
Franchise Quotes

There are 1493 quotes

"Star Trek had never been about one character's journey."
"Farewell, Sonic, forever, and welcome back to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, ladies and gentlemen."
"Ghostbusters Afterlife is legitimately one of the best sequels in recent years, and the most emotional Ghostbusters film to date."
"Silent Hill is the most disturbing and terrifying horror franchise that has ever lived and died."
"I respect DICE for really trying to innovate their franchise."
"Animal Crossing is the one franchise beyond Smash Brothers that they can announce at any point, and I would lose my mind."
"This movie's such a good example of how to do an installment in a long-running franchise."
"Critics agreed that [Jurassic World] was the best entry since Jurassic Park."
"To me, Dead Man's Chest rises above all other Pirates films to be the best entry in the franchise."
"Assassin's Creed Mirage does in fact feel like an Assassin's Creed game of Old."
"Fire Emblem Heroes stands as a celebration of all things Fire Emblem."
"Can you believe that there have been no fewer than six 'Home Alone' movies?"
"Eleven years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is easily the single most intricate and expansive theatrical franchise of all time, spanning 23 movies."
"Number 9: God of War. Shifting an established franchise's tone is a tricky business, even when the same team that worked on the original is shouldering the responsibility for this new work."
"New Vegas built on what Bethesda managed to establish with Fallout 3 and delivered a more classic Fallout style."
"John Wick Chapter 3 is the best action franchise of the millennium."
"There’s so much to explore in the franchise."
"Odyssey is one of the better Assassin's Creed games in the franchise this all has nearly everything that is defined the series up to this point"
"I just know what I want from this franchise for a long time I've legitimately thought it was lost down the path of mediocrity but I have hope now."
"There's always a touch of lightness in Star Wars."
"It would be the most egregious ruination of a beloved franchise."
"It's the culmination of the entire franchise."
"Whatever the title is, I don't care. I love this franchise." - John Campia
"If you enjoyed any of the other renditions of this famous franchise, laughs."
"EX3 is not only a solid Street Fighter EX game but it's also Street Fighter at its most Gonzo and I really love it for that."
"It's full-blown and that franchise is magical."
"Somehow topping itself yet again, the John Wick franchise incredibly found a way to one-up the action stakes once more on the third go-around."
"Sweeping up four Oscars and launching a blockbuster franchise in the process."
"Rising is not perfect however what the game does do is provide an extremely action-packed romp in the Metal Gear universe."
"Lego City Undercover is Traveler's Tale's first attempt at an original Lego game... Not based on any movie franchise."
"As many of you know, the fifth installment of the Fox Studios popular Ice Age franchise is coming to theaters in 2016 and it now has a title."
"Spider-man is gonna be the perfect character to usher us into phase four." - Perry
"To us, the Jurassic World franchise is about capturing that sense of awe and wonder when you see a dinosaur for the first time."
"Say what you will about milking this franchise, drive we've milked that image dry if only every other character in this franchise was as clickable."
"There's something very impressive about a game franchise like Zelda."
"Golden Fredd, while seemingly the super important piece of the lore to the franchise hasn't shown up in a major way in any recent titles."
"At the end of the day, it's still Assassin's Creed."
"After the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot failed to launch a new film series in its own right it seemed like the beloved supernatural comedy franchise might never hit the big screen again."
"They didn't walk away from our franchise, they took it."
"This is the correct order in which to watch the Stargate franchise."
"Stargate SG-1 is a spin-off from the original film."
"Before moving on to the next season of Stargate Atlantis, you should take a couple of hours to watch the direct-to-video movie Stargate: Ark of Truth."
"They think that food franchises are the biggest moneymakers but according to a franchise business review report fifty one point five percent of food franchises earned profits of less than $50,000 a year."
"Ron Howard, America's Sweetheart, should pick up the mantle and direct Guardians three."
"The development of The Horde and its races is one of the most unique aspects of the Warcraft franchise for me."
"Fans and critics of the series have come to consider it the best out of the franchise."
"More than half of business startups fail; buying into an established franchise more than doubles your chance of success."
