
Cliché Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Winterhold is the epitome of cliché when the other races envisioned Skyrim: a dangerously cold, frostbitten wasteland masked in strange and lonely beauty."
"That's the most Hollywood thing I've ever heard in my life."
"It's the old cliché of be the change you want to see in the world."
"When in doubt, zoom out. It's so cliché but they become clichés because they're dead on accurate."
"If I told you any more, I'd have to kill you."
"It's cliche but it's always darkest before the dawn."
"Be the change you want to see... cliche but it's true."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. That's true."
"I mean, look, I know it's cliché, but it's true."
"Enjoy it while it's still going on... it's the goofiest, most lame-ass cliche advice of all, but I would say enjoy."
"A blessing in disguise: something seems bad at first but turns out to be good."
"If you make stuff for everyone you're kind of making stuff for no one that's a bit of a cliche but it's absolutely true right."
"Home is where my heart is like truly damn that sounds so cliche but it's it's a real thing."
"Diversification personal duration does work may be a cliche but it actually does help to preserve wealth."
"You gotta see farest through the trees can't get into the group think."
"Typical villain thing: telling the protagonist his plans rather than just letting it happen."
"The biggest cliche up in a boarding is love."
"The premise of adventurers delving into dungeons full of monsters and treasures in their quest to seek riches is so generic and common that it can be broadly applied to numerous other Fantasy games."
"You're not alone you know it sounds so cliche like you're not alone but it's true."
"Long walks on the beach are really sweet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"You won't get away with this. You won't get away with this! I already have." - Cliché
"Heroes get the girl, heroes get the money, heroes get the glory and the car, that's what it goes."
"Sticking with it and not just from a platform perspective, and I know this is cliche but I stuck with the business model."
"Now 90% of horror movies are the dumb teens just not taking the hint about being somewhere that they're not supposed to be."
"Rain kissing is the hot tub sex of rom-coms."
"It's obviously the girth, opening an Adam Sandler movie while filming on a location vacation cliché."
"When life gives you lemons, that's what we're gonna get."
"Happy wife, happy life is the slogan. It's not happy husband, happy life."
"Of course the husband did it like it's always the [ __ ] husband isn't it."
"And last but not least is to practice. I know that sounds cliche as hell but it's the truth, man."
"I know it's like the most cliche advice you could possibly get, but I would work on yourself."
"The king is dead. The king is dead, and my goodness, it sounds so corny to say but it is true."
"It just seemed like they had to use this cliche shorthand because they had such a short period of time to develop these five characters."
"Keep the faith. Sometimes clichés are the most true statements."
"If we believe we can achieve sounds so gay huh."
"Rags to riches... it's always the same script."
"Armed thugs robbing a building is the most generic opening to a Batman story."
"It's really hard to know what to say, but it's a cliche, I'm sorry, but time is the best healer."
"Not looking back, eyes on the freeway, Bonnie and Clyde, a classic cliche, we're on the run, this is what we wait for."
"It may be a cliche, but for me, this was the biggest setback in my life."
"It felt wrong, like every cliché you've ever heard about supernatural stuff gone wild."
"Cliché portals that know exactly how long to stay open depending on the drama of the moment."
"I've come to the part of the video where we have to talk about florals with spring and as cliche as it is I think it's cliche for a reason because it works."
"Money and education are a Girl's Best Friend."
"It is a big fight feel wherever the hell we are tonight. Cliché 20 right now."
"Stay true to yourself, all right? Cliché."
"There are so many Indiana Jones clones out there, it's as crazy as a nuke surviving fridge."
"A villain doing some [ __ ] to justify the good-hearted heroes straight up killing them cliche."
"The only thing certain in this world are death and taxes."
"Every bad guy's weakness: a pile of cardboard boxes."
"Money doesn't buy you happiness. It doesn't."
"Every movie got two knuckleheads, every movie that absolutely say the exact same thing."
"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but sometimes the cover is an ugly piece of."
"As cliche as it is, I really think everything I've gone through has made me who I am."
"Love is what makes the world go around."
