
Emphasis Quotes

There are 1329 quotes

"A beat, like for instance, 'He slammed his hand on the table. 'I am done talking to you.''"
"It really puts an exclamation point on just how important this is."
"Honestly, only this one, but whatever man, you get the point."
"The gravity of the issue cannot be overemphasized, as the repercussions of a nuclear explosion or the purposeful deployment of nuclear weapons are unfathomable."
"The user experience, user experience, user experience."
"It's the food, it's the food, it's the food."
"If you're creating an illustration that has a figure as the main focal point, you want to find ways to give it more emphasis."
"It's big, massive, major change. Listen to me, big, massive, major changes."
"Always loft; always loft; always loved; always loved."
"Titles help emphasize different points throughout the video."
"So it's a good way to end since we've run out of time let me say to you only the following and I'm sure most of you know it but it bears repeating."
"It cannot be overstated how huge this decision is."
"I swear to God. I swear to God. I swear to God." - Shayne
"By putting emphasis on you, it's the essence is that it's you that I love."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"My reputation, my name, my name, my name means every single thing to me."
"This really is so so so ridiculously powerful."
"Production quality, production quality, production quality."
"I can't stress it enough, I am literally impressed."
"It creates a lot of moments like that. And that's my number one."
"Horrible case horrible case horrible horrible case horrible case horrible case horrible case."
"To me, this just shows the massive importance."
"I do think it's worthwhile emphasizing all of these voices coming from within the administration."
"One line that stuck to me when they're all you know saying their one statement."
"I want you to emphasize love as much as you emphasize truth."
"Doctrine matters. Doctrine matters. Doctrine matters."
"2021 is gonna be emphasized by a relationship."
"The emphasis must always be putting the work in and preparing."
"I cannot stress this enough, so I want you to all pay attention."
"And at the end of the day, when you're thinking about hey hedge funds have to cover eventually you should make sure that you're emphasizing the eventually part."
"Guilty, absolutely guilty." - "Guilty absolutely guilty"
"Cookbook, cookbook, cookbook, cookbook, cookbook."
"Strong words, ladies and gentlemen, strong verbs."
"It's time to stop. It's time to stop okay, no more."
"The heart of the matter is showing up again."
"Because this is urgent. This is urgent. This is urgent."
"It's like all over but really this is your focal, it's right here boom."
"He was murdered, he was murdered, he was murdered."
"This is a huge, huge shift. Very, very, very good."
"The emphasis must be on the destruction and the atrocities committed in Ukraine."
"Combat has to be [expletive] good, it has to be [expletive] good."
"The Moth is resilient, The Moth is resilient."
"I'm Bobby Lee, I'm Bobby Lee, I'm like that is what I'm talking about."
"That's the absolute core person Danny Taquito. That's what I'm talking about."
"I really can't stress enough just how much of a game-changer that was."
"My rage is uncapped, there's no cap. No cap, no capping."
"I think I can speak for everyone the entire planet when I say yes."
"Strongly believe in that, strongly. Very, very, very strongly."
"Protein is the hero macronutrient of the day."
"I think memories and time and history is definitely one of the things Oda wants to emphasize."
"This is big, this is important, this is huge."
"I want you guys to sit down for this part because this is true."
"Save them coins, save them coins, I always freaking say this!"
"I guess in the end, while it feels like a totally redundant thing that I shouldn't even have to say..."
"It smells so good I can't stress that enough."
"That's probably the most important part, at the very least."
"Facts okay, this is not opinion, this is not fiction, this is factual."
"That's crazy though, that's here and reasonable like that's... that's crazy. Okay, that's crazy."
"The emphasis needs to be on the accountability of government, not surveillance of the citizen."
"Conviction is something beyond words. It's conviction. Amen."
"This should be the news in every single American outlet. It should be."
"Just hit the lines you really like, hit the lines that you want to make seem a little bit more pronounced."
"This is just nice it was nice nice nice just nice all round just yes it's in the best I don't care what any you say I just don't care right."
"It's not an ass documentary, it is a whole ass documentary."
"That's it fam, that is it bro, that's it, you know what I mean? Are you? I might imagine imagine imagine it wasn't covered blood."
