
Specificity Quotes

There are 1603 quotes

"The love for a child is so specific and so dense and rich."
"The most reasonable concern was that the bill was just too broadly worded."
"A goal has to be specific, very, very clear...your goal has to be crystal clear."
"Remember, setting a goal to 'be fluent' isn't as helpful as setting smaller, more specific goals that lead you toward fluency."
"You want to make sure that your goals are super specific and are within your sphere of control."
"Make your goal specific, make your goal measurable. You can't track whether or not you speak like a native."
"Have a goal, write it down, and be specific."
"Every time something happens to Black people, they're trying to lump us in with 'people of color' as opposed to actually focusing on specified Black violence."
"In order for me to count something as fulfilled prophecy, the prophecy needs to be specific, not prone to interpretation, answerable by a single identifiable occurrence by anybody."
"Ultimately, there's no way for me to offer a universal advice that applies to all situations."
"It's very important to have a specific goal when you learn a language."
"Christianity has encompassed tons of different cultures with wildly divergent values. If you're gonna say you advocate for Christian culture, then you need to be more specific."
"Specificity is everything in spiritual warfare."
"Specificity means that to get a certain outcome in training, you need to train for it."
"Ask the universe for what you want. Be specific."
"Specificity is actually the friend of action; vagary is the enemy of action."
"It's extraordinarily popular, popular books often are rooted in something specific but have a universal message."
"The more specific you are with your actions, the better. Generalities aren't going to do you any good."
"I think a legitimate medium will put an emphasis on validation. Anybody can tell you your loved one loves you, but it's the person who's going to step in and bring forward the details and the specifics."
"We want to hear specifics, not soundbites. What are you going to do about the economy in terms of its economic disparities?"
"Normal malware doesn't go after control systems, and this was specifically focused on control systems."
"This amazing phenomenon demonstrates an important feature of remote viewing: targeting namely that one must specify not only the target location to be observed but the time as well."
"If you think I'm wrong, please be sure to give me specific examples of how I am wrong, girlfriend."
"Answer specific questions. It's incredibly specific to be teaching not just how to make apple cider vinegar but with the mother with the slimy mushroom thing in the middle so it ferments a little bit better."
"It's really important, when it comes to real estate, to focus on the specifics and make sure you know what you're getting into."
"I really would like to use the fully generic concept auto if and only if there isn't a more precise way of stating what I'm trying to state."
"There can be incredible value in specificity when it comes to depicting a character's identity."
"Being very specific will really set you apart from other potential buyers."
"We're going to say we want 100 percent of our portfolio to be Apple."
"Games are designed to be played in a very specific way, their play tested and honed to this particular point where they have to be very specific about the number of players."
"Genius is a powerful word but there's no reason to use it unless you're talking about the Kubrick."
"It embraces its past, embraces its lore, and uses those things to create a narrative that doesn't try to please everyone but tries to please the people who have been invested in what came before it."
"When you tell the world what kind of a woman you're looking for with specific answers, you help everybody in your life find that person for you."
"Resolutions fail because they are nonspecific and unmeasurable."
"Select your domain, set a deliberate intention, and be specific about it."
"Imminent threat means we had a very specific knowledge of the specific plan that the specific terrorist was engaged in and thus we had to kill him because tomorrow he was gonna do something."
"Be specific, like this particular issue when X happens."
"The challenge is to beat the entire game... without ever using the hover nozzle."
"You can't have a Bronze Age game without chariots."
"There's a lot more to it than just an STG copy."
"It's like going through a car wash, unmistakably de-icing spray."
"If it's made for everyone, is it really made for anyone?"
"We're even getting the bands that have no album records, which is what we want when we run this query."
"The most sincere apology is the most specific apology."
"It's the don't say paddle board Bill apparently."
"They specifically said it was a kind of jelly."
"He's barely above 35 years old, he is in fact exactly 38 years old today."
"It's called Act 77, and if you look it up, what you want to do is do a word search, spell it out e-i-g-h-t, 8 o'clock p.m, all right?"
"We want to cancel only the wire so if we select it and we're on power wires it'll only affect how was it specifically in that instance."
"You want to pick a very specific person and solve a very specific need. This gives you a much higher chance of building a strong community of customers."
"China studied specific policies carefully, adapting them to their own conditions."
"So you can remove those dark blemishes in these areas and not affect those tiny little hairs on his forehead because we're only targeting the darker pixels."
"At no point have we ever said slow pay everything or fast pay everything or fast pay this and then slow pay this because we don't give those generic rules of thumb."
"The more specific the character is, the better the art is."
"Specificity is universality, so the more specific the character is, the better the art is."
"So there is a literature, but it's not a well-known literature on Bell's theorem."
"What makes something feel like home in our worlds is like comfort food; it's in the details and the specificity of it."
"He talks about God, he never mentions Jesus."
"You've got to have goals for how much fun you're going to have this year, what kind of fun you're going to have this year that's measurable and specific."
"Stay tuned for part 4, where I give you a giant list of specific policy proposals."
