that this experiment... is actually possible."
"This just goes to show you how well Jiu-Jitsu works."
"This demo shows off just a small section of the open and expansive world we've crafted to deliver an epic Master Chief experience."
"It's like that, there's nothing really to it but I wanted to show you guys what happens when you do liberate an area."
"That’s it. A first demonstration flight for a Super Heavy Booster and what it could look like when it happens."
"Can't take it... show them what we're capable of."
"It's not a spectacular groom but it's just sort of showing you that you can go from something very quickly to a full render in a short period of time."
"Let's just say you know it's it's not a real thing right let me show you the extent to the public transit network in a double."
"I'm just gonna hold this like this and we want to show you guys these mod it out rigs."
"Most of the time it's better to show what you're talking about than to just tell anyway."
"Imagine what we can do if we actually have a whole movement of people walking down Pennsylvania Avenue and standing in front of the White House talking about climate migration."
"Absolutely, you'll see a video with 10 millimeter FK Burnout action."
"You can stab it with your three-prong flash hider and just twist it and pop it cool."
"This right here will probably be one of the best examples I can show of what actually works for women."
"Show your audience how the product can help them."
"This is what showing not telling looks like."
"My guest, however, is a magic combination of words. Let me show you how it works."
"Now I don't just want to tell you the mics are really nice in here, let's do an actual little demo here."
"In fact, instead of telling you all about the technology behind it, the AI and all that stuff, let's just show you."
"Cap ripping a log in half—amazing display of power."
"Jesus's Miracles were to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God."
"We're going to come in and show you how to do it right."
"I want to show you guys how easy it is to find something."
"Let's just start with a demonstration of the problem."
"I'm just going to show people how easy it is... they're going to see me put on size."
"Faith is a demonstration not an explanation."
"It's not new technology but it's not that often that you get to see such a great before and after demonstration."
"The strength in unity... If we can have a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand trained officers, trained soldiers on a parade, we don't have to do anything."
"3d text and a plug-in called em flare which I'll show you in a moment."
"Just adding easy keyframes, it is pretty rushed but I am showing you all the exact same steps that I used to create something like this." - Max Novak
"You gotta be the thing. You gotta demonstrate instead of explaining."
"You know, if you want to explain to anyone just how Fairy Peak plays, that was it."
"Elon showed off the first time that version one of the Tesla bot walked without a tether."
"I wasn't gonna sit up there and tell everyone what I'm gonna do. I'd rather get up there and let's let the body do the talking."
"Just a brief moment with the lighter and we've got ignited fuel."
"And then the end of the conference by showing a full gameplay demo..."
"This is the hardest move in the entire video... it's a quick little hesi cancel."
"We've used these experimental features in a series of short vignettes rendered in real-time to show you the power of what the attribute reader, Grid 2D, and simulation stages can do."
"You can also see the results of our other if-then-else statements."
"Children need to see a demonstration more than one time before the light bulb goes off."
"Show it to them and let them know what's up."
"In order to know something you have to be able to demonstrate it."
"See how quickly and easy that is? All right, moving on."
"This is an opportunity to show that who's doing it and why."
"I'm just gonna be using my Android phone and recording the screen for you guys today on this phone here."
"Get ready for the big, big number: this is the DPS version, like I said, this is 1.1 million."
"Bruce had this trademark one-inch punch... where they flash to the ground."
"Bruce said to me, 'Hey Wally, watch this,' he jumped back and kicked it and this monster of a heavy bag went up to the ceiling... stuff and came back down."
"Purpose-driven explanations clarify AI's role in decision-making."
"We're not with this demo recommending that CH expert be applied to Kovac diagnosis we're more using it as a demonstration tool."
"Perhaps seeing it in action will answer any questions you may have. Walk with me, and we shall put it to the test."
"The best trick is you get a glass, a see-through glass, and a piece of paper."
"The acceptable amount of swastika flags at the rally would be zero. You can't get away with saying, 'Well, only some of us were Nazis, so how could you judge us as a group?'"
"We're gonna make like a tourist attraction... Wanna see how slimes are made? Live, 3D, in living color, right in front of your eyes!"
