
Autophagy Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Autophagy is where your body breaks down these sort of subcellular organelles and just gets rid of them... it's good for you."
"Most of what happens that's good in the human body happens when we're not eating. The more time you allow the body to repair itself, restore itself, burn off excess calories, upregulate enzyme systems that burn fat, engage in autophagy, which is basically cellular house cleaning, housekeeping, and DNA repair, that really only happens in the absence of food and the absence of glucose and the absence of insulin."
"Your body starts to activate a process called autophagy... and it's good for you."
"Autophagy... starts to turn on at 17 hours but what's so brilliant about autophagy is that the intelligence inside the cell is like okay no food's coming nutrients aren't coming so I better become more efficient."
"Once you've stimulated autophagy, there is one goal for that cell and that is survival."
"Fasting is often hitched to shedding pounds, but its real star role is in autophagy, think of autophagy like a cleanup crew inside your cells, healing out the broken parts and turning them into new energy."
"The biggest way to get into autophagy is through fasting."
"Autophagy is the process where old cells get eaten up by newer cells... therefore making your skin glow better, making you live longer, and improving all kinds of organ function."
"Autophagy...you've cleaned up your intracellular debris."
"Autophagy is a core part of the recommendations I make, which is do whatever it takes to cause your body to turn its protein digestion mechanisms back on you."
"When you control insulin and you control autophagy, something very interesting anti-aging wise happens."
"Autophagy is a spectacular phenomenon in cell biology, one that you can see with your eyes because cells become vacuolated when this process is induced."
"Autophagy is required for some steps of the immunosurveillance process."
"The capacity of the chemotherapeutic agent to induce autophagy is actually required for the long-term efficacy of the treatment."
"Autophagy makes your cells better, younger restoration, it's like a reset switch."
"Knowing how to enhance autophagy through fasting, exercise, and lifestyle choices can be crucial for health as we age."
"As we age, autophagy declines, making fasting and lifestyle interventions more important."
"Autophagy and ketones may have a protective effect on the brain after traumatic brain injury."
"Fasting induces autophagy which helps to alleviate cellular senescence... linked with aging."
"Autophagy is one of the few things that can clean up inside the nervous system."
"Think of autophagy as cellular recycling, making every resource precious."
"From growth hormone to autophagy: unlocking the body's rejuvenation mechanisms."
"Autophagy is a survival mechanism that helps shrink tumors and inhibit cancer development."
"Exercise is fasting and fast forward particularly when it comes to autophagy."
"Autophagy is one of my most important planks to optimize human health."
"Exercise creates muscle damage, stimulates autophagy."
"Fasting is another great tool to activate autophagy."
"Prevent Alzheimer's, live longer: activate autophagy."
"Autophagy: the cell's superpower for survival."
"Exercise intensity: a potent activator of autophagy."
"If you go 17 hours in a fasted state you are pretty much guaranteed to be stimulating autophagy."
"Autophagy and fasting: the powerhouse combo for body and brain repair."
"Time-restricted eating encourages autophagy and extends life in some species."
"Fasting hits autophagy in a way no supplement or medication can."
"Autophagy: the body's way of getting rid of all the junk."
"Milk thistle protects the liver and increases autophagy."
"What scientists have realized is that we can manually induce autophagy, meaning the cleanup process of the old zombie cells and replacing them with new ones."
"Fasting activates autophagy, clearing out diseased organelles and reducing the risk of neurocognitive issues and cancer."
"One of the conclusions from this Japanese study was that the slowdown of autophagy as we age leads to that deterioration of the dermal integrity and skin fragility that we see as we age."
"Decreasing calories by about 40 percent from normal induces autophagy so caloric restrictions one way to do it fasting is also another way to do it as well too."
"You can fast or go fast. 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, aerobic activity, will increase autophagy."
"Autophagy, which is a far more macromolecule system, can degrade particular single proteins but also can degrade entire organelles, so think of it like this massive vacuum cleaner."
"Autophagy is the cell renewal system of your body. Essentially, that's how I understand it."
"Fasting anywhere between 17 and 19 hours and 3 to 7 days can boost autophagy in humans."
"Ketogenic diets stimulate autophagy by depriving you of glucose and keeping glucose levels low."
"Exercise-induced autophagy seems to be involved in mediating many of the beneficial effects of exercise."
"Sleep promotes autophagy by yet poorly understood mechanisms, preventing the accumulation of proteinous and lipid wastes."
"Disruption of autophagy or sleep deprivation both lead to defective oxidative stress management, accumulation of cellular waste, eventually leading to disease."
"Autophagy allows our body's cleaning crews to remove damaged proteins."
