
Habitat Quotes

There are 703 quotes

"Our own Earth remains the perfect habitat for humanity, but sometimes the slightest change can shake its ideal balance."
"What we're developing is a next-generation habitat that will serve as a commercial space station."
"Sand cats are the only ones from the entire feline family who predominantly live in actual deserts."
"It's one of the last great wildlife habitats on earth."
"There's no tank that will ever be big enough or specialized enough for an orca to live a long, happy life."
"These octopus rock pools are an ideal habitat for octopus."
"That's what's amazing about these oysters is they're sort of like a nursery habitat."
"Trees provide homes to a large variety of terrestrial animals from tiny insects to large birds."
"It's become a good environment for wildlife."
"You have to give those animals a place to live."
"It's not their habitat it'll be too hard for them to survive why did you choose that for them I chose choice is a privilege."
"The world's last surviving mountain gorillas are confined to just two small pockets."
"It's not about scale, believe me. It's about the habitat that you offer."
"A McKendree cylinder is a continent-class megastructure that could comfortably house a billion people."
"Vancouver Island is a prime location for a Sasquatch to want to live."
"The abundance of wildlife living in these mountains, woods, and bayous means there is a lot of prey available and confirms this is a likely home for the Swamp Stalker."
"If there's a viable habitat for a Sasquatch, this is certainly it."
"The Dubois sea snake lives in places like Papua New Guinea and the coastal areas of Australia, which is good news for most of us."
"Anglerfish: living in the cold, pitch-black depths of the deep sea."
"Known for their distinctive red fur orangutans are great apes native to the rainforests of indonesia and malaysia and are the largest arboreal mammal."
"Their homes can usually be found towards the ends of branches, where the fresh, healthy leaves sprout."
"This here is a terrarium I call Marauder's alley, home to my epic young Marauder ant colony that, believe it or not, lives inside that castle deep within the recesses of this Castle's basement."
"I'm going to do multiple levels using the cork as an area that I can fill with substrate."
"The sasquatches there are kind of hang out in the river beds essentially."
"The ocean is not always a warm place, especially for some animals like some Antarctic killer whales or belugas that live up in the high Arctic."
"TSI or timber stand improvement can be a great tool for wildlife managers to significantly increase the quality of habitat where they hunt."
"This method is sustainable because what you're doing is you're providing nesting habitat for these fish."
"Whitetails are found across a wider swath of America than any other large mammal."
"If the frogs feel like they have more places to hide, then they do feel more secure and they will come out a little bit more."
"The first 6 months of these pigs lives they were out making me a pond and they've never actually been in a densely wooded area like this before."
"Exploring space for a new habitat doesn't mean we're going to abandon Earth."
"Pedro trees are another hugely important part of our landscape... if you have a hedge with some individual trees in it, it breaks up the hedge and provides a richer and more diverse habitat."
"Planting trees in small gardens may not be appropriate but planting a hedge can be vitally important habitat in gardens are hedgerows."
"Wherever there's space try and plant a hedge instead of putting up a fence."
"It seemed like the healthier vegetation was a big key, whether it was big Hyacinth mass or submerged vegetation that was kind of seemed to be holding the bait fish, that was then holding you know a lot of the bass, and they were set up in."
"East Africa is predominantly a grassland habitat, this is where you're going to find sprawling Savannahs as far as the eye can see."
"Chinese dragons live at the bottom of rivers, lakes, or anywhere with water."
"The southeast has a lot of country that's a little protected... it allowed a place for the wild turkey to go when it was being hunted aggressively."
"This is perfect habitat for Sasquatch. If there was one I wanted to hide right now, just walk downhill and we'd never see you. It's not thick, you can see through the woods, but the woods are so huge that they can just stay back, you know?"
"We have to balance the deer herd with the habitat. If the forest ecosystem becomes unhealthy, it can't raise deer anymore."
"It's very natural. That's, again, the way you want to have your enclosures. The more natural the better."
"I cannot stress the importance enough of leaving these areas until later on in the year and even then leaving some areas as a mosaic of habitats because there's so much life that will depend on this right now."
"Microhabitat, that's the correct answer."
"This really typifies areas where we've seen most of the nests."
"Early successional vegetation communities and shrubby type vegetation communities represent only seven percent of the landscape yet 46 percent of our nests have been in those vegetation types."
"...it's all about sunlight folks whether you're doing native habitat or trying to grow a hidey hole that forage in a hidey hole food plot sunlight is key."
"Do provide several inches of substrate that will hold the burrow and humidity, also provide hides, a water bowl, and likely heat."
"Cougars aren't in big cities. They're only way out deep in the woods and in the wild and the mountains."
