
Environmental Storytelling Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Environmental storytelling makes some very impressive promises, and it's hard not to see why the technique has become more and more widespread."
"Every inch of our open world is carefully handcrafted and packed with environmental storytelling."
"The souls games all care about views, maybe because they like making the player feel small or part of something greater."
"It's hard to play FF7 and not get swept up in the emotion, the melancholy of this world on the precipice of death."
"Metroid Prime is often remembered for how captivating its atmosphere is."
"The Unitologist Cathedral is the franchise's high point of environmental design."
"Arcadia is an incredibly powerful example of Bioshock's life cycle simulation, showing us how Rapture's ecosystem functions."
"By controlling where a player looks using the structure of an environment, you can more easily impart information to them."
"Liberty City isn't an empty open world space to be used as a backdrop, it's very much so just as much a character as any of the actual characters."
"The entire level is dictated by your actions from Samuel send off to the very weather of the set piece."
"Seeing all this environmental storytelling around makes me wish that someone else would play it so they can explain it to me."
"I enjoyed the structure of the world, it's very charming."
"It feels like an actual world rather than a region made for a video game."
"The planet itself can be considered a character in this game."
"If I had seen a video of that event or read about that event I would not have given a fuck, like going into the game and the map you used to be playing on has all this fucked up shit, and yeah that's really cool."
"It's hard to see much in it, but the one aspect that kind of gives it away for me is like they're approaching that Farmstead at the one part."
"Every wall can look different and there's a lot more opportunities for environmental storytelling."
"If it's in a fantasy world and glows and isn't a mushroom in a cave, it's probably magic."
"For all the games mysteries - and i'm going to avoid talking story to keep them intact - the one I return to is what does Remedy have against tables and sofas and plant pots?"
"Demon's Souls method of storytelling, which is all environmental, is really well done."
"Comic creators begin a scene with several silent location panels, giving readers a sense of what it's like to be there."
"The environmental storytelling in this game is untouchable... there is nothing better than in this game."
"Environmental storytelling is about static objects - but it can also stretch to things like overheard conversations, animations happening in the level, and of course… text."
"This game doesn’t need any words to tell you what to feel, because the environment says it all."
"I think 'Fallout 3' was the one where you really got that sense of the scale of the wasteland."
"The influence of just yog Sauron underneath the earth and his blood literally being used to create all of those structures there's something pretty wild going on there."
"It allows us to add that touch of environmental storytelling that Bethesda is known for."
"The true protagonist isn't Paul, it's the planet of Arrakis."
"These concept images give environment great direction...bringing to life these ideas."
"Embedding the story into the design of the environment itself is a beautiful way to tell a story."
"We've placed items on the map and figured out ways to guide the player's eye."
"The themes themselves feel cohesive, carried through in the environments as well as the critters within."
"Silent Hill 2 is a milestone and strong characters, narratives, and well-crafted environments."
"The high point of Breathage is its stunning world."
"The whole situation ties up a bunch of different things about the story that we've told ourselves about the planet."
"The Witcher 3... It's the vibe, the tone, and the atmosphere of the world."
"This room with the guardian as the set piece for the entire room created a lot of intrigue and atmosphere."
"Portal's environmental storytelling raises more questions than answers, weaving a captivating mystery."
"And while the Backrooms isn’t drawing from natural features like rivers and caverns, it IS drawing from everyday mundane things that we’re all familiar with: ugly wallpaper, fluorescent lights, wet carpeting."
"This is some of the best environmental storytelling I've seen."
"There's an awesome one where you're skulking through these empty dorm rooms surrounded by spores, clickers, and an abomination."
"What splendid fantastical virtue! I had heard stories of the color green, a color too fresh and genial for the corrupted land I hailed from."
"The atmosphere and environmental storytelling are in top form here, resulting in one of the most effective narrative sequences of the entire Halo series."
"New Vegas does a terrific job of setting the stage for The Courier to scour the Mojave looking for Benny and starting at good Springs is a great introduction to the environment we will face in our journey to come."
"You know 'Half-Life' is about this cadence of story, combat, puzzle, exploration, interaction, you know, environmental art, vistas, things like that."
"But where Dark Souls locations have always had an infatuation with the intricacies playing out like the world Ranges jigsaw puzzles were somehow three pieces all seem to fit in the exact same spot, Neo is to a far lesser degree."
"The human species can become aware of this epic tale... that's under our feet."
"There's stories going on there, like this is environmental storytelling."
"I really feel like CD project red did such a cool thing with how heavy they leaned into their environmental storytelling with this game."
"You want to make sure that the environment you're creating feels immersive, feels believable."
"The four Lords were cool; I enjoyed their backstories and how each of the environments they lived in were diverse and interesting."
"Use your environment to tell a story about the subject."
"An environment is a character in that it makes you feel something; it could be fun or sterile, inviting or intimidating."
"We are encouraging people through stories of hope and stories of place to look for ways that we can malama our earth."
"It's a lot of fun, gives your materials a lot of character, puts them into an environment, gives them history and a backstory."