
Gemstones Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"The stunning beauty of Bennett White has made it highly coveted for adorning exquisite jewelry."
"Red diamonds, rare and precious, hold a captivating allure, with a price of one million dollars per carat."
"The Blue Diamond is the world's most expensive and rarest gemstone, priced at 3.93 million dollars."
"The Oppenheimer Blue Diamond sold for 57.5 million dollars, making it one of the most valuable diamonds ever."
"This is some of the most amazing blue gemstone around, absolutely love it."
"Diamonds: timeless, beautiful symbols of love."
"Not knowing how rare it was miners used to extract the needle light just like any other gem."
"Color is the first and last and most important factor affecting value in a colored gemstone."
"Emeralds are green, they're meant to be shiny, and they're valuable."
"Turn your rough rocks into semi-precious gems."
"Aquamarine has long been a healing gem associated with the sea and also with stimulating psychic abilities."
"Some of the nicest opals can sell for a couple of grand per carat and be quite large, racking up a pretty price tag."
"Painite: the world's rarest gemstone, effectively priceless."
"Among the crowd favorite gemstones, authentic pink diamonds are the rarest and most valuable of them all."
"Aquamarine on swirl, 35 grand. What an amazing piece."
"Let's give you a look. That's almost a foot long across and if I'm seeing that correctly, it's for sale at $80,000."
"If you can't spend 30, 40, 80 grand, you can come to their center table."
"It's just really, really warm and earthy, just a really gorgeous African amethyst."
"These gemstones came from outer space, between Mars and Jupiter, formed four and a half billion years ago."
"Emerald connects you into your heart chakra."
"Bloodstone believed to provide protection against evil spirits and bring Good Fortune."
"Pink Opals are admired for their soft and soothing hues that range from pink to vibrant Rose."
"The sapphires, in fact, are naturally developed, the sapphires are not, in fact, synthetic, right?"
"Premium stone has the bright blues, the real nice inclusions patterns and figure going through it. It is the stuff you think of when you think of ocean picture stone, beautiful material."
"Look at that one, wow, that is a perfect lavender jewel, completely flawless."
"Gemstones are very valuable to us human beings."
"I chose the right bag, Christmas lights! So, this ring is stamped 10 carat, and I do get some movement on my presidium, but it doesn't go to diamond, it goes to quartz, so those little stones are clear quartz."
"The aura and mystique of precious gems have captivated mankind since the beginning of recorded time."
"The Hope Diamond and most other minerals classified as gemstones, about 90%, all were created in the fiery cauldron of the Earth's interior millions of years ago."
"We're really excited because we have all this fresh material, and we can't wait to prove to everybody that there are gemstones on the south side of Mount Antero."
"Everything from malachite to rose quartz to sodalite I'm gonna put all of these up in the niche ladyshop.com."
"Rarity along with their stunning beauty is why the star Ruby and Sapphire come in at the top of our list of exotic and phenomenal stones."
"Gemstones are wonderful. I've had many clients tell me how once they started collecting, they just... they would take them out and look at them, they would just make them feel happy. And that's what I mean when I say gemstones are wonderful."
"When it comes to a gem like the pariba tourmaline, it's all about chemistry."
"Green diamonds are obviously exceptionally rare with their vibrant green coloration."
"These gems are nature's masterpieces, coveted by collectors and cherished for their beauty."
"It's the gem's rarity that makes it so intriguing."
"It's better to have a powerful gem that breaks the boundaries of day and night."
"Wearing things like hematite, like I have on right now, or black onyx, black tourmaline, which is really good for protection, like it literally puts like a hand in front of you, that's what black onyx does."
"Everything from the ears, like citrine, a little bit, has tight inclusions. That's what they're ready. Along with the amethyst."
"These are the three piles we have: group number one with the pearl bracelet, group two with the selenite, and group three with the rainbow moonstone."
"Finding gemstones is like uncovering hidden treasures in a treasure hunt."
"Ethiopian Opals: Rare and Exquisite."
"Many of the rough sapphires will exhibit some sort of color saturation on the two opposite ends of the stone."
"New discoveries of new gem bearing pegmatites are most likely to be made in ous intrusive geologic environments."
