
Nerves Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Even Simone Biles, one of the top gymnasts in the world, still gets nervous, and it's perfectly normal. It doesn't make you a failure."
"I've never done a live event before and I was so nervous as to how it was going to turn out and thanks to all of you it was so much fun."
"Nerves grow very slowly, nerves regrow very slowly... don't expect overnight results."
"It's always good to have a little bit of nerves. If you're having no nerves, you tend to think, 'Well, it's the most important game.'"
"The calm before the storm you know? It's like nerves are going. This is always the gnarliest part before going and competing."
"I definitely had some nerves going into it... but everything will work out as it's supposed to."
"Philadelphia Fusion got rid of any nerves and looked on fire."
"I'm excited for the first cage match, I'm nervous."
"Magnus was the deserved winner because he kept his nerves."
"I'm not scared, I'm just excited but also a little bit nervous."
"I embrace the nerves now, I feel it as like good butterflies and I just love getting in there."
"The most important lesson I've learned: the less nervous you are, the more cautious you should be. Oh, it's good to be nervous!"
"When I first worked on the stage I was really nervous... it's been unreal."
"We managed to see it out... the nerves, the jangles of it all..."
"It gives you a little bit of butterflies."
"Everyone's brain and spinal cord consist of nerves and the nerves are lined by a protective barrier called the myelin sheath."
"I'm more excited than I am nervous."
"Nerves are natural, don't worry about it, you are going to be nervous."
"I'm kind of nervous, I'm pretty excited for this one."
"The more nervous you get, the funnier you are."
"I had to shake off all the butterflies."
"Nerves mean it means something, do you know what I mean? If you're not nervous, you're not living right."
"I had to nerve myself for the ordeal someone might easily be looking and possible Elliott Street stragglers could not fail to glimpse me."
"They can tackle your pain where it starts in your nerves and in your muscles."
"I'm feeling really excited to see my friends and my teacher but I'm also feeling... a little bit nervous. Nerves are normal, aren't they? Yeah, everyone feels nervous on their birthday."
"Why do I keep driving all these brand new vehicles recently? It's not good for my nerves."
"I feel like having nerves is a good thing because that means you still care about it, right?"
"The day you quit getting nervous is the day you don't care."
"There is very tight communication between the nerves and these extracellular matrix."
"It's a pendant that helps with soothing the nerves."
"I'm hyped. The nerves are starting to kick in a little bit, but we're about to go eat some food."
"You're always going to be nervous getting into a trade."
"There's literally nothing wrong with that. I would have been like, I was so nervous, I legit vomited."
"I tried calming my nerves with the radio, but it could not be helped."
"I've always wanted to ask one of you guys this, and you being like the best in the world, and he said, 'The day I didn't feel the nerves is the day I quit 10 years ago.'"
"Be nervous now, man. Don't be nervous. He lives for it. I live for it."
"I mean, I know my character and I know the circumstance, but there and there's like eight of us in this big scene and so we all at the last minute are like 'Hey, nice to meet you, I'm just learning my lines as I'm about to go into my first day working with these A-list actors.'"
"You also get incredibly stupid when you're nervous no that's a pretty constant thing."
"He's confident. Nervous is not even in my vocabulary."
"You know, there's two things that make it more nervous: hearing how loud a crowd can be and then how quiet they can be on the flip side. Because if they can be really loud, then the silence becomes so much louder."
"Peripheral nerves typically innervate skin or muscles, they make muscles move, they also innervate joints."
"For me, I'm nervous is a great emotion is fantastic."
"I'm nervous and my nerves are a wreck. That's how you know it's going to be good."
"I'm human. I'm not severed from my emotions. I'm very aware. I'm very self-aware that stepping into Friday night is going to be a bundle of nerves."
"Brides are supposed to be nervous, I wasn't."
"I'm a bit nervous but you know nerves mean that you care."
"It reminds me of my own Jane Street interviews back in the day which were also tons of fun to be honest. I was quite nervous leading up to them but my interviewers really put me at ease and made the process feel more like an exciting discussion than an interview."
"Anticipation is often what gets my nerves going."
"My nerves were fine once I got going but I would throw up. I couldn't eat during the day before the show because I would throw up."
