
Writing Skills Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"If you can master doing some of these things, if you can master getting across all of this in dialogue... you have just mastered characterization in a way that will not put your reader to sleep."
"It may be an essay now, but it'll be an email later or a report that you have to give to your employees."
"Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas naturally."
"Writing fanfic is a good way to gain experience in how to format writing, how to write dialogue, how to do character development."
"From all accounts I can find, Msscribe was an... okay? fic writer, but she was downright gifted when it came to writing LiveJournal posts."
"The grand skill of writing science fiction and fantasy is learning to convey information about your world in a way that is interesting and not boring."
"There's no other way to really learn how to write an essay other than by writing essays."
"I think I'd make a good journalist because I'm good at writing."
"There's really only one way to learn how to write a good essay, and that's to write. You can't learn this stuff through theory; it's not theory, it's applied practice."
"Learning to observe these things and ask yourself these questions, really handy for a writer."
"Cohesion and coherence is what holds your writing together, what makes it easy for the reader to understand and to follow your train of thought."
"Total inconsistency is an entry-level writing mistake."
"Knowing what kind of stories you like and knowing how to write a story are two completely different things."
"What we ultimately want to do is write an IELTS 9 letter. This deserves an IELTS 9. This letter is perfect, perfect in every way."
"You've definitely improved your writing over the course of these few days."
"Effective writing so often does the simple things that seem so obvious when you see them or say them out loud."
"I kept thinking to myself, 'Wow, she's a very good writer.'"
"Being able to write well, it really is a superpower."
"Reading is one of the best ways to get used to different writing structures and formats."
"Writing personally has helped me quite a bit in articulating my ideas."
"The best way to get better at writing is to read high-quality model letters."
"Whatever your strengths are, whatever it is that you're trying to do with the book, whatever where you're laying your focus, if your skill is going to be in your beautiful or silly writing, just put it on display."
"Watch what authors do, start filling your toolbox with tools of things you've seen people do that you like."
"What makes great writing and storytelling is allowing yourself to throw yourself into the story."
"Writing is powerful - it helps you practice grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure."
"A high school student wrote a better ending in five minutes than a whole team of professional writers."
"To show you can write somebody else's show in their voice really well, I think still is a very valuable thing."
"Students that just focus on writing a clear essay write a clear essay and answer the question."
"Royals are just like us. Just as competitive."
"Structure and paragraphing aid clarity; make the essay easy to understand."
"Know how to write effective paragraphs: introduction, main body, conclusion."
"This question type is not easy at all. It tests your writing skills, your language and grammar knowledge, and also your thinking skills."
"The key to good writing: understanding how to use specificity."
"Specificity punches up your writing without feeling too fanciful."
"Specificity turns vague writing into vivid imagery."
"Specificity: the secret ingredient to compelling storytelling."
"The discipline of writing for the general reader actually improves the way we communicate to others."
"Let's talk about not just what an adjective clause is, but why we use it."
"Sometimes you want to use these adjective clauses to make your writing less repetitive, to clean it up, make it a little bit smoother."
"Writing is one of the most important skills a person can develop... impacts every level of society."
"What makes this story so good? Was Jane Austen just like an incredible writer and nobody will ever be able to match her genius? Yes and no."
"The only lesson people should ever take from Magic the Gathering is the ability to write very, very good descriptions of what items and effects are."
"What makes a great screenwriter? Somebody with something to say."
"Historians are only as good as how they write that history."
"The best way to become familiar with conditional sentences is to start writing them and to start experimenting with them."
"Your topic sentence is telling the reader what is the focus, what is the focal point of this paragraph."
"Learn to write. Writing is the foundation of all media, it brings immense mental clarity."
"Anyways, my comedic writing's also gotten better... when I made this."
"They liked it and they said hey we like the way you wrote we thought you explained it well and we want to offer you the job."
"Practice, practice, practice because practice breeds confidence and a confident writer is a safer writer."
"Shell has some really good moments, plus she's a pretty good case study into how to use your childhood to write a d and cartoon."
"you should take some modum of pride in your work and learn the very basics of grammar punctuation spelling and writing convention."
"Good writing: natural observation, natural progression, natural dialogue."
"Learning how to use this word will help you to write with better style and clarity."
"Start writing and take the time to reread and correct your mistakes."
"If you learn how to write and therefore think your life is going to start to improve."