"I remember everything forever and ever, never forget a goddamn thing."
"We won a championship, that's all that matters."
"Just saying, I'm just saying I'm just saying."
"These are the facts, man. These are the facts."
"No, bro, like this is something that is [__] serious."
"He's a dynamic player." - "He's a dynamic player."
"He's an unbelievable athlete." - "He's an unbelievable athlete."
"Capturing the feel and the mood and the tone are the big things for me."
"This is really unprecedented, completely unprecedented."
"Emphasizing that there is absolutely a link."
"Social distancing -- such an important phrase."
"We should put more emphasis and value on kindness and other human qualities."
"It's all about the content, the content, the content."
"I got a phone I got a goddamn phone I'm not lying to y'all."
"That's a big deal, what are you talking about? That's inherently a big deal, what are you talking about?"
"Two important points must be established now."
"I mean, let's start with the obvious, ah the bloody obvious."
"Lighting can bring emphasis to something or take it into the background." - Ted Forbes
"Freedom of speech above all else, ladies and gentlemen."
"Emphasize important elements through lighting intensity and contrast."
"I just like the way it looks, I think it adds that extra emphasis."
"It's show business and one of those words is bigger than the other."
"The man, the spirit, and the Beast are now on the earth." (Repeating for emphasis)
"Good things come to those who wait." (Repetition intentional for emphasis)
"Oh wait, did I say 'accused?' I meant 'proven to be. Many times.'"
"Money, money, money, money, money, money, money."
"It's been a rather tragic week for the Windsor." (Repeated for emphasis)
"They're very important, they're very powerful."
"It's a big freakin deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal."
"...a brilliant way to emphasize Michael's emotional response."
"Also vote fucking boats, it's important, it's very very very important."
"Every conversation about Paul Gosar needs to start with Paul Gosar... that needs to be part of every conversation."
"Size matters, ladies and gentlemen. Size matters."
"Literally not figuratively, literally, we're all the way up."
"This is how it ends, 98 to 99 percent. That is crazy, that is crazy."
"This is a statement, everybody. This is a massive statement."
"Simple writing puts more weight on the words."
"Ultimately, the message is still that these rules probably lie at the heart of most of the music you actually listen to and want to make."
"Everybody should [expletive] know. Number one."
"The biggest one, not the big one, the biggest one."
"God damn brother. God damn right, like there's there's levels to this Frank, a maximum."
"Huge is not a big enough word for this development."
"Technology is hard, man." (repeated for emphasis)
"Darko's actually crazy, okay, Darko, oh, Darko, oh ****!"
"They want to communicate and communicate and communicate."
"This is Major, this is huge, this should not be understated."
"First and foremost means most importantly, more than anything else primarily."
"Just talk to your doctor. But the point I'm trying to make... Just talk to your doctor."
"Communication and relationships is everything, man." (Repetition for emphasis)
"He's [expletive] magic, and don't you [expletive] know?"
"Apple tartlets, let me say that again, apple tartlets."
"The reason it's the first is it's the most important."
"When you highlight everything, nothing is highlighted."
"Physical security should be highly important for you."
"He might be broken, but not his fighting spirit." (Repetition for emphasis)
"Make no mistake, 'The Emoji Movie' is very, very, very bad." - IndieWire
"That is so important, I cannot emphasize it enough."
"Statistics don't lie, y'all, they don't lie."
"The ancients put a huge emphasis on celestial cycles."
"Listen, I need to yell because today is special."
"You need to die, you need to die, you need to know."
"A little bit of a big deal guys, a little bit of a big deal."
"I really do feel like this issue is very, very, very important."
"Protesting peacefully, that's a big, big, big point."
"It's a big to come first, major by a major key."
"Brake might be incredibly necessary and really important."
"This is big... alright ladies and gentlemen of the jury..."
"You can't have enough water, drink your water like literally."
"For those of you that do not know, this is Crash Jackson, a whole lot of dude."
"Live. Lit. Lit, no, I really did. Please, Nick, watch my lips. One word, man: live."
"Capture the feeling as he says, reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation isn't it wonderful?"
