
Scam Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"There's a gigantic scam being perpetrated right now, and it involves defining burnout as an individual problem rather than a systemic one."
"A pump and a dumper is somebody who basically finds a generally small cap stock, pumps the price up with a lot of hype, and then when that hype gets to peak hype, the pumper sells the stock, takes profits at the top, and everybody else is left holding the bag."
"The scam that we're talking about today didn't operate in the thousands of dollars range. But the numbers I saw thrown around were in the millions."
"The Freedom Phone is most likely a scam for gullible people."
"Scientology is a money making scam that uses religious cloaking."
"They do make sure to let me know about it before I scam you guys."
"Whoever they are though, they successfully used the greed of influencers and their following to design one of the grossest rug pulls of all time."
"I think I got totally scammed with the cheese machine, but that's okay."
"It's just a pyramid scheme, dude, literally."
"Authorities issue scam warning after new cryptocurrency targets Dubai."
"This was a scam he had lied to me from the beginning."
"So even though I was totally scammed in terms of money, the item itself works absolutely perfectly. I am very surprised and very pleased."
"They scammed the scammers, taking their money to fund the event and then using that event to dunk on them, priceless."
"A story of glamour, greed, and a global scam worth $15 billion."
"We got tricked by the fortune teller. What? She's saying she's scanned us out of 100,000."
"The fraud is there's real no product or service."
"Scammers aren't smart; they are one of the smartest persons you will ever meet on this earth."
"It's such an impressively designed pay-to-win scam."
"This is the greatest political scam hoaxes in the history of our country."
"A scam in the most accurate sense of the word. A pure unfettered grift."
"This ring of scammers operating 24/7 on YouTube is pulling in excess of 1 million dollars per month from compromised channels preying on their own subscribers."
"It feels so good to have people finally wake up to this douchebag and his goddamn scam."
"All hope is not lost, even though we got scammed a bunch, there is still hope left in Blox fruits."
"At least one pathetic, greedy family is out of the cancer scamming business, hopefully for good."
"No consequences, Popoff and his wife just get to live scot-free off the millions of dollars that scammed off of the helpless and the poor."
"Man, the scammer getting scammed, that don't make no sense."
"Who really got scammed? Was it the viewer who contributed and was happy with the result, or was it the person who blew up the expectation to be something it wasn't?"
"Scam adverts are not a financial issue. They don't just destroy people's financial lives, they destroy people's lives."
"The Fire Festival turned out to be one of the biggest frauds in the history of the music industry."
"It's pretty clear to me that Chris Hansen is a scam artist."
"Even though having 18 different scam campaigns might look very sophisticated and it might make it seem like these scam agents are highly and adaptively intelligent they are not."
"I'm going to pretend to be an eighty-year-old grandmother and take this scammer to the greatest lengths of anger and frustration that he's never seen before."
"But what would you guys do? If you were going around scamming cancer patients, don't you think you would eventually run into a mastermind who would see through your wicked ways?"
"It's just really sad that there's somebody out there that is trying to scam people."
"I encourage you to report them as well because they are trying to scam people."
"I sometimes find myself admiring a really clever scam, like Logan Paul about his new crypto zoo and telling you how it's the future and then scams people for millions of dollars."
"Another scammer gets what he deserves."
"Watch out for those fake club promoters. If the deal is too good to be true, it usually is, especially in Vegas."
"The fact that the scam wig was literally in the same listing as the legit Yes Girl wigs is absolutely insane."
"You shouldn't try to scam money off of people off the internet."
"There is about 95% of it is utter scam because there is no value underneath any of it."
"All they're trying to do is convince you to go and buy these gift cards, and that is really the essence of the scam."
"Keep your money which is 250, then you have to return back our money which is twenty four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars."
"Our technical glitch has been taken place over here and instead of 250 dollars, we sent you 25,000 dollars, ma'am."
"And there we go y'all, um, another successful scam bait, file deletion, a lot of chaos on the scammer's computer, and he probably has thought twice and wants to quit and never do this again after dealing with us. So, bye bye Prahlad, bye bye files."
"Always watching, always listening, screw scammers, screw you guys."
"She's making significantly less money from the people in chat than she would if she was just a normal hot tub streamer."
"She's scamming you out of your time and attention, I guess which could be worse than scamming you out of your money."
"We quickly realized that that soldiers identities were being stolen and scammers were doing this on a global scale."
"Donald Trump's scam is just so lazy, telling desperate people they'll get rich if they give you money. Point Blank."
"They were happy to do some sort of Love scam together, but it wasn't fun anymore."
"Scammers are always using the same tactics to try to steal your money and they're always passing around the same script."
"The scammer is a Norton refund scammer."
"The victim will then have to repay."
