
Agnosticism Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge; atheism is a claim to belief."
"I am what I describe as a militant agnostic; I fiercely defend the fact that I don't know."
"Paul Draper... says that as an agnostic... it is 'rationally required for me to engage in religious activity'... This may actually lead to a relationship with God even if it doesn't lead to belief in God."
"As an agnostic leaning strongly towards atheism and an active humanist, I feel that our voices have been silenced for too long."
"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge, whereas atheism is a claim to belief."
"Agnosticism has to do with epistemology, what you know; and atheism has to do with belief, what you believe."
"The flaw [of agnosticism] is this: it takes a very limited snapshot of life and leaves out there. It cannot fulfill your heart."
"For the majority of my life, I was agnostic about most things. But the more I learned, the more I realized how limited my own experience is, and just how much we as a species don't know."
"A person's reasons for deconversion to agnosticism or atheism is something that many Christians speculate wildly about, misunderstand, or simply refuse to believe."
"Religion is such a touchy personal subject... I'm more agnostic... it's whatever works for you."
"I take an agnostic stance on most things where I haven't seen that what's the evidence sort of things."
"Skepticism is my nature, free thought is my methodology, agnosticism is my conclusion, atheism is my opinion, and humanitarianism is my motivation."
"Agnostic is a statement about what you know or claim to know, and theist/atheist is a statement about what you believe."
"My inability to reconcile the realities of suffering in the world with the claims of faith made me an agnostic."
"I was an agnostic, so I was the Saul before he became Paul."
"I went into this agnostic, kind of more of a believer."
"Faith in certain popular religions that arose will become weaker and weaker over the coming decade, people will become more agnostic."
"Religion is all about pretending to know things you don't know."
"Religion is all about pretending to know what no one even can know, trying to make believe things that are not evidently true."
"When it comes to the origin of the universe, the only reasonable answer is 'I don't know.'"
"I don't think it's knowable if a god exists and the existence of the supernatural is definitionally unverifiable."
"I don't know if there's a God or not I just haven't seen compelling evidence."
"Science can neither prove nor disprove God... it's not one or the other."
"Plunking God down is an answer when the real answer is we don't know."
"The first one would be, let's say you're trying to make this case in the public square and someone comes along and says, 'Well hey, I'm an agnostic.'"
"Intellectually, I respect agnosticism more than atheism."
"I'm agnostic because I don't think anybody can say yes or no."
"Chaos magic thus takes an explicitly agnostic position on whether or not magic exists as a supernatural force."
"I hope there is life in the universe, but I've been fairly firm about trying to remain consciously agnostic about that question."
"Thomas Henry Huxley coined the word agnostic because he said the Gnostics are certain that they know, and he was certain he did not know."
"If you've gone from being an atheist saying okay something necessary exists which explains the universe, I don't know what it is, there's a necessary immaterial, timeless cause, causally powerful being, that doesn't sustain the name atheism at that point, it gets very close."
"Is agnosticism the most respectable view one can have? I think it is an honest response when you are in a position where you have not tried to investigate the question."
"There's no good argument that atheism is true... at best, you're left merely with agnosticism."
"It means that you don't know what's out there. So, you're not an atheist who knows that there's no god. An agnostic person doesn't know if there is a god or there's not a god or there's some kind of higher power."
"I think the case for God's existence has never been better and it's far better than the case for atheism or agnosticism."
"Science can only take you in the direction of agnosticism, it can never take you to atheism. It's not possible."
"If you're serious about determining whether there is a God, if anything, it does seem to me that science can take you to the farthest, in the direction of agnosticism."
"Agnosticism is an impossibility. Jesus Christ steps forward under the plane of human history saying, 'Examine me. The evidence is that I am reliable in a way the options are not.'"
"Even now, after struggling through five decades of hope and doubt, all I know for sure is that most people claim to know whether God exists, but I do not."
"If we all had a bit more humility in this world and in this life, we would all be a bit more agnostic because what the heck do we know? We don't know anything."
"Atheists, agnostics, enjoy. You'll probably enjoy this a lot more than you ever thought you would."
"Everything to be true must become a religion, and agnosticism should have its ritual no less than faith."
"I think that's the most interesting one to me because not that it like confirms my agnos agnosticism that's not a word agnostic well no agnostic is the word but I'm trying to think of like agnosticism exactly see how hard that was agnosticism."
"Most of us atheists and agnostics simply lack a belief."
"For me, knowing that peace within you, I mean, I would assume even agnostics who I'm guessing don't have that inner peace."
