
Artistic Integrity Quotes

There are 524 quotes

"I demand that you start to listen to yourself, particularly as an artist focused on the uniqueness of your own expression."
"He's one of those guys that can knock out hit after hit while still maintaining his artistic integrity."
"Views are one thing, but if you're making work with substance and meaning, that's what really matters."
"Art dies in pursuit of itself, and Hellblade works because it feels like the game Ninja Theory wanted to make, not the one they wanted praise for."
"Illumination is the worst major animated studio right now since they seem incapable of hitting Sony's highs with all of their creative decisions tending to prioritize profit over art."
"It's really about producing meaningful creations, not content creation."
"Let the music speak for itself; let the content create its life on its own."
"I'm not going to censor myself in my music. It's about what I think is wrong with the world."
"That's where I come from when it comes to making music, and those are my favorite artists, the ones that still care about what they're putting out."
"Make work that is original and true and objectively great."
"I want to leave at that high level... I don't want to muddy up my filmography with a bunch of out-of-touch Old Man movies."
"It's about retaining the artist's vision and delivering what the customer wants."
"Vote with your dollar. Support games that maintain their integrity and artistic vision."
"I would never create content I was not inspired to create. I am, through and through, an artist."
"You just need to be true to your craft and true to yourself. Cliché as that may sound, you're the only one that has the answer to that. And your legacy is a reflection of how you felt following through that process."
"We didn't want to put any of our own baggage. We had no interest in putting our messages into this movie, but we thought that we should honor Tolkien by putting his messages into it."
"Are you really choosing the best film of the year anymore or what you think the best film of the year is? Are you just playing a political game?"
"Photograph what you saw, not something that is changed."
"Your job is to make a movie honestly and tell a story that you really connect to and you're confident with."
"I don't want to be in the public eye forever as a personality, I want my work to speak for itself."
"It ain't really nothing, Mac ain't never bluffing."
"What the really great artists do is they're entirely themselves."
"I would destroy the movie. I would set it on fire before I would use a single frame that I did not photograph."
"The more you let other people's opinions influence your final output, the less it becomes truly yours."
"If your priority, if the preconditions of something being made by your company, necessitate using people of certain immutable characteristics, then by definition, quality or artistry or creativity is taking a backseat to that." - Host
"You just need to give it to somebody who can actually faithfully adapt the original and be like, okay this is what's important about it, you know, capture the tone."
"I'm done making things for you from now on. I will only create to fulfill a greater artistic purpose."
"Only a handful of filmmakers have succeeded to make nudity appear artistic than vulgar."
"I make music just for me. If it's that good, eventually somebody's gonna seek it out."
"If I'm not upsetting a big proportion of my fanbase with each record, I'm probably not doing the right thing."
"The more willfully uncommercial, the more it seems to have created a career for me."
"He's an artist man... it's all killer no filler."
"Money and fame shouldn't overshadow the essence of hip-hop, which is about authenticity and expression."
"I think it's clear that they don't care about artists, crew, cast, none of that, none of the people who are making the products that are making them money."
"Let's never confuse popularity with quality."
"If people just tell the truth and make good music, ultimately the audiences will find them."
"These are classic B movies done with a kind of sincerity."
"Sing what you believe to be true, there actually is no better service that you can possibly do to people, no matter what it is that you're doing."
"I think it's really really really [ __ ] important that you know the second half of the sentence is really [ __ ] mad about he said I don't think you can really set out to please the fans of anything or please anyone other than yourself."
"The aim of a remake... it has to be able to stand on its own."
"What was once an experimental project with actual artistic merit has been turned into a money-making machine."
"I'm sorry that you get all this hate. You are probably one of the true artists that I've seen in the rise."
"Every song is something special, it's all killer no filler."
"Bayonetta always felt like Kamiya refused to compromise on a vision."
"Stories end while companies try to achieve endless growth, and I think this has completely blurred the way people are looking at the art of storytelling."
"It didn't bend over backwards to please every single possible member of its audience but instead was unapologetically itself."
"The Academy favors the quality of art over all else."
"The original genuinely respects the premise of less being more because we see everything solely from the victim's point of view."
"You have to kind of like do it for the art and do it for the right thing and know that that's going to lead you to the perfect result."
"Selling out is when you make the record you're told to make instead of the one you want to make."
"I myself am excited to see where cyberpunk 2077 goes and I'm thankful that it is pursuing artistic vision over social conformity."
