
Action-oriented Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"We're not just debating things and talking about things, we do more, worry less."
"Actions speak louder than words, my friend. Actions speak louder than words."
"It isn't what you say or think, it's what you do."
"Aries loves plans and Aries loves to prove themselves in action."
"Thought that isn't followed by action is worthless when it comes to changing your life."
"I think you shouldn't try, you should just be doing."
"Your actions have to be stronger than your words."
"Stop telling people what the fuck you want to do and just go do it."
"It's not a matter of this person leaving you for somebody else, even if that is the practical case for you, it's more that this person was just thinking of what is going to make them happy as an individual."
"I got into politics to do something, not to be somebody."
"I love the courage in 'send it.' Just be daring!"
"We want to be the organization that really put action behind their words."
"Action is the key. It changed my life in many, many ways."
"She's explosive she's all action there's a reason why she's a fan favorite because she's not afraid to let her hands go she's not afraid to let her elbows go either."
"Your success is not determined by what you say, but by what you do."
"That kind of person who takes action before something becomes a problem is called 'proactive'."
"Shout out to Stevo one of the only people I have ever met in my life besides Marty to say they're going to do something and then start doing it right then and there."
"I'm not much of a leader. I've always gone with my gut, and my gut is stating that we need to go now and kick these galactic butts." - Rogue
"Step into your power, your forward-moving action-oriented power."
"Let your actions speak louder than your words."
"If you really, really want something, you're not gonna waste your time talking about it, you're just gonna go and get it."
"Just get uncomfortable and do hard things, figure out your first step and go for it."
"Just go for it. Don't think, just go for it."
"Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words."
"If you decide to do and don't talk, incredible things can be achieved."
"Instead of quoting Jesus, do something Christ-like."
"Love is not something you say but it's something you do."
"Forgiveness is really an action more than it is a feeling."
"Scientists have shown that if you actually do something after you learn something you retain it about 50% better."
"That's what you can do today, and that is the most powerful thing."
"Actions speak louder than words. That's right, I go over actions vs. words."
"It's time to take some action. If not now, when?"
"I care much more about what you do than what you think."
"You don't have to think good or feel good to be good; you have to act."
"Positive people are out there doing positive things, they're not talking about it."
"The point is, bring it in, start to deal with it, take responsibility. This is the 21st century."
"Don't just input input input, start outputting too."
"Action is what determines who you are as a person, not belief or opinion."
"A lot of action is what I'm seeing and it is successful."
"The way to change up being stuck is to unstick yourself through your actions."
"Done is better than perfect... I'd rather take messy action than no action at all."
"You deserve love and to be loved. You have to know your worth and put your real-world actions where your money is."
"It's not about what you know, it's about what you're going to do."
"There's just a lot of motivation and action."
"Talk is cheap so I'm not into the talking I'm into the doing."
"You're somebody who follows through. If you say you're gonna do something, you go and do it."
"He's been brilliant ever since he's sang with the UFC he has been action personified simple as that."
"Visionary: channel your creativity into action."
"I look for people that are curious, entrepreneurial, self-reliant, aggressive, and don't put things off till tomorrow when they can get them done today."
"If you want to get something accomplished, get busy and get it done."
"Hope is not passive, hope is active. It is an axe breaking down doors."
"It is our action and not our words that's going to be the future that we will pass on to our children."
"Give yourself 5 Seconds to make a decision. If you choose yes, just go and do it. Don't even think about it. No more thoughts about it. Just go do."
"Go do shit... that's how you get the results."
"Everything is geared towards action and discipleship."
"Jeffrey Sachs is not an armchair intellectual, he is an action-oriented economist."
"That's it! Just that's it, that's all you got to do. That's all we got to do. It sounds simple."
"Let only be a hearer of the word but be a doer of the word."
"It's confidence doesn't come from thought, it comes from action... You can't think your way, you can fake it, and I suppose fake it until you make it but it's really only with actions."
"Most people are just waiting for permission to go do it instead of just doing it."
"Being deserving is not to want, it's to create."
"My actions should always speak louder than my words."
"Some people wish it, others just make it happen."
"He wasn't a leader with his words but he was a leader with action."
"In a world of talkers, be a thinker and a doer."
"Will you take action and put this into work? Type 'committed' if you are committed."
"You are the one who actually goes after their dreams, doesn't just sit and talk about them."
"Mutual assistance is vital and should be supported by actions not just by words."
