
Deceit Quotes

There are 664 quotes

"SJ was known by the people around her as the grass snake because she loved golf but didn't even love golf; she just loved going to golf clubs and looking for rich men to blackmail."
"If you're fuzzy-minded and demented enough because of your own lies that you're incapable of such judgment, you'll make the wrong decision and you'll regret being alive as a consequence."
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
"Not everyone's who they pretend to be; some are wolves in sheep's clothing."
"Wolves in sheep's clothing look like sheep; they don't look like wolves."
"Japanese man arrested after dating 35 women at the same time in bid to get birthday presents... it was all about the birthday presents."
"He gets shut down completely, and he shifts to a Ponzi scheme."
"The devil is a liar, and so is his mother-in-law."
"You have to develop a philosophy of life that's detailed, that contains within it an assessment of your thoughts about the relationship between truth and deceit."
"Christianity actually expects people like Ravi to show up; Jesus warned us about tares amongst the wheat."
"This charade is a telling reflection of the widespread culture of deceit and fabrication that seems to thrive under the governance of the CCP in China."
"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
"He deceived these women into believing he descended from an affluent family, bilking several women out of a combined 10 million dollars."
"As a search for the woman progressed, investigators uncovered a web of lies and false accusations designed to hide the real perpetrator."
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation."
"It seems to me that the system is willing to cooperate and corroborate one another's lies, whether it's the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, or government bodies, in order to maintain a profitable situation in which dissent is impossible."
"Telling the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"What a weasly little liar dude. Still lying to his audience."
"The serpent employed a strategy he would revisit; he questioned the reliability of God's Word."
"Don't pollute your thoughts with deceit. You compromise your own wisdom."
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
"Dim the lights and remember: the bigger the lie, the more the suckers."
"We're on our own now, friends. It's up to us because this monstrous cabal has absolutely seen to it that the falsehoods are gonna Trump the truth."
"Always remember, truth tellers tell, liars sell."
"This guy is absolutely full of [ __ ] and he is definitely playing you like a complete fiddle."
"That's a textbook example of why you should never pursue political advantage through lying."
"They are playing on people's oppression, they are making up the rules as they go with false promises."
"The corporate media is not on your side, they're there to lie to you at the behest of the powerful."
"The devil doesn't have to possess you if he can get you to believe his lies."
"In a truly totalitarian state husbands lie to their wives and parents lie to their children and the totalitarian state is actually the grip of the lie."
"Green's lies had finally caught up with her. Police had found the arsonist from the chaotic crime scene."
"He's using that lie that they put together against them."
"When you've got a scam going, you don't change your team of scammers."
"It's clear that he intentionally misled his donors, asked them to donate to a fund that didn't exist and used the money raised for something other than what he said."
"A lie is misinformation or information misrepresented with deliberate intent to deceive."
"One lie leads to another and another and another."
"The devil is not just a serpent, he's a master trickster. Nobody can manipulate you like him."
"Remember, the faker you are, the more successful you can be."
"The devil is a liar and he is the father of Lies."
"Your life may be simple, but these people have the same exact schedule: figuring out how to fool you."
"An enemy speaketh sweetly with his lips, but in his heart, he imagines how to throw thee into a pit."
"Satan is a liar and he's a father of all lies." - John chapter 8
"Jessica Pennington broke down and at that time admitted to us that she had lied."
"It's just astonishing how he was able to get away with it for so long, how no one until now said you know this might be bullsh*it."
"A twisted path paved with lies often leads to murder."
"Why lie to your own lawyer in secret prep sessions about Russia and obstruction?"
"Fish have to swim, birds have to fly, he has to lie."
"Everything is a con. It's all kind of a lie. Pay no attention to that man."
"Disinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, and manipulate."
"Except there was no food for everyone and he's a complete liar."
"Mr. Trump is a cheat... Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes."
"Mr. Trump is a con man... He asked me to pay off an adult-film star with whom he had an affair."
"This was a scam he had lied to me from the beginning."
