
Cliches Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"We've heard these so many times in our lives that they can turn into cliches in our heads and forget how true and valuable these lessons are."
"MHA tends to deliver what happens to be rather cliche endings... but there's nothing wrong with being formulaic so long as you follow the formula in a way that's unique to you and pays off in a satisfying way."
"It's always those cliche things, it's always cliche. Why is love a cliche? Everything's a cliche. Everything that I believe is a cliche. It sucks. I'm like, literally, I'm like love is the answer and people are like..."
"Some cliches are just too useful to give up."
"Truth is often Stranger Than Fiction this saying has become almost cliche yet it continues to be proven time and time again."
"Disco Elysium proves that you can get away with cliches if you execute them well enough and make up for them by being original in other ways."
"There's a reason why there's a phrase nice guys finish last oh absolutely not sometimes they finished just in time."
"I don't like to use the word game changer because I know that it's a bit of a cliche but this is really something special."
"What can I say to introduce Misty Island? It's the most cliche spooky level I've ever seen in a game."
"Bad days don't last, bad times don't last, but bad guys do."
"All of the cliches of television filmmaking... it's a device to make up for the content they didn't get."
"Two things are sure in life: death and taxes."
"The idea that this is the recipe, the blueprint, we have heard this too many times. Brew and what we know is there is no blueprint."
"Enjoy it while it's still going on... it's the goofiest, most lame-ass cliche advice of all, but I would say enjoy."
"I know why people like this show, it's packed full of cliches but with the twists of being 183."
"One of the laziest movie cliches of all time is showing the mom or dad is so out of touch they don't even know their own child's age."
"Movies in Hollywood are extremely annoying because they always have to have a guy that's trying to get the girl."
"Overuse cliches render phrases practically invisible."
"You need to first know yourself, okay? I know that thing is overrated and very cliche, but to be honest, you need to know yourself."
"Tropes don't have to spell disaster for a film."
"All my life I've been a Wanderer, and then I think, that's enough cliches. So I go, all my life I've been a Wanderer, not really."
"To me, a cliche becomes bad when it harms a movie more than it helps it."
"Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the [__] up."
"Having an apocalyptic type environment combined with amnesia was pretty cliche but I feel that Nintendo made it work."
"Cliches are often true, my... I'm a big defender of cliches."
"Time heals all, most cliche thing ever but it is the most true thing out of anything that I have said."
"Magic itself is a trope, but there are so many sub-tropes revolving around magical systems or magical creatures, and sometimes they're the worst."
"This movie is hilarious and creative but it's also super tropy at its skeleton."
"Just because it's a cliche doesn't mean it doesn't work."
"If you love someone, let them go" - one of those sayings we hear so often and it sounds so deep and inspirational and wise that often times we think of it as an unquestionable fact.
"The whole great power comes great responsibility...it gets watered down more and more."
"The biggest cliche up in a boarding is love."
"The beauty cliche has been done to death. Leave it behind in fairy tales, you are creative enough to dig deeper."
"It's always going to be some cliched phrase that you can just plug those cracks with like well it's just gonna have to take more faith."
"It's a trope, it's a cliche, but it's one of those badass moments."
"Always stay true to yourself, that's corny but it's true, huh?"
"Again I will repeat, cookie cutter does not equal bad."
"Say whatever else you want about Graham Hancock, he is, to use the cliche, an outside-the-box thinker."
"Nothing good is quick, and as cliche as that sounds, that's what it is."
"Unfortunately this movie is a jumbled mess of cliches."
"Cliches exist for a reason because when they're utilized well they work."
"Apps are made in the kitchen... cliches are true."
"Just because it's cliche doesn't mean it's not good."
"Creativity is not to break out of cliches or install new cliches. True creativity is to propose a new cliche."
"Tropes can work if you write them well, but if you're not bringing a whole new approach to the table, you're copying what you've seen, and that's a cardinal sin against good writing."
"A trope's essentially a device, a motif, or some kind of cliche that, while effective in some cases, can be overused to the point where people roll their eyes."
"Find the joy every day and I know this sounds a little cliche I get it but this is truly how we shift."
"This is a great movie if you really love watching cliches."
"We are making our way around this Monopoly board of cliches."
"All those cliche things ultimately are usually true."
"Love returns, love returns, love returns. All these cliches we've heard through the years, if you love something, you let it go or you know, you just give and just carry on with life."
"For the endless parade of cliches attempting to pass itself off as a script we condemn the writers to be trapped in a TV Tropes archive binge."
"Stereotypes become stereotypes because there's some truth to them, right? It's like cliches or cliches because they work."
"Classic horror movie tropes like running upstairs when chased are pretty boring cliche and worn out."
"Since the novels' publication, this has actually become so common in fantasy that it's a cliche."
"The next three days, the next four days, are all about that. You're gonna hear a lot of cliches, which is what you should hear right now."
"There's plenty of the usual action movie tropes and cliches, but you're going into it for the fast-paced action."
"Cliches aren't always bad. Sometimes it's nice to get, you know, kind of what you want."
"all the cliches are very true like I'm just trying my best and like trying to enjoy it."
"The cliche stuff the cliche story is the cliche motivational posts motivational videos the books yeah we could say they're cliche people try and say they're cheesy or they don't but they're true every single time right."
"All these people online formed a false consensus based on repeated thought-terminating cliches."
"I always say this and this is like my biggest thing obviously like the cliche [ __ ] never give up keep going be yourself."
"It's cliche but sometimes it really works."
"The girl didn't want to believe that this was one of those 'you're the first woman to treat me like this' cliches."
"Let go, let it go. But it's so, it's so interesting that you just said a lot there because, you know, there's a cliche, and cliches are truths that have been spoken many, many times."
"You said the thing. You said the title of the movie."
"Never end your story with a cliche."
"Fame does not equal happiness, I repeat it does not and I know it's cliche but it's [ __ ] true."
"Honestly this is so cliche but love your body because that's what you were given."
"This album is full of lyrical cliches."
"Horror movie trope, but they did it in a funny way."
"That's definitely the most annoying action movie trope that needs to end"
"To think for yourself, without cliches, and think independently, and stick by it, is something that does work, and that has to do with the innovation."
"Those tropes and cliches are exactly the things that we love and latch onto."
"Sometimes these generic cliches, they just make beautiful art."
"I'm tired of the old cliches. I want new cliches."
"It's like meeting up with an old friend; cliches are around for a reason because often there's a grain of truth in them."
"So with that out of the way, we have two other cliche elements that we can look at, which is particles and flares."
"This is something, how many cliches did you all come up with?"
"It's all very incidental, but it still fulfills several cliche tropes but subverts them in a way that turns it into its own thing."
"Those are the secrets to life, the cliches, the things that everybody thinks are the dumb things that like whatever you know don't listen to those, those are actually like the things that are right out in front of you that really do make a difference."
"There are an endless amount of cliches and stereotypes that we could get into."
"The trick to take the cliche and present it in a new and innovative way."
"I'm not using my power to protect my friends; you know the cliche 'My friends are my power'."
"It's a little cliche, sure, but it works really well and it's fun."
"This is by the way my favorite cliche of any fantasy story: the pacts, the deals, the magically sealed promises."
"Everyone says this is so cliche, but I feel like everyone's so distracted with stuff."
"Once you dump the cliches... you know what you have left? You have the truth."