
Civilizations Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The great ancient civilizations of the past are rising up from the depths below and returning in all of their titan splendor."
"The winning civilizations are the ones that channel energy more effectively through time and space."
"The Drake equation uses seven variables to estimate the number of detectable civilizations in the Milky Way. This gave us an idea that there could be millions of Earth-like worlds with civilizations out there."
"There's way better explanations for why so many civilizations have a global flood myth than there was an actual global flood."
"This entire civilization was probably wiped out by the flood."
"What we've got going on in Ukraine right now is the clash of civilizations happening right before our eyes."
"When people try to understand the rise and fall of civilizations, they normally automatically jump to the Greeks and the Romans."
"Advanced human civilizations have existed for, at best, 10,000 years. In that time, many great empires rose from nothing and returned to nothing, leaving behind little more than artifacts and crumbling architecture."
"This was one of the most fascinating civilizations to uncover."
"Nothing endures forever. Great civilizations are destroyed and new ones are engendered."
"The fruits of archaeological digs provide a glimpse into civilizations and offer insight into our own."
"Other nations who failed to learn from history would disappear as dots in the sands of time."
"The great ancient civilizations flourished during the Ice Age."
"The stunning results proved that Central America once had a civilization roughly as advanced as the ancient Greeks or Chinese during its heyday."
"Major civilizations, great powers tend to fall because of an erosion of freedom."
"Great civilizations have been destroyed by sudden and extreme climate changes."
"Civilizations that have evolved where they can shift between 3d light astral light pure consciousness none of the whole thing that's what was up at Mount Shasta very advanced civilizations very high levels of consciousness attainment."
"The universe is actually highly populated with intelligent civilizations that are in the process of evolution."
"Our planet and our civilizations are changing faster than ever before."
"The fact that we got multiple parallel somewhat successful civilizations is something that gives me hope."
"Did ancient civilizations possess knowledge that was more advanced than what we possess today? Truth."
"It's just crazy... Enormous civilizations with millions of people lived in the deep Amazon jungle."
"One of the most interesting things about all of these hollow earth theories is that deep inside the earth there are other civilizations that are probably a lot more harmonious than we are today."
"Not every ancient civilization had a written language, not every technological breakthrough was recorded for posterity."
"There's this push and pull among most of the different civilizations that live inside of Hest."
"It's not only possible that we found ET, we might have found a couple hundred civilizations."
"Civilizations that survive for very long times are not militaristic; they are not aggressive in that sense."
"Unlike the civilizations of the Milky Way who craft their armadas and arsenals from metal and synthetics, the tyranids sculpt theirs from the very essence of life."
"Civilizations tend to decline and fall every 250 years or so."
"This overlooks the kind of long history of interaction between the two civilizations..."
"Islamic and Western civilization have the same roots, their dawning in the Fertile Crescent."
"Civilizations decline when multiple natural and man-made calamities coalesce."
"We might search for other civilizations by focusing on their artificial light emissions."
"Most civilizations don't throw away superior technology."
"The entirety of the universe is just filled with alien civilizations, statistically."
"The great mother has shaken many civilizations from her back."
"We could have contact with many alien civilizations, each with their own unique cultures, technologies, and philosophies."
"The cone-shaped things that peopled our Earth a billion years ago."
"When these things had come to the Earth, they had built Mighty Basalt cities of windowless towers and had prayed horribly upon the beings they found."
"Throughout the Americas, civilizations rose and fell."
"Journalist Erin McCarthy says George believes the blocks in this video could be at least 12,000 years old, predating the Incan, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations."
"There might be neutral civilizations that prefer to hide and not make contact as well as civilizations that could establish a friendly relationship with Earth and help us solve Global problems."
"If two civilizations that never contacted each other reached the same conclusion, it would be wise to pay attention to what they're saying."
"Just like the ecosystems and civilizations contained inside them."
"...ancient civilizations were much more intelligent and practical than humans today."
"Most early civilizations don't still exist."
"There is no more Egyptian or Ottoman or Byzantine or Mayan empire."
"Numerical notation was independently developed at least five times in the Andes in Mesoamerica in Egypt Mesopotamia and China."
"Maybe vast empires arose then and peaked out, those quasars being their giant engines to open the way to new universes."
"There are times and points of activity where dispensations have been given that have advanced civilizations hundreds of years."
"So in our galaxy alone, that was in the observable universe, but if we're just talking about our galaxy, the math basically breaks down to the potential of there being a hundred thousand other intelligent civilizations around us currently."
"So if one percent of the probable intelligent colonizations in our galaxy were a type three civilization, that could control the energy of the galaxy, that's a thousand intelligent civilizations."
"The Rare Earth hypothesis offers a somewhat more optimistic view, suggesting that planets capable of developing civilizations like ours are exceedingly rare."
"Each civilization bears their own eccentricities and unique qualities, but we can at least begin to classify them along broad lines."
"Indeed, even if the known Universe contained 10,000 other civilizations like our own or older, it would still mean something like 200 million galaxies per civilization, each of which contains billions and billions of stars."
"The term 'Persian Empire' refers to a series of dynasties centred in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries."
"The Incas are one of the most advanced civilizations in human history."