"To know that what they actually did was plant a weapon and frame an unarmed black man in our city and say that he had a weapon when he didn't... tells me all we need to know about the Kansas City Police Department."
"Why are we being lied to? What else are we being lied to about?"
"Fake gurus, the people teaching you how to make money, how to get rich, and escape the 9 to 5 are usually the worst with money of all, building their huge reputations and foundations of nothing but sad."
"It's fun to lie to your friends, sneak around, and play that [__] game."
"One unit of electricity generated but one and a half units consumed. One liter of fuel equals only 800 milliliters. When it comes to deceiving and swindling, they are all masters."
"He clearly thought he was going to get away with this."
"Russ fully shuts down and wants to pull the plug on the entire walkthr and that's because there is no Mami Manor I am positive of this."
"At the end of the day, Chris Hansen cheated all of us. He cheated onto Kickstarter backers who supported Hanson vs Predator. He cheated the TCAP community by stealing their content and actively trying to take away their ability to feed themselves."
"People will lie to you when it's in their best interest."
"Numbers don't lie, people do. People will lie."
"I recognize your false confidence and I calculated promises." - Kendrick Lamar
"I would have made it easy for them. The first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom."
"Those are the desperate lies of a lonely child."
"You can trick some people into thinking you're telling the truth but to yourself you'll always know you were a liar."
"Life is pain, highness. Anyone saying differently is selling something."
"It's a con, you know when someone cons you it means confidence."
"He attempted to kill his parents and nephew in a car crash he staged, then cynically sold himself as the hero who saved them."
"Speaking the truth in a time of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." - James O'Brien
"For the psychopath, lying is as easy and natural as breathing."
"She's lying which is like crazy maybe instead of studying all of the lines that she studied she should have studied behavioral analysis."
"Mike was very adept at tricking people into thinking he was somebody who he wasn't and keeping his true identity secret apparently all the way to murder."
"My ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised eight-year-old daughter. She now has chickenpox and is in the hospital."
"I felt proud of myself, I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the models of a minor."
"What we see here is somebody who's covering up something what we can tell about this person is they're not reacting normally."
"A lot of guys will pretend they're the guys of your dreams, and then after they're done or they've gotten whatever they want from you, then the red flags start to resurface."
"The tangled webs we weave when we seek to deceive."
"There's no better camouflage for someone who's truly dark than compassion."
"He juxtaposed the brothers and their scheming on top of that... the scheming of the devil."
"Linda's interrogation unravelled: 'I calmly lied, but they knew.'"
"I don't know what will come from it, but I almost get the impression that once they start the grift, they have no choice but to continue."
"They were being lied to and exploited by another party very cynically."
"The truth sets you free and that's why they have to maintain the facade because they don't want you to be free."
"When the guy gets everything he wanted and the thing still doesn't get passed that's not an honest actor, Ro, that's not an honest actor at all. That's a guy who was playing you for a fool."
"You're realizing that someone is two-faced, or who they present themselves to be is not actually who they are."
"These worthless liars... play with your soul and lie on God."
"Everyone who smiles in your face is not your friend and will lie and try to tear you down and try to dim your light."
"So this is a man who uses charm, who uses manipulation, who sets up relationships with people that they feel are genuine, but they're anything but."
"Sowing distrust in their lies is an act of terrorism against them."
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, but once I told the lie, I had to keep mine from revealing tapes to shocking admissions on the stand."
"Joanne lied to Kevan Lee and she told him that she had been to prison for eight years for the murder of her father."
"I can never imagine like going to these extents right to knowingly mislead people for so long is just not only unacceptable but it's just it's unbelievable that people have the ability mentally to do that."
"When you start out with lies, you end up with lies."
"That's not okay, and I'm not just talking about the affair. It's not okay to withhold information about the fact that you had more than a friendship with a woman who was just found dead."
"She'll take people's credit cards and then she'll be like, 'Yeah, I need a flight to get out of here.'"
"The bad news is these people are not just making mistakes; the lies were crafted on purpose."