"Regardless of my hair standing up and nerves saying you better not, the best part, oh sorry, now to the Beast part."
"It's kind of an interesting starting hole just because it shouldn't be that difficult, but that headwind and the nerves of the starting of the round, it just always makes it a little trickier than normal."
"Nerves are a sign of that something matters to you. You give a [ __ ] deeply about something, right? It makes you nervous, it's proper."
"The prep was the best I've had, but with the nerves I had on the platform, I didn't execute fully."
"I do, though I've reached a stage of beyond nerves and into a sort of numbness. When you do the comedy and you're doing well, you reach a stage of, 'Again, this is so ridiculous, it's laughable.'"
"There's a certain amount of excitement, but let me promise you, there's also a massive amount of fear and nerves."
"A lot of nerves for that performance from Lesman."
"Man, I ain't gonna hold you, that stuff makes you nervous, but I'm too excited to even be nervous at this point, man. You know what I'm saying? I'm just, I'm just, just."
"I'm not going to let the nerves get the better of me today. I'm going to stay calm."
"It's now but I've done it enough and I've been on more sets and I'm like oh you should be you should in quotes be a little bit more nervous or prepared and that is what takes away that shine of what makes this good at what we do."
"Truly amazing. Players have to be nervous; you can probably feel their heartbeat like never before."
"I think I could actually drive this and not be so nervous."
"So many putts today that she was so nervous standing over it and when you're scared that you're gonna miss You're Gonna Miss."
"...I like being a little bit nervous."
"Am I nervous? Well, yes, but I have to stay focused."
"Nervousness can actually improve performance; it can heighten your perceptions and sharpen your reactions."
"It's a lot more nerve-wracking than being on an actual tournament golf first tee."
"I don't want to let my nerves get the best of me and over talk."
"Almost like almost like it though makes you pay attention a little more yeah nerves are going to be a part of this all the time aren't they so it's about finding a way learning the techniques to turn that to your advantage."
"Look, if you don't take it easy, you'll be a nervous wreck by the time that will is read. I am not nervous, Alice. I am not nervous. I may be a little excited, inheriting 40 million, but I am not nervous."
"Nerves are not a bad thing. Actually, it means you care."
"I can't imagine the nerves. I get nervous enough with my dog watches me."
"You're never going to feel ready. You're always going to feel nervous, especially if it's your first certification exam."
"Happy trails, it's almost okay to be nervous, it's like that kind of gives you, you know, a little bit of energy."
"It's always so nerve-wracking when you drive the car for the first time, a new car."
"I resonate with that because whenever I step right before I go on stage I always get nervous, I get the adrenaline, all that. But the moment I'm out there, good or bad set, they're gone."
"But she wasn't stupid. She didn't have destructive nerves like 99.9% of us."
"The independent evolution of nerves doesn’t seem that far-fetched."
"I'll be nervous for the rest of my life."
"...know that I'm surrounded by people who do support me and who do support my passion of making content so that kind of eases my nerves but at first it was definitely terrifying and my nerves are something I've slowly gone away over time."
"They're always doubtful of themselves and that makes them in an ordinary human unprofessional word nervy damn nervy a mass of nerves and the worse their nerves are the better they are at the job."
"If I'm not nervous, then something is wrong."
"It makes sense that you're nervous right now."
"The pace was good, and usually when you see nerves show up in a player, it shows up in the pace."
"The kid is not nervous, actually slept great."
"First career start, you know there's always going to be some butterflies."
"I was nervous for like the first time in my career... it was fun."
"You might be nervous but you're going to email me and say you know what it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was."
"Dancing can help calm the nerves."
"You start stand-up, you're nervous, so you get [__] up, but no, now."
"They're snapping all the time, just the nerves."
"I have all my peel in here and I'm just going to get started. Now I know what to expect so I'm not too nervous."
"The nerves feel good. I mean, it's good to be nervy a little bit. She likes it."
"Marrying is more of a legal thing, but it's more of like kind of like a little party for everybody to be a little nervous on the day, a little scary, little nervous, a little scary."