"Kelly's story is remarkable not just for the extraordinary amount she gave her scammers but also because she was one of the 1% who actually reported the crime."
"After this, all these scammers in this call center were destroyed and I have not seen any activity from this call center ever since. If you guys enjoyed the video, don't forget to like and subscribe before clicking off."
"A cold call two years ago lured him into the scammers' trap, now his superannuation is all but blown."
"How much did you lose to the scammers? I lost about $900,000 Australian dollars. Your life savings? My life savings, yes."
"Super professional, oh yeah, that's right. Oh, he's just such a dude. He's like the world's dude. He's like a dude. He's not the internet. I can't stand him. Dude, he sucks. He's always [__] scam a lot. Like scam a lot. Someone needs to stop it before he keeps scamming."
"More than 6,400 Americans say they were scammed after visiting dating websites."
"Romance scamming, a global crime wave that surged during our loneliest months of the pandemic, wiping out more than $300 million from American bank accounts in 2020."
"Now there's nothing more refreshing and relaxing than a nice cold glass of scammer tears."
"There’s an easier alternative; you can send me $8 million in Bitcoin."
"I lost the majority of my life savings in a dating scam."
"I was just trying to help this person but I ended up falling for the scam."
"So, you're saying all of these people have been scammed?"
"It's a truly beautiful thing to realize that we were all just listening to the sounds of a scammer being scammed by someone pretending to be a scammer while pretending to be someone else. That is the kind of artwork that is truly admirable."
"Avoid gift cards. You have scammers and use different ways to trick people into providing."
"If it looks like a scam, smells like a scam, it's probably a scam."
"I felt a bit bad about ruining her night, but I did not feel bad about standing up to a scammer at all."
"The IRS won't call you. They never call you. They do postal things."
"I would never ever go into the comment section and give you some numbers or some emails to get a private reading from me. No, that's not me. Please don't get scammed by these people."
"I think it's the perfect example of a sweetheart scam."
"if you're running a scam you will be drawn to crypto you are running a confidence game and crypto offers the most efficient market for turning confidence into money."
"While we're talking about steroids, how about we talk about Allbirds? Was scammy on steroids? With scammy off the voids? Dante, our boy who was on, he was on this website called buffingbound.com."
"If you have been scammed please do not take it in private go to the authorities file a police report I don't care if nothing happens but at least get it on record so in the future you can possibly do something about it just don't don't take it in private and post it."
"It's the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people, this whole notion of cholesterol."
"The in magazine cover girl competition is a scam if you are being asked to pay for votes it's a scam."
"A company that can continuously get away with pushing pseudoscience to you and just overall being this absolute insane scamming health and wellness company in my opinion."
"The disappointing, barren, and comical nature of the event brings to mind past scams like that of the Fyre Festival."
"There's just something about a disastrously executed scam that people can't seem to get enough of."
"...she probably thought I'd be so scared and panicked by the threat of further action that I'd just give in and pay her, effectively trying to scam me with a goddamn shakedown."
"This ultimate scam with this Willy Wonka experience, did you guys hear about this?"
"The scam netted Aspinall millions and he apparently got away scot-free."
"A cautionary tale about AI scamming and lying."
"God they are the scam of the century."
"With fraud and scamming on the rise, criminal gangs are always on the lookout for people willing to lend them their bank accounts to receive and withdraw the unlawful cash."
"Guys, I've been sent so many emails of horror stories about people making fake accounts and emails pretending to be me and asking for huge amounts of money. This really makes me so sad. Please don't use my name to con people out of their hard-earned money."
"A man sold his home and lost everything thinking he was helping 'me'. This has me so sick, please know I would never reach out to ask any of you for a single penny. I'm so sad. Please stop."
"A major form of human communication is now completely unusable thanks to scams and flams."
"This is a [__] scam platform, like literal fraud."
"It feels like we just won a gigantic scam."
"...oh my gosh it's missing one oh two inside I've been scammed what what's the one you didn't get oh it's all right I still got a spray though that's that's good positive attitude"
"You are being scammed, okay? And this is not some random hacker, this is somebody trying to warn you not to move money."
"Please be aware of the scammers in the comments, I will never reach out."
"This guy scammed me so bad you would think at this point the amount of time we've been on the internet we unscamble you could look at a profile and you're like that's fake."
"And as soon as that happened, it creates this like parallel reality and a whole new set of actors who are totally, uh, fixated on this thing along the axis of how can I scam people into thinking that this [__] has value?"
"How the refund scams work, they call you up, they say that they owe you a certain amount of money, what happens, they connect into your computer."
"Instead of a $300 refund, he made it a $30,000 refund."
"Romance scammers, they're experts. You're on a suckers list, oh definitely."