"People are such liars. Oh, man, don't you just love my brand new we you new inbox that I got that looks totally brand new and not like it's refurbished from GameStop."
"Lefties lie through their teeth with a smile but also establishment Republicans lie through their teeth with a smile."
"This is a lie, but you don't really have like an explored concept of why these things are a lie. It doesn't really make sense."
"Skill, deception, and the cost of fake achievements."
"She fabricated evidence and schemed to cancel Hopeless Speaches."
"He's not caught on camera performing a good deed, but instead dumping the body of a woman he allegedly murdered."
"Most of his twenties that he lied and said that he was trying to build businesses he was in prison"
"Privacy zuckering: tricking users into giving away personal data without realizing."
"Pretend to have a heart attack when he did not want to answer a question about the case."
"The devil is a liar – he can't tell the truth."
"Lying would do you a lot of good if you're the culprit."
"The thing with bad liars is they can't hide a lie and they can't hide the truth."
"Be careful with imposters, okay? There is an impostor around you and they're wanting to throw you off your focus."
"Such men are false apostles, they are deceitful workmen disguising themselves as apostles of Christ."
"I mean, thank you! So, it seems like Creepshow made a fake account, was harassing Emily with it, and then harassed herself with that same fake account."
"Lordstown's founder and CEO Steve Burns was described to us by former senior employees as a con man and a PT Barnum figure."
"It's all a ruse. It's all a lie to continue to weaponize race and ethnicity."
"Scamming involves indulging people's intelligence to take advantage of them."
"All they do is grift, and they've grifted big."
"I hate to say this but the cows tell me that my parents have been mixing water in the milk."
"We are drowning in a sea of lies and we will all perish if we remain in the current course."
"He successfully passed off a murder as an epileptic fit, playing out an elaborate and indeed sophisticated charade."
"Catch the con game that's being played, catch the finesse."
"She came up! Damn, she played him, poor soul."
"Do not listen to the conmen and the frauds and the charlatans who lie and they know it's a lie."
"The deepest trauma we experience regarding the narcissist is the lie of not ever being really loved."
"It's absolute malice and that's where I'm at right now absolute malice that a dude with a following could be so disingenuously deceitful in the information that he shares to actually lie it's lying it's lying."
"Even though there'll be exits, vipers will still be slithering around that dressing room."
"Lying to women must be like the most profitable business and the easiest one to create in the world."
"Anybody can make money with lies, and they have a little bit more than lies."
"The thing about false prophets... they tend to create real profits."
"You can go along with people's lies, let them keep lying and lying and lying in order to let them be exposed by other people."
"Voluntary slavery: probably the greatest trick the devil ever pulled."
"The ultimate betrayal is selling yourself as something that you're not."
"You gotta have your lies straight you gotta have your lies together and more so it's Gotta follow the paper trail."
"Meowth know how to earn the trust of government officials and ministers, then tell them false stories, make them afraid of peaceful Pokémon, and play treacherous games — which results in unethical laws getting written."
"Boris Johnson is a known liar, and who's already fooled the DUP and then betrayed them several times."
"He has achieved legendary status among conmen by pulling off some of the most outrageous, brazen and unbelievable deceits in the history of fraud."
"It's hard to out-scam the scum, but he did it."
"The whole issue is that he lied to her, yeah, and now she's moved here, Colt is setting himself up for Success man."
"There is a new way to live life. The old rules of deceit can't work anymore."
"Even this detail as damning as it is, the fact that a mother would not report her daughter missing for 31 days, it's still not true, it's even worse."
"Casey set the tone for how their dynamic was going to be, it's not George and Cindy Anthony who are forcing Casey to lie about things."
"Distortion needs a host. It struts lies, manipulates, and seduces to convince a person to choose it."
"Evil people and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." - 2 Timothy 3:13
"Stay true to yourself. Lie when you need to. Trust me, it creates bad habits."
"This King of Pentacles is interested in her, but he's married and selfish."
