
Personal Limitations Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Also, your emotions are your doorway to your subconscious mind to what's limiting you from getting to where you desire."
"He tried his best to cultivate powers for 11 years before realizing that he was not cut out to be a hunter."
"The only prison anyone lives in is their own perspective, their own point of view."
"I have such a passion for just helping other people, but not enough to be a nurse."
"I want to speak to you today about unlearning your limitations."
"You can change things about you that limit you, that you don't like about yourself."
"Limitations are only around her but not in her mind."
"It releases us from the prison of limitations, beliefs, and assumptions that we have about ourselves."
"I have a master's degree in environmental engineering. Like, I can read code, but I can't read red flags."
"I don't speak Chinese, I don't read Chinese, so I there's a lot that I probably don't know."
"I think a lot of the reason people shoot themselves down and like don't reach for the dreams is because they don't believe themselves."
"We have to enable people to express their uniqueness and simultaneously acknowledge our own limitations."
"What am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do? Nothing, I can't do anything."
"No, I can't say that to them I probably couldn't even look at it."
"In order to break free of the limitations that we feel are imposed upon us, we must first believe that it's possible to do so."
"I just couldn't make it happen so I wound up defaulting to like a comfort zone which is not what I wanted to do here."
"Weakness has awareness. Awareness of my own weakness and limitations has incredible value spiritually speaking."
"Understanding your limitations and learning to work within them is key."
"Most of the time it's out of fear that you're not going bigger, it's out of worry about what other people will think of you."
"Fear and self-doubt do more to hold you back from dreaming big dreams and accomplishing great things than any other factors."
"I can only do a piece of information at a time, man."
"Your tendency, high performer, to over-commit yourself is actually stealing from your ability to make good choices, to feel the day, to win the day."
"Aren't you already in the magic? Why feel hopeless when you are in a world where sure there are limitations right now to it?"
"So like I would compare something like that um there have been people in the past that just knew more than me about a lot of like either conspiracy theories or about a given topic so I just wasn't able to adequately counter them."
"I accept compliments from anyone but I ain't accepting limitations from nobody."
"If you tend to think 'I can't,' you probably won't."
"Your mindset is the only thing that's limiting you."
"I've learned to give myself grace because there's only one of me and I don't have time for everything."
"Stop arguing for your limitations. Just believe that you can have what you want."
"It's a shame actually when you see fantastic talent... that potential is locked up, hindered terribly when it's by other people, but even worse when it's by themselves."
"It's what you're not willing to see that's holding you back."
"And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from."
"My life has shrunk from being able to do anything that I wanted to do... I now have to limit, make choices all the time."
"No, I cannot love everybody. But God can give me the capacity to love everybody."
"I can't fix the entire world. I'm not that powerful to solve world hunger, but I'd have to do at least what I can to give those values a voice."
"We are still very much limited by our own personal experiences."
"Know yourself. Know your limitations. Know why you're asking for that specific thing."
"There's an indication that you're not able to fulfill the kind of lifestyle that you want with the means that you have at the moment."
"You will never exceed your wildest and craziest goal for yourself... it will never come to fruition."
"If you're too scared to fail that it's stopping you from even trying you're not gonna make it."
"For some of you guys, you're gonna realize that thorn in your side was just your own thoughts, your own negative thoughts, your own limitations that you placed on yourself."
"The greatest limitation on your life right now is not your potential; it's your belief."
"It is what it is, there's not much I can do about it."
"Nobody can tell me I can't do something, only I can do that."
"You cannot receive everything that you want and desire with a victim narrative."
"The sky is not the limit; there are no limits except those you impose on yourself."
"There's really very few limitations in life."
"What holds most people back is not planning for their goals."
"They stay stuck not because of what God believed about them, they stay stuck because of what they believed about themselves."
"I learned a lot about my limitations, my capability."
"We can do anything, we just can't do everything."
"Cut away from the doubt and fear, I'm incapable."
"The Holy Spirit can compensate for what you are not naturally endowed with."
"Try not to limit yourself, try to observe what's obvious as well."