"This is probably the most important game of everybody's careers. Just it don't matter who has what Rings or whatever it is and that so much at stake, you don't understand how nervous the Sacramento Kings got."
"Nerves are good to a certain extent."
"After 20 years in the sport, after what like 40 plus 100 mile finishes, 43 150 plus ultras, do you still get nervous before one of these events?"
"The fact that it is a true story you know so I'm excited for it but I am a little bit nervous."
"So what, we're having a Halloween nerves of steel test today?"
"You're just another kid with opening night jitters, except you happen to have a very beautiful talent."
"I saw it in an old spy movie once. You hit a couple certain nerves and knocked him out. He'll be fine, don't worry about him."
"Those nerves don't seem to be holding her back."
"We're super excited, nervous as hell, but let's go get our van!"
"It's nerve-wracking in the way that you're out there and you're in front of people and it's the first one and you want to look good and have a good showing and not screw up."
"They may come across as cocky or materialistic at first, but it's just nerves."
"It's good to feel nervous, like it is."
"I've definitely thrown up before a game."
"You should definitely be nervous."
"Well, I'm pretty nervous now. It's, uh, I think the mission of what AEW is doing being an alternative wrestling promotion and it's been 20 years without an alternative."
"Remember that your nerves are in for a real treat and a huge boost."
"Every time I would go onstage I would get nervous and most people think oh you're doing the same show every night you're probably so comfortable now no I get nervous after it before every performance."
"Nerves are good, it means that you care."
"Every once in a while you should feel when you're going out to do a hard session it should feel a bit nerve you've got some nerves going that's okay that's good."
"It's exciting and nerve-wracking to embrace change."
"I always get the butterflies anyway before a lunch or dinner service because it's the anticipation."
"And that is how you drop a confidence anchor on these [__] nerves and worries."
"Dealing with nerves is normal; preparation is key to boosting confidence."
"But if you're already a little nervous about it like it's going to take a while for you to adapt."
"What are the nerves feel like right now? A little more than normal."
"When you're in your first pay-per-view match, when do the butterflies go away? When you get hit for the first time."
"I always say the second you start thinking about your performance is when it's just like, you know, you get in your own head, you get nervous."
"Even the most talented drivers probably have a few butterflies in the stomach before this race."
"Nothing really bothers me anymore as far as getting nervous and stuff just because I've got those reps in got those hours in."
"Everybody, no matter how much of a veteran you are, you're going to feel some form of nerves. It's all about how you deal with it on stage that really shapes and molds you."
"There's one really good way to overcome mild nerves and that's to plan ahead."
"It's always gonna happen and I kind of just have to embrace that feeling of nerves because I know that it's only because I want to do a really good job."
"Women actually have a few more nerves than men."
"It's a mixture of excitement and nerves and anticipation and not really knowing what exactly is going to happen over the next couple of days I guess."
"I was a ball of nerves for like a month."
"It's nerve-racking working with something that is special to you, like it's sentimental."
"Everybody has, you know, pre-stage years. I feel like it's good to be nervous, it makes you, it makes you alert, you know, it humbles you."
"People who say they don't have pressure, don't feel nerves, they're lying."
"I always want to do well and I hope those nerves never go away."
"It's amazing to hear these guys who have been around for so long and achieved so much still talk about the nerves and the nervous energy."
"If you're not nervous, you don't care enough."
"It's okay to be a little nervous."
"It's hard to determine, you know, the first three rounds are like a whole different tournament that puts you in position to maybe make a run for the championship, but the final round is a whole new set of nerves."
"I still sweat when I hear the national anthem today. I swear I get nervous like it's before the game."
"We're giving the bride a little minute to chill. She's feeling a little wedding day nerves."
"I'm nervous. It's all led up to this moment."
"Getting started is just important; it takes the nerves away."
"I'm ecstatic, man, I'm shaking so hard right now that I can't even bring my bait."
"After 13 years, I'm still nervous and care that much."
"This is where the nerves are jangling."
"Nerves and fear, when you use them in your favor, they're great help."
"Nerves are good things. It means you care."
"This exercise is a very good one for activating all the nerve plexus."
"It's gotta stay exciting. I get nervous before every performance, always."
"I mean, I was pretty nervous, but I just tried to handle it the best I could."