"Hopefully, you guys will see just what an amazing result and difference was achieved."
"Let's just get this going so you guys can actually see how this all works."
"So we're gonna try to demonstrate this using just a simple pressure gauge and a big syringe."
"You can make some very, very intriguing demonstrations."
"Protesters headed to the capital to demand answers."
"The point of this video really was just to kind of demonstrate that you don't need to make anything super crazy."
"I just made something that showed off that I understood how to work on the back end, that I could write clean code, that I understood how to hook up a front end with a back end."
"There's something here about showing people instead of telling them."
"I know I just used it just now, but it was to demonstrate the point."
"That's why I want to show you this demonstration."
"I've got to do this, I'm just gonna do a quick play so I can show you guys what it looks like."
"And it will show the rest of the sides in this Champions League what both sides are made of."
"This was warp, and we're gonna see a bunch of them in this run."
"The world needs a new demonstration of Christianity, not just a new definition."
"After witnessing Sarah and Leah demonstrate their magical abilities, Laruku comments on how amazing they are."
"We're basically gonna blend it into the background, painting over it, and you guys will see what I mean right now."
"It's in the first row vantika you know this is a great example right here balls accuracy putting the ball right on the money."
"He shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city."
"The military might of the Ukrainian Army was once again demonstrated."
"A powerful demonstration of God's faithfulness."
"We have to prove that we could do the nice stuff."
"All of our relationships with animals arise from expressions of altruism for another species."
"Thanks to that intent plus the rest of what's in this video, one of the few people in the world who has the explosiveness to throw down a tomahawk slam and drop right into a splits."
"This is a very unique product and I wanted to give you guys a chance to actually show the game off."
"If we switch it on you can see how it zooms in towards the center."
"Gracefully rise from the ashes - show what you're capable of."
"They have been the guys that have had to demonstrate that this innovation actually makes sense."
"The intention was not to steal, only to highlight the woeful security."
"Instead of talking about it to the people that wouldn't listen to it, he decided that he had no choice but to prove it with Real Results."
"To give an example of how I solve these puzzles, let’s just talk about the final wave."
"Possibility must be demonstrated, it is not the case that something is possible merely because it hasn't been shown to be impossible."
"This is a very good visualization, a good practical demo of things."
"Overall Nita is a really powerful and flexible support and I hope I showed you guys that in this video."
"And just because, here he is with the Weijiang Optimus Prime, just so you can see how that works out."
"When the public learned about these games, they flocked to the streets to make their opinions known."
"We're back here at our shop, let's go ahead and lower the ramps, open that up, but maybe we'll drive this car for a little bit."
"It's more important for us to embody peace and demonstrate it."
"Let's draw the player ship, a nice demonstration of just how simple we can do things using the pixel game engine."
"Probably an internal all hands meeting where they showed off an early head-to-head competitive demo."
"So, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put it into test mode and then I'm going to go through the upsells as well so you can see how the funnel works from start to finish."
"I'm up first so you can see my screen here we go."
"The latest one he did that was in front of the White House."
"The best thing you can do is just show how things really are."
"This video is meant to demonstrate how much damage this build can do with near perfect gear."
"Black tiger definitely showing us how to do it."
"Here's what you do: read a random horoscope to the audience and ask whose horoscope it is."
"This move is absolutely nutty, and I'm about to show you why."
"This was a peaceful protest. It was a peaceful demonstration. It was a peaceful convoy."
"Now if we go to our browser and type in localhost port 5000 you can see we get our application loading up."
"Overall, it was an excellent demonstration of what could be achieved by the effective use of engineering skills and materials at hand."
"The aircraft's terrific performance in Syria doubled as a showcase of Russian military technology for prospective buyers."
"Wow, one hell of a demo, ladies and gentlemen!"
"The world is not looking for a new definition of God, they're looking for a new demonstration of God."
"The love of God is best demonstrated on the cross."
"So let's just shut down the bonnet for a moment to head around to show you the back and the design that we have around there."
"I hope with that video and with this one I've kind of shown how magical this is."