"Turkey fills the Anatolian Peninsula, and Anatolia is peppered with civilizations long gone."
"Civilizations come about by a collection of these four elements: political capability, economic provisions, pursuit of knowledge and arts, and moral traditions."
"There are other civilizations out there that have their own lists of great books."
"It's crazy how many civilizations are on this planet and we don't even know about them, man."
"I'm pretty cognizant of like you know like symbolism and stuff and you know why there's so many like Visual and symbolic motifs across civilizations."
"The Americas had their own Herodotus, Marcus Aurelius, you know, these great minds of their civilizations to be able to build what they did."
"...there could be millions of Earth-like worlds with civilizations out there."
"Civilizations advance by the number of activities that they can carry out without explicit Consciousness."
"Our ancient past saw the rise of some truly great civilizations."
"Now in this case it's where these earlier civilizations are exploring the world map instead of focusing in on themselves."
"The etruscan civilization was one of the first great cultures of the italian peninsula."
"Genesis once again uses literary motifs that were well known in both the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations."
"Curiosity might not be a universal trait of technological civilizations but it's hard to imagine it is a rare one."
"Classical civilizations dominate the Mediterranean for over a thousand years."
"The rise and fall of civilizations and Empires."
"On your tomorrow will be the first meeting of two great civilizations."
"The universe is vast and full of civilizations which are only as formidable as their greatest weakness."
"The chaos gave rise to the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Egypt."
"Long before humankind emerged as a species on Earth, other civilizations across the Universe were already exploring the Cosmos."
"Capital civilizations invest the surplus to make more surplus in the future; other civilizations use it to build pyramids."
"All cities eventually crumble and die, don't they? From Babylon and Rome onwards."
"In our search for these elusive beings, we may encounter artifacts, remnants of civilizations that have long transcended physical form."
"This whole connection between Iran and India, these two powerful civilizations, and how they interact has been a fascinating question."
"Ancient civilizations are far more exciting than all the other paranormal stuff because we're getting some tangibility here."
"There are civilizations on this planet Earth as developed as we are."
"For thousands of years, civilizations across the world have been captivated by the idea of mythical creatures."
"There's enough space in the ocean for there to be portals, black holes, for there to be a whole civilization of underwater beings."
"What if previous civilizations were just super intelligent but in a different stream?"
"I think we are dealing with two different civilizations here."
"Civilizations pop out of nowhere and disappear into nothing, and there's no explanation for that."
"Some of these civilizations could have ended in spectacular fashion while others could have been brought to an end by the hands of one man."
"There are no perfect nations, there are no perfect civilizations, there are no perfect families."
"Hidden from our eyes within them are countless new species of plants, animals, microorganisms, as well as artifacts from unknown civilizations."
"The history of humanity is still not fully understood; in ancient times, many advanced civilizations lived on our planet."
"In the long history of the world, the planet has played host to a wide variety of ancient civilizations."
"It has been estimated there exist 50,000 civilizations more advanced than the one we know."
"He became the communicator and the enlightener who was able to make two vastly different civilizations aware of each other."
"Strange new worlds and civilizations we've yet to seek out and explore."
"Shortugai was a place where these two civilizations, the Harappan and the Oxus, looked face to face."
"The eagle has been a symbol of every civilization in the history of man."
"Civilizations rose and fell, and rose again across realities grasping expanse."
"These were civilizations that most modern Americans, if they were to go back in time and see them, would consider to be very racially diverse."
"The universe is full of civilizations, dead civilizations that through technological advancements eventually killed themselves off."
"The Lost Legion: 2,000 years ago, Rome and China were two of the biggest civilizations on this planet."
"These lead artifacts belonged to civilizations as old as the 14th century."
"I think there have been previous civilizations that were advanced, they got wiped out in the past."
"It's a big puzzle that I keep on coming back to. I want to be able to explore all 16 of these civilizations."
"Long-lasting civilizations may be exceptionally rare, and it will take great perseverance on our part if we are to become one of them."
"The river has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations whose remnants can still be found today in their ruins and artifacts."
"To seek new life and new civilizations."
"All those connected ancient civilizations... there's got to be some type of connection."
"Almost every major Bronze Age civilization collapsed in less than the span of a single human lifetime."
"Is it possible that there have been several civilizations on Earth in its 4.5 billion years of existence?"
"I had a concept of teeming universes of space-time, of an immense spiral of lives and civilizations, races and cultures covering an infinite cosmos."
"Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations."
"It's very, I think, tear-jerkingly compelling to imagine that within our lifetimes we may learn of other advanced civilizations that are out there."
"I'm interested in the ancient civilizations."
"Kash gave birth to Kemet, Kash gave birth to ancient Babylonia, Kash gave birth to the Persian Empire."
"In the vastness of the cosmos, there must be other civilizations far older and more advanced than ours."
"I've been watching this program called Ancient Civilizations which is just absolutely fascinating."
"Every civilization crashes; some will never be seen again."
"It is fascinating to look into history... with a lot of civilizations, we don't have the in-depth knowledge we have for the moment."
"The Drake Equation... estimates how many intelligent communicating civilizations might be out there in our galaxy."
"Civilizations can clearly spread between planets and have colonies between planets."