
Business Decisions Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Google decides to flush a lot of their money down the toilet and single-handedly destroys YouTube past the point of no return by launching Google+."
"You'll always make better business decisions if you think long term and think slowly."
"Not shipping a game is never an easy decision to make, but it has always been the right decision for us."
"Early cuts to talent operations can set an alarming precedent."
"They Undertaker still means huge money; it's not a stupid business move."
"It's not cheap um and you know you have to make those judgment calls and tell your shareholders hey remember that chevy uh tracks we sold a million of well we're gonna stop selling as many of those to try to do this new thing and it's just tough."
"Sega's bonehead decisions really aren't that different from other game companies."
"I do plan to kind of limit the number of sponsorships I do."
"Never get mad at anyone for making a business decision that best suits their business."
"Everything was about the business decisions, there was no real deep talk about the ideological issues."
"Perhaps as it turns out, the most successful businessman in the world made those layoffs because it was the right business decision."
"Midway through the PS3's lifecycle they had free... And then they said, 'Hey, why is Xbox getting all this money? Let's do it too.'"
"Money talks and nobody is going to willingly lose money."
"Zuckerberg turned down a 1 billion dollar pitch from Yahoo."
"They made some moves that didn't satisfy their hardcore fan base."
"There's not a case of being told your company can't support you I'm sorry we have let you go it's not a case of Vox going out of business it's literally Vox saying you guys passed the law I gotta fire you."
"Downsizing isn't necessarily A Bad Thing, but sometimes you have to do what's best for the company."
"The only option the management at Sam Bankman-Freed's firm had was to buy out CZ."
"It doesn't make good business sense to buy you, which is what you're asking for."
"What about in between the lines? What Aubameyang was saying is that you told everyone no amount of money is going to be accepted for him, and in a moment, someone comes in and offers that much for him. Boy, I'd take that."
"What company in their right mind would spend millions and exhaust all resources just to run their group into the ground?"
"It wasn't a creative decision, it was a monetary decision."
"The question always stands, will you ever open up your own shop?"
"They made the correct decision... consumers are more concerned with the performance of the product."
"I'm never changing it, I've never changed vendors."
"Turning down the bag of millions just to keep something ad-free."
"The decisions that we're seeing here clearly sound like they're more money motivated than doing what's right for the franchise motivated."
"He's leaving behind thousand crores on the table."
"Eventually, loot boxes become such a legal and financial liability that EA will forego them entirely."
"It's up to you to make the best decision for which of these distributors you want to tie yourself to as cheapest doesn't always mean best."
"A lot of these companies' decisions are based on monetary things."
"It sends a message, you know? It sends a message that despite all the feedback on the console rate that they've received, they still decided to make it more difficult..."
"The real reason for its cancellation was, as it always is, economic."
"Elon is not saying it's planned or we're thinking about it, he's saying hey this is done we're out of here."
"The only way to free up more cash flow in the business is doing something you do not want to do."
"You're literally cutting off your own revenue stream... it's an idiotic move."
"Hopefully you can understand that we wouldn't have done this unless we actually had to for risk management and to prevent a larger problem."
"EA might also be well aware that as far as Battlefield 2042 is concerned, it's too little too late."
"UA came to me and offered to pay me for a video about the pedals... and I told them if that's what this is going to be I don't want to."
"We stuck with Among Us a lot longer than we probably should have from a pure business standpoint." - InnerSloth
"In a single turn I sold, I transferred over 1,000 laborers to other branches."
"It's having the courage to walk away from a big business to make sure you're fully invested in the future."
"Curtis Samuel is a good wide receiver. He's pretty much always beaten everybody's expectations."
"From then to now there's been a lot of growth and change, and one of the big decisions of my life was starting a business and ending a business."
"I don't think the glazes want to sell because if they do, let's be honest, they would have done it ages ago."
"We might lose money on this, but just to get it done easy."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"Xerox could have owned the entire computer industry today." - ColdFusion TV
"For now, Tesla is canceling his orders and this is likely them showing that they can and will do something about this."
"Unfortunately for them, that little company they turned down was called Google."
"Nike is just a brand of a different scale and they're making the bet that they don't need Amazon."
"It was such a black eye for the brand that it caused Eon Productions, the owners of the Bond IP, to suspend the secret agent from active video game duty for the last 10 years."
"Following your instincts in business decisions."
"Sony is limiting customization, shooting itself in the foot."
"I just doubled down on this [ __ ]... but that was never going to work out long term"
"However, getting them out of the mine just got a whole lot more tricky since Industriales Penoles announced it was suspending indefinitely all mining at Naica due to dangerous levels of flooding."
"Square Enix made all of the wrong decisions and here we are at The Logical destination."
"I've made a decision to take the money we had set aside for Real Estate and put it back into DDE."
"If somebody offers 6 billion and says 'I'm going to sell Marcus Rashford tomorrow,' they'll take it. It's really important that United fans realize this."
"If Patty dies, we have to remove Patty from all the branding."
"It's no surprise that this organization is forfeit. They threw up the white flag."
"He said somebody wanted to buy his YouTube channel for two billion dollars and he turned it down yeah he said 10 to 20 bill."
"It's going to force a lot of churn, it's going to force decisions that get made because it makes more money, but is that the detriment of the game at the end of the day?"