"I'm just playing the music. I want to play. The music. I believe in. Whereas with Purple towards the end. I wasn't believing in the music. And as soon as you start disbelieving the audiences is gonna stop coming to see it."
"I love this anime-esque story for the fight of artistic integrity and staying true to one's vision to tell a story to move people." - Narrator
"He wanted to give the world his best meanwhile the suits at the company simply wanted to to get the game out as soon as possible in order to make a profit."
"My actions never malicious, ripping bust other rappers couldn't get with us."
"If you were to just start rapping up to the standards of the hip hop mainstream, what makes his music worth arguing over would be gone."
"Everybody's doing the same songs over and over again. These guys are talking about real stuff."
"If you believe in what you're doing musically, you're going to find a way to keep it rolling."
"If you can't do it that justice, like take it to the next level, you gotta leave it alone, find something else."
"I would much rather create art that does that... than art that tries feebly to be something that everybody likes."
"Because it was happy with what I performed on the production that we had available at that point. But I was like, 'No, that's not what I would do with my album.' That was what I was doing to actually get the deal."
"The beauty of my situation with aura is from day one they said to me don't make the show that you think we want you to make make the show you want to make."
"Don't let people deter you from making the kind of videos you want to make."
"Kendrick is the last of a dying breed of conscious rap, where he's bringing conscious rap to the mainstream in a way that is not there now."
"Good art doesn't come from focus groups and statistics. It comes from people who share how they see things in their own unique way."
"Citation is necessary in any context, whether academic or artistic."
"Real artist is gonna break the mold like, [expletive] that."
"Every filmmaker should be proud of the films that they make."
"If it's something that is totally out of what you were envisioning for this piece and not even what you were originally going for then you don't have to listen to it."
"When you do something really well, people will say they're not a fan of it but acknowledge the skill."
"So, if you're doing you and you're making beautiful music, that will happen. And it's happening all over the world." - Tech N9ne
"Pete was adamant about staying true to the dark tone of Kipling's novels."
"A true artist doesn't care about money. A true artist who doesn't care about money has money."
"Great art is nuanced, unbiased, and presents things as they are in life, not controlling them to look good or bad."
"These dudes have been solid, they have been consistent, they've had principles and integrity in their music."
"I want to create quality and works of art, not just sell images."
"A lot of people have to deal with the fact that they are often labeled... not real artists... despite being a fantastic artist."
"Ultimately, I'm going to say that this is a 10 out of 10. He took something that people kind of universally love and he doesn't write his own [__] in it."
"Encourage everybody watching to go and seek out talented tattoo artists who do not copy and paste to create original pieces of art."
"I want this to stand on its own breath and if people are gonna like it they're gonna like it because of what it is and not because vanoss made it you know, no, that's right."
"The AI can never replace the soul of an artist. It will never be able to produce unique ideas the way a person can."
"It's okay to just make something good and leave it at that."
"At the end of the day, you gotta do it for the benefit of the story."
"They're being very authentic to their original work."
"I'm very determined to never use it for any purpose other than the actual creative artistic purpose."
"There's a lot of good stuff in here and it doesn't necessarily offer a ton of value for me."
"I wanted to make beautiful things even if no one cared about it."
"Neil is the walking embodiment of a self-made artist who's through the sheer force of his ability and will has carved out a space which is wholly his own."
"The sculptor investing in the character, loving what they do, and not just cashing a paycheck."
"She is not a pop artist who comes in and sings over the top of a track created by someone else."
"He really is like a real artist in that sense. He's really kind of shut himself off from a lot of the things that rappers do."
"Chappelle decided that if he was going to come back, it would only be exactly who he wants to be as an entertainer."
"That's the opposite side to that type of integrity that Dave Chappelle champions in his work."
"This does everything wrong in adapting both the book and the live-action movie, retaining none of what made either of them good."
"He doesn't chase trends, he doesn't try to make the game that will monetize the best or whatever he just tries to I think genuinely make art that's interesting and unique."
"When you start to just repeat things because they're successful then it feels like it stops being art and starts being industry."
"Okay, we're gonna leave the scene in and I want you to remember that it was Miramax who left it alone."
"He didn't let the fact that most people didn't understand or appreciate his work stop him from doing that work."
"Sony is all about the art of games, not the exploitation of games."