"The only way to solve a problem is with an action."
"Your work speaks, and your actions speak more than the words."
"When you become a doer, not just a hearer, that's what we're implementing."
"Don't get caught up in excuses; take action now."
"You're feeling passionate and driven, ready to take action towards your goals."
"Don't talk prosperity, go and be prosperous."
"Is that real talk? Yeah, that's real talking, and you know just being men of action we gotta take action."
"No more indecision, no more delaying, no more procrastination, when I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it."
"Stop thinking so much and start doing more, go hard, get after it every single day."
"No thinking, no analysis, no guessing, no wondering, no rolling dice."
"You want more action and I think for me when I first started doing this I was 19 and I was thinking a lot more about how to get a point across."
"You're all action, no talk. You're a doer, not a talker."
"And your accomplishments are going to be entirely determined by what you actually do and my talk is going to be about that how to take action exactly what action is made up of and why it's critical to recognize that humans lead with belief."
"Leadership is about getting things done, stop making excuses."
"Don't talk about what you're gonna do, just do it."
"Your confidence won't grow if you just sit there and think about it. You have to start putting your work out there."
"Jesus's consecration was centered on action: doing His Father's will, working His work."
"This guy is a real goddamn operator. He can actually make changes."
"Life is wonderful, especially when you surround yourself with amazing and kind people."
"You bull right in and take action even who puts you at risk. You're more likely to jump into something if it's dangerous because that means you're fighting for something that's actually worthwhile."
"Do not wait on other people. Do it yourself if you want to get it done."
"Just do it, and then you'll learn something right away."
"We will prove people wrong with our actions and not our words."
"Enough talk, let's go ahead and get started."
"Edification is not about what you profess; it's about what you pursue."
"Leadership is not about titles, but about actions."
"Love is a verb; it's not an emotional response."
"Living our values, knowing our values, and then living them with committed action."
"We don't care about your words, we care about your actions."
"If you're going to talk about it, you need to have possible solutions. Complaining without action doesn't help anyone."
"God's love is not about warm thoughts and well wishes; it's expressed through action, through actually being kind."
"It's not 'you can't do it', it's 'you don't want to do it'."
"A man of his word, actions speak louder than words."
"You always ask them, 'Well, did you do anything about it? What did you do? Did you file a complaint?'"
"Actions speak louder than words, that's my style."
"We've got enough talkers, we need more doers."
"The dreamers of the day are powerful individuals for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible." - T. Lawrence
"I'm going to blast through this and we're going to make that happen now."
"We like to look at the solutions and what we can do about the problems."
"We exist to help people love God, love others, and make disciples. Each of those objectives begins with a verb, and a verb demands action."
"Don't tell me what you used to do, tell me what you're doing right now."
"Don't announce your plans just go do it you know what I mean just go do that."
"Join the Creator economy - be an action taker, a builder, a designer, a doer."
"It's all about action, not planning. Business plans are stupid, business cards are stupid, LLCs are stupid. It's all about action."
"I feel like more I'm just I have a mentality of just like just do stuff."
"Actions speak louder than words in this eclipse. Actions are everything. What you do, your deeds."
"The solutions to your problems will come through action."
"Give me a break, you can be upset all you want, it's not about the verbal, you know, 'oh I don't want this, I don't like this,' do something about it."
"Don't talk about it, be about it. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem."
"Consumption does not lead to growth, consumption followed by action does."
"You are powerful and so the power is with the one who acts, not who reacts."
"People who are gonna do something don't talk about it, they just do it."
"Nothing will work if you don't take action and apply it."
"He doesn't say a word, just comes in, rips it out, throws it in."
"It's not what you call yourself; it's the work you do."
"Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, confidence, accomplishment."
"Take a step to do it, not to plan to do it, but go do whatever that takes right now."
"People need to take this information and use it."
"The most effective way to do it is to do it."
"Just do it. The only thing that matters is acting. It isn't from thinking, it's not pontificating, and those things are good by the way and I think that thinking about it is awesome but it never amounts to anything."
"Do something, okay? Don't just say it. Do it."
"Actions speak louder than words. Yeah, yep. So hey, good stuff, good stuff."
"You're both willing to try, action is where it counts."
"Continue doing the thing, next time Salvo all the bombs off."
"The only way something's gonna happen is if you do it."
"The do nothing plan is the opposite of what's effective."