"You can fool me, you can fool your friends and family, but you cannot fool God."
"You project something that you're guilty of on the candidates you're running against and then deny it with a straight face."
"He's like a television televangelist who isn't even pretending that God told him he needs your body," comparing Navarro to a grifter.
"The devil energy is manipulation... lies... deceit."
"We lied, we cheated, we stole... it reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
"His inherent trust in the goodness of others had blinded him to the malevolent schemes brewing in his own household."
"Pariston Hill is a troll, a supremely dangerous troll."
"Pariston Hill: whimsical, prone to deceit, and fickle."
"Fake it till you make it: becoming a congressman based off a life of lies."
"The official inquiry concluded that every aspect of Chad's death was methodically staged by Chad himself."
"If you're going to cheat and lie your way to getting money from the public, you might want to consider being discreet about it."
"If the Lost and the Damned dealt with the problems of family, the Gay Tony deals with themes of loyalty and deceit—everything and everyone has a price."
"There was no way this wasn't a scheme made by my brother to keep everything to himself."
"Fool me once, shame on you. Since this is the first time I got bamboozled by this freaky pac-man dude, this is the shame on him and not on me."
"This chick has been faking hate crimes across campus for potentially a few months now."
"As long as people do good works without God, Satan will support it."
"Putin's central insight is that he doesn't care if he's caught lying or breaking the rules. He's a shameless thug."
"He's been a con from the day he stepped into the public view."
"There is no honor among thieves; take it from me."
"Now that all of her lies have been exposed, Helen's demeanor changes significantly."
"He is actually hunting for victims under the guise of journalistic research."
"He knows how to lie, manipulate, and please who."
"He's a unique figure in history because of his ability to connect with people despite being completely full of it."
"Okay. Another one: sky the machines of war will fuel both sides and the greeds will only grow more lies."
"A lion can tear down a relationship and it could also lead someone to the arms of another."
"When you're a false prophet, you're the sands man. That's right."
"Faulty foundation... established on lies, manipulation, deceit, corruption."
"In a battle against obfuscation and deceit, Tucker Carlson's voice echoes with righteous indignation."
"The disappearance of a marine engineer would unearth a dark tale of greed, deception, and dishonesty."
"They're gonna come at you with lies, lies. They're gonna be like, 'I've changed.' But they have not changed."
"Through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you."
"The false prophet's display of great signs works to lead those who dwell on the earth astray."
"He was charming, a wolf in sheep's clothing, the most hospitable host."
"It's sickening. It sucks that they are employing such an obvious and, you know, time-honored cheat code to political persuasion: just tell people that the people they hate will rape their children."
"Where there is one lie, there are usually many more behind it."
"He is a liar and the father of it." - John 8:44
"This end goal is always apostasy but yeah there's many different... deceivers."
"The evil doesn't always arrive to you dressed as the devil but often as a confident figure offering a better future." - Warning about the rise of Adolf Hitler
"If we've been being lied to about something as fundamental as this for all of these years...what else were we being lied to about?"
"Beware of hidden snakes that pretend to be harmless."
"Smile in your face while they look for a soft spot to plant the knife."
"It's like seeing fauci and Collins hiding the Smoking Gun and then turning around saying trust me to keep you safe."
"Innocence? How can we know that the guilty will always lie?"
"He borrowed them from her and he set the whole thing up, then he neglected to come clean."
"An honest crook is still gonna screw you." - A cautionary statement about trusting seemingly genuine but deceitful individuals.
"He's trying to bait you in with his lies, his Scottish lies."
"Not only did you lie, but you photoshopped, and these dumb [__] really ran with it."
"I'm so glad Milo has not realized I'm cheating, at least I think he hasn't realized."
"Charming, cool, and calculating—they betray trust and devastate lives."
"One of the devil's greatest tactics is a deceit. He is the father of all lies. Every lie originates from him." - John 8:44
"Do not be deceived...it destroys the spirit of the person who consumes it as surely as the most deadly poison kills the body and the mind."