"If you're a vim user and you're wondering what emacs has to offer, I think showing you is probably better than trying to tell you."
"You sound like an idiot, I can show you better than I can tell you."
"These nectar racks... genuinely impressive. I'll show you."
"Dijkstra's algorithm mimics, to some extent, the demo with the balls and strings."
"So this is the Final Look using all Instagram Hi It's beauty Products."
"Let's show everyone what a theorist can really do."
"Without further ado, let's go ahead and do a shooting test with this guy."
"Show this to everyone you know and love because, I mean, hey, if your friends ever wanted to test out a weapon then just show them this video and they can actually test it out now in Pixel Gun 3D."
"He kind of showed and exposed Democrats for their hypocrisy on so-called Unity while also giving a demonstration onto on how to actually unify people right without attacking Trump."
"I'm just figuring out a better way to show it to you guys."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy, in fact, watch and learn."
"Now you saw the liquid come together and then it kind of coalesced into the center making a really nice beautiful shot."
"I want to show you how zombies make more zombies."
"Sometimes you just gotta hold on, you gotta show people."
"You can actually do this successfully and here's what it looks like."
"We're going to show the whole world that, hey, we have a kite ready to fly in Norway."
"Then he breaks free showing us what the force is truly capable of."
"I want to show you what responsible drinking looks like."
"The power and the demonstration of the Holy Ghost."
"Just do it, man. Don't talk about it anymore, show us the games."
"Carrying it with a round in the chamber... Literally, you have to see it."
"You wanted to know about the power of the Avatar? Let him go, I will show you what that power can do."
"Next time someone tells you that 30 seconds isn't long enough, show them that battle."
"But you can't deny that it makes for an awesome showcase."
"It's really hard to describe until I show this example."
"Let me show you how much of a difference traits can make."
"He's just out there putting on an absolute Clinic."
"Cole built this library full of blocks that he uses to show people how Simulink works."
"He comes with a parachute, so you unfold this and you hold it like this here and now it's like a parachute."
"Enough about all the studies... let me show you... a simple demonstration of how the vacuum blender works."
"There's more things, so for example, I'll show you this."
"It's much better to demonstrate God's power, to demonstrate that He is real and that He cares for people."
"Thank you so much donation for sponsoring this video and for letting me do this because yeah I just wanted to show you guys me trying to use notion from scratch."
"Welcome to our mini kitchen. Oh wow, looks like caramel almost. It's actually glazed. Here we go, we're adding the glazed. That looks so cool."
"Not violence, not looting, not lawlessness, but peaceful democratic demonstration."
"Love for God demonstrated his love you can look at Calvary there's something to show."
"It's been done many, many times as you can see here with the buffer."
"We're going to do a little bit of shooting with this rifle for you guys and show you the type of accuracy that we can get out of it."
"Show not tell is the most important thing you can do in storytelling."
"God demonstrated I will take care of you."
"This is how it's done, ladies and gents."
"Demonstrations better than conversation."
"I'm gonna show you how simple it is to build one of these waterfalls."
"This is a really good base version of this game to show you exactly how a fighter would work."
"Many different technologies that we take for granted today are basically first demonstrated in this demo."
"I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on making it through this demonstration of creating internal and external IP addresses as well as promoting them."
"We're going to create a cloud storage bucket with some objects in it and then we will create some instances to demonstrate access to cloud storage as well as communication between instances."
"Fantastic job on your part as this was a pretty complex demo."
"And now look at this, guys, absolutely works amazingly."
"What you've seen is a short demonstration of what can be done if you train your memory."
"Watch and learn how this is done."
"If you're not familiar with what a trick shot is in a video game, essentially when you have the drop on somebody, you perform some type of feat to prove your skill."
"So here's a kit, this one's a kit."
"Watching ships disappear bottom up is one of the clearest demonstrations of Earth’s curvature that a person can experience."
"Intuit provides a fully populated Qbo account so that you can test drive and get a feel for how Qbo works."
"The kingdom of God is not in word but in the demonstration of power."
"Now you're doing an orbit around your table."