"If you just don't eat carbs, you're always able to go through autophagy."
"If you really want to take advantage of intermittent fasting and the associated benefits that come with it, you're interested in this autophagy to have it as optimized as possible."
"So there's no 12-on, 12-off fasting. Well yes, it exists. It's an option... Oh, it exists, but it doesn't trigger autophagy."
"Now we can even call it a self-cleaning, like a self-detox that you do through this autophagy and it's a shame not to use these tools which are practically within us."
"Black coffee is fasting safe and it's fasting safe simply because the polyphenols that are in coffee actually support autophagy."
"The Greeks call autophagy 'eat thyself' and it sounds pretty wicked and weird but the body is so magnificent."
"Exercise is amazing at stimulating autophagy."
"Autophagy's what you're looking for. And the way you get that is by intermittent fasting."
"But for autophagy to work, you have to stop eating for a period of time. That's how your body runs out of energy and then it starts using up this autophagy process to get rid of these intracellular organelles, using that as energy."
"...autophagy is this natural process where the cells break down older damaged components to maintain their health and function."
"Autophagy: self-destruction of abnormal cells, reducing cancer risk."
"The body relies on autophagy to rebuild and recycle... it's a fundamental thing."
"Both natural and decaffeinated brands of coffee similarly rapidly trigger autophagy."
"The fast is so critical for a number of things: for supporting the ketosis, for supporting autophagy, for improving insulin sensitivity."
"Autophagy is basically recycling of various components that have gone bad in the cell."
"If you want to keep autophagy active... then control the insulin, don't worry about the protein, eat the protein you need it."
"Autophagy is a condition where your body starts to recycle damaged cells and damage things within cells to repurpose them for new cells."
"We suspect that autophagy, the process of clearing up junk within the cells, is activated and possibly also clearing bad cells."
"Autophagy self-eats the junk from your body and transforms that into usable things."
"Autophagy is your body's ability to self-heal."
"Black clean coffee is amazing for stimulating autophagy."
"Blueberries and strawberries are great for stimulating autophagy."
"Mushrooms, especially chaga and reishi, enhance that autophagy effect inside the cells."
"Turmeric and ginger have a high capability of enhancing autophagy."
"Salmon, black cod, and sardines have more omega-3s which helps to initiate autophagy."
"Fasting activates a lot of autophagy... autophagy is key to basically keeping our skin healthy but preventing loose skin."
"More autophagy, more cellular recycling with a 48-hour fast."
"Intermittent fasting has the perks of autophagy, it's the cellular cleanup helps keep our cells functioning at the highest capacity."
"Fasting these long durations also improves the autophagy; it promotes cellular regeneration."
"Autophagy is a process that whereby your body goes around and looks throughout your body to find the nutrients it needs to repair your body because it's not getting food."
"Fasting is the offseason of eating and so that's the perfect time for your body to come in through autophagy, mitophagy, and fighting the inflammation."
"Autophagy is just the process of helping that junk clear and even getting rid of cells that are past their prime."
"Intermittent fasting promotes autophagy, which literally means self-feeding."
"Fasting does have autophagy benefits independent of just caloric restriction."
"It increases autophagy which basically is when your cells, your body goes around and kills damaged cells, cancer cells or something like that."
"Torine increased autophagy, which is sort of cellular recycling that's very important, especially as we age."
"Autophagy is the process by which our cells get rid of damaged or unwanted parts and recycle them into new fuel or new proteins."
"Autophagy is when your body starts to recycle the cells in your body which promotes wound regeneration."
"You're going through something called autophagy, which means eating yourself or breaking down your body and repairing."
"...autophagy was very important during the starvation, or using starvation mimicking drugs in causing the exposure of cancer cells to the immune system."
"Your body experiences autophagy, so it starts going and repairing itself and getting rid of all its toxins."
"Autophagy during fasting periods is essential for maintaining cellular health and function."
"It's a really, really smart program, this PGC-1 alpha program, because it simultaneously turns on mitochondrial biogenesis while also turning on some of the autophagy programs."
"One of the major benefits of fasting is a dramatic increase in autophagy and apoptosis followed by a massive increase in stem cell production."
"You get autophagy just by not eating carbohydrates and having your insulin low."
"Autophagy is really the way that we prevent senescence; it's anti-senescence."
"Autophagy is where you have cellular recycling that occurs, the cellular recycling is awesome during any kind of fasting but with dry fasting, it's accelerated."
"Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells."
"Autophagy is a mechanism that's triggered by stress, and if it's the right amount of stress, then some people call this hormesis."
"You can actually trigger all the autophagy that you need by eating foods that do not mess with inflammation."