"No matter what direction Star Wars goes in, whether I really like something or I really don't, I'm sticking with the franchise forever."
"I think all in all, Jurassic World Dominion really did deliver a Jurassic Park experience that we hadn't seen before."
"The Mortal Instruments City of Bones: Hollywood desperately wants to find the next Harry Potter."
"That's one of my favorite things that's come out of this whole franchise."
"Pokemon is now the highest grossing media franchise of all time."
"It's pretty impressive for the third movie in a reinvigorated franchise to be doing better than the previous films."
"I absolutely love the Forza franchise. It's definitely a must-play!"
"The Avengers encapsulates so much of what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is."
"The Star Trek franchise has delivered some of TV's best science fiction."
"This season might just be exactly what the franchise needed…"
"But even if we never get another entry into this world I'm thankful for what we have here because it is rare to get a franchise that is this unabashedly weird."
"It's the start of the franchise's self-awareness."
"Expanding a promising first film into a franchise can work so well."
"If you love Fallout lore and you enjoyed the way Fallout 4 looked, felt, and played, then you'll really enjoy Fallout 76."
"OverWatch 2 feels like a rushed attempt to cash in on the popularity of the original without understanding what made the first game special."
"It's a great adaptation, exciting for the franchise."
"Spin-offs in a large franchise can go one of two ways: they can be useless garbage made to profit off of the name..."
"The Harry Potter franchise... it's seen a bit of a downfall in recent years."
"This is another great addition to this Toy Story franchise as well as another great Pixar film."
"The spirit of Star Trek had successfully been recaptured."
"Star Trek was back, a valued franchise for its studio and an adored pop culture icon for fans."
"SimCity: one of the greatest city builder franchises of all time."
"15 minutes of Luke Skywalker don't make it okay. Erasing the Disney trilogy doesn't erase what Rian Johnson and Pablo Hidalgo and Kathleen Kennedy did to the fandom."
"Multimedia makes every part of a franchise matter the same amount - either games, movies, shows, comics. All matter in the marketing push."
"It's no small task to build a studio and reinvent a beloved franchise."
"It still feels like Star Wars but takes in some really great new directions."
"If this is how you're going to do justice to the legacy of Star Wars, then this is how it should be done."
"When it comes to horror movies, the 'Friday the 13th' franchise, all the originals."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 2 is one of the best Hawk games ever made."
"Resident Evil 4, an essential cog in the franchise."
"Things are not looking too bright for this once-great franchise."
"There will never be another franchise like this."
"Yokai Watch is like the best franchise you've never played."
"It's a lot of fun if we can have 900 Marvel movies, why not have 900 Pixar movies?"
"This rests at the peak of what this franchise can offer, and is an impressive reminder of why I fell in love with it to begin with."
"A big slap in the face, a big slap of betrayal to the original saiyan concepts."
"All of my concerns about the game and all my frustrating situations about the game, it all stems from an interest in the game and interest in the franchise."
"The rare horror franchise where you're actually drawn to the survivors more than the killer."
"Taking iconic bits and pieces from across the entire franchise."
"This is the start of an entirely new franchise."
"The Grand Theft Auto series is one of the most high-profile top-selling video game franchises ever made."
"The Star Wars universe is going to have a lot of stuff happening all over the place, and it's going to be really interesting to watch."
"If they ever make another Scream movie that is better than this first one, then hey, you end the franchise right there because that is impossible to do."
"Metroid Dread is Metroid operating at its fullest capacity."
"God of War was an incredible and refreshing reboot of a franchise." - 2018
"This embracing of every corner of the franchise also allows for the film to both feel like a love letter to what's come as well as advancing it into the future."
"Exactly. It's such an iconic game of our franchise."
"Maybe it's time to close the book on that galaxy far far away."
"Come on it's officially a franchise now though which is cool officially franchise yes one more game and that'll be the same number of bicha kazooie's right no this is it banjo kazooie has two games no nuts-and-bolts."
"Jackass 4 is officially titled Jackass Forever."
"Metroid Dread understands what makes the Metroid series so excellent."
"Evolution is the central theme of the franchise."