"For context, Imagine a self-growing O’Neill cylinder, one of many sprouting off the side of some asteroid, growing until ready to be cut free, like fruit off any tree, one of millions produced this way or by other methods."
"They'll start finding places that they want to sleep, whether it's under the subfloor, whether it's down, you know, whether they build a burrow and head under that way."
"Welcome to my treehouse apartment."
"They're not gonna be super chilled out, but as long as again they're provided with the space and a couple of caves that they can call their own, they're not too bad at all."
"Under the harsh son of the Savannah the cheetah needs water."
"An oasis of greenery surrounded by Great Plains, provides wide open spaces for many of the species on the continent."
"You gotta think bass like to be protected, a nice safe space to go hang out."
"People love forests. They like to live in forests."
"Perennial trees: food and habitat for generations."
"This cave is the perfect location for prehistoric people to be living in."
"Libyan tortoises like this one right here although they are adapted to a desert-like climate and environment they're going to seek out areas underneath Shrubbery and other plant life and along the coasts where they can get humidity and hydration."
"Everything in a bass's life revolves around flats."
"Giganotosaurus' home was the candeleros formation, teeming with diverse extinct animals."
"Predator Ridge completely blew that up and said, 'I'm not going to have one animal habitat, I'm going to have many.'"
"Encouraging as many people as possible around the world to create habitats for wildlife."
"The Pacific Golden chanterelle in its natural habitat."
"Creating not so much a native plant garden as creating a habitat based on native plants, which is how I like to think about it."
"Earth is the perfect place to replenish their ranks."
"Because we documented where these spot prawn and crab were raising their young basically, we were able to get the Department of Fish and Wildlife to change land management in our local area to protect that habitat."
"A healthy prairie dog habitat benefits the survival of about 150 other species."
"The more edge and diversity you have on the land, the more it equals a greater potential for wildlife."
"Turkeys really thrive in diverse habitats even more so than really any other game species."
"I think the reason Washington has more Bigfoot reports is because there's so many people around Seattle and there's a lot of sasquatches there as well because the habitat is perfect."
"No wonder these birds decided to make the town their habitat."
"This little boy forgot what freedom is when he was locked up on a farm, but now, thanks to this organization, he can enjoy his natural habitat."
"You are creating the most natural environment that you possibly can for the wildlife."
"You want to make sure the edges are all shallow, they've got nice gentle gradients and that way it's easier for life to get in and out."
"We're not necessarily going to lose pristine habitat."
"Custom cages, custom aquariums, Vision sent us this 12-foot-long habitat and six-foot-tall. I think it's five-foot-wide. We got all these cool artificial rocks. This big huge retake Kevin Sanders is living in here comfortably."
"A veritable maze of grasses, sedges, and rushes provide both protective cover and seeds that serve as a food source for waterfowl."
"Penguins spend a great deal of their time in the water, often passing months at sea."
"They love to lay in Cork bark tubes so when I build this enclosure there's going to be a lot of cork bark tubes."
"The Topopolis takes this a step further and produces one immensely-long cylinder habitat that’s thousands or even millions of times longer than it is wide."
"500 million years ago, this portion of North America was just south of the Equator, and much of the western U.S was underwater, creating a perfect habitat for trilobites and other organisms to thrive."
"The biggest bears you're going to find are in the Nocota zone anywhere where there's oaks and agriculture together."
"I just moved these guys to more terrestrial."
"Nature is crowded. I like to give my animals a lot of places to climb, a lot of places to hide, a lot of options."
"Most of these animals, you know, certainly, the eland, they're browsers, so you find them in areas where they browse, and browsers are bushes or trees or shrubs."
"Red dragons prefer higher terrain to make their lairs, generally mountainous regions."
"These spots of skateboard are just like our environment it's like our natural habitat."
"Bee hotels are another really good thing to have and it just again mimics nature where there would normally be holes and crevices."
"Birds need cover. Providing cover is vital for their safety."
"More than 80 captive-bred lions live here at the reserve. They share 3,000 acres of rich habitat with many other species."
"Hopefully, more fish will be moving up to that isolated cover."
"As for land area, a very large animal needs a lot of resources, and a lot of resources generally means a big home range."
"Turkeys definitely need water. You know, even if they're not drinking out of this creek, these creek bottoms definitely bring in all kinds of different mass species of vegetation and trees, different all kinds of bugs and frogs and stuff that turkeys eat."
"Turkeys have to have water, they have to have open areas, they have to have thick cover for nesting."
"Deer live right under your noses. They will find a spot like that and they'll live in a bedding area that's kind of overlooked where people just don't go."
