
Career Growth Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"There's a huge partnership coming in for you in your career."
"Every skill you add to your skill tool belt makes the rest of your skills more valuable."
"You're about to be shining in your career and you're awakening your true talents, and it's bringing more attention to you than ever."
"I see that you're going to be making more money and finding more success in your career because of the authenticity that you're showing up with."
"You're trying to make a better wage, you're trying to gun for that better job, you're trying to start a side business."
"Finding balance in your life is going to help you progress and grow in your career."
"This shows that although you may start off low, there's a ton of growth and opportunity here for what you can make in the future."
"You're stepping into your wholeness, you're stepping into your career, your status, your reputation."
"Real estate success takes time, and you're going to be an overnight success in five to ten years."
"Eminem and Jay-Z are perfect examples that if you don't have a great first impression, you can eventually become one of the best in what you're doing."
"Data is one of the growing fields, and all you need to have is high school-level math and curiosity about how things work."
"Artists can be evolving. It's no different than any other career."
"I went from a $50,000 salary to doubling that in less than a year."
"Cybersecurity has been and will continue to be one of the hottest careers in the world."
"DevOps engineer, with an insane increase of 14.1% and an average salary of $136,000 a year."
"When it comes to money, career, business, you're in like this big manifestation mode."
"I think it's actually really nice because I think historically... it's not a death sentence to have a single bad split or a single bad year."
"You're about to go through a period where your career gets to an all-time high."
"Prepare for you to be given a promotion or getting higher up in what you do."
"I see you headed toward a lot of business success and money success."
"Keep developing yourself personally and professionally. Just because you got yourself to a certain level in your career does not mean that it's time for you to stop learning."
"How does a regular 28-year-old person that got out of college, they got a job starting at 50 grand a year, then they go to get a 3 percent raise, let's say a 4 percent raise every year... How the hell are you going to buy a house?"
"Data science is such a growing field and every company now wants to use it."
"With Jupiter and Saturn together... they can bring promotions, they can bring property."
"If you do good work and make yourself indispensable, you'll start earning big."
"Build high income skills. Skills like content creation and sales will always be valuable."
"You can learn new skills and potentially develop these side hustles into long term careers or businesses."
"It's really important for players also be good friend investors and so as their pay increase in the negotiation you know their hours of streaming and getting sponsored content also increased right."
"Jupiter brings growth in work and health, with caution for illusions."
"Increasing your value will make you a lot more money."
"You will find you are dramatically expanding in your visible purpose and career."
"Skills are the only thing that will always appreciate in time and work in compound, compound in concert."
"You always gotta stay up and kind of learn, you can't know everything."
"Continuing professional development doesn't stop in any profession."
"Your wish is going to come true. It may not be this year, but your career is going to take off."
"Drake just dropped some really good stuff on the internet and emerged on the other side with a huge following and a lot of power and autonomy."
"Whether you're aiming for a leadership position, seeking to expand your skill set, or looking to make a career pivot, March offers a fertile ground for your professional growth."
"AJ Styles was the high spot guy, the move guy, but never really understood psychology until he got to the WWE."
"The sweetest revenge is Dolph Ziggler becoming bigger than he ever has been away from WWE."
"Being successful in this business is a consistent process that takes time generally years."
"Make some decisions that are going to allow you to have greater financial great gain and success from your actual career and work story."
"Good things want to come in your career and you're going to allow them to because you're going to be feeling yourself in this glow-up."
"Devil energy is about mastering your situation, mastering your emotions, mastering your career."
"One of the greatest things you can do is give somebody a great job because they find personal and professional satisfaction."
"He started sweeping floors and retired as a multi-millionaire."
"Best memories at Chelsea... to keep lifting silverware... ultimately keep progressing as a player."
"Those comments to me means so much to me because it means that I am doing a good job at branching out."
"The full moon in your 10th house brings positive developments in career, recognition, and rewards for past projects."
"Those three to five years, they make all the difference."