"I have to say personally, from all I have read, I now have a lot of respect for Yasushi. I adore a man who so stubbornly sticks to what he wants to create regardless of what other idiots often have to say about it."
"Everything that you create has to be 100% unique to you."
"There's such honesty in the second season, I think Phoebe really takes the honesty up a notch."
"Do not let them do this. Do not support things when they go and they censor them like this. Tell everybody that you will not be supporting changing the works of Ian Fleming. What an absolute tragedy that they're trying to destroy James Bond."
"You don't go to a good restaurant and ask the chef to change his menu." - DJ Jazzy Jeff
"If you can't respect the original, don't get involved. Translation depends on the translator's love for the original work."
"She's so talented, she's so raw like she kind of tells you exactly how it isn't in the lyrics and I love that because I feel like that's how music should be."
"I don't believe in punching if because if you can if you can't feel it you know sometimes if if it's not one whole verse all the way down you know I don't like it to feel punched you know but then again that's I'm left-handed."
"You work hard, you do your art, you put out what you want, and you hope people receive it well." - Jessie Ware
"There's a big difference between the interests of the companies making these games and the interests of the art form itself."
"I didn't want to just put something out just because the hype of people wanting it out."
"Taylor Swift hasn't stolen artwork, but the governor of Puerto Rico has."
"There's a part of this whole discussion that really sticks in my craw... these are labors of love worked on by hundreds of people who put forward a real effort to create art."
"Overall, I feel like I never really wrote anything that I was like, 'I definitely don't believe that, but I'm gonna sing it anyway.' I feel like I always wrestled with stuff."
"It's all about the story; it has to be pure."
"They've built an amazing career doing things their way without having to make any kind of compromises in the name of marketability."
"In the end, the true artist is to keep themselves happy, testing themselves and pushing themselves to the limits."
"I want my content to be on the merits of quality."
"Don't let anybody influence your story because you're going to mess it up and it's not going to be your creation."
"My thing is if you're a true artist you shouldn't have to beg nobody for a feature you should be so hot that people are knocking on your door and asking you the OG should be asking to feature with you"
"I definitely made that transition, and Victor even in his older days is still like, 'This is for documenting, stop with the art.'" - Toni
"A writer's job is to tell the truth, his standard of fidelity to the truth should be so high..."
"Yo, I feel like I sold my soul for this. This ain't me. The single that was put out, I didn't want to put that out, but they made me do it. The one that just came out, yeah, it was called like December. December but it came out in January."
"I'm not about the money, I am about the craft."
"It's not about making the videos that make the most money, it's about making the videos that are just... what's a word I'll use? It's not that I'm not proud of my other videos but I'm more proud of those new type of videos that I've been making."
"I'm never gonna sell my soul and sell out my vision for somebody who wants to control me."
"If the music was an authentic expression of what they were trying to convey, John Coltrane certainly did not care about alienating anyone."
"Be proud of your art, man. Do you get what I'm saying? Be proud of it."
"Don't rely on identity politics to motivate people to go see your stuff just make good stuff."
"I want to be an artist. I don't want to be a celebrity." - Amber Heard
"What's really going to bring you happiness is making quality art."
"Whenever you see an artist go off like that and kind of go off the path of what's popping, it's a good sign."
"Originality is key to Watanabe's body of work."
"There's an authenticity and a depth and a meaning behind everything he does because it's so purely him."
"Thank you for being true to yourself and making music that is an extension of your actual being."
"The fundamentals and the things that made the genre great to begin with are still going to be there."
"Artists know why they do what they do, and that's why BTS are true artists."
"Pop production for a lot of people it actually takes away from the meaning of the song."
"It's sad to see a lot of these artists who did these wrong things, if they did them, and not allegedly, but I mean, at the end of the day, that's what happened and that's what needs to be told."
"What appeals to you or any audience for that matter is not someone trying to be something they're not."
"There is a clear political purpose to this movie that overrides what would otherwise be quite good."
"You should always sign your work even the stuff you're not proud of because even if it's not your favorite piece ever, you learned something from it and that in itself is something to be proud of."
"You can't put the artistry behind the artist."
"People chasing what they think will make them hot leads to watered-down mainstream music and a neglect of true talent."
"Even Peter Jackson couldn't remake The Peter Jackson Trilogy."
"The money sometimes can change how you approach the work, you know?"
"You almost have to remove the fact of what everybody else wants to hear and really just stick to what you want to hear."