"Sargassum habitat is known to be transient, and can move depending on particular oceanic features."
"This is perfect there are trees for them to look out from Plenty of sand and lots of open space for them to build their Burrows and look neighbors."
"Living on Mars will require special habitats that can provide warm temperatures (and breathable air)."
"To live anywhere in the universe requires us to fulfill specific basic needs: food, water, breathable air, and shelter from radiation."
"By choosing these tortoise species you're able to set them up in a naturalistic manner where they can live as naturalistic of a life as possible."
"Everything's a habitat. But then all combined, it's also one habitat. So it's like a habitat inside of a habitat, inside of a bigger habitat."
"The placement of habitat is regulated by the controlling authority. So if you're at Lake Fork, that's the SRA. If you're at Lewisville, that's the Corps of Engineers."
"Bass use these ditches as migration routes in and out of the flats."
"The sea otter can live its entire life without leaving the water."
"This water, which comes out of the ground at about something like 48 degrees, is cold enough and clear enough that it becomes a really good habitat for fish hatcheries."
"This is the chickadee's preferred habitat, creature of the forest."
"The green birdwing belongs to the Papilionidae family and is found only in the tropical rainforest and the nearby areas."
"Trout require clean rivers, cooler temperatures, cooler waters, lots of food."
"The king crab navigates its habitat with ease, blending in with the rugged landscape."
"Do you feel as if going out looking or hunting for Bigfoot is possibly destroying Bigfoot's habitat?"
"You couldn't find a better place for a Bigfoot."
"Demonstrating their commitment to wildlife preservation, the officers returned the majestic feline to its natural habitat."
"Edge diversity... the more Edge on you have on your land not only the better white tail habitat you have but the better wildlife habitat you have in general."
"But I want to remind you that bearded dragons in the wild don't live in 10-gallon aquariums."
"The Redback spider makes a lovely home in that centerpiece."
"Jetties provide an amazing environment and ecosystem for the fiddler crabs, the blue crabs, and you know, a lot of our smaller bait fish as well."
"Redfish might come back to that same feature, that same jetty or that same flat year in and year out."
"And they're also very good at providing hiding places for fry for little fish."
"I think I want that back corner to be the Basking area."
"Komodo dragons, and they live on this one island in Indonesia called Komodo Island."
"People say oh you give too much attention to the penguins, but no, by protecting the penguins you also protect every other species that lives in this habitat."
"In the southwest of Uganda lies a thick, dense rainforest and it's home to 600 highly endangered mountain gorillas, over half of the remaining mountain gorillas on the planet."
"...we spent most of the night decorating this thing with the universal rocks fake plants and we have one live plant to add."
"Get the biggest cage you can accommodate, put that cage somewhere where it's going to stay, and make sure it's situated well."
"From wintering grounds in the South to the sing grounds in the north, the George River herd's range spans 700,000 Square km."
"In the case of brush, the concept of surface area becomes extremely important as we have seen tiny organisms grow on brush stumps and other submerged cover. This provides a pasture for small fish and other creatures, which in turn provide a forage base for bass."
"These are awesome, they're like troughs for probably cows and horses to drink out of or take a nice bath."
"So we're gonna follow it for a little bit and see if we get into some good salamander habitat."
"Fort Bragg's fire-sculpted habitat provides a sanctuary for rare species."
"Encourage biodiversity and create habitats for beneficial insects."
"Make the cage bigger, switch to a pile of hay in a hay bag, and add more hides so they also have somewhere to hide and things to do."
"Discovering the beauty of rainbow fish in their habitat."
"The habitat is really nice for my family of three since we can all hang out comfortably in it if the weather is gross or if the mosquitoes are bad."
"You can pop a micro-black hole into the center of some asteroid and call it home."
"You can make bee hotels that have different hole sizes in it so you can support different species of bees."
"Trout are going to be laying in the slowest water possible."
"Bees have their own little ecosystem, their own little nursery."
"Even though lions are called King of the Jungle, they actually live on the Savannah. Lions are sneaky Hunters, big jumpers, and have really loud Roars."
"It's a perfect pre-spawn staging point for big fish to move up and sit there and actually they were sitting that in that grassy leafy stuff."
"A Chic is a lush Homeworld to the Wookies, a forest planet covered in gigantic trees large enough to hold small cities."
"Elk are probably looking for those big shaded out north facing slopes where they can bed for the day."
"Habitat quality is a huge factor in the quality and quantity of wildlife populations."
"Fortunately, there’s some relatively easy solutions to improve the quality of turkey habitat."
"Let's give these pandas an upgrade. We'll build them a new house."