"Trust and follow through on new business ideas or career opportunities."
"They went from selling a few thousand records a week, which was impressive for them, but they went to selling almost 60,000 a week overnight."
"The more skills that you develop typically the more that you earn."
"You've got to look like the next level before somebody will invite you to step into it."
"Jon Moxley is a much bigger star now than he was in the WWE at least it feels that way."
"Suddenly, I found myself with all these different opportunities that were far beyond the scope of endemic skate companies."
"How long would people often work, and more importantly, how long will people often new work that actually excites me?"
"All the work that you've been putting in might pay off quite suddenly."
"Leverage an ever-expanding set of valuable and marketable skills."
"Abundance manifesting, career success, and expanding influence."
"A new positive career beginning, improvements in social status, and possibly a marriage in the next 18 months."
"It's not one big challenge. Life is a series of challenges."
"An artist who can actually take constructive criticism... that is why her career is skyrocketing."
"Satisfaction starting to grow in a certain area of career."
"Taking off in your career, taking off in your financial life."
"You're going to upgrade your story when it relates to your place in the world and upgrade your story when it relates to how you make money or how much you make."
"I think YouTube has already had success cases of people going over to the platform and growing."
"Your marketing back end is set up so that you're ready to capture all these fans so you can start growing faster and make money faster to invest back into your career."
"Your passions are igniting, your career, your work life is igniting."
"She didn't have the platform to be labeled as an angry black woman... it's easy to do away with us than to deal with us."
"Both have humble beginnings and advanced through their respective fields."
"It's possible that he'll adapt and become better and better in the midfield too as he reaches his peak years."
"There's more opportunity to work in the animation industry than ever before in history."
"My career wasn't a given. I wasn't someone who anyone was predicting that I would end up in the position where I was."
"Some people just reach another level in their career."
"Shine brightly let your spectrum show this month love yourself and know that there's some really great movement when it comes to career money also relationships whatever changes you make there for the better."
"I think his 2022 is going to be very bright in AEW."
"This month can be very positive in terms of career growth and financial gains."
"There's some type of elevation or leveling up in your career."
"If you join any of these industries for long enough, you're gonna be making more than enough money."
"As soon as you are out of school... you really grow as a designer and as an adult."
"Starting at the bottom is the most exciting."
"You bring something different to the table and I feel with sustained effort you're going to the top."
"It was very clear to everyone that Shanda was destined for greatness."
"Data analyst: a ton of opportunity both vertical growth as well as horizontal growth."
"Cole Bennett was just choosing all the right records from when you started to even now."
"Maybe you had to get specialized training or maybe you had to learn some sort of skill... now it's like you're getting paid for it."
"Exciting career and money breakthroughs look for the fullness of that around October 2nd where you're going to go whoa, that's what that's about, I'm so excited."
"Don't care about what people think about you. Everybody's opinion does not matter because everybody's opinion will not make you happy."
"Medical assistant... a new, extremely fast-growing career."
"With this kind of resume, the potential for Locksmith Studios could really be to become something absolutely great."
"In 2015 to 2018 I would say my career exploded, I was doing crazy unheard of things that way surpassed my vision board."
"I went from just being known in Nigeria to being known in Africa and now it's like the whole wide world."
"I took Subzero's Lifting the Veil Academy class. I doubled my income in eight months."
"A full moon in Virgo in your career house... Fulfillment over the 2 weeks and six months that follow this February 24th full moon."
"My career is bursting with opportunities to express creativity and passion."
"Expect the energy to be flowing in like money, career, within an already established home or family."
"This next chapter of your career has the sustainability, the ability to last a long time if you want it to."
"This next chapter, oh my gosh, like king of Pentacles, I see you leveling up."
"Do what you love. Great personal growth in career or endeavors."
"It's almost like you can't say no to this, more money, more responsibility, more exposure, higher status. It's looking good."
"I could in the gym with maybe 10 people wrestling for years and now you know I've done it in front of a sold-out crowd at the T-Mobile Arena."