"This should have never happened to this franchise."
"Quickly became one of the greatest racing franchises."
"I really enjoyed the first game and it kind of kick-started my renewed interest in the Star Wars franchise."
"Welcome to the world of a new Pokemon franchise."
"The future of Pokemon is brighter than it has been in years."
"It feels like Mass Effect even with the technology change."
"These are some of the franchise's most iconic songs."
"Anything to get more Resident Evil at the time was amazing."
"I think it's great that you're seeing the franchise clearly recognize the importance of Quicksilver."
"It's a perfect example of why sometimes you just need to leave a franchise alone."
"We love Overwatch, not just the game, but Overwatch as a franchise."
"Open World Star Wars from Massive, yes please."
"I gotta admit this is one of the best games that I've ever played, the mountain blade franchise is just so amazing."
"Halloween Resurrection was a joke, it completely sucks."
"From its breathtaking historical worlds and massive global appeal as one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time, we are committed to carefully crafting epic and thrilling entertainment based on this distinct IP."
"It's definitely a response to the DC Extended Universe." - John
"The film is really handsomely done and I think from a craft technicals perspective, it's the most impressive the franchise has ever done."
"Despite the franchise earning over one billion dollars at the global box office."
"Ultimately, no matter what the future of the Gears of War franchise may look like, its Legacy will continue to live on."
"Star Wars continues to deliver time after time after time."
"Jose Wheeler could be the new face of a beautiful franchise in Memphis. - Memphis Egyptians draft pick."
"Ava Duvernay has really... She's coming in hot with a DC franchise."
"Disney's first Star Wars film to break from the Skywalker saga was an enormous hit."
"It's time to do something else in that Wizarding World."
"The James Bond franchise could be a lot grittier."
"The James Bond franchise was something that provided wish fulfillment for everyone - men wanted to be Bond, women wanted to be with Bond."
"Solo is more than just another forgettable popcorn distraction, it's a Star Wars movie."
"Hey, this doesn't look like the thing that we love, the thing that we made a billion-dollar franchise."
"It's honestly incredible how the Mission Impossible series manages to top itself time and time again."
"This is one of those franchises that really does end on a satisfying high note."
"Do you want more Spider-Verse, or do you want more of Marvel phase four and five?"
"I want more Spider-Verse so I will not be seeing The Little Mermaid, I will not be seeing the new Ant-Man."
"Returning to the series would be Sato Takayoshi. They'd proven themselves, they'd proven the Silent Hill brand. This time they'd go bigger and better."
"Their attacks to human development, they're attacks to knock people down every single time humanity has embraced a technological age."
"Activision's Blockbuster franchise Call of Duty, one of the most successful franchises of all time, is irreplaceable for gaming platforms."
"It's still worth picking up for me it's easily the biggest surprise in this franchise."
"Hopefully this video has shown you order even with one real game in the last decade that we have not forgotten about shinobi."
"What's been your favorite piece of battle music in the franchise so far?"
"Beyond satiating my own thirst for Warcraft lore of course it got me thinking about franchise novels in general."
"They're setting a new standard for what a franchise property can be."
"It's vital to keep the level of storytelling high within those franchises."
"The Lego Movie 2: a cautionary tale of franchise fatigue and diminishing returns."
"I want everyone in the franchise community to thrive and I want you guys to enjoy every bit of franchise content that we can get going forward."
"Hardcore is coming back and it's gonna replace tier one. We are excited for fans to have this franchise favorite back in the mix for season two."
"The gameplay established in Mega Man X served as the bedrock for the franchise going forward."
"What I liked so much about this site was how much it embraced the many oddities of the franchise."
"Be grateful for the Dragon Ball games in general."
"Good lord there are elements of this art style that are my favorite in the entire franchise."
"Age of Calamity isn't just a Breath of the Wild-skinned Warriors title..."
"Imagine if between Smash games we got to live that excitement all over again with Mario Kart?"
"Thor: Ragnarok revamped the character and injected a fresh dose of humor into the franchise."
"This is the show that really put Star Wars in a great light."
"The Skylanders franchise is defined by an unwavering commitment to innovation."
