
Power-ups Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Serialized stories that rely on powerups for threat scaling frequently make less and less sense in hindsight, as the same character struggling against Baby's First Villain Of The Week apparently had enough hidden true potential to singlehandedly fight and kill god four seasons later."
"We are adding a variation to the acorn power-up that turns you into the acorn."
"I just got something called the ultimate blur. It gives you invisibility, strength, and speed. Okay, that is actually kind of cool."
"One of the worst massacres to occur in the Seerah."
"The thrill of hunting for secrets once you get a new powerup, the thrill of well-designed boss battles as well as regular enemies."
"The power-up system of Super Mario World took gameplay in a completely different direction."
"Thanks to the DLC, we got a brand new class mod for Moze and it sort of doubles your damage for Iron Bear. Yep, it's pretty broken."
"Invincibility is undeniably a great powerup."
"I want to have power-ups which will increase my score and add some more playability to this game."
"Awakening basically makes you even more of a tank and some Awakenings even come with special powers of their own."
"Improvise it's a fixed 30 damage which is very strong especially in Heist as well so that's gonna be the better stop power now."
"With all these different moves and ways you can combine them, I think this may be the perfect power up for parkour-based levels."
"Can you imagine if Super Mario Bros 1 had all these power-ups?"
"For the average route player, it's a cool new power that you can get that comes with customization."
"Lastly, your sixth constellation is a pretty insane one that will increase the damage and the duration of your charge attack throughout its duration. In fact..."
"Sage Mode is the superior power up in Naruto... Sage Mode is Peak power up for Naruto."
"Character growth: eating food dishes can permanently increase your stats and provide limited-time support effects."
"We're gonna throw this buffing capsule down and... get some pretty big multipliers out of it."
"Arc gains a large portion of damage here, so for example just from level 19 to level 20, it's like a 10-15 damage upgrade."
"I feel like these units significantly power up with dupes."
"It's like gobble gums but you can have more than one."
"It powers up his awesome gun arm chrono cannon... it's a CC ultimate."
"Every time we level up, we get an explosion of stat boosts."
"Metroid 2 brings back every ability from the original game, though this time you start off with the long beam, the morph ball, and 30 missiles."
"Healer's true form, 100 percent chance to freeze enemies. It's kind of crazy."
"More loot, including this reflection necklace that accumulates charges."
"This stuff makes you powerful, it gives buffs for everything."
"This is the most powerful power-up on the list."
"Progressive power-ups enhance the traditional level experience."
"There's not anything too much more fun than getting a mega mushroom and just destroying everything in your path."
"The Flask of Supreme Power from Vanilla WoW gave a +150 spell power bonus for two hours."
"The ice flower... There are so many unique things this power-up could do. It's an easy S tier."
"Thank you so much Super Bell power-up for all that you have done for me."
"And the last one worth bringing up is Cat Mario and Cat Peach. They're both well-detailed but they also give you access to the invincibility belt. It's about as broken as it sounds."
"Tracer gets an absolute gigabuff here. This is crazed."
"Predator... turns your boots into an active item... it's a super long cooldown but it's this really powerful high moment."
"Once you get your battle fury, your game is unleashed."
"Insta-kill makes this like night and day difference, like this is so much easier."
"Coiled snake is one of the best or the best star powers inside of brawl stars."
"Armor mods are insanely powerful in Destiny."
"Super Mario Bros 3 introduces the most interesting power-ups even to this day."
"Ting Yun is all about those nice powerful attack boosts."
"Generating orbs is a big deal, letting your team recharge the supers faster."
"Galactic Medal of Valor unlocked, a very, very strong item to have unlocked."
"Power-ups in anime are a trope so common that we basically just assume that they're going to happen."
"Powers and unexpected powerups that leave you completely dumbstruck."
"...Luffy punches this [ __ ] kaido all the way into the goddamn core of the [ __ ] world."
"Gear five is one of the coolest power-ups in anime for sure."
"Luffy's gear 5 is truly one of the greatest power-ups in anime."
"As soon as they use their power-ups, they immediately stomp Kaku and Jabra."
"A neat twist on the power, making it more interesting."
"Power-ups are a staple in most games."
"Let's go ahead and create our power-up scriptable object."
"With the dragon hat, he spews. With the Eagle statue, he takes flight. And he can even combine both of these to become King Dragon Wario, utilizing both these abilities while dramatically increasing his power and his weight to become Wario Man."
"It's not just about power-ups. Having the cunning and intelligence... are just as, if not more important, than being the strongest guy in the room."
"It's not just about power-ups. Intelligence, ingenuity, and creativity are as big of factors in being able to move forward in the world."
"It's about time we have a mega mushroom, don't you think?"
"The biggest advantage of power-ups is that you can really handpick what works best for your unique workflow."
"When the power dot is active, that's when we're allowed to eat a ghost."
"Oh my gosh, take a look at all the power-ups, this is so cool."
"Mario grabs new power-up, the super Leaf, which allows him to wear and use the skills of the Tanuki suit."
"Power-ups are ways to add extra functionality and visualization to your board."
"I like the lava, and there's gold and apples. Oh my gosh, what does a golden apple signify in Minecraft? It gives you like power to defeat enemies."
"Sonic controls largely the same as in Sonic 2, but he can now use the fire shields to give him a dash and immunity to fire."