"Repeat business cards, I'm gonna say that again."
"So this was really, really, really big, very, really big, very very important."
"They're really loud guys... they're crazy loud." - Jamieleigh
"I used the term 'this is for posterity' very often."
"I want to stress the importance of track one."
"It's unbelievable and as I said it is trouble with a capital T for prosecutors."
"Say you'll remember me. The stressed syllables, the longer syllables, you will, you'll, becomes you'll, you'll."
"That's right, 90 billion dollars. Yes, that's right, 90 billion dollars."
"To be very clear, in addition to the fact that this is a person."
"Do you understand how big of a deal that is?" - Said at Zayn Malik
"Couldn't have said it any better. It all comes down to this."
"Share my last name because you kind of put a little emphasis on took."
"Jesus emphasized something different than us. He was not talking about don't get the social security number and watch your credit card and you know be careful and this and that. He lifted the entire emphasis one whole degree higher."
"1483, write that down, write that down, write that down!"
"Resilient is the word, resilient is the word."
"Now let me tell you why this project is so important."
"We're not talking about emphasis or disciplines, we're talking about doctrine."
"I want to really really really really bad, like I want this I want this real bad."
"Live your life according to other people's expectations; it's always going to be a losing proposition."
"It's up to this catapult. I don't know how many times I have to say that, but it's so important."
"The gameplay is the fucking game. The gameplay is why you buy the fucking game."
"The only proper answer to this is exactly the same [ __ ] thing."
"Creek is exited, he's exited right now, yeah, Creek is very accident, he's the most exited person on the planet, dude."
"Very, very, very rare. It is vanishingly rare."
"Mental health is literally the most important thing."
"I love this planning phase of Nile Red's videos like note that powerful is bold and underline and cook and Crush are bold underline red and in all caps these are important."
"I just need to emphasize that we are so early."
"Christmas isn't lowercase, it's not just some stupid way, it's a fucking noun."
"This is chess. This is what I'm talking about. This is chess. This is not football. This is chess, unbelievable."
"It's important. That's what I'm talking about."
"Shown is often used to make a statement friendlier or add emphasis."
"It's a literary technique called chiasm, what is chiasm? Well, it's a writing style that uses a unique repetition pattern for clarification and emphasis."
"It's just about more than anywhere else maybe Bull Run Appomattox in here everybody wrote about those three things that seemed like in great proliferation."
"The use of capitalization on this list is really great."
"This is the main character we're talking about here, alright?"
"This is a big coming together here Gemini, I can't stress it enough."
"Representation, representation, representation." (Repeated for emphasis)
"We have got to conclude as this conclusion by the scientists now say conclusion."
"I mean this, this right here is just the icon."
"Damn, goddamn, that's the right thing to do."
"Guys, there's a lot that's like the main point of this."
"This basically means emphasize something, and what the browser does when it sees something inside the e/m tag is it italicizes that."
"Knowledge was powerful, that knowledge was powerful."
"This movie Incredible incredible."
"It's time to shift the emphasis from change to acceptance."
"The number one thing you have to get right at a football club: recruitment, recruitment."
"I think it's more that it needs to continue to be emphasized the human factor, the dignity factor, of the global family that we really are."
"She is an absolute freaking beauty."
"The pen is blue. The goddamn pen is blue!"
"Folks, I cannot emphasize how important these trunk seals are."
"An emphasis on the issue or virtue of duty."
"Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love."
"It's going to be huge, it's going to be huge."
"it's real real real real real real"
"There's a major emphasis on the sixth house sector of your chart."
"By fixating only on those, we miss the part that everybody hears and everyone responds to the most, which is the mid-range."
"I cannot emphasize enough, high quality matte."
"You really don't see such an emphasis on kitting out the villains like you do here in Knight's Kingdom, and the theme really benefits from it."
"One of the most important things now for me to emphasize as a Christian is to bring back into the center the teaching about Christ's return."
"There's an emphasis on wanting to communicate with you more."
"I cannot impression on you enough how just ludicrous that is."
"I cannot even emphasize that enough."
"I'm going to mention the [__] out of it."