"This is one of the only franchises where it only keeps getting better with each installment."
"People say that the prequels destroyed the franchise, hell no!"
"Into the Heart of Madness... foxy.exe was artificially deep."
"If the movie was just plain old bad I would feel like there'd be at least a clean break between that and whatever path they take next for the film franchise."
"What is the point in taking beloved franchises and completely bastardizing them until they're unrecognizable?"
"Let's hear it for that platform so polite all the background folk in this game I think it's safe to say that Mortal Kombat 9 saved the franchise."
"I care about the gamer, you know, and these are franchises that people love so much."
"I hope this video helps you out because franchise can be the most fun thing that you'll do in a video game."
"If any development team could do Silent Hills 1, 2, and 3 justice, it would be Capcom's in-houses."
"Honestly, even though I didn't enjoy this trilogy as much as I had hoped, I have still enjoyed some of the other things Disney's done with Star Wars."
"New stuff is always great when something sports the name Resident Evil 3."
"Over the course of the sprawling Halo franchise gamers have come to know and love an array of characters none more so than the lead hero Master Chief."
"People to this day still have a huge appreciation for the turtles franchise."
"I think this franchise has an interesting history."
"Rise of Skywalker was basically a two and a half hour long apology from Disney."
"Predator is like one of those franchises that works at a simple level like Halloween."
"Warner Brothers is sitting on a gold mine with their rights to the Harry Potter Universe."
"We've been playing Marvel, the Marvel Avengers. I'm trying to finish the campaign mode."
"The Mandalorian was an instant hit with both casual audiences and hardcore fans alike, making it another pop culture staple for the already beloved franchise."
"From now on, no more gifts for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
"It goes without saying that anytime you make a major change to a beloved character and an established franchise there's going to be some backlash."
"The New Adventures of He-Man was an attempt to boldly take He-Man where he had never gone before."
"I loved what this story was and I think it stands out as one of the most compelling narratives in the history of the Sonic franchise."
"Rugrats is one of those franchises that's often been underestimated."
"I do see the value in Star Wars coming back... the things that did manage to get through and felt personal and felt big and felt epic or even felt small and personal I feel it's worth it."
"Easily, the original x-men trilogy in my mind is the closest to a proper trilogy inside the x-men franchise."
"Megami Tensei has and always will be Atlas's flagship franchise."
"Over 50 years of this franchise: phenomenal on-screen action, fantastic stories told, hundreds of characters to fall in love with."
"Franchise player should be like a superstar elite player that's why he's got the franchise tag on him because he is the face of your franchise because he's the best or he's a key player in your team."
"Transformers Rise of the Beast and Bumblebee are in fact a reboot."
"In essence, Capel's statement here implies that Rise of the Beast is a reboot."
"It's still one of the better produced ones in the entire franchise."
"The characters are something of a staple of the franchise."
"Disney's definitely gonna keep milking that MCU money cow."
"Scream 6 is the best sequel we have gotten in this franchise."
"If the answer is yes, then you probably know exactly how impactful the Ghostbusters franchise has been."
"I really loved the first Creed and I liked Creed too, you know, and I'm a rocky franchise fan."
"Of course, we've got a new bendy game coming out soon guys bendy secrets of machine and later in the year bendy V cage."
"The blob is still very much a threat, something that is more powerful than anything we've ever faced in the franchise."
"The more I see about Sonic Frontiers the more I think about Sonic Adventure future and Sonic Adventure 1 as I've gone through all these different Sonic and Shadow games."
"The franchise arguably deserves a second chance."
"You can't let them get away with taking a beloved franchise and destroying the memory of it."
"It's something of a Sophie's choice for fans of the alien franchise Ridley Scott's original or James Cameron's action movie sequel aliens."
"It's long overdue that a franchise can have such important messages."
"Kirby is more than just a franchise, it's a phenomenon."
"Halloween H2O did the impossible... and then Halloween Resurrection came."
"This is all to say that while Pokémon is certainly a friendly for all ages franchise after all that is part of its beauty."
"Need for Speed is one of those franchises that define the 90s."