"Actions are important here. You've got to be authentic."
"Actions speak louder than words. 82 million."
"You're all about action, moving forward fearlessly."
"Develop a bias for action; fast tempo is essential to success."
"He was somebody that wanted to get things done."
"They're not a talker, they're definitely a doer. They're very proactive and magnetic."
"You need to spend 5% of your time focusing on whether this is fair or not and 95% of your time focusing on what you're going to do about it."
"You are action-oriented and ambitious, always striving for victory."
"You've mastered your energy, you take action."
"We're not going to talk about it, we're not going to study it to death, we're gonna fix this damn thing."
"Successful, happy people are action-oriented."
"Regality means being little of words and big with action."
"I'm action-based, so if you were getting that prior to me and I'm showing you this when I'm in there, so imagine when I can show you when I get out."
"Content marketing is about creating content that consumers will engage with and act upon, not just read or listen to or watch."
"There is this energy of being Hands-On and also knowing the importance of setting things in motion and completing what you set out to complete."
"I'm addicted to taking action and finding out new paths."
"He's such a doer; he's such a go-getter."
"I'm a go-getter. Go do it, get it done."
"I like to get on with it and do stuff. I don't like sitting around, believe it or not. I like to get on with the day, get as much done as I can and carry on."
"Discipleship is about being a doer of the word."
"I'm a very proactive kind of person."
"...bias to action of like no no no no every single day you need to be taking steps that have measurable outcomes uh that Advance your goals forward you need to be doing and you need to have a bias towards doing those things rather than planning and preparing dude..."
"Instead of asking whose fault it is, you need to be asking what should I do?"
"I've always been a doer, not a relaxer."
"My goal this year is to talk less and to do more."
"...when you're willing to feel any emotion that's when you're going to be willing to take any action because you won't be afraid of the emotion that might accompany it."
"The less you talk about it and just do it, the better."
"The only purpose in being in politics is to do, to get things done, to make things happen."
"Say less and do more, real stuff though. It's just simple."
"There's a bias to action in the design thinking methodology that says go out and try this today."
"Is it better to highlight doers versus talkers? 100%."
"The Powder Mage [series]... if you like the magic system in [the] Mistborn Trilogy and you want a faster and action-oriented series, you cannot go wrong with reading the Powder Mage [series]."
"You don't make money by convincing people you're right or you're smart, you make money by doing things."
"We're just gonna live life and try to take action."
"Arnold's a doer, he's not a talker."
"Virgo is very practical. These are the doers, the motivators, the initiators."
"Let's not talk about it, let's be about it."
"Don't be a don'ter, do be a doer."
"He rather go by actions but when he spoke, everybody listened to a T and they followed the assignment."
"I'm a combat guy, you know, I'm action, I'm about getting things done."
"Talk is one thing, actions another."
"Life matters about action, not about what you call yourself."
"Being a doer is a crucial trait to have in business."
"Men are creatures that let their actions speak louder than words."
"We need a president who can spin dash."
"I don't overthink the ability to take action. I am not paralyzed by over analysis."
"Actions speak louder than words; people do need to do something more than just simple gestures."
"There’s no time to idle. If you’ve got something to do, just do it."
"These personalities are action-oriented, decisive, and pragmatic; they prioritize getting things done, making quick decisions, and often thrive in fast-paced, results-driven environments."
"Stop talking about it and be about it."
"Facta non verba, which translates to 'Deeds not words'."
"I wish more black pillers focused on results-oriented stuff... here's what we can do instead of just complaining."
"Be a practical dreamer backed by action."
"I'm only worried about what I can see and what I can do here. I'm not gonna be distracted by anything else."
"I want to be living with somebody that actually takes action, someone that gets results, someone that can learn quick, someone that arrives on time."
"We don't just talk about the things, we do the things."
"You have to be decisive, take action, make decisions, and then learn from the outcomes."
"I'd rather hire someone who's made it happen than someone who's read books about how to make it happen."
"Your actions are going to speak louder than words."
"Welcome to Fin Action, the show where we take action."
"Life is short, let's stop trying to figure it out and let's start throwing solutions at it and see what works best."
"Belief feeds into action, action to results, and results back to belief."
"Focus more on action than physical description."
"Go for labels that are action-oriented and point towards a desired outcome."
"Instead of just making like to-do lists, you should actually be making action lists."
"I'm a man about action and not words."