"Do all scammers usually come from a rich family? I wouldn't say all of them, that'd be a disservice to say all of them, but I would argue a good 85 to 90 percent of all scammers do come from a very privileged background."
"OneCoin is believed to have defrauded victims out of more than 4 billion dollars."
"...Jake Paul stick dicks and you combined it with the crypto Zoo project you're looking at a [ __ ] 35 million dollar scam right here okay like these guys have the heist of a century and these don't [ __ ] capitalize on it's like small brain thinking."
"This cryptoscammer had my viewer and I got revenge, so where is the revenge part?"
"Nothing is quite as upsetting as finding out you’ve been scammed."
"Why are you guys like scamming people?"
"The biggest scam in Pokemon card history."
"The music industry is a scam and most of our favorite artists are actually broke."
"The Indian Community, when I look at it and when I talk about it, I'm really sad to say this, but it's one of the most toxic communities that you can come across because 90% of the people are scamming."
"If anybody ever calls you claiming that you owe money, just hang up."
"I have taken all the money from your account, your checking account."
"This scammer wants gift cards in exchange for that ten thousand dollars."
"Every time I saw that the victim was falling for the story and putting their guard down, I decided to step in by booting the scammers, their internet offline."
"Make sure it's legit, you don't want to get scammed."
"What's the quickest way to determine if a lottery prize notification is a scam? If there are spelling errors and the letter, the email you received, you never entered a lottery so it must be a scam."
"The scammers wanted him to take the bait, start with putting in a little, see that it’s working, and then hopefully he’ll put in some more and more and more."
"John A blaa, a Ghanaian man who ran one of the longest-serving scams in history, easily fits in as a contender for the world's greatest con artist."
"He claimed a lucrative fund supposedly created by Muma himself offering access for the right price."
"Religion is a scam because it's been used as leverage to divide us all up."
"He's moving on to his new scam and it's so damn funny"
"I got scanned by you saying you would sell butt picks on Patreon. Please send the money back."
"This scammer at least has a sense of humor."
"What a perfect scam. I just took you for $150,000 and you don't even know you were scammed."
"If someone pays for something and they don't get what they paid for, I think that's a scam."
"It's subjective, but if you make a product and it isn't what you bought, that actually is a scam."
"One tiny change in the code enabled the whole scam."
"'Boy, that was the most entertaining attempt to scam him I've ever witnessed.'"
"I will never ask you to contact me on Whatsapp or telegram. There's no chance in hell that I'm going to be asking you to do this. So if you fall for this, you're kind of on your own. Do not give your money to anyone. I am not asking for money, the scammers are."
"Most of the time, these multi-level marketing businesses are an absolute scam."
"Real scammers do real things, not these [__] flexing the money that they never spend."
"The perfect scam is one where it is hard for the victim to even understand how they were scams."
"The Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in field service or preaching. They know that field service is a scam."
"College is a scam, Lori Laughlin was a scam... like a Russian nesting doll of scams."
"But did I deserve it probably because I just I believed I mean you know there's just so many unique ways throughout there's people out here scamming people and it's just like I don't understand it I don't understand it at all."
"Scammers will be out in full force, so please protect your loved ones."
"That's f***ing scam! This whole thing is bulls***! That's a scam!"
"In order to get my money back, the scammer is going to need to connect to my system. A little does he know that once he does that, I'm able to access his computer and delete his files."
"Um, I've just muted the scammer, so we have the exact location of the scammer. Nanobator is probably in here, I don't know if he is or not, but he helped me out with something so big shout out, bro. This guy's in uh, Uttar Pradesh, Noida area."
"Virtual kidnapping... one of the most evil scams I've heard about."
"We're sounding the alarm on this scam before another woman gets caught in a digital predator's net."
"NFTs by themselves aren't a scam, it's just that everyone's using it to scam people."
"Jake Paul is basically the Christopher Columbus of NFT scams."
"We almost accidentally scammed somebody out of 65 Grand."
"The best scam is something that you don't see coming."
"There's a ton of scammers taking part in all these giveaways on YouTube and on social media, so don't fall for any of their schemes."
"Let this be a lesson to us all that if you see some kind of like gift exchange going around social media do not participate. It is a scam."
"Simone Lev, aka the Tinder Swindler, is going to have a hard time finding new victims on dating apps."
"People all around the world have been lured into the scheme and it's not only the loss of the savings that hurts but also the embarrassment they feel because the truth was so simple."
"These scammers will always look through their victims' computers, especially when they're going to go get money to send to them."
"We weren't scammed of any money which I'm very grateful for but we were emotionally scammed."
"I hope you enjoy us confusing these scammers today."
"Please be aware of the scams that go on in YouTubers comments where people are pretending you've won a prize and to message you on some app I've never heard of."