"Starting your movie with a drone shot through the clouds? Cliché. I mean, it's impressive drone work, to be sure, but it's still a cliché."
"If I had a nickel for every time a pink-haired girl that wasn't human tried to get the MC harem, I'd have two nickels."
"I know it sounds super cliché, but it really was one of the best days of my life"
"All important movies start with flying through the clouds and narration. Wait, did I say important? I meant cliche."
"Live, Laugh, Love." - Link's Aunt Debbie's cheap bathroom decor
"It's like sunshine and rainbows, and I mean who doesn't like sunshine and rainbows, I mean come on?"
"You gotta embrace the cliché, the bread and butter of all valedictorians."
"Sex equals death. Never say 'I'll be right back.' I'll be right back."
"It's almost a cliché to starting out young and full of conviction."
"That old model of story is so worn out, it’s laughable."
"... you just feel like you're in the ultimate driving machine. And that's such a cliche maybe, but you truly feel that."
"It's better to try and fail than to not try. Oh, you know I mean which I know is a cliche but yeah, I'd rather go and experience it than not experience any of it, you know what I mean?"
"The unexpected is the new cliche."
"The thing about bad guys, they always lose... and they get the girl."
"It's gonna sound cliché and shit, but like self-worth and just... not everything is my fucking fault in life."
"Platitudes only become platitudes if they're true."
"I retreated to the barn with some snacks to eat my feelings. I know it's pretty cliche, but I was sad."
"I need to focus on myself. In other words, that's what they all say."
"Consistency is key, no matter how cliche that is."
"Happy wife happy life is the most toxic advice you can give."
"Everybody always talks about riding off into the sunset."
"It's a tale as old as time, dude."
"That's what I'm saying, just because it's cliched and doesn't mean it's not true."
"You can't always go you know what they always say that's what I always say yeah I do always say that."
"As much as it was a funny way to see it happen, the referee gets knocked down to the crucial point of the match cliche."
"Oh, good, the obligatory fart joke."
"...it's just like I've seen this movie before I've seen every single thing that you're doing in this movie a multitude of times."
"Every teen movie needs a makeover."
"The movie even does one of the most cliche things possible in order to show it. Her briefcase opens up and a bunch of papers go all over the floor, something that we've seen a hundred times before."
"Your network will determine your network is sounds like it sounds like a cliche saying but it's actually true."
It is too cliche to end this with some broad statement about how "actual value comes from the memories we have attached to items, not the items themselves."
"It's so cliche but the sense of freedom is just is amazing."
"...the flick clearly is a product of its time, that probably means that during its release, the idea of a big bad Russian boxer killing Apollo and Rocky having to face off against him would have felt a lot more threatening; nowadays, it just feels a tad cliche."
"The moment a man mentions a long lost twin, you can inevitably know that it's going to be some impersonation. It's an old plot trick."
"Cliche corner, you already sent it halfway through."
"Speaking it is the most cliche tip you're ever going to hear, but it is the most useful one that you'll ever need to know."
"It's extremely lazy writing to make it a twin, you know? It's very outdated and overused."
"The whole secret evil twin thing felt cheap and anticlimactic."
"Be yourself, it's just something people say."
"Just don't give up. I know it sounds cliche, but don't."
"It's a classic story, and yeah, most of the time it is a love story."
"Our story is like a Hallmark movie."
"Florals in spring, groundbreaking."
"Your battles, you got one about how weapons are good, that is literally the oldest trick left in the book."
"Oh come on people! Can we go 5 seconds without giving the main character food to recharge? Come on now!"
"Every [__] villain has the same exact line."
"Love always wins. How many times have we heard that?"
"Can't believe I've become one of those cliche fiancés, more in love with love itself than the guy I was about to pledge my life to."
"It's just the basic tropes, and it's just... which is why it's entertaining."
"That's the cliche thing to make fun of New York in that way, but also sometimes it's like it is that is true."
"Starting with a character waking up is probably one of the biggest first line cliches, probably the number one, and it's really just something to avoid at all costs."
"It's cliche for a reason, like, you know, after a long day at work, whatever, the back or something like that, just takes that edge off."