"She has waited so long for this moment, it's so long, so it must be the excitement and the nerves battling each other at the minute."
"I don't care how good you are, how many big games you have played in; this is the last game of the season for a national championship, the butterflies are flying in formation."
"If you're not nervous, it doesn't mean anything to you."
"Nerves are just an opportunity. There's an opportunity to win."
"I was so so nervous but it was really really fun."
"There is no difference between a situation that makes you nervous and a situation that makes you excited."
"The nerves you can see with your eyes, these microscopic wires are microscopic nerve cells, thinner than a nylon thread."
"Although I don't think Jillian is scared, I do think there are nerves; being not scared and not having nerves are two totally different things."
"Don't be nervous, it's just meeting my parents for the first time."
"You are gonna get nervous for competition, you're gonna get nervous for job interview, you're gonna get nervous to step up and lead for the first time."
"It's so amazing to share this moment with my family and friends. It's still nerve-wracking. I know they love me no matter what, but you always wanna do your best and show up and have your game face on."
"Nerves are starting to set in, happens you know."
"We've waited so long, I'm getting those pre-game nerves, but I'm so excited as well."
"Your heart must be beating quickly; I feel it. There's no need to be nervous."
"I don't know if I was shaking because it was freezing or shaking because I was so nervous."
"The nerves, I don't think they ever go away, but you want to feel them."
"I'm a little bit nervous, I guess, but we've been pulling quite a while so it isn't quite so bad."
"Sometimes having those nerves, having that stomach tingle, it's a positive thing, it's a good motivator."
"Being nervous is good, it's a positive thing because you care enough."
"I'm like nervous right now, I can't even talk right, this is so exciting."
"The best way to deal with nerves is to prepare for your interview."
"Oh, I always have like nerves when I start these, and then I come in here and the chat blows up and you all say hello, and all those nerves kind of disappear, you know."
"I am very, very excited, but the nerves are getting into me."
"Nerves mean you care... We get nervous because we love it, we want to do a good job."
"It's nerve-wracking, isn't it? I'm excited though, I'm really, really excited."
"We're playing tag and if you forget the reason why we started playing this sport, which is the fact that we just love playing tag, that's when your nerves can get to you."
"Don't beat yourself up, know that the nerves are inside you, but still, it's just like, you know what you got to do."
"It's been an exciting day, I was a little bit nervous this morning."
"I think getting nervous is healthy, so I'm justifying it."
"You got to have a little bit of nerves because it shows you care about something you love."
"Cranial nerves will leave the brain and exit through these openings to go down into the rest of the body."
"The nerves are jangling, but there's certainly one thing, and that is it gives a player the greatest of pride."
"The nice thing is that nerves come out of them, which is a large nerve that is divided into three sections."
"If everybody doesn't have butterflies right now, they should have."
"Absolutely no nerves are gonna play their little part in the early stages of this match."
"The stronger you get at chess, with more experience you only get better at controlling nerves but they never really truly go away."
"Having a bit of nerves is very important for performance because it kind of keeps you alert."
"Nerves are so unpredictable... you can befriend it, you can be familiar with what you feel when you're nervous."
"The moments before a race can be exhilarating, it can be nerve-wracking, but the drama is there."
"It doesn't get any more important than this. No matter how experienced you are, you've got butterflies today."
"Inhale all that positive energy, exhale all those nerves."
"...nerves are so often a factor on days such as these, FA Cup history bears testimony to so many stories down the years of those who've frozen on the day or those who've risen gloriously, magnificently to the occasion."
"I never thought that I was going to be nervous at all because it's like she's the love of my life."
"People aren't machines but humans with nerves."
"Managing your nerves and being comfortable... these both lead to connection and these are both concrete things you can prepare for."
"It's a nice feeling of nerves though, I will say that. You're excited."
"If you're not nervous, you're probably not ready to win this match."
"Definitely excited, definitely a little nervous."
"I have my driver's test today which is exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking."
"I'm getting married in like seven days at this point, so I'm just a little bit nervous."
"A bit of nerves is important, mindfulness is important, even a little bit of doubt here and there is fine, as long as you're actively dealing with it."