
Youth Protection Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Instagram recently announced that it's going to restrict all teenagers from access to eating disorder material, suicidal ideation themed material, self-harm content, and that's fantastic."
"Our goal is actually to protect this next generation from mass shootings."
"I think it's worth taking steps towards a future where it's harder for kids to access those crazy stuff."
"Teach your child or your teen to never share private or identifying information such as their name, their address, where they go to school, where they live, or anything personal with a person online that is not known or trusted in real life."
"We have a responsibility to protect our young people." - Unspecified speaker
"Super physiological stuff is a protection of youth from the deleterious outcomes of hormone exposure."
"Responding with kind of more law enforcement tighter regulations could actually lead to greater harms for young people."
"Action is needed to save this generation from the scourge of war."
"Nothing gets done if we accept the premise that skins gambling is wrong and gambling with kids is wrong."
"I just can't imagine doing that to a young girl."
"You may have heard of a product like this, kids. The idea was a version of Instagram that is designed to be safe for tweens. Shame, dude, shame."
"I think we're in this really dangerous position where girls they kind of Overexposed to all this adult content online."
"Captain Ibrahim TR has emerged as a steadfast Statesman."
"Orban's government has just passed a law banning the exposure of minors to any content that gives visibility to homosexuality."
"We need that type of response because there's been kids getting shot through the windows of housing."
"Kids are supposed to learn from their mistakes, not die from them."
"I'm worried about the kids who get this, the teenagers who get maligned as awful bigots, racists, xenophobes, transphobes just for having an opinion that may not go with the, you know, the mainstream."
"There are definitely things that can be done to make them safer."
"Knowing when you're dealing with something that is literally like killing and injuring young people because of misconceptions about the product you do need to regulate in a significant way."
"When a kid goes to school, he shouldn't have to fear... getting shot by guns."
"There's so much more to money than just dollars and cents."
"It's not fair for us to put them out there without helping them be prepared."
"It is unfortunately not unusual to run into pages and forums created and managed by adult men who focus solely on junior or even novice girls."
"Exposure to explicit content often leads to a distorted view of sexuality."
"Freedom without concern for the medium to long-term consequences of your actions, especially when you're bringing in minors, that's not freedom, that's irresponsibility."
"Children, the young people, the minors are the marginalized group. Let's protect them first."
"Promoting this to children who don't have a fully formed brain to make permanent, unalterable decisions about their body... that's what I'm against."
"YouTube messed up. They've been breaking the law for years, mining data from miners watching their platform, kids."
"Instagram announcing steps it's taking including a stricter approach to recommendations for teens and tools for parents to monitor their kids' use of the app."
"Facebook's platforms are not safe for young people."
"Sending nudes to a minor... it's so beyond disgusting."
"Effective immediately... The Department of Homeland Security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people."
"Your job as an adult in a young person's life is to protect them. Job as an adult is to protect young people. That's what it is."
"Honestly, adults should work really hard to preserve the innocence and youth of young people."
"Does my 15-year-old daughter have the right to go in a female-only space and expect there only to be females?"
"It just comes down to that step that in the UK we need loot boxes to be seen as gambling and regulated as such and therefore if you're under the age of 18 you shouldn't be able to buy loot boxes and you shouldn't be able to buy FIFA bags."
"The Blackout Challenge: dangerous and proven to be deadly."
"It is a sin to drag somebody out of it, it is a sin to convince a child who is ripe for confusion that he should leave it."
"You can say whatever you want about these players on my show, yeah, but don't attack them. They're kids around, you know? Don't attack them."
"The most important steps to ending the opioid crisis is to prevent young people from ever using drugs in the first place."
"I'm completely against people streaming slots... I don't think it's good I don't think that should be on a website that kids can watch."
"Trans rights are human rights, and protect trans youth."
"These MS13 gang members were trying to get access to unaccompanied miners that were already in the United States."
"Distributing or providing minors with graphic content like Gore could land you an obscenity charge."
"Nami tells Zoro to cut Momo a break, pointing out that the shogun is still a kid inside."
"It would be like me giving a child a cigarette and saying, 'I didn't know cigarettes weren't good, but this is an e-cigarette so it's not dangerous.'"
"We never have and we never will play games with the lives of young people."
"The freedom to die before you're a teenager is not what Martin Luther King lived and died for."
"We should do more to tackle youth vaping, and that's why we are bringing forward measures in the new bill to restrict the availability and appeal of vapes to children."
"We've got to get it off the street because they don't care who they sell it to. They sell it to eight, nine, ten-year-olds, and in that aspect, I'm glad to get their butts off the street."
"I'm all about protecting the youth, the next one. It's about who's next."
"I want to save as many young lives as possible for they don't have to go through the [expletive] that we went through in our lives."
"It's so gross to think that there are people out there preying on young and naive teenagers."
"If you wouldn't want to see like a five or ten year old singing along to what you are putting the internet, don't put it on the Internet."
"The UK is going to ban disposable vapes in a plan to combat use by children."
"For the teenager population, I want to clarify that we do have a 13 under 13 experience and that zero advertising on that platform."
"States sue Meta, claiming social platforms are addictive and harm children's mental health."