
Business Relationships Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"A lot of this business is built on connections and sometimes those connections mean more than a check."
"Addressing issues of giving too much in personal or business relationships can lead to more equitable dynamics."
"It's really a friendship rather than a business relationship."
"Just be nice to people. When you're cool and nice to people, people want to do business with you."
"When you go in business with your friends, you can not only fuck up the business because of your friendship but fuck up your friendship because of the business."
"If you want opportunities, embrace the business owners when they're there."
"Are you okay with it? I want to hold a happy business partner if I'm going to move forward. You want to do that? Yes, let's do it. Do that deal."
"If you can build a solid relationship with the list of suppliers, now you're going to be so far ahead of the game."
"Business and marriage are very, very similar."
"Was Nevsun's business partner also in business with terrorists?"
"I always try to keep it at the forefront of my mind that this is a people business."
"It's important to create meaningful relationships... if you go in there and just slashing prices... typically you'll get chewed up and spit out."
"Clients understand the transactional nature of their relationship."
"Owning your relationships, owning that client relationship is everything."
"We are their very best customer... I've never heard a supplier insult its best customer."
"All those little things add up, and people go, 'Wow. That's who I want to do business with.'"
"JC set 17 will enhance the continuity of communications across Japan and the surrounding area." - Arianespace CEO
"We are extremely pleased to continue the long relationship we've had." - Lockheed Martin representative
"When your business partner gets financially body slammed, that's gonna change a lot of things."
"The full moon in your 11th house brings results from business collaborations, wider outreach to clients, and positive developments in friendships."
"Business is overwhelmingly relationship-driven both internally and externally. Sometimes relationships end up being more valuable than the technical aspects."
"Faster than a speeding bullet, both Titus and the Warner Brothers licensing team quickly struck up a strong business relationship."
"People love doing business with people who love doing business."
"Charlie Munger is the best partner anybody could possibly have."
"I like betting on people in the space because I trust these people."
"Developing and maintaining those relationships is really important, that they know they can count on you, you can produce quality work on time, those are those that's a really strong asset to have as a part of your business."
"I bought the person not the business with the person now the rule is I gotta believe and trust the person."
"Clients, if you need somebody to do work for you with you and you need a partner who can think things through... this is your person."
"You cannot look at another black business person as a competitor. See them as an ally and a colleague."
"People buy from you, love you, adore you, will learn from you if they feel understood."
"Your word is everything. If you can show a customer that and deal directly they'll use you and they'll keep you around."
"A business partnership that allows you to express your creative talents could feature."
"I'm thrilled to be in business with you guys. I believe we've got a giant one ahead."
"AMD is on track to become TSMC's second largest customer."
"China remains an important business and trading partner...we don't want to decouple from it."
"If you can't enforce contract, you shouldn't partner in the first place. Boom, exactly."
"You're manifesting good business relationships. Be patient, self-love is key."
"Relationships, especially when it comes to this business, are everything."
"Karaoke actually winds up turning into a really fun night. I've had this happen before with a couple of business friends that are very serious, and then it turns out they have a wonderful voice."
"What's really cool is that Lightning actually has direct relationships with the companies that are building out these fleets."
"Friendship goes out the window when it comes to business."
"People buy from people, not from businesses."
"People like to spend money with people they like, know, and trust."
"I buy from the person, not the product. That will always tell me something more."
"I am considering reaching out to Black Rifle coffee and saying I just want to call you guys a channel sponsor so bad."
"That was a friendship that never wavered through the business."
"There's one person in that dealership you really want to be in good with and that's the service manager."
"You don't want to promote me and my image? Fine, but you're not gonna get my money either."
"If people trust you, they're more likely to buy from you."
"If you invest in them, they see what you did and invest right back."
"People would like to buy from other people that they enjoy or like being around."
"Some lies are wonderful for business and relationships, while some are absolutely damaging and destructive."
"Negotiation is part of Alibaba, it's part of the manufacturer versus buyer kind of experience."
"The pink sauce lady is currently in the middle of a petty squabble with their business partner Dave Gourmet or Dave's gourmet."
"Don't be too friendly when it comes to business in the beginning."
"Develop a long-term relationship with a dealership."
"You're leaning on that person for information or to be the business guy that's not a wise choice."
"Money and opportunities are the byproduct of relationships."
"Nobody in the world is ever going to buy anything from you until they buy you first."
"People need to connect with a person and not with a company."
"Couples who make one dollar together in business have a 90% likelihood of not getting divorced."
"In a world where business partnerships often resemble alliances, the enduring friendship and professional collaboration between Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett was nothing short of legendary."
"People do business with people they like, know, and trust."
"People buy from those whom they know and they like and they trust."
"It's not about a handout anymore, it's about a partnership."
"When a brand comes in that you love and they believe in your brand and you're excited to work with them, it's comforting."
"What can you trust you know I mean and if you're you know if you're dealing with these people you better do your damn due diligence."
"You need friends and partners, and you need to do business with somebody whom you might consider not fully your friend."
"Forget the ego, how did your business relationship evolve with like the WWE like you say like if that guy's winning like we were making money were you like getting a cut of like the whole thing at one point or like how did that evolve?"
"We take that time to build relationships because you like to do business with people that you like."
"Finding a good fit means creating a situation that is mutually profitable for you and the client."
"Several former customers contacted me personally to inquire why I was no longer with the company."
"Next people I work with, I'm keeping that stuff strictly business."
"At the end of the day, you have to do business with other races if you're gonna get to a certain level."
"Scorpio, you've got an opportunity coming in for you, someone's wanting to work with you, whether this is love or business, you've got someone that wants to build some sort of foundation with you, work together as a team in some capacity."
