
Marriage Equality Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Fighting for true marriage equality is the right thing to do, isn't it?"
"I just don't see how a gay marriage in any way damages a straight marriage."
"Marriage equality did not happen fast; it's been years, and the grassroots outside mobilization is our strength."
"Love makes my marriage real, but political courage made it possible."
"The idea that the husband owns the wife in such a way that she's almost like a piece of property... is something that I disagree with."
"Iowa was one of the first states in the country to make gay marriage legal."
"It's 2017, let gay people get married, right?"
"I believe gay people should be able to get together and get married just like the rest of us dummies."
"This is not just an abortion issue... The downstream, this is gay marriage, this is interracial marriage."
"I don't know why people can't love who they love and marry who they marry."
"It's not enough to just be like I'm homophobic and that's why I don't think gay people should get married."
"I don't give a [__] about who wants to get married to anybody else. Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."
"Both of their opinions matter, that they are supposed to be one team working together for the betterment of their home."
"Oberfell versus Hodes, of course, is what legalized same-sex marriage across the country."
"If you don't like gay marriage, then don't get gay married."
"Being a gay man, people try to tell me that I shouldn't have the right to get married because of their religious views."
"We didn't win marriage equality by saying if you don't support us you're a bigot."
"Marriage should be a partnership between mutually consenting adults who love each other and have equal rights."
"Ireland was the very first country to legalize same-sex marriage via a popular vote."
"I mean, I don't even know what the argument is against gay marriage. What's the argument?"
"Black love is revolutionary because we weren't even allowed to be married."
"America is moving forward, I think you'll see marriage equality across America."
"We are not going to amend the United States Constitution to stop gay people from getting married."
"This is an issue of the heart for her. She wants to enshrine marriage equality, and I think that's righteous and good."
"Marriage equality's journey from unthinkable to bipartisan support."
"I'm celebrating marriage equality passing in Australia today; I think it's wonderful."
"Actor Jim Nabors, who's lived in Hawaii for more than 40 years, married his longtime male partner earlier this month."
"There is no one who wants to abolish interracial marriages."
"Love wins, love conquers the marriage penalty is going away."
"You are an autonomous human being, and you can marry another consenting adult regardless of their identity."
"Honestly, why does she hate it so much? It just makes it so that interracial couples can get married and so gay people's marriages are recognized from state to state if they get married in a state where it is legal. That's it, that's all this does."
"You're allowed to get married and have the same hair, the same skin, or very little makeup."
"All marriage is not the same. So, people that were upset about like gay marriage, these are gay people that legitimately love each other and they want to get married, you should be upset at this."
"It just feels like it should be outdated because it's kind of insane that American citizens are still fighting for the right to marry whoever they want."
"Marriage, including same-sex marriages, will be a thing in Ashes of Creation."
"Most reasonable people have the opinion that same-sex marriage is a good thing, but churches should not be forced to marry gay couples."
"Jesse Tyler Ferguson is a long-standing advocate for marriage equality."
"All they wanted was the right to be married."
"I decided to have love for even homosexual people and I figured that love means they should probably get married amazing."
"We're in the midst of another rights revolution right now, gay rights and same-sex marriage."
"The right to gay marriage was given only a few years ago. It can be taken away. Don't allow it to happen."
"As a Christian pastor, I wouldn't marry same-sex couples nor do I believe that's God's best at all."
"If people have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack the corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
"It's not about interracial marriage that's not what this bill is about at all it is about same-sex marriage…"
"I see no difference between two homosexuals getting married and my own marriage as a heterosexual man."
"There's no reason why gay people shouldn't be able to get married. Frankly, the state should have no say in marriage whatsoever."
"And finally the marriage penalty it's going to die you'll be able to marry your long time a love interest and love is gonna win."
"If love is love, then anyone should marry whoever they want, right?"
"I believe gay people should get married, I believe in trans rights."
"It doesn't hurt other people if gays get married."
"Forget what the Bible says about same-sex marriage, what are the actual arguments for and against it is a much easier issue to solve if we don't involve religion."
"if conservatives who just dropped their gol-darned old-fashioned opposition to same-sex marriage kids would stop killing themselves"
"Hefner supported legalizing same-sex marriage..."
"The polls in America are clear, it's 61% now that are in favor of gay marriage."
"Everyone has the right to marry, and that's the principle of loving. As a blocky that is, when the state has a monopoly over an institution, it has to make sure that everyone has equal access to it."
"The petitioners in this case are asking this court to transform society's bedrock institution."
"The marriage equality movement triumphed when and because of its transition to a vocabulary, if you will, of conservatism."
"Marriage equality would not become the law of the land for another six years with the Supreme Court's historic Obergefell v Hodges decision in 2015."
"Oh no marriage equality was actually kind of like a conservative gay issue it was more about can we not get our asses kicked and actually enjoy our spaces."
"When same-sex marriage comes before the Court in 2015, it's not just about love. It's about being seen and accepted by the government as full and equal citizens."
"Allowing same-sex couples to marry will not dictate what your church or other religious institution must do with respect to religious marriage."
"...having them in your home in your living room for you know years at a time and you investing in caring because you go oh well if Jack wants to get married of course he should be able to get married and then they're not thinking gay people they're thinking my friend Jack."
"I think gay people's support of marriage equality has been the most encouraging moment for the institution of marriage in a very long time."
"Feel free to be with whoever you want to be with, marry whoever you want to marry."
"Legalization of gay marriage is long overdue."
"If gay people marry, it takes nothing away from my heterosexual marriage."
"I like the idea of people who want to get married just as much as you and Andy do."
"Marriage equality is sweeping the nation, and America did it."
"We are nearly halfway to full nationwide marriage equality."
"You can legally be married in the United States as a gay person, but if you go to another country, you might be killed."
"I introduced equal marriage and we did it before any other country in these islands."
"I'm absolutely for it, 100% for it. Good for you, you should be able to get married."
"Approval for gay marriage is now at a record high of 71% in the U.S."
"The gay community rejoiced when in 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right and must be recognized in all 50 states."
"Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet."
"...legalize same-sex marriage that's nice liberal attitude towards birth control and sexuality..."
"I can't see what impact it has on your life or his life if I marry a man."
"We believe that no members of society should be prevented from entering into the holy state of matrimony, whether it be racial, ethnic origin, gender, age, orientation, or other human condition."
"We're going to find out if marriage equality is a piecemeal thing throughout the country as it currently is, or if we're going to have marriage equality as the law of the land."
"Most Americans are Christians while at the same time more and more coming to the point of view that gay people should be allowed to get married."
"The presence of legally married homosexual people will not diminish the ideal of marriage; I think it will only help."
"I will not wear my wedding ring on the correct finger until my marriage is recognized as legal by the United States."
"Do you believe in gay marriage? Yeah, I do, in fact, that's cool."
"People should marry who they want to marry."