"I know that when I win this fight and leave victorious it's definitely going to project my career in ways that I can't even fathom right now."
"He was at the top of his game right as I was getting back into YouTube."
"When I win this fight and leave victorious, it's definitely going to traject my career in ways that I can't even fathom right now."
"Ellen's life has been an evolution beyond just personal growth."
"There's just something in Canada there's something truly beautiful right that you see James top marching."
"That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying I'm not excited, I'm not congratulating Derrick because I think this is going to be great for him and his career."
"Before Breath of the Wild was released, my channel wasn't that big."
"Receive your increase, receive your expansion, receive that promotion."
"You're getting some good news and a lot of positive changes in regards to your career and money."
"Embrace the shock of the new with people and career."
"Opportunities that you need to focus on in career and money situations."
"This is a really powerful time of career growth so a lot of opportunities can come to you in that area throughout the summer."
"Experiencing recognition and growth in career endeavors."
"It's really rare. It affects entrepreneurs once they start to climb too high."
"Every new day holds a promise, spend it advancing yourself, furthering your prospects, and your career."
"Expect your performance to improve leading to new opportunities and possible promotions."
"A good summer for your finances in your career."
"All of a sudden your energy changes and options open up for you on all fronts career and relationship."
"Fasten your seat belts for some unexpected opportunities in 2023."
"The only way to become an expert is to start."
"The right opportunity will pick you up and lead you to abundance."
"Anthony Joshua showed focus, he has shown growth even after being at the pinnacle, being the number one heavyweight in the world."
"Never give up. And he's for coming a Hollywood sensation."
"If you pass up on it, it will just be. It won't come again, so if it's a relationship, if it's a job opportunity, whatever it is."
"So this person could have an even bigger glow up or perhaps this job opportunity starts off small and you get promoted really quickly."
"Never stop earning, never stop hustling, never stop growing."
"This is a year where you feel like you're more successful, you're more powerful, your work, your career, things are taking off."
"From the streets of Venice Beach to the grand stages, Harry is now receiving the well-deserved recognition."
"There's an opportunity for you to learn something."
"You could make more money and get a raise over the next two weeks."
"My growth has been of someone who has not really thought out that I would be an actor. It just happened." - Shah Rukh Khan
"You're about to see an increase in finances, you're about to get favor from your boss."
"This is really a very abundant time for you career-wise but in terms of love I do feel like there's going to be like no that's gonna be bad there's new people gonna be coming in if you're not gonna be with them just yet."
"The main driver is just my loafer luring things, and if I'm not learning, then I'm not at the right place."
"It's an amazing opportunity, but yeah, it's challenging."
"If your money is with us then your career will go boom."
"I think the true definition of a hit for him right now is something to elevate him to that next level."
"Double transit of Saturn and Jupiter could mean career elevation."
"Jupiter will bless you in many areas of your life, especially your career, wealth, daily work routine, foreign travel, vacation—all this will now start to fructify in a positive way."
"You're gaining stability in your finances...a flow of money, career, and good relationships."
"You also get supportive peer group mentors and leaders and the ability to accelerate your growth."
"Joey Cook is making the jump from normal to a Star."
"Your work for a few thousand dollars... then those numbers could quickly go up."
"My brand's grown, and they obviously see that value." - Ricky Wysocki
"You're already an influencer or looking to grow your influence and income. You can't have lost me after you start unironically using the word influencer."
"14 months ago, Tyson was earning under $1,000 a fight. Today, separate deals with ABC and HBO have brought in over 2 million dollars for 8 fights."
"Prayers answered, new beginning in love and career."
"God decides who gets promoted, and how you get promoted."
"Skills compound over the course of your life... Once you master a skill nobody can take it away from you."
"I see money in your future, success in business and career."
"After a while of building a strong catalog and just showing strong work that's up there, that competes with the elite, after a while, you know, how long can you deny me?"