"The only thing that can hold you back is just fear and not moving."
"Some of you really hold back too much which is so strange... There's some things you need to give up and you're not doing it."
"They're not allowing you to get out of your skin and become something bigger and better."
"Don't ever limit yourself by what you see and what you think to be true about yourself."
"Don't limit yourself, push through the barriers."
"Your creativity is the only thing that limits you."
"He knows what he's capable of outside and just as I said, guys, Kidwaya knows that he cannot sing, he knows that he cannot dance, and he's not even stressing over it."
"I just wasn't in a place to run it. I didn't have help, I wasn't open enough."
"If your results exceed your internal thermostat, you'll find a way to cool your life back down."
"Limiting yourself is not a bad thing, like at all."
"Some of your boundaries have become walls to yourself."
"Understanding that the only thing that's really been holding you back is yourself."
"You are your only limit, you can only go as far as you allow yourself to go."
"I think it's so important to realize that you don't have to be good at everything and that that's okay."
"People that are great gift givers are either extremely thoughtful and creative or they put a lot of time and thought into things, and I have neither of those capabilities."
"Free yourself from limiting beliefs, you deserve happiness."
"The whole trick to goal-setting is to not set goals that are impossible for you, because if you can't conceptualize it in your feelings or visualize it in your feelings, then that goal will never be reached."
"Most of the limits a player has are self-imposed."
"Fear stops you from doing things you enjoy because you're worried about what other people think."
"If you don't think you're a good ice skater or if you're convinced you're not a good cellist, you're not going to try it. But people are buying stocks anyway. They're not discouraged, they just think it's a gamble."
"Having discovered the truth of using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation."
"Life is magical. Do not doubt you. You will limit yourself if you do."
"You are only as limited as what you believe."
"What we're dealing with right now is a god-sized problem and you cannot do it in your own strength."
"You can't produce something greater than yourself."
"I think the only thing stopping CM Punk from becoming a world champion in the WWE is CM Punk."
"I'm not allowed to do that, that's just like the mindset that I put in my head."
"Your self-love and your self-empowerment will not regenerate you."
"But not everybody can do that. And there has to be some forgiveness or some grace for not everybody being able to handle every situation perfectly."
"Judgments restrict our valve and capacity, affecting how we receive and interpret information."
"If you try to be all things to all people you're gonna end up being not much to a whole lot of people"
"The Cold One Knights are anti-large and armor-piercing, making them formidable on the battlefield."
"Don't overestimate your own strength. You need rest just like everybody else."
"By myself, I just have too many limitations."
"When you're a great player, sometimes you overestimate your ability and underestimate someone else."
"You can do anything... but you just can't do everything."
"Politics should not be what drives you. They should not be the all-encompassing factor in your life."
"The mental warfare, because I don't have the capabilities that I used to."
"Some people you can't help them because they'll put themselves right back where they were, they will always be where they've always been because of themselves."
"They wouldn't go within 10 feet of the water, she wouldn't even put her foot in the water when we were up in Hillsborough."
"The greatest limitation for man is the self."
"Chen realized that even if he trained for another 10 years, he might be unable to fight the Beast. Chen is simply too strong."
"We should have the humility to recognize our own limitations."
"You can be whatever you want to be. The only limitations there are are the ones you put there."
"Sometimes what a person can't do for their own children they do for the world."
"Embracing God's wisdom means acknowledging our limitations in understanding and judgment, it requires humility to seek and follow God's guidance."
"I have a way... up all the simple things... I could [__] up a wet dream."
"A man's got to know his limitations." - Clint Eastwood
"If you're limited in your thinking, you'll be limited in your prayers. If you're praying according to your ability, you're not praying, you're wishing and worrying."
"Know my limits. At 61, one of the things I've learned is to know my limits."
"I'm not even at the level of anything high in that."
"The only way the resurrection power works is if you think you can't do it yourself."
"The only limits you have are limits you believe."
"The bottom line: the reason you're not confident is limiting beliefs."
"You're only limited by your own potential of achieving something by virtue of your belief in yourself to do so."
"I'm 17. I can't save the world. I can't even parallel park."