"That's a gorgeous agate, this is awesome, oh my gosh, okay, see, that was one of those jaspers I was telling you guys about, where you see it and you just go, that's nice."
"It's really amazing to see the kind of farm to table or farm to market in the world of gemstones. This is it, man. This is where the treasure's coming out of the mountain."
"It's fun to put this kind of stone out and show it to the jewelers and say 'yeah, we would buy this'."
"The best gemstone crystal I got for Virgos to work with, use, and wear in the month of May 2023 is Carnelian."
"Moldavite is supposed to change your life and put you on your right path."
"Opal does have a lot of different colors which is great."
"Gemstones are not powerful enough that they're going to dramatically alter your karma, a gemstone is more of a protective element."
"The finest quality emeralds are more valuable than diamonds."
"This one is actually a relatively affordable collection of five gemstones. Let's go ahead and talk about the Star Sapphire because this is really one of my favorites."
"To have a matched graded sweet not of two gems not of three but of was it 26, 26 perfectly matched gems that is a really big deal, it's super special."
"The most beautiful gemstones in the world."
"Voilà, tourmaline, star sapphire, I love it, definitely my favorite specimen so far today, biggest sapphire crystal, a little bit tourmaline on the backside."
"It's extremely rare to have this many Argyle pinks under one roof."
"Each gemstone tells a unique story, now it's time to write yours."
"Price of moissanite is obviously less than that of diamonds."
"People are always going to like nice quality natural diamonds."
"The company that mined and sold diamonds successfully spread myths about these gems around the world."
"David Jerome collection specializes in rare and colorful gemstones."
"...whether you hate colored gemstones or not, it's something out of the norm"
"I'd buy some of the shiniest, prettiest rocks that money could buy without diamonds — perhaps emeralds, tourmalines."
"One of the most interesting things I've always found is how you have gemstones that are the same from all sorts of points of the globe."
"I always like rutilated quartz for your collection because it's a good price point, it's very visually appealing."
"You can wear it by itself if you use your favorite gemstones."
"I'm getting to that. In addition to the gems in the silk, they produce a byproduct that's far more valuable. It's a sort of honeydew substance they use to nurse their young."
"I've never seen anything like it. I think so, and those blue stones are probably sapphires."
"Wow, August is peridot, terrified on here it says topaz and citrine."
"Gemstones represent the love of God, his love, his revelation upon this rock."
"Keep your eye out for Rebecca Collins and those chunky carved gemstone pieces because they can be big, big money."
"I think I found a beautiful flawless yellow Arkansas diamond from the crater diamond state park."
"Opals are considered gamblers' gem."
"I'm literally shaking because I just found the most beautiful diamond I have ever seen come out of the crater at Diamond State Park."
"It's a flawless white diamond, that's the prettiest diamond I've ever found or seen come out of the crater Diamond State Park."
"I love these guys, this is these are genuine stones I can tell right off the bat they're nice and cold."
"It's also a very reliable investment."
"My number one favorite crystal is labradorite; it's like this grayish type material and it flashes into different colors."
"Diamonds are actually not the most brilliant stone out there. There's another stone called moissanite that looks almost exactly like diamonds but is much shinier and significantly cheaper."
"Pegmatite supply some of the world's finest colored gemstones."
"Sri Lanka has long been famous for its gemstones."
"I love crystals, this bag was full of amethyst, quartz, and selenite."
"It's a thousand times rarer than diamonds."
"Emeralds are actually more expensive than diamonds because they're a lot more rare."
"Why pick one color when you can have all of them, and that's why opal is my favorite gemstone."
"It's just a very personal gemstone, you know, to be able to have something that's really, really unique and just for you."
"Let's take a closer look at my favorite on the table, which is this black opal; it has a beautiful play of color pattern, it just makes me smile to be honest."
"Moissanite is regarded as a great diamond alternative."
"It's amethyst. Are you serious? Oh my gosh, I just got so excited."
"This is what I refer to as the beauty of Ellensburg blue, I'm finding it in rocks I can't cut them for gemstones, but boy they're pretty."
"Gems are all unique; they all have different stories."
"When people facet stones, they're bringing out what's kind of hidden inside the gemstone."
