
Unchangeability Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Don't change. I love you just the way you are."
"Facts are chiels that winna ding; facts don't change."
"Your worth is never changing. It just doesn't change. We can't do things to earn more or lose it."
"With Jesus, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is unchanging, solid, and consistent."
"God's plans and purposes will not be thwarted."
"The truth is the truth, there's no changing it."
"God has not changed, the truth does not change."
"God doesn't change with the times, man. The Bible says God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes."
"What you can't do is remove him from the family he is the queen's son and that will continue to be the case."
"Facts don't expire. What they did is never going to be different."
"No amount of opinions, commentary, or religious doctrine can ever change the word of God." - Unknown
"Technology may advance but God's plan remains unshakable."
"I love it all. Here's what I love about stand-up: It's an instantaneous reaction, I can't take it back. When you're doing a movie, I can't change it. Stand-up, you can't change it."
"Did their belief change the word of God? No."
"We are all born with it and we can't outrun it."
"The Bible is absolutely perfect infallible and if something is perfect and infallible it means that it should never be changed."
"There is no regime that can replace him, there is not a UN resolution that can alter him."
"No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the word of God."
"God is perfectly righteous and he does not change."
"It will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"God doesn't change, and His truth doesn't change."
"Allah raised the mention of the Messenger, no creation can bring it down."
"What I am is lovable and enough, and that's never going to change."
"Nothing's changed between you and me. It never will. It can't."
"Our message, the message of the gospel, is timeless and unalterable."
"God is spirit infinite eternal and unchangeable."
"It's impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change."
"Brethren, hold on, because God wrote the story, and nobody can edit it."
"The laws of the Medes and Persians cannot be undone."
"Truth is nothing if not unchangeable, and in so far as a man takes his stand upon Truth does he become steadfast in virtue."
"The decree of a king is unchanging; the edict of a king is unchangeable."
"The big 'S' Self, who you really are at your essence, does not need to change and is not broken."
"We can't change history, but it's part of our story."
"A tiger doesn't change his stripes."
"Nothing can change supply and demand."
"You are loved and nothing can change that."
"The purpose and the plan of God will not be thwarted; that's what sovereignty means."
"Our God never changes; righteousness and holiness and virtue never change; truth never changes."
"The truth cannot be changed or manipulated. It's the truth."
"No one can change the gospel; it must always be the same in all of its parts."
"Heaven and earth is going to pass away, but it will never pass away, it cannot change, it cannot fail."
"Jesus being Son of God does not make any changes."
"Apologies never change anything; you are what you are."
"He set them in place forever and ever; His decree will never be revoked."
"The God's spark does not change; that's God. God does not change."
"What we are in essence is true, is real, is unchanging."
"Faith is a gift, many have gone before us, that faith is truth, that faith is unchangeable in its essence."