"Brandon's just a good writer, that's why they agreed to work with me."
"If you can't think you can learn from an established editor, a lot of people could probably benefit from getting a professional line editor to do a line edit of a chapter."
"The thing about writing, the thing about being a Storyteller is the more you know the better you become."
"Every line needs to serve at least one purpose, and the mark of a great writer is writing dialogue which serves several purposes all at the same time."
"Writing the book has made me so much better as a writer."
"Conclusion is very, very important. These are the connectors for conclusion: to summarize, to draw the conclusion, to recapitulate."
"Freelance writing is amazing guys. It's a super valuable, in-demand skill."
"This is like a master class in television writing and acting."
"Writing is more of a craft than anything else... it's a skill you develop."
"I think I've become a better writer by being taught what not to do."
"Tom Taylor is such a ridiculously gifted writer. It's crazy how talented he is."
"Writing is one of those skills that not all of us have. It is a really valuable skill set and one that people will pay big money for."
"Your tricks in terms of writing: your variety of sentences, your complex punctuation, your complex vocabulary — there's your skills."
"If they cannot put their thoughts down on paper in a logical, coherent, and creative way, then they're not going to be an effective communicator."
"This is the best writing I have ever seen you do."
"I am convinced now that I could have a 100 success rate every paper I write. I can get in. I can pick a topic, write whatever I want, and I can get it in."
"As far as D and D making me a better writer... D and D has made me a better writer."
"This is how good character writing works on the surface level. This is how it's done."
"I consider this the most important skill for an author to learn."
"Finishing things, even as a discovery writer, is a really good skill to get."
"Acknowledge that you don't know everything and that your writing isn't perfect."
"Read, write, rearrange, and edit for a successful summary."
"Put your best foot forward by learning to aggressively self-edit until you're happy with every word."
"I train writers like you to compete in the crowded, confusing publishing industry."
"Analysis separates good writing from exceptional writing."
"Every essay that you do, you should see a gradual increase in the quality of your writing."
"For writing, it's helpful to know how to use proper grammar."
"It's important to study and understand these rules in order to improve writing skills and achieve a higher score on the SAT writing section."
"Miles is very good at writing emotional moments."
"You gain the respect of others when you can coherently write your ideas down onto paper."
"Knowing how to write really well is foundational. That's why it's Step Zero."
"Much like her teaching, her opinion writing has been smart, funny, and excellent from the very beginning, making her look like a veteran from day one."
"Girl, your grammar and punctuation are out of control for a high schooler, I love it."
"Copywriting is a learnable skill."
"So just don't do it, okay? And there's a reason which is that the university is a place that's about helping you improve your skills, about teaching you, and we cannot teach you if we do not know how you write."
"There's effective writing, writing becomes effective by addressing effectively an audience and accomplishing for that audience a specific kind of task within a specific kind of context."
"But my problem was never with constructing arguments, or using imagery, it was literally just writing sentences."
"...just see red mark after red mark of misplaced commas, hanging participles."
"The most important thing is understanding the question and just directly answering the question with your writing."
"I think I could do a good talk on writing or comedic delivery."
"So how do you write a good blog post? Okay, let's talk about the anatomy of a good blog post."
"One of the critical elements of writing or how to be a good writer is your ability to choose the right word at the right time to convey the right meaning."
"Can you help me become a better writer?"
"Writing is one of my specialties."
"Sean Wilentz taught me how to write, which is a useful thing to know."
"It takes a level of mastery in your prose and in your atmosphere and in your world building."
"Summary writing is a skill that needs to be sharpened by student practicing."
"If you can articulate your thoughts on paper, you will never be without a job."
"Playing with the reader's emotions on their favorite character is risky, and when you do it well, it's just so impressive."
"I think legal writing is something that you always need to be working on and improving."
"I think you realize, you know what, hey, I'm actually good enough writer I can do something besides just being that guy who tries to scare you all the time."
"The act of memorization and practicing and adapting it to other questions will actually make you a better writer."
"He has a gift for language that very few writers possess."
"Paraphrasing is very important to writing."
"It teaches you how to use a rich vocabulary to write a good story."
"It is important to be an accurate speller in all of your writing because it helps the reader understand what you're trying to say."
"AP Lang is more geared toward non-fiction and teaching students how to write effectively."
"Use topic sentences, use transitions, all of your good writing skills."
"You need to know the rules and how the punctuation marks should be used in writing if you want to spot the mistakes."