"Gems are all unique, they're all different, and we're all unique and different, and that's why we all gravitate towards different types of gemstones."
"Humans have been fascinated with gemstones for thousands of years; they are among the rarest and most desirable minerals on the earth."
"History is intertwined with gems, with the latter playing important roles in economics, politics, religion, law, and fashion."
"Rubies show their richest red in an incandescent light source."
"Emerald was a popular choice because it was believed to ensure unending love."
"Rubies were believed to ensure passion in a relationship."
"Most gemstones can be properly cleaned with just warm soapy water."
"Tanzanite is considered to be 1,000 times rarer than diamonds."
"I love the amethyst, the secondary minerals do it for me."
"Turquoise is a prized gemstone for making jewelry for millennia, all due to its beautiful unique color."
"As far as red goes, I prefer garnet to ruby. I really like the red of garnet."
"It's a very affordable way to get into the world of gemstones."
"So let's have a look at the gemstone choices that we have available."
"It's like looking at a bunch of gravel and seeing the Hope Diamond lying there."
"Onyx and Pearl for gemstones like precious gemstones pairing."
"This is leopard-skin Jasper, Jade, red glass, this is real turquoise."
"They're naturally developed sapphires, they're not lab created, so that should tell you something about value."
"I've been playing around trying to get amethyst right for so long, and I think I finally come up with a way to do a tumbled amethyst."
"Prices skyrocket, so join me for today's video as we take a look at 15 of the most expensive gems in the world."
"The Sunrise Ruby became the most expensive ruby and the most expensive gemstone other than a diamond when it sold for 30.4 million dollars."
"Named after the poem of the same name, the Sunrise Ruby was mined in Myanmar and after being cut weighs 25.5 carats."
"The Unique Pink, an extremely rare and stunning jewel, sold for 31.6 million dollars."
"The Orange, a particularly special stone simply known as the orange, sold for 35 and a half million dollars."
"Opal fresh out of the ground is just as beautiful."
"The Ruby among the precious stones is a king of the king."
"The high-grade lapis isn't a traditional blue, it's what they call ultramarine."
"It's so rare to get it on the snow white quartz like that."
"Blue, green, and red diamonds are very rare and highly prized."
"He looks quite kingly, he is King of the rubies."
"In the world of gemstones and jewelry, one of the three most important professions is that of the gemstone cutter."
"Specified is one of my favorite stones and it's fantastic for building connoisseurship and investing in gemstones."
"With gemstones, that's what we're looking for: how does light interact with the stone because it makes it dynamic."
"With these kinds of stones, you never get bored."
"Gemstones have been used dating back thousands of years across multiple cultures."
"Lapis is known for its striking blue color."
"Amethyst is up there with turquoise as far as ancient gemstones that have been used for ages."
"The alexandrite is a lot rarer than the emerald."
"Using these trace elements, we can separate metamorphic and magmatic sapphires pretty easily."
"These are not just gemstones, they're not just pretty things you can wear in your jewelry but these are little time capsules of the earth."
"Most diamond and gemstone mining is relatively environmentally friendly compared to most other types of mining because you don't have to use any chemicals to extract the minerals from their host rocks."
"The gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone."
"What makes me create a beautiful design is the happiness that that gemstone gives me."
"Look how absolutely astounding these stones are."
"There are actually different varieties that are going to range not only in their characteristics but also in their rarity."
"Alexandrites are very beautiful stones by the way, and if you are looking for that color stone, you definitely have a good taste."
"These gems are so beautiful; they're super, super sparkly."
"Every gemstone really wants to be polished in a specific way using a specific type of polishing media and a polishing pad."
"Long story short, every gemstone really wants to be polished in a specific way."
"A garnet is part of a group of silicate minerals and has been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives."
"How do you shop for Labradorites, folks? Flash what you see is what you get."
"Color and gemstones do just that, they bring a little bit of magic into your life."
"Blue topaz has this icy blue color that makes me feel kind of like an icy winter."
"I'm very grateful for gemstones like these."
"The great thing about gemstones is they're from all over the world, and when you can't travel the whole world, you can have the world in your pocket."
"People love diamonds because of the fire that they give off, and these have three and a half times more dispersion."