"You guys know the absolute classic saying, 'There's no point crying over spilled coffee.'"
"Oh my god the amount of times that I've heard people say that, 'oh everything will be all right why? Because I feel it.'"
"It's cliche because it's true: you need a systematic approach."
"Let me give you one more cliche: Absence makes the heart grow fonder or out of sight, out of mind?"
"That's just the only, and I know that's so cliche to say, but that is exactly what happened."
"It's a huge cliche in the world of landscape photography, but these places are popular for a reason."
"It's hard to minister on the love of God because it's become a cliche."
"If it's outrageous, it's contagious. So, we're in the era of this is maybe the biggest cliché."
"I know this is an overused phrase, but yeah, it's just so incredibly worth it."
"I genuinely adore it. I know it's a terrible cliche, but I do seriously, seriously like this."
"The ultimate dad joke is liking that movie."
"It's the most cookie-cutter Nickelodeon sitcom made-for-TV movie ever made."
"Moments like this run the risk of being cliche, but they're not."
"You have to step away from superheroes; it's so trite and hackneyed."
"Your movie is so cliched, I can't even put it into words."
"Maybe it's cliche because it's true."
"It's unoriginal but always funny."
"Horror movie trope, but they did it in a funny way."
"I'm a three-word, cliché: blessed beyond measure."
"Bad guys love leaving before making sure their enemies are really dead."
"Life is short is one of our most overused clichés, yet it incites some sort of urgency in us."
"It has become a cliche, to put it mildly, to bemoan how thoroughly God-awful 2016 was."
"Once you've seen a thousand car chases, you've seen them all."
"New year, new me is a cliche, but it just brings me to life."
"The 'kids these days' phenomenon is as old as time itself."
"I mean everyone gets coffee in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right?"
"Clichés are actually just truths."
"Everything happens for a reason is my least favorite thing to hear."
"Insert inspirational cliche quote."
"With great power comes great responsibility... Yeah, dude, we get it."
"All the Bond one-liners are just dad jokes."
"You never know what you're gonna get, so cliche in a candy store."
"A haunted house setting isn't exactly original, but if you're gonna use it, it better be creepy."
"Einstein's assertion that everything is relative is so apt that it has become a cliché of our culture."
"I want to experience something new, cliche as that is."
"Love is in the air, or so they say."
"Guys in the white hats always win, don't you know that?"
"It's kind of amazing, isn't it? Shimmery verbs become this cliche, but it is still kind of gorgeous."
"You are more than that, so don't allow that cliche saying to block you from who you need to become."
"The most dangerous words in investing is 'this time is different'."
"It's the oldest joke in the book, isn't it?"
"Time is money, period. There's a reason that it is a cliché."
"This might be the most overused plot device in the history of plot devices."
"It's one of these action movies that if you watch it, there's so many corny elements but it delivers so well on the thing that it has to deliver on."
"Life's giving me lemons, what should I do?"
"It's very cliche of us to say that we love this song, but I know I love this song."
"He fell for the oldest trick in the book."
"Practice does make perfect, as cliche as it sounds."
"You've heard that a thousand times before; that's a real cliche thing you need to be able to do."
"It's gonna sound lame, but it was time heals all wounds."
"Most of the time when you're saying something that you think is nice or charming and original, it's something that a woman has likely heard about 47 times that week from other guys."
"When life gives you lemons, then do like lemonade or whatever."
"Happy wife, happy life, all that blah blah blah."
"Gee, guys, two girls who look exactly alike but live two different lives. I wonder what common writing trope they're going to pull from this time."
"Time is a healer, and I know it's the oldest, cheesiest saying ever - but it's so true."
"Most people say, 'Hey man, new year, new me.'"
"This little lick here became such a cliché over the coming generations, it eventually got nicknamed the 'Hollywood cadence.'"
"I can't stand people who say 'I told you so,'" Eilonwy remarked.
"You can make all sorts of visualizations, you know, word cloud being the classic perhaps cliched example."
"You are a robot if you have 'live laugh love' in your house."
"Hater is your motivator is so cliche, but it's kind of true."