
Advertising Ethics Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Advertising at its best, at its most effective, always puts people first."
"Every Advertiser should question fake engagement."
"Is there a larger point to truth in advertising?"
"Now people are calling it deceptive advertising."
"Using hashtag ad is seen as proper disclosure. The only problem is it should be at the very beginning of the post."
"While Harris did at least acknowledge the partnership at the very end of his video, I think we need to resist this kind of deal becoming a norm."
"If a brand said to me we'll pay you to pension on how many clicks the link gets or how many purchase people make I would just say no."
"False advertising is how many companies roll."
"False advertising claims against McDonald's."
"Many VPNs use misleading claims in their ads, promising anonymity while asking for personal info."
"From feuding founders to false advertisements, to horrendous work conditions, Kelloggs has definitely had one hell of an interesting history."
"False advertisement is fittingly enough exactly what it says on the tin."
"We believe political message reached should be earned not bought."
"You're advertising to children, what is this?"
"Advertising doesn't always have the best reputation when it comes to being honest."
"Nobody deserves to buy a product that doesn't perform like it was advertised."
"The second brand invests their ad dollars or gives opportunities or products to one of these fake influences, that's where it gets... well, I think it's fraud."
"I'm not going to do a sponsored video where I talk about how great your product is... I want to do it in a way where someone watching the video can get something from the video that's completely independent of the product."
"It's false advertising, really. It's nothing like the final game."
"It's commercial speech... you can't straight up lie to the audience about something."
"A trailer is an advertisement designed to sell a movie... you are cheating the audience, you are duping them."
"You advertise honest wholesome products with product market fit that have sales pitches with the same tactics the scams use."
"We need accountability when it comes to advertising and once again this predatory marketing campaign that's allowed to go on everywhere."
"I will not accept any Advertisements for products that I would not personally endorse."
"We show you relevant and useful ads without telling advertisers who you are; we don't sell your personal data, no no, we sell your attention."
"No amount of money or free stuff would ever make me make a product out to be better than what it is."
"TDI advertising is not some fun gimmick but a slippery slope with real consequences."
"Kinda disrespectful, putting ads on people who maybe don't even want ads on their videos, but they boutta make banks."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."
"Transparent advertising: just how creepy and invasive these data collection methods truly are."
"If you lie in an election ad, that could undermine your democracy."
"If there's one type of ad you're not allowed to lie in, it should be your political ads."
"That's called false advertising and that is illegal."
"Pointer calls the list a 'index of unreliable news sites' and is openly calling for advertisers to stop sponsoring these sites to put these sites out of business. How special. If that's not a blacklist, tell me what is."
"Facebook saw teens creating secret accounts... a way to drive up numbers for advertisers and shareholders at the expense of safety." - Senator Blumenthal
"If I don't think it's actually a good product, I don't advertise it."
"This ad shows poor judgment and isn't reflective of the values of the second amendment."
"I can't stand advertisement interruptions or putting other people's words in my mouth so I don't do mid-roll ads or take money from sponsors."
"I'm not sticking any mid-roll ads in ever... if I ever intentionally put a mid-roll ad in any video that I do, slap me across the face with something very heavy."
"Anyway, FTC stepped in and fined Sketchy's $40 million for their bogus, misleading advertising."
"Ban micro targeted advertising... see what happens."
"I don't put ads on those videos because I don't want to be making a video about someone having just died and starting with an ad."
"I don't want to do like ads that don't make any sense for the channel."
"Registered investment advisors are subject to various rules and requirements, including that advertising, including presentation of your track record, cannot be false or misleading."
"As a content creator that utilizes honesty as the backbone of his reviews, I strongly disagree with any advertisers telling any content creators what they can or can't do."
"If it's okay for this to happen in the ads, why is it not okay for it to happen in the videos?"
"You have to be honest because that's false advertising."
"Dentists must not represent care being rendered, fees being charged, or any form of advertising in a false or misleading way."
"Do not do that in your ads. Even if you see competitors getting away with it, it just means they're getting away with it now."