"Of course for the grand finale we got the biggest box this guy is called the mugin fireclass 1 custom chainsaw zombie killer M249 airsoft machine gun now that is a name."
"The electorate was just 30 spectacled suited right-wing policy wonks."
"I want to earn 10% more in 2019, that's a very clear measurable and specific goal."
"Constructive feedback is like, 'Oh, make sure you flex your diaphragm for those high notes.' 'Be better' is not that."
"Adding numbers doesn't just add specificity, it lends credibility."
"I want prophecies that would be hard to intentionally fulfill, that Jesus can be said to fulfill."
"It's not enough to claim that the evidence is consistent with a hypothesis. It has to be discreetly tied to the specifics of the hypothesis."
"Use these stud patterns for the surface that they were intended to be used on."
"Ultimately, it's really hard to affirmatively say, 'Hey, this chest rig is for you, this one isn't'"
"We're here to find out exactly what you did to your car."
"What's the field has God planted you in? Be very specific about it."
"Current is really an important part. Corridors equus is the only officials."
"In epistolary, it just wasn't in that letter, right?"
"It's very difficult to improve your life generally, it is much easier to improve specifically."
"The old show is dead... We're only talking about Combat Sports, MMA, martial arts."
"A Range Rover Sport is its own distinct model."
"The letter is definitely suspicious. I think it is very strange that it was so specific about that car accident."
"Ethan meal: no onions, just say 'you know what it is'."
"The key to good writing: understanding how to use specificity."
"Specificity punches up your writing without feeling too fanciful."
"Specificity: the richness and uniqueness of your story."
"Specificity turns vague writing into vivid imagery."
"Specificity: the secret ingredient to compelling storytelling."
"I'm gonna listen to Usain Bolt on how to sprint properly and train properly, not a business degree guy that did a Google search."
"Write them down as specifically as you can. A goal without a plan is just a wish."
"One thing you can't do is put roofing nails in a certain area."
"This is the reason I come to Boma for breakfast, they have the best scrambled eggs."
"Manifesting specific things is really important."
"So next time someone asks you who your favorite early 20th century german experimental playwright is just scream dan harmon and then run away before they can call it into question."
"After reviewing this creation, I'm gonna be craving donuts."
"Niche is much more specific than that... narrow it down, narrow it down, narrow it down."
"What's really happening here is collaboration and it's all specific pieces for this new Financial system."
"I'm gonna refer you again to the four corners of charging and I charge Ament."
"Especially if you are in Florida's 16th congressional district."
"You get a shoe that really feels like it was designed and intended for those quick changes of direction and just kind of fast foot movement in general."
"On a street called Passion Monte in a town called Taytay in the country of the Philippines on planet earth."
"This is just displaying the date right now and what I want to do is only get the entries that are created today."
"The outpouring of support has been incredible."
"Envision your ideal partner with specific traits; be descriptive about who they are to you."
"Irreparable harm is a legal concept rooted in injunctive relief for which the Associated Press is not formally pled."
"Patrick Robinson, defensive back, Florida State."
"It's okay to like what you like. I really like coffee like this."
"In the UK, trespassing is not a crime, but that does not apply to some specific places."
"All of those trains of thought are easy to fabricate because of how vague it all is; however, this is not vague, this is almost painfully specific."
"The fact that it's so specific, I don't know of anybody that's told me yet that says that has told us or our team that there are mountains called Safa and Marwa specifically those names for the two mountains."
"When you read a food review, at least implicitly, you know that it's a review of that one dish that one person had that one time."
"Don't tell me what to buy, tell me when to buy it."
"The more specific it is, the more likely you got to just be zen about it."
"I think I've only ever had one serious injury... my shoulder particularly the left one."
"A Glock 20, 10mm underneath there, actually I probably got like seven or eight Glocks."
"You really start to think of your data in graph form... we can slowly query down to more and more specific sections of our application."
"I don't have to answer this question about the great replacement theory as it relates to Jewish people."
"The president spits a lot of opinions about Star Wars towards Morty."
"The highlight for me is this chutney right here."
"Only Michael is designated as an archangel by the Bible."
"This is where I was going to FK this is that John F Kennedy it's a theater school that's all we got."
"Challenge because of actually getting pepper poppers."
"I think it's an unhealthy trading methodology, I think that diamond handed argument exclusively applies to in the world of stocks to AMC and Jamie."
"You need actual focused policy, specific policies."
"Functionality in the Lapatin de problem section."
"Make sure it says it's for Xbox, though, or else it won't work on there."
"Doma is known for targeting women, especially those with strong and healthy bodies."
"We need a midfielder. Stop handing me a spanner when I need a hammer."
"Find a way to be a meaningful specific in a world of wandering generalities."
"The Arecibo signal wasn't sent at the hydrogen frequency preferred for Interstellar communication."
"We have very specific ways that we say things, very specific ways that we talk about things."
"A number nine has a very specific set of skills."
"Ordinary glue won't work with this model; you'll need a glue like world on three that's specifically designed for acrylic."
"You can walk around and then almost all... everything themselves for Worcestershire sauce."