"The kurka is warm enough here so the plants crowd together on every inch of the floor."
"Pen placement is the first thing you need to think about before you even build anything. That's because tortoises primarily need to be in the sun."
"... tortoises need to come out, absorb that, and then they'll start breeding, eating, nesting, and just while being tortoises. But you can't do that without the sun."
"We are building homes right next to the woods even deep in the canyons where fires begin."
"If you're in a wood full of sycamore in autumn looking for mushrooms, you're in the wrong place."
"If the Panthers are healthy, so is everything else. If we protect Panther habitat, then we protect all the other animals that live within its range."
"I love these cypress trees right in front of the hotel and they're home to many birds it would seem."
"I love walking around and seeing the animals just kind of hanging out and enjoying all aspects of their habitat."
"Venus could be the second largest habitat in the solar system, a new home for billions of humans and trillions of animals."
"A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?"
"These fish are cruising the banks because that's where the flies are for them to eat."
"I would love love love to get all this cleaned out and make it a natural habitat like it's supposed to be here in Central Alabama."
"In this rugged, challenging landscape, there are forms of wildlife which survive against all the odds and can only be found in this very special part of Britain."
"Your garden is not just going to be beautiful, but it's creating a habitat."
"Native shrubs will, in fact, provide habitat for our local fauna."
"...the Dhole, known as Cuon alpinus, is a wild canid native to central, Southeast, and Southeast Asia."
"This is their native habitat now."
"Native plants are important in supporting local ecosystems."
"The only reason that we had those monarchs in her garden was because we were growing milkweed."
"The more people there are the more forests are cut and the more lemur habitat keeps on shrinking."
"Witness Komodo dragons roaming freely in their exclusive habitat on Komodo Island."
"The Canadian and Cuban albino shark challenges the traditional understanding of shark habitats."
"Anywhere a fish can ambush their prey is where you want to be."
"I guess I could just say my favorite thing is anytime we come up into a new habitat and it's really something unexpected."
"Quail need a little bit of cover. So, just don't go out to some open prairie grassland and expect to find quail because quails want cover."
"Mock scrapes are one of the easier habitat improvements that you can put in on your property and if put in properly they'll have a long lasting positive impact by increasing the predictability of the deer movement on your property."
"You need a plan and you need to have good follow-up, so working with Keith talking about prescribed fire um and then I just kind of we stood here and I said you know Keith imagine if this was throughout your entire property this type of habitat."
"It becomes more than just a biodome, it becomes their home."
"One possibility is that pumas have made a comeback in their former habitat in Connecticut."
"In the fall, when all that native vegetation and all the young pine stands around you hardens off, and you’ve got lush food plots, you’re going to own those critters."
"It will be the best habitat on your property by far."
"Don't look at your spider, there's so much literature that says your spider, your scorpion should have three, four, five times its length in ground space."
"A quintessential animal found in longleaf pine forest makes its home high up in the trees: the red-cockaded woodpecker or RCW."
"Fish key on that ledge, that let drop off there, that's where these bass are going to be holding, that's their feeding area."
"The climate is a single most important aspect of where you live."
"The important thing is the corn snake's got what it needs. It can bury in the aspen, it's got its water, it's got some hiding spots."
"African fat-tailed geckos will spend most of their time in dark humid hiding places."
"This could become a cool little basking area, right?"
"Perfect area for a stingray to be hanging out."
"It's found in tropical and subtropical waters from the surface to 3,300 feet deep."
"It resides just below the oxygen minimum zone between 3,000 and 4,000 feet deep."
"Love the live plants, love the driftwood reaching up into the basking area, that looks awesome."
"Their flight makes them faster than a terrestrial animal in their habitat."
"Chinese water dragons will live along riverbanks and along swamps with branches coming over the water."
"Trilobites lived worldwide, in the open ocean and on the seafloor. We don't have evidence that they ventured on land."
"75 gallons, you're off to a pretty good start. She seems to be a pretty big turtle so glad that she has all that space to swim."
"Brackish water is basically the realm between freshwater tanks and saltwater tanks."
"It's an artificial world with more surface area than 30 million earths all laid flat end to end."
"Mangroves are called the top nursery habitats in many parts of the world."
"This tank looks so good shrimp will love that porous sort of texture on the rocks. Bonus points for that."
"Give them the whole enclosure. Give them places to hide. Give them spots where it's difficult to find because that's when your chameleon is going to feel the most safe."
"The fish are just loving buzzing in and out of all the roots in the plants."
"The rainforest is home to many animals."
"When you are like the king of pythons, you deserve a large enclosure."
"Jim designed a really cool fish cave under that large Stone."