Just seek. What do you have to lose by living a life of religious seeking? Pray the agnostic's prayer. Pray, "God, if there is a God, save my soul if I have one." What do you have to lose from that?
"I think understanding that there is a God and there is you know Spirit to this to this world like I was pretty agnostic."
"I am agnostic in the sense that I know that you know I don't know for sure and I don't believe anybody can really know for sure."
"Agnosticism navigates the labyrinth of theological diversity."
"Agnosticism: embracing uncertainty in the pursuit of deeper understanding."
"I am an agnostic turned completely around into a religious person."
"It's probably more so agnostic. The universe is just too big to have such solid states of declarative existence."
"I identify as agnostic. I have not seen truth to God exists or that he doesn't."
"I'm agnostic, I grew up Catholic."
"Be quite agnostic about this... you've got to find your own way that works for you."
"Atheists don't exist because most atheists, all atheists I believe, are agnostics."
"I would call myself an agnostic who thinks there's reason to believe that there is a larger purpose unfolding on the planet."
"Buddhism is an agnostic religion."
"We're not going to get anywhere with that. We're going to disagree over terms, we're going to use them improperly, and you're not going to be able to demonstrate that a who is behind it, regardless. We don't know."
"I cannot say there's a God or not, I don't know that."
"I am an agnostic, and I realized that philosophy is, in the truest sense, food for thought."
"Everybody's agnostic. Nobody actually knows because these are things that we can't have scientific evidence for."
"Does God exist? I don't know. I am not a believer; I am a scientist."
"I would say I'm agnostic. I believe in a higher power... I think because I had the construct as a child of having a higher power and because I went through AA for a while, I'm comfortable with there's something that's in charge and controlling things."
"Most people, atheists included, remain agnostic towards that position."
"I am more agnostic, I feel like there's something, I don't know if it's a higher power or could be referred to as such."
"It's perfectly okay to simply sit back and say, 'Hey, I honestly don't have enough evidence to support any of these beliefs, so I'm going to reserve belief on all of them.'"
"I call myself agnostic when it comes to not just religion but anything supernatural or paranormal."
"The great answer is I don't know, and neither do you."
"I certainly don't claim to know there are no gods."
"I believe in maybe there's something more, of course, but can we just honestly say nobody knows?"
"Agnosticism is just the position that the ultimate truth about whether or not there is a God is not knowable in any sort of absolute terms."
"Every morning before I get up, I pray and say, 'Dear God, if you exist, help me; and if you don't exist, help me anyway.'"
"Agnostic is the most honest answer."
"The show's output has at least shifted me towards cautious but inquiring agnosticism."
"We spend a lot of time when we're talking about religion... if a religious person says, 'Well, who created the universe?' Well, firstly, not 'who,' that's a presupposition there, but secondly, I just don't know where the universe came from, and I'm okay with that."
"It's possible to have an absence of a belief in God and yet still believe in a possibility of an afterlife."
"I wouldn't even want to make the claim that there is no God."
"The new religion is, hey, I don't know what the [__] happens after you die, you know, but let's be nice to each other."
"Everyone's agnostic really sought out to be compassionate and to understand things in a very humanitarian sort of way."
"I like to say I don't know; it's a good, intellectually consistent position to take."
"An agnostic is just someone who doesn't have a belief that p is true or that p is false."
"You can take three positions: you can affirm that there is a god, you can affirm atheism, or you can withhold judgment, which is the agnostic position."
"It's beyond human comprehension to understand where the universe came from; it didn't require a God."
"I don't say God can't have happened. I say no one has shown they have, and I reject the statement that it did happen."
"Atheism is about belief, agnosticism is about knowledge."
"It is completely software-defined, therefore we are hardware agnostic."
"I lived a good life and tried to be the best person I could be regardless of religion."
"I'm more agnostic than atheist but I'd say hello, how are you?"
"I am an agnostic because I believe that the existence of an absolute perfect being defies the capacity for understanding of a human."
"Being agnostic or atheist is okay as long as you're willing to say, 'I don't know'."
"Those who say they're agnostic has more than doubled from 2 to 5%."
"Agnosticism, for me at least, is to realize that there's a possibility of the existence of God because it's not something that can be disproven."
"Can agnosticism deepen appreciation for existence?"
"Agnosticism properly pursued can be enriching and ennobling, engendering all in humility, amidst the great crush of existence."
"Right, we're left with the more honest answer of 'I don't know' instead of just making stuff up."
"I even love religion, all of them, without believing in them."
"To be an agnostic makes more sense to me than to be a strict atheist."