"Yo, this is scam-demic 101. Storage facilities actually do got insurance in your unit."
"This was a disaster of a scam which produced some hilarious results."
"What's the biggest scam that we've all just gotten comfortable with"
"This is the biggest scam in America."
"We know that you've been running an immigration scam involving arranged marriages."
"Police say for years these two would convince people to give them money and in return they would help them with their business or personal goals but investigators say it was nothing but a scam"
"I just think it's all a giant scam and I'm sorry if you're into it."
"No more scamming. Do an audit from now on. Ask yourself right now, do I feel comfortable just being me or do I feel the need to present myself in a way that's just not who I am?"
"Attention customers we want to make you aware of recent scams involving gift cards no government agency utility company our business will ever ask you to put the audio"
"Nobody scammed black people in the pandemic more than black people."
"It's a gut-wrenching feeling to find that you've been scammed out of your hard-earned money."
"No government employee from the IRS, the Social Security Department, the police, you name it, is ever going to ask you for a gift card."
"It ruins people's lives. The fact that they target people that are lonely and gullible to their schemes is what pisses me off the most."
"Dude, yes, this is a scam. No company ever does interviews just by text."
"Unfortunately, before the driver could prevent it, the passenger had already transferred $3,000 through a Bitcoin machine."
"The Sovereign Citizen nonsense is pushed by scummy lawyers who will then be happy to take your case once you've been arrested for following their advice. Ew, that is scummy. That is really scummy."
"I've been thinking, I want to get in a pyramid scheme. I consider myself one of those people that I'm smart enough to know who the real smart people are and who the real dumb people are."
"So today, Kobe, please. Today, I want to talk about scammers. Kobe agrees, she just gave a little lick."
"In this story, the scammer seems to know quite a lot of information about the victim that they're targeting."
"I feel like these people should be like, you realize they're out of this money, they believed this person, this person conned them, this person scammed them."
"He probably scammed her he probably did man I mean a scammer is a scammer they don't scam anybody."
"Cryptocurrency was quite possibly the biggest Ponzi scam, the biggest pump and dump that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime."
"AI could become a scammer's dream."
"I learned the obvious lesson that Grant Cardone and his partner Brandon Dawson are scam artists and they literally don't give a [ __ ] about anybody else other than themselves."
"How do you think these companies are charging you $7.95 for a trade and being profitable? It's not possible unless they're lending your securities out and that's what they're doing. And that's what they've been doing for years and years and years. It's a scam."
"I need your credit card number. Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but I need your credit card number."
"If someone says that to you right away, no it's a scam, stop communicating with them, move on to the next listing."
"...the no CM scam is coming next. God bless, go get 'em, you guys."
"In Just 2 years the OneCoin scheme raked in over 4 billion USD from 3.5 million victims from every corner of the globe."
"If there are people listening today that invested in some sort of investment scheme, give me a call. You're in a Ponzi scheme."
"The scammer screenshotted the signature from the movie Star Wars."
"I could just imagine the next call that gets through to Richard: 'Hello Richard, I am a Nigerian prince and I am here to settle with ten million dollars.'"
"Waiting until your retirement age to start living is a scam, reject it!"
"It's so easy to say LOL just don't get scammed, idiot, but sometimes social engineering works."
"It has been 3 hours, 3 hours of actually kind of fun when I know that I'm about to be scammed."
"Operation Orange Moody was a ring of some 380 accounts conducting the most elaborate Wikipedia scam operation of all time."
"The three things that will always show themselves is the sun, the moon, and the truth. You know what I mean? So the truth, as long as your side has the truth on it, the [__] scam artists of the world, they can only pull off a scam for so long."
"Please do not get scammed by scammy scammers hustling trying to get your money."
"Please do not respond to scammers, I am never ever gonna ask you for money for these giveaways."
"Her scam was cancer-related, which you know anything health and wellness is sensitive to me. I extra hate you if you're lying to people about cancer."
"I hope that this was a good example of how scammers can play mind games and be very manipulative to their targets. Their doubling down can also backfire though, which hopefully you found enjoyable."
"She is selling the idea of the lucky girl mindset, profiting off of people's desperation to have a better, more successful life - scam not unlike how people in MLMs will prey on desperation."
"The purpose of that event is to try and suck you into a cryptocurrency pyramid scheme so that the people who recruit you can make a quick buck."
"I proceeded to block the lowlife scammer $159 richer."
"...let me explain to you how I realized this was a scam and what happened on the day that I scammed the scammers."
"I'm not gonna let you get scammed bro, if you on this channel we're not getting scammed by no manufacturer no more."
"I'm just truly surprised I didn't get scammed."
"MLM reps like to spread because they want you to believe that their opportunity that they're presenting to you is totally normal and it's totally not scammy."