
Clouds Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Some drifting clouds, which are likely water ice clouds about 19 miles above the surface, are also noctilucent clouds, meaning they are so high that they are illuminated by the sun even when it's night at Mars' surface."
"The vibrant colors we see are due to different types of clouds."
"If you look at clouds and mountains and the way they interact in a time-lapse, it's like the atmosphere functions as a fluid."
"Mammoth clouds are crazy things, almost unbelievable sights to behold, and an impressive feat of nature."
"Lenticular clouds are stationary, unmoving clouds frequently confused for UFOs thanks to that strange saucer-like shape."
"I've always wanted to eat clouds, what the [ __ ], because I feel like they taste like marshmallows."
"Seeing such a recognizable shape in a cloud is a phenomenon called pareidolia."
"Reflecting Roo's impression of the clouds floating along Shanghai skies."
"Clouds are actually made up of individual water molecules, not water vapor."
"We are in the clouds. We are above the clouds. It is beautiful, it is just stunning, and very cold."
"I love them. They're my favorite cloud."
"Remember how free clouds are? They just float around the sky, just lay around the sky, they're having fun."
"At least he'll give you some money, something. Wait till they spray them clouds, you know it's going to rain real hard."
"I love painting clouds for their atmospheric beauty, life, and color."
"Wow, the clouds are gone because of your smile."
"It's just a friend in the sky made of clouds. Just a nice friend."
"Clouds don't hide anything except for the infinity and ongoing nature of space."
"Sometimes clouds have two sides, a dark and light, and a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich. So when life seems hard, take a bite out of the silver sandwich."
"Dark clouds are looming overhead."
"Clouds are free and you don't want to contain them just have fun with them."
"Clouds are really one of those subjects where you can do so much or so little, and neither is right or wrong."
"You can always tell by the cloud, you know. Take that big job up on the hill, that there is a strat cumulus Opus."
"So when we can maybe wrap our heads around the fact of just treating a cloud like another three-dimensional object, they're going to behave just like trees do on the land."
"These Martian Cyclones are often referred to as repeating Northern annual clouds."
"That looked dreamlike before. Look at this, oh my god, clouds look very nice though."
"With a sky like this, I want all of these clouds or suggestion of clouds to be soft edged."
"...just felt like a dream up there with the clouds and the Setting Sun."
"Happy little clouds, happy little clouds."
"Painting clouds, it's like this crazy brown that's okay, you want it to be this crazy crazy little brown."
"Don't be afraid to introduce other colors into your clouds. Clouds are made up of water and moisture so they can reflect everything."
"The sky filled up with dark clouds, all orange and red."
"The surrounding clouds would become denser and denser, colder and colder, bluer and bluer."
"Clouds are used as a symbol of the presence of God."
"Clouds are used as a symbol of the glory of God."
"It's an amazing sensation, even with the clouds. It's just that profound."
"There's always this glimmer, a very, very slight glimmer of hope just behind the clouds."
"There was beside the discomfort of the precipitous rain an exhilaration latent in the purpose-raveled masses of cloud."
"Clouds change continuously so almost every single Cloud scene that I've ever created has a different look to it and that's the way it should be too."
"Painting clouds is easier than you think."
"I'm gonna move in for me, I'm gonna get a place on top of the clouds."
"Got some pretty intense clouds coming towards us, and well that often times means it's going to be a pretty exciting evening."
"Clouds are another thing people struggle with... most of the time they need to sit back to help you show off something else."
"It's beautiful, crazy, big, painterly clouds scudding quickly across the sky."
"We're literally above the clouds."
"Look at all those fun clouds, the kind you want to just lay under and watch."
"Nothing softer than light fluffy clouds."
"...kind of place it right here and then oh the last thing that really adds some cool looking uh effects to our low poly scene like this is some poofy clouds in the sky."
"It is beautiful in its own way, especially when there's that many clouds in the sky."
"I will never get tired of how insanely amazing everything looks above the initial cloud line when you're flying around."
"The clouds make for a pretty sky right now."
"It's actually a really rare weather condition called polar stratospheric clouds."
"I'm just going to sit here now and just watch these gorgeous clouds above me, they're absolutely phenomenal."
"I have a thing about clouds; I'm a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society."
"We're not going to see the sun itself; we're just going to see the impact of the sun on highlights on the cloud."
"Look at the clouds; the sun is about to set within the next hour or so."
"It's like we're hiking in the clouds."
"I want a slightly brighter sky with just a few traces of clouds here and there."
"So while we're working with this kind of hard non-textured brush, we're going to just add a few clouds."