"It's the literalized version of every FNAF mechanic ever."
"You have to more clearly define the parameters of the debate: who are you talking about reparations from, and to whom."
"This is a very clear amount. It's not a vague amount. It's not a blank check. It's a very clear, straightforward amount."
"I'm looking less for a salad dressing and more of a dip dunkin' ranch."
"We want to express not just the season, it's spring, but this is specifically today."
"Somewhere there's a human being, an engineer who in order to get this kit across the line became way more familiar with this particular model of Cadillac ambulance than they ever suspected they would be."
"Salvation is specific, not vague; it includes individual resurrection and triumph over death."
"It's all bolt actions, no semi-automatic sniper rifles, no Barret 50 cals, no M21s, no WA2000, all of them are full action sniper rifles."
"The third phase, Morgan was able to tell the state, height, and exact date of birth."
"Can a Chase is 20 miles north of Birmingham."
"When you go within six feet of Tan Blackmon..."
"Generalizations are useful, but you have to be careful with how specific you are being."
"The goal of both this video and that movie is to present you with an understanding of what a lot of people are going through."
"The minimum frog size limit is almost non-existent."
"Be very specific about the type of relationship that it is that you want and what your life is going to look like."
"This challenge is the not so berry challenge, okay?"
"Pray specifically. Nail it down so that when God answers, you know it was Him."
"I feel like almost nobody's talking about the specifics of what's going on here."
"A gun that will be tailor-made for one man and one job under one set of circumstances never to be repeated."
"So just to clarify this list it only includes cars that have actually been made and sold by manufacturers multiple times."
"Clear goals at an abstract and granular level."
"Aim for one audience... Make the thing for that person."
"I'm gonna shoot her in the face, it's kind of my specialty."
"Always run lasers on pistols. Don't run anything else."
"The more specific the target, the more likely that conspiracy theory is to be true."
"That has said Bennet for the other crystal, the Christmas crystal opening overall."
"We literally started with this one highlighted County."
"The plunge attack does have an extra single target hit if you land on the enemy's hitbox."
"If there was ever a time to pray, and I mean pray collectively, pray for specific things, now is that time."
"Chances are you are right-handed and none of this has ever really caught your eye. It's usually lefties that care about the fictional representations of handedness."
"The more we strive for specificity, the better off we all are."
"The court of owls are uniquely a bat family villain in this universe."
"The NordicTrack S22i was built from the ground up to do very specific things."
"Strength is specific to contraction type, velocity, movement, muscle lengths. Literally, every step of the way."
"The time is long overdue for him to tell us with specificity, not generalities, what he wants and what he does not want." - Bernie Sanders
"Specfic categories get overlooked constantly."
"It's the ultimate calf kick fighting championships now."
"This is not a constitutional challenge, it's a challenge on the other basis."
"The indictment does not even allege Trump personally entered the Capitol or incited violence."
"I use circle, LT only. Yeah, circle, yeah, circle, yeah."
"They only eat eucalyptus, okay? Nothing else."
"Never be shy of being as specific as you like in what it is that you would like to bring to yourself."
"Deliverance ministry deals with demons, it doesn't deal always with healing and it doesn't always deal with disorders."
"Can we specify if Ukrainian Russians before you start? I don't know how many times I can say that."
"Their goal is very straight to they want to lose this amount of weight, making it just that goal."
"Against all odds in the most specific way that could have gone wrong."
"You can't use generalization to back up a very specific point."
"The more specific you are in your artistry, the more universal they become."
"Asking intelligently requires asking specifically and knowing why."
"Length of the perimeter of this wall: 320 meters."
"Tell me a note: Arnaz is 'huge, fast, and has no genitals.'"
"We have to make sure, like, you guys know if there's testicles or no testicles."
"Simplify things as much as possible and then when you need to get very specific, then add that specificness to your grid."
"Why is it so hard to find the perfect avocado?"
"Postpartum depression is probably the most misunderstood type of depression because it's so specific... unless you've gone through it, you don't understand."
"We use a custom number format: day day month month month."
"At 8:05, Taxi clearance was now given to the Cessna Citation."
"Literally no one on the planet Earth apparently knows for sure how to talk properly about revolvers."
"Prepare yourself and get me some red meteorite gems. Only red ones matter to us."
"Let me be specific... an Indonesian and a Korean."
"Querying selectively: Fetching specific data with precision."
"Let's say I just want all students that are from Washington, there you go."
"Not that we shouldn't be talking about these issues that affect us, but that I want more artists to talk about very specific things that concern them."
"When you pray for a specific miracle, specify it."
"You want things very specific because if you don't they can, if it's too nebulous they can spin it anything they want it to be."
"It's good to just kind of get into a topic and then hopefully branch into something a little bit more specific."
"Some people wanna be best in the world, some people wanna be best in the city. I'm like best in an increasingly small and arbitrary subsection of categories."
"The civil rights laws were written strictly and solely for black folk."
"I'll have two croissant so Josh, tell Josh to get the almond butter on the side this time."
"If Peter Parker is not part of it, I'm not interested."