"Just come out and say what's going on yo, listen, it's not working out, I want to go somewhere where I can grow as an artist."
"There is no one area of success or master you get to and you go I'm done."
"The more experience you're getting, the better quality of work you're going to be doing."
"A lot of you are going to be bringing something to fruition that's going to help grow your salary, that's going to help you achieve your goal, bring you gains, and define the next 10 years of where you're going."
"What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth? Self-evaluation."
"I went from being virtually unknown to getting paid to travel the world, man it was f***ing awesome."
"Martel became a highlight during his initial years in the AWA, putting on good matches while slowly rising up the ranks."
"The financial moves that you want to make and the career moves that you want to make, I think could be really prosperous for you into the future."
"It's hard to look at the cold hard facts that if you want to make more money, you need to increase your value."
"There's a really important offer coming in for you, one that you've worked hard to connect to."
"The higher you climb in your professional career, the more it becomes about managing the people around you."
"You upgrade your skill set like your capabilities your knowledge all of those things."
"People are connecting us, so either people that we are, have you know people in our lives know what we do and they connect us and it's awesome."
"If you follow this from beginning to end you are able to make a high-quality montage, get all them views, get all them subs, grow your channel, get monetized, become famous, buy a car."
"This is a lad who came from Lyon for 53 million quid. People have doubted him, but recently he's been ungrateful."
"Scorpio 2024 is meant for big and great things and I feel it's in your career for sure."
"Make yourself easy to work with, give yourself experience and results."
"The worst the world gets, the better my career does."
"Success may come faster than expected, embrace it."
"There's so much growth, there's so many opportunities in the tech world."
"Don't underestimate your capacity and your skills. I feel like this is going to be a great month for work finances personal development."
"Payoffs coming in for the risks that you're taking in your career."
"Success means change; it means that once you hit a certain status in your career, you have to maintain or go higher, which means more work, more dedication."
"I still see this in the context of the need for reskilling and retraining. The need for reskilling is enormous in the modern age."
"Career opportunities, expansion, and recognition with Jupiter in the tenth house."
"Machine learning engineer was the fastest growing job title for all jobs in the world."
"Yes, there's a financial victory in career here."
"Good changes are coming, especially career-wise, unexpected fortune or wealth."
"I feel like I'm at a point where my career is starting to do and reward me for all of my efforts."
"You gain success recognition your dream job promotion anything when it comes to gain in your career you will receive next year."
"I'm not exceptional I'm not an exception as of the 1st of September 2022 I made two times the income that I made back when I was a pharmacy technician right I doubled my pharmacy technician income just working January through August."
"Authority, power, leveling up in your career."
"I'm not the broke queen anymore, thanks RuPaul."
"Mercury here could bring a raise, promotion, or a new job boldly coming forward."
"She didn't do it on her own and Thor played by Chris Hemsworth... this guy on the other hand, his franchise started from almost nothing about 10 years ago."
"Career success is on the horizon, but so is the need for balance."
"She's such a business woman, like she has just leveled, you know, she's gone above, above, above."
"Know that you've got what it takes... you're going to be elevated, promoted into some different area of your career."
"He's gone from getting paid 550 pounds a week to now 13k. That is a pay rise and a half, man. This is life-changing money for the teenager."
"The demand for project managers is rapidly increasing in the market."
"Avoiding these deals allows you to grow in your career without pressure."
"It's a defining moment in your career where you get to prove that you can rise to the challenge."
"I was able to see her rise in her career to the meteoric success that she had and genuinely feel good about that for her."
"It's time for you to spread your wings and to fly to go higher in your career."
"Do you know how psyched I am? This will mean national exposure for my agency."
"What would happen if you didn't learn Blender? Like two years down the line, how would you be different, how much more valuable would you be?"
"If your boss is a true leader and somebody you want to work for, they're rooting for you in life, not just in one position."
"Having good communication skills will help you grow in your career way further than somebody who does not have these communication skills."