"You want a realistic assessment of who you are, what you can give, what are your limitations."
"This is someone who would love to be able to give you the whole world, but for whatever reason, they're more grappling within themselves with their own facade."
"You can't stay in the same small sandbox and expect to grow or evolve."
"I looked at coding as something that was just way too difficult for me to learn and that I was not smart enough to learn it."
"Decisions limit you in order to free you to love."
"Let go of limiting beliefs; you put yourself in a box."
"I would argue it's not a smart move to keep your money in cash."
"You're limiting yourself by trying to limit others."
"Everyone can do it. The only limitation in life is the ones that you put on yourself."
"Natsu also needs to learn that he can't fix everybody's damn problem. He is not the fixer of all things."
"Stop worrying about what you think are your insufficiency, your so-called weaknesses, and everything that you think you lack." - Billy Alls Brooks
"My competitive desire wants to play events, wants to do well, it wants to study. But I literally don't believe that I can do it anymore."
"I want to be able to foster people that will be that light someday because quite frankly I'm not smart enough to be able to do that."
"Your life is in your own hands... there is no glass ceiling except in your own head."
"You have talent limitations and time limitations. Nobody's good at everything."
"Recognizing your limitations is something that people are not very good at."
"Everyone wants to make an impact but not everyone can."
"Don't try to fit the whole world in your journal."
"You can't fix somebody who doesn't want to be fixed."
"The only limitations are the limitations in your mind."
"Even the door is wide open, but sometimes the real bars holding you back can't be seen."
"Your thoughts are what are very often holding you back."
"Is any of this devastating or bombshell? Or is it basically just Democrats putting on a TV show?"
"I'm not doing it all. I just do what I can. Bottom line, we all just do the best that we can."
"Every strength overextended becomes a constraint."
"One of the things limiting you from your income, your impact, is caring too much about what people think about you."
"There is nothing that you cannot achieve for yourself. It's just we've got to come to an awareness of where we're kind of holding ourselves back."
"How sad to limit yourself, and if you're going to limit yourself, just do us a favor, don't limit the rest of us."
"You've got to allow him to get it, I know that sounds weird, but if you're trying to be super mum he won't learn your limitations."
"She couldn't fix that can afford to go through heat on a daily weekly basis and still grow and still look healthy and I'm never gonna know."
"Someone thought they had special abilities, but it's not playing out that way."
"Everyone has limitations, both physical and mental, and it's very important that you are familiar with yours."
"Be humble, you can't do this by yourself, you're not as smart as you think you are, nobody is, this is bigger than all of us."
"I'm just a person on YouTube. I can't talk anyone out of an eating disorder."
"My biggest weakness in the kitchen is gonna be trying to do too much."
"Because it gets to be easy because I'm the one making up my limitations, might as well make some that are inspiring and taking me to the next level."
"What are the trigger words that you say to yourself that keep you small, that keep you scared, that keep you safe, that keep you from living your dreams?"
"I had no better solution to your problems or your painful thoughts."
"It's a place where our abilities run out that His take over."
"You can't live above what you know. You cannot rise above your level of revelation."
"Sometimes I can't be there, baby, can't you see that I'm just being me?"
"The only thing limiting you is your attitude."
"We can't call in more abundance if we are weighed down with other things because there simply will be no room."
"Know your limitations and work within those because there's no shame in that."
"Knowing one's limitations will set you free."
"God is greater than your strength, God is greater than your wisdom, God is greater than your abilities."
"I can't be doctor because I hate blood; lawyer is out because I would pass out if I ever had to talk in front of a large crowd of people."
"Your only limitation is your imagination."
"Know your limitations, really really important."
"Your limitations begin where your self-discipline ends."
"You have to have the power to look at yourself and criticize yourself and understand your limitations, understand who you are."
"You can't give people stuff you ain't got."
"I've never been able to whistle growing up. I think it's one of these things you have to learn as a kid or you'll never do it."
"The only way that you will not accomplish what you want to accomplish is if you convince yourself that you can't."
"You are the only thing limiting yourself."