"Nickelodeon was dumb canceling shows and stuff."
"They know that's where they needed to put the money, and they have now."
"It's always tough when you sign a bad contract and then you resent it the whole time."
"Not every brand deal that comes along is going to work out."
"If your family, that child is precious to you, and of course you'd go and save that child. If you're a business manager, that one is a write-off."
"Verizon sells Tumblr for ten million dollars after buying it for 1.1 billion."
"People over profits as a culture and it's all in the little decisions but especially in big ones like this."
"The cancellation of live-action Cowboy Bebop reflects a company following the data."
"This is not charity, this is an economic decision, this is smart business."
"The NHL finds itself in trying to get a bigger cut. Now they sometimes make business decisions which hurt the actual overall business."
"I think Tesla is at a crossroads in many ways."
"From a marketing perspective, it's a no-brainer. It is a brilliant move."
"Jeff Jarrett being owed money leads to the launch of TNA: 'Jarrett's decision to hold up the WWF for the money he was owed meant that there was no hope of the company bringing him back after WCW folded.'"
"So how much of it is dice decision making how much of it is old people at EA overruling them with marketing decisions..."
"Why would they do this? It's like the worst marketing move on the face of the planet."
"That's how capitalism works. If Tucker decides I'd rather not work with Simon & Schuster, he can say to them I'm out."
"Selling it to an entity that feels like they are not going to give a single [__] about the fans is not a feel-good situation."
"I've said this before, getting an office was the right idea. Getting that office was the wrong idea."
"The more you save, the better part suppliers you can afford."
"The ebooks are an interesting and exciting offering but they do not necessitate in any way the loss of the free magic story."
"People are so scared of changing prices or did it it's like no just do it and look at it and like that."
"It's very possible to just ruin all your goodwill in one fell swoop."
"In retrospect today, we find out that Kobe was leaving Nike."
"If you manage anything, any business, and all your decisions are wrong, you're gone."
"I don't think they want to open something big like Disneyland and have to close again."
"I definitely understand that a lot of you think that I underpriced."
"That's not what WWE did, no they made the wrong move from the get-go."
"Who could have seen this coming? I mean, we did. We saw it coming back before Quibby even officially launched because everything about it seems like a bad idea."
"It's raw undercooked, right? That's not the time to start putting in your hyper-expensive cash shop. I know you want the..."
"The sprint review is recognized as an event to make critical business decisions about product development."
"Nike took an even fatter L because they once did Steph Curry so dirty it cost them billions."
"...namely you always need more room. So when we got the opportunity to move to a larger facility for less money in a better location, well we jumped at it."
"After seeing how poorly the Sega CD add-on was selling, Nintendo decided not to make the CD add-on and ended their contract with Philips."
"You just have to make business decisions when it comes to these animals."
"If you're doing something to help your brand, that's different than me making an ethical choice about which companies I engage with."
"Making sure from an intake that we're validating that the thing that we're determining to or deciding to do actually does align with our strategy."
"You're still making a smart decision that's going to keep you profitable the most of the time."
"If you're looking at acquisitions, you'd rather be the target than the acquirer."
"You're going to get those value outcomes faster using the now platform capabilities that are already in place to help you drive those business decisions."
"Sometimes the most absolutely blindingly simple business decision that makes perfect sense for an individual business turns out to be suicide for an economy."
"The best business decisions come from... a win for the customer, a win for the environment, a win for the community, a win for the stakeholders, a win for me, a win for the employees."
"The whims of Hasbro can directly affect what happens at Wizards of the Coast."
"I think they're making the right decisions and I have no concerns they're going to be successful eventually."
"It's always nice to be able to walk away from your mistakes, and an option to abandon allows you to quantify that advantage."
"I love providing photographers with a resource in order to help them make the best decisions for their businesses."
"We would make more money by not quarantining actually, but it's kind of the right thing to do."
"You really gotta be in tune with your expenses, with your income, return on investment, making sure that you're making wise decisions for your business."
"Employers are looking for your skills and abilities to calculate, use formulas and functions, as well as to use data analysis techniques and make business decisions."
"You can decide if you want to let people take your software and sell it."
"We decided to sell the company and arguably we sold the company too early."
"If the cost of production increases, we might be less willing to supply because our profit margins for selling that product will be lower."
"You can end the business and keep the friendship, or you can continue with the business and end both."
"I figure it was cheaper to buy this place than to start my own."
"We're always gonna help get that situational awareness, get that contextualized information that's going to help us make those business decisions for whatever we're doing."
"We're debating to either do a storefront or a breeding facility."
"You announce an acquisition and I want to know, was that a good deal? Instantaneously, I get a picture of whether it was a good deal."
"Make data-driven decisions to your business and teams using analytics."
"I wanted our group to work, and sometimes you have to put business in front of your feelings."
"It's not about yourself in business; the decisions you need to make that will make change in your business need to be for the business, not for you personally."
"Deciding what to phase out isn't simple, it takes into account multiple factors."
"Business becomes business, and you got to do what's best for the organization."
"Business only hires if it likes the return on equity, it's going to pay too much they just won't hire anybody."
"I'm making an investment, so I have to make smart business decisions now."
"You're being asked to follow your instincts at this time when making business decisions."