"We hung out there for hours, this morning we had some beautiful immersion clouds that were just sweeping across the landscape."
"See that cloud? It looks like a man."
"Standing above a sea of clouds, this is the world's third highest volcano."
"The water vapor then condenses out to form the beginnings of clouds."
"Wow, we're flying incredibly high. The clouds look really magical and fluffy."
"Cloud surfing is excellent training for a new pilot."
"It was so beautiful out there, the clouds are absolutely massive right now."
"Clouds are gorgeous, right? I mean, it's really hard to argue the physical presence and grace, beauty of these silver clouds."
"Oh look at those gorgeous clouds."
"My name is Jupiter, I am covered in clouds and I'm the fifth planet from the sun."
"We've woken up in the clouds; it is awesome."
"The effect of adding aerosol... is a photograph of ship tracks in the North Pacific, these are aerosols which are being thrown up by ships which are seeding clouds which persist."
"We are absolutely above the clouds, and it just looks spectacular."
"Clouds mean so many things to me; it's like daydreaming, a successful feeling."
"Take your time to make your clouds look the way you want them to."
"Your cloud edges should have some light to them, they should have some light values."
"These ethereal clouds that normally are completely invisible, but that are a vital part of our Earth's upper atmosphere."
"Clouds will pick up light and shadow; they have a three-dimensional form to them."
"Clouds are free, they just float around and have a good time."
"Clouds are very free, they may be one of the freest things in nature."
"Look at how low those clouds are right there."
"The good thing about clouds is they're kind of all organic shaped."
"Clouds are very loose, they're free. They just float around and have a good time all day."
"In the sky, fluffy clouds come floating by, look into the atmosphere, see amazing shapes appear."
"It's sunny and we have some nice clouds."
"What's fascinating about clouds is they're different every time you go out there and look into the sky."
"Look at the clouds behind me, that's so insane."
"There are actually clouds of alcohol in space."
"Just how detailed that is with the clouds and just the printing there, how it actually goes up into a cloud piece on both of them, I think looks so, so great."
"The clouds make it seem a bit more mystical."
"We're going to put some happy little clouds to accompany that lonely old moon there."
"It's not raining right now, but it's very dark outside, there's a lot of clouds in the sky, and it's very, very windy."
"It's beautiful to watch these cloud formations."
"You sound surprised. You've never looked at the clouds before?"
"Storms are brewing, mamatus clouds above my house in southern Oklahoma."
"We might not be able to walk among the clouds, but that doesn't mean that clouds can't walk among us."
"When I we lived in Arizona, the skies always had little fluffy clouds."
"It's so pretty, the clouds. Great shot, you did it."
"Do you only ever see the same clouds once?"
"I really like the realism of the process that I use for painting those clouds."
"The thing to remember is that clouds have many shapes and many different looks; you almost cannot mess this up."
"If you do paint a cloud that you don't like, all you have to do is add a little blue paint over the top of it and paint it again."
"I reach the peak of the clouds, gathering and parting happens in a blink of an eye."
"It's so beautiful like look at the sea of clouds, it almost looks like I want to jump on it."
"Be above the clouds here, it's incredible view right down the valley."
"The clouds are nice, you know we don't get too many clouds out here."
"And behold, I saw the clouds, and they were calling me in the vision, and the fogs were calling me."
"Things got a lot easier for me once I actually got to drawing the clouds."
"Cumulus congestus resembles a cauliflower."
"We've got some clouds now, and they are looking quite nice."
"You see the sunset, you see the clouds."
"I'm a huge fan of clouds, big cloud fan over here."
"Just let these little clouds float around the sky."
"Look at that, how the clouds are moving back there, can you see that?"
"I'm gonna build up the sky first with clouds, lots of pretty blue clouds and teals."
"Morning Glory clouds are extremely rare, they look like massive tubes stretching across the sky."
"Morning Glory clouds almost seem to roll across the sky, looking like a massive tube."
"I like these clouds; they remind me of mashed potatoes."
"It's always good to be above the clouds."
"These beautiful clouds are gorgeous."
"It's either too cloudy or too clear, but today we seem to have a good mixture of a few clouds."
"I was showing the highlights underneath each of the clouds, so that shows that there is a bit of light coming through and hitting the bottom of the clouds."
"I had actually never enjoyed the night sky so much when it was cloudy."
"Neptune's high altitude clouds were observed by the Shadows they cast on the opaque Cloud layer."
"The moon became masked behind a mass of clouds."
"Gray flannel clouds had silently filled up the sky."
"Clouds like wraiths stretched their wispy reaches with an almost determined pace."