"Your job is to just put out good art that's going to stand up and you know when people finally find it and go back to it it still sounds good."
"I want my albums to be heard rather than just a sentence out of the book."
"It mattered more to him to create something that would last with people."
"It's not just about the views. We're making art after 16 years of doing mega64. It ain't about the views, it's about making art."
"We spoke truth to our lyrics you know what I mean like we never really we we never conformed to what was going on to the times."
"However let's remember here the Grammys ultimately are not important when it comes to artistic integrity artistic ability and the longevity of a particular artists career."
"Even with all those wild stylistic changes, they pulled it off every single time."
"It's more important to write a good song instead of just a jerk-off contest."
"The sincerity of it and how honest it was fits in just perfectly in the album."
"Just like Nintendo DS, it's a place where the best idea, not the biggest budget, will win."
"Forced ideology compromises the integrity of the arts."
"Gary Larson didn't want it to be perceived as mainstream. He wanted to keep that edge for readers to feel like they were part of an exclusive club."
"I respect the fact that BTS hasn't done as many songs in English. That shows they're sticking to their roots."
"I only sing live, I mean I can lip-sync but why would I?"
"What's better: being true and reaching an audience of a couple thousand people or making a few compromises and reaching millions and millions of people?"
"Your art is a reflection of you, and you deserve better than to be whittled down to content."
"I don't care if you ultimately don't like it, insofar as I care that I have fairly represented the story I want to tell."
"The profound intelligence within my own work... layers of intelligence is present in my own work that I didn't even recognize."
"Make what you want to make, not just like, oh maybe, but make what you personally want to make."
"An artist should do what they do for the love of it, not for prestige or fortune."
"He did it for [__] accuracy, dude, he's an artist."
"Every time we make a film, it is with the expectation of delivering on a promise."
"When corporate needs to gain money overshadows artistic attempts to make something enjoyable, the product loses all heart and class and just becomes a zombie of what it once was."
"Our music forms have their complete integrity and wholeness."
"No amount of awkward Dr. Strange scenes will ever be more important than keeping emerging monopolies in check."
"Christopher Nolan was able to transition to making Studio movies where he could retain his voice and vision."
"The role of a critic or an artist is to resist the role of submitting to a popular movement and to liberate the future from its deformation in the present by an act of cognition."
"I'm here to do the right service for music and that is to create the right records just because although everything was your favorite words favorite worst favorite track ever that's not my fault."
"Quality over quantity, that's why I don't rush my movies out."
"Draw what you like, don't worry about following trends."
"I have really enjoyed working with Rafe... But if the same level of changes were made to my work I would not... I would want to be in a position to say no."
"It represents so much more than what it used to represent."
"There's no way to please everyone. If we tried, it would have just been a watered-down mess."
"I never cared about clout. I don't do music for money, I do it because I love it."
"Don't chase money or fame, just do good tattoos."
"We're losing the actual culture and passion and love of the artistic storytelling."
"It felt right. If it doesn't feel right, I'll never put it out."
"Not just hone in on your craft but say something."
"And it's real, so I would say like, never, um, never think that some label or some [ __ ] conglomerate monopoly of a you know, record label system is going to break you just because they're saying that they can."
"I wanted to do some real [ __ ] [ __ ] and I barely made it, barely will make a [ __ ] dollar on this album because I used so many samples and I was so true to form and so true to sampling and hip-hop and everyone that's inspired me, you know."
"That kind of artistic purity is always worth praising."
"They could do a lot but they can't take away your work."
"I respect him for being who he is. I think he's doing the most to save hip-hop."
"There's no pressure on you to put out product that you're only half-hearted about."
"As an artist, my duty is whatever I do, if I'm gonna do an interview, that can't just be a means to an end for press, it needs to be an art piece."
"I'll lose respect for you if you don't have that passion to put out a good project."
"I like that he didn't bloat the album with features."
"People deserve to hear, you know, Grog spit that verse."
"It's incredible to know that this director stood by his beliefs even when faced with one of the most outstanding achievements in his career."
"He never sold his soul and still made that 50 mil."
"It's never been more important to create work that is truly indicative of our personhood."
"I think those original flaws are starting to become problems... now you have people that are just referencing their work and then you just get kind of a weird imitation of it."
"Filmmakers have to put the story first, their first priority if they're good filmmakers is to tell a compelling story."
"I refuse to see it as one... someone was going after that and I said and I still believe I said my work is not political."