"Every time I move my head, the colors on the inside change. It's an amazing stone."
"Take a closer look at this piece of emerald. I love the color and look at the shape; you can see six very distinct sides."
"Natural gem materials are those that have been formed completely by nature without any interference by humans."
"We feel incredibly grateful to have you here to hear your story, to learn about your family, your business, these beautiful gemstones."
"It's actually a piece of art as much as a precision cut gemstone."
"I have always fallen in love with sapphire."
"Peacock blue sapphire is something, for me, that always brings up warm memories of Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan sapphires, and the beautiful people and country that I've been able to meet there."
"So peacock blue sapphire is something, for me, that always brings up warm memories of Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan sapphires, and the beautiful people and country that I've been able to meet there."
"The one that I got inspiration from was the Australian boulder opal."
"Rarity is an important factor in evaluating high-end gemstones."
"Ruby is considered the king of all colored gemstones."
"We had to start looking at gemstones not just as optical devices but as geological specimens."
"Some say they can look like black diamonds when they're faceted if they're black because they've got this very high metallic lustre."
"Absolutely adore these stones; they're stunning, look how beautiful they are, absolutely gorgeous."
"That's how you should feel when you see your stone, like it took my breath away."
"Look at how beautiful that amethyst is, absolutely stunning."
"The island of stars, Sri Lanka, is the most important source for star stones."
"What makes a fine colored stone? You have to have nice color and good transparency."
"Phenomenal stones are gemstones where the optical properties of the stone are different than most ordinary gemstones."
"Inclusions can make light return to the eyes in a more desirable way than in ordinary colored stone."
"I liked the addition of the diamonds, gemstones which is still trending to this day."
"I wanted her to look like she was made out of gemstones or crystals."
"I am adding little gemstones to the ends of these little Vellum snowflakes."
"In my opinion, this rose quartz is 100% genuine."
"So one of the designs that I decided to make was this multi-strand gemstone chip beaded bracelet."
"You will never see gas bubbles in a natural ruby."
"Corundum, known as Ruby and Sapphire, is aluminum oxide, an extremely simple recipe at first sight."
"These watercolor paints are apparently made with gemstones."
"So I just wanted to drive the point home that the geological conditions that form the gemstones also are responsible for the inclusions."
"She actually chose Whitby jet as her gemstone of choice to represent her feelings of loss at that time."
"These aluminum oxide clusters are in fact rubies and sapphires."
"Sapphires and rubies can be any color under the rainbow."
"Now sapphires and rubies, these are very very valuable."
"The heat treatment allowed them to take all this rough that they couldn't use before, heat treat it, and now turn it into a marketable gemstone."
"Yogo sapphires are really nice because they have these really pristine perfect surfaces which can show some interesting features."
"The blue color in Yogo sapphires is extremely homogeneous, meaning that if you look at the stone in immersion, it just looks like a sheet of blue color with very little zoning at all."
"Birthstones for November are so beautiful, citrine and topaz are just stunning."
"This gem was called the tears of esot, it is the finest gem in the Empire."
"The heavenly city of Yestara is an enormous city shaped in the form of a seven-layered ziggurat, made of enormous gemstones, and its shining walls can be seen from any vantage point in the layer."
"This awesome sphere is a combination of both Sunstone and Moonstone."
"I've heard so many good things about real stones, and I've actually never had any real ones, even though I have wanted to."
"The colors of these stones all 100% natural, no heat treatment needed on these Yoga sapphires."
"Eventually, they started realizing, hey, these sapphires are worth something on their own."
"It's just amazing how much effort has gone into getting these shiny blue pebbles."
"But these stones look so freaking sweet because they're literally half purple half green."
"If you want to feel good, this is a good stone."
"In the early history of gemstones, the list of top colored gemstones among the rich and famous was rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and amethyst."
"Slight variations in conditions also leave telltale fingerprints in the form of inclusions."
"Among the most rare objects on earth, gemstones are an elusive treasure."
"The secret to a rare stone's ageless appeal isn't just the gem; it is also the journey."
"Gemstones are emotional purchases; you buy this for your loved ones, and when you buy something for your loved ones, you want the best for them."