"So this is cool, you're able to procedurally do this kind of cloud stuff."
"I love clouds too, that's so cute."
"We were trying to make shapes out of the clouds."
"The clouds were rolling away in broken pieces, light grayed over woolly sheep, whose wool the sun had bleached till it was almost too white for the eyes to bear."
"When you're happy with your clouds, you can brush them over with a big soft brush; this will give the clouds the appearance that they're moving."
"Everybody's idea of what a cloud looks like is different."
"There are so many different types of clouds out there, they all look weird, they all are incredibly hard to generate using 3D software."
"I love the clouds that she stenciled in the background and her beautiful grass."
"I love the way he has this kind of splotchiness in the clouds and this feeling of deep texture within the work itself."
"Clouds certainly look fluffy and light, but in reality, they're really heavy."
"Stratus, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Nimbus are all types of clouds."
"A cloud could weigh anywhere up to 1 million pounds."
"By the time you get down to the coolest brown dwarf, you've got ammonium clouds and water clouds and stuff we're more familiar with."
"I’m covered in dense clouds from my north to the south."
"Marshmallow clouds keep drifting."
"These mysterious clouds are called Nebulae."
"We've stumbled across this tiny little gap in the cloud cover with some of the most amazing colors that are popping out."
"Wow, look how foggy this is. We're literally in the clouds."
"One like a son of man came with the clouds of heaven."
"I've always loved a cloud because I spent a lot of time lying on the grass, looking at them."
"Everybody wants a window seat so they can see the clouds."
"Look at the clouds over the sunset. Wow, beautiful."
"Clouds were coming, clouds were going."
"Now these clouds now move from left to right, and they move seamlessly."
"Okay, so you may have noticed that there are these clouds slowly moving horizontally across the screen, and that's also done using expressions."
"The clouds above us consist of tiny water droplets that form when water vapor in the atmosphere cools and condenses."
"The clouds are basically just set dressing depending on the story you're trying to tell in this scene."
"The best way to view a cloud and see a cloud is to be in the cloud."
"Remember the game we used to do with clouds? You look up in the air and you see a cloud and then you have to make something up about what the cloud is."
"The moon does in fact illuminate all of the clouds, but we notice the effect more when looking directly at the Moon."
"The Son of Man... rides the clouds of heaven."
"A well-defined base is what you're looking for in cumulus clouds."
"Look at these clouds, they are so beautiful."
"It's a beautiful day, it's warm, it's cloudy, a lot of clouds in the sky."
"That kind of cloud or that kind of sky to me is always giving me a feeling of good things happening."
"The sky became filled with dark clouds and strong winds."
"Noctilucent clouds, which translates from Latin as 'night shining clouds', are the highest known clouds to exist."
"Clouds are made up of tiny little drops of water... they soak in heat and then release it very slowly."
"Noctilucent clouds are some of the rarer clouds out there, but they're also some of the most beautiful."
"Million mile long clouds of nebulosity."
"I am so thankful for today and for these clouds."
"The formation of clouds is a direct result from condensation."
"Isn't that just beautiful, lovely clouds building up."
"...isn't that an impressive arrangement of clouds I think that's quite special..."
"The African dawn and Sun is rising, big fluffy grey clouds are rolling in."
"Alaska is just... I mean, look at the low hanging clouds."
"No matter how high the clouds are, they are nothing but water from the sky."
"The sky temperature is highly dependent on clouds in the sky."
"Clouds with golden linings instead of silver."
"When the sun pokes through the clouds, you can tell it's just hitting us at a better angle already."
"It will feel like we are above the clouds."
"What is your favorite type of cloud? Do you have a favorite type of cloud?"
"They're just beautiful, they look like giant balls of cotton candy, puffy, just, I love it."
"The wonderful thing about clouds is they move all the time."
"Cumulonimbus, the queen of all clouds."
"Those are marshmallow clouds being friendly, in the arms of the evergreen trees."
"We were imagining what the different clouds look like."
"Clouds come in so many different shapes; you can imagine that they're just about anything."
"You can do clouds, they're just layers."
"I'm using the flat of the brush to bring the color up to create the impression of some soft, stunning clouds coming across this lovely sunset."
"Look at the way the cloud is going down over there, that's pretty."
"The clouds coming over at the moment are really spectacular."
"I love this color; this color is for the clouds."
"Clouds are a series of skills that you just sort of have to acquire by painting them and painting them and painting them."
"Think of clouds as a living shape, even though they're not a sentient object, they are a living, changing, evolving object in your landscape and in your life."