"To be able to write concisely and clearly for the reader."
"If you want to be a writer, you better know how to have, manage, and create ideas."
"Children should be asked to write, improve, edit, rewrite in order to make it presentable."
"You can be the best damn writer in the world, but if you don't know how to specifically write blog posts that get business results for your clients, you are screwed."
"She's a really good writer, she really is."
"If you underestimate this writing point, you will never max out your full potential."
"Let's have a very firm and solid foundation when it comes to reading and writing."
"If our students learn to write better, they're going to learn our content faster."
"Remember, with the right approach, the writing test is something everyone can do well."
"Brainstorming and categorizing is the very very very first skill you need in writing."
"I became a really strong writer because I would write hours."
"Writing is important; practice, practice, practice."
"You have to be able to write characters, and you have to be able to write humor."
"Headings are short sentences that summarize the information in a paragraph."
"After watching this video, you will know how to use Medium's features to make your writing look professional."
"Creative writing and storytelling skills become important when you are brainstorming activities."
"It's all about the craft of writing and the craft of storytelling."
"If you really want to learn how to write, translate. That's how you really learn how to write."
"You learn to write clearly and analytically... you learn research skills, you learn how to analyze certain data, you learn how to mine articles and footnotes."
"I'm not sure that writing can be taught. It is a very complex thing that basically comes down to the kind of collision between your personality right now and the entire body of work that you've consumed over your life."
"There's no way around it in the legal profession, you have to have good writing skills."
"Using capital letters and punctuation correctly and choosing the correct words are two important writing skills that will make our ideas easier to understand."
"Just because they're not technical writers doesn't mean they're not great writers."
"I've always felt like I'm quite good at writing dialogue."
"Paraphrasing is the number one way to avoid plagiarism."
"If you want a job, you do need to learn how to write, and that is a very underrated skill."
"Using different types of sentences adds variety to your writing."
"The movements needed to complete the practical life tasks are also incredibly important in preparing the child for future writing!"
"Rewrite a compelling conclusion. Emphasize the main point or circle back to the beginning and tie the loop."
"Strong editing skills include proofreading content, reviewing spelling and punctuation, structure and style, tone of voice, and technical vocabulary."
"It's really fun because it's still a friendly letter, you're still teaching that skill, which is really nice."
"Read as much as you can; it really helps and can improve your writing skills a lot."
"Make sure your child can write their name appropriately with a capital at the front and the rest of them lowercase."
"Also, am I crazy or have I gotten really good at writing letters?"
"To be able to write well is a gift, and if you master that gift, your career trajectory will be on the up from here on out."
"I love how the writing workshop model promotes student choice and allows students to work at their own pace."
"Working on this blurb is going to improve all of your writing."
"If you're a good writer, you can write content for websites."
"I learned how to write well, think logically, and identify the core of a problem."
"So today we will be looking at how to successfully construct a formal letter as a directed writing task."
"When you write well, you develop your ability to think well."
"When you learn to write well, you can think more clearly."
"Everybody 6.5 in writing is very achievable; do not worry if you fail, try again."
"The first skill that a content writer requires is to know the reader or to know the target audience."
"The most common way that employers assess this is through a writing test, which is an integral part of the interview process for the majority of medical writing roles."
"Cohesion helps the reader follow your ideas; therefore, cohesion helps you achieve coherence."
"You're showing you can really write this; it's really good TV."
"Be confident, clear, and controlled when writing the conclusion."
"If we include all aspects of writing ability that we know about, there would be a long list of skills."
"So when we talk about assessing writing, we need to ask ourselves, what sub skills are we trying to test?"
"To achieve a 350 or higher in writing does require control and accuracy."
"Students are going to learn to be better writers by writing."
"It's important to write good comments; there are a lot of times that comments are not really particularly well written."
"Make sure that you have good writing in terms of your grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and your word limit."
"Learn to be the very best writer that you can be."
"Good writing is a reflection of clear thinking."
"Writing feels like something that with practice over time I have gotten better at in various ways."
"Shannon Messenger is a genius in writing it."
"We want to learn to write and we want to become good communicators for the glory of God."
"The statement of purpose should be extremely well-written, concise, and indicate your academic preparation as well as your intellectual capabilities in the field."
"This book is actually good training in writing because he's creating this picture that is interesting, whether it's true or not."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing how my writing improves."