"Provide value, build relationships, and then send them your affiliate offers."
"When you're relating with an investor on that level over something that we can both bond over like culinary or music, it's just deepening a relationship."
"The best thing you can do in this business is to value relationships."
"Getting to that place where you're just doing business with people you actually, genuinely like is the holy grail."
"Being together is good for business especially when their business isn't as good as it used to be I approve"
"Your first couple of clients are going to come from people you probably already know."
"The ability to sit down, look someone in the eye, have a conversation, understand where they're coming from and how or if your business is even able to help."
"People do business with people that they know, people that they like, people that they trust."
"I like to separate business and personal and I think a lot of people that I've done business with take it personal when I want to go through things straight business."
"The excitement's there at the start of a relationship in a management sense."
"It's really cool to be sponsored by some big companies."
"Combining competitiveness and ambition with love and kindness, and people don't use those words often enough in business."
"The moment you start telling me that we're too controversial, it's obvious to me that we're not going to work."
"An agency relationship may be established by agreement, either by express agreement or by implied agreement."
"It's cool because you get to see the business side of it on both sides, but you also get the new relationships and the fit has been great."
"My top people that I do business with and work with and like are my actual friends that I've met in the industry. I don't f*** with, I won't sever those relationships for anything because I believe in them more than the other people."
"Definitely support other vendors and let them know who you are and build those relationships."
"The networking is by far number one for me. This is a business I'm always going to keep around because of the people I get to meet and have access to."
"Give value... come to them with some sort of value to prove that you aren't just a value vampire."
"Can you bless the colleague or the business partner who stole money from you?"
"We want to make sure that we have happy clients, and what's cool about all of this is they really do become friends."
"People want to do business with people they know, like, and trust."
"Everybody is not your friend. Quit crossing the line and quit continuously mixing business with pleasure."
"Maintain the high standard of integrity in all your business relationships."
"A client will become your friend quicker than your friend will become a client."
"You wanna know who your friends are? Start a business. A client will become your friend quicker than your friend will become your client."
"I had a few disagreements, and that's when I started realizing that I don't like doing business with partners."
"We're going to send birthday cards to all of our customers and salespeople for the month of December."
"People do business with the people they like, they know, and they trust."
"People buy from people who they feel can get them the best result, not who they like."
"There's two types of value, there's exchange value right and then it's experiential value that you can give your counterparty a really good experience of being your counterparty."
"Making sure that you build that relationship with your vendor is super important."
"At the end of the day, venture capital is very much like a people business."
"There's no faster way to build a relationship with a prospective client than meeting them face to face."
"Wholesale is very personal; it's very important to maintain relationships with your buyers."
"My clients literally thank me for reaching out to them."
"They want to trust who they're dealing with, they want to feel that they're cared for."
"That relationship with the dealer is incredibly valuable."
"Keeping a good rapport and relationship with your local health department is essential."
"We are a business that has developed personal relationships along with business relationships, and that has gone an awful long way."
"Thank you all for many years of support, esoteric friendship, and business appreciated by your entire team."
"Communicate with the suppliers... building relationships, communication with suppliers has really helped us in so many ways."
"You're there to build relationships and be able to offer your product in different markets."
"Once you already have a good trust relationship with a customer then it's much more easier to showcase the value you can provide."
"Once I make a connection with someone, we're in business."
"I'm a big believer that people like us do business with people, not companies."
"You want to make sure you know the person that you're working with, that they know you, they know your business model, they know your goals."
"You're literally one relationship away from changing the way your business is running."
"Even if the deal looks great on paper, we still need to get to know each other as humans."
"...people are more willing to say yes, 'Oh yeah, yeah, I want to buy that from you, yeah, I want to work with you,' um, on whatever it may be, compared to the other person who's just like, 'Yah,' acting so fake."
"Business means nothing without relationships."
"When people feel like they're cared about, you will always get a better return."
"I have no hard feelings towards Cam. I tell people I couldn't do business with him, but I will say he gave me the biggest chance I needed."
"It's all consolidated into a user-friendly experience giving a complete view of our relationship with the contact."
"Thank you everyone for your business and your friendship, this year and all these years."
"It's a people business, and if our people can develop long-term lasting relationships with our customers, then we believe we're going to win."
"Strong business relationships between a company and its vendors could benefit both and might offer relaxed credit terms."
"Consistently purchasing and building a relationship will lead to more discounts."
"Trust is... trust not just in you and the company but more importantly trust in the method."
"It's kind of sad when you get into business with somebody who's your friend."
"People do business with who they like and trust."
"Keeping in touch and following up is so important."
"Air time with business owners is the best return for your time in commercial banking."
"People like to do business with people that they know, like, and trust."
"I don't really want to work with outside people and I'd rather just have a circle of people I could work with and know that the business is going to be handled correctly."
"There's two different relationships: the business side and the personal side."
"Build really good relationships with your broker... that's where you're going to find your best loads."
"Build up that relationship you have with your supplier; it's an important mutually beneficial relationship that has the potential to grow."
"If you could be the stopgap in that pain point and alleviate the pain point, that's when it becomes a beautiful symbiotic relationship."
"The business relationship manager maintains the relationship with one or more customers, understanding the customer's business outcomes."
"Contracts help provide clarity and predictability in a business relationship."
"Direct contact with people always goes a long way."
"Empathy is important in business because people need to work in a team and people also need to build relationships."
"I do business with people that I like to do business with."
"Treat your clients like they are the people that pay your bills."
"Our friendship founded on business is a better deal than a business founded on friendship."
"Get with people that care about your business and care about their business as much as they care about themselves."
"Know, like, and trust is so crucial for your business."
"Trust equals love, including business to customer."