
George Lucas Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I thought it was an excellent movie. Mr. Lucas did a fabulous job."
"Thank you to George Lucas for teaching the world a new way to dream."
"George Lucas's opening shot for A New Hope was also a Star Destroyer bearing down on us."
"Shouldn't you determine who protects or carries on your legacy going forwards?" - George Lucas
"As much as I talk [ __ ] about George Lucas he did quote a very famous saying that being films are never completed they're abandoned."
"George Lucas allowed the force to resemble superpowers during the prequels featuring bloated impossible lightsaber fights."
"George Lucas knows how to tell a story execution is another conversation."
"It was just how many creatures, how many practical elements, how many of those moments were that George gave to me." - Panelist
"Learning what to make films about is very hard." - George Lucas
"Let us heed George Lucas's prophetic warning, and maybe, just maybe, should our Republic survive, we may all go forth into a bright future."
"George Lucas has opened up about his Episode seven, the version that he would have made."
"For all George Lucas's faults, at least he was committed to developing a trilogy of films with enough lore and supporting stories to make them feel like a fully realized world."
"George Lucas was telling a story, he had a story to tell."
"Lucas hired Ford to build shelving in his house."
"Every day we ask ourselves how do you end the story that George Lucas started so many years ago how do you end this myth that's become a myth for the whole world"
"George Lucas revolutionized movies and movie making."
"I think it's great George Lucas was demonized by fans for making the prequels and I think that he should be celebrated for being a technical Pioneer and a creative genius."
"George Lucas has made more money than Disney on it."
"There's just something about the patented George Lucas silliness that I find undeniably charming when it isn't coming from Jar Jar."
"Regardless of your sentiment on George Lucas and his handling of the prequels or the original trilogy, his constant meddling of the original trilogy... this is the father of Star Wars and he deserved better."
"George Lucas worked on all six films to be sure there was a cohesive vision for the entire story."
"George Lucas may not have built the most in-depth or detailed fictional universe but he understood the real magic was getting the audience to care about his make-believe in the first place."
"It's astonishing to me how easy it is for people to jump on George Lucas for ruining Star Wars. Star Wars is his creation."
"George Lucas being the business guy he is turns a few lines of background uh description on what was a background character into an entire culture in his Universe."
"George Lucas took steps, well half of one, to rectify these issues while at the same time just getting a little bit carried away with the brave new world of digital filmmaking."
"John Williams is as important to Star Wars as George Lucas."
"George Lucas put Modesto on the map."
"...he got a cease and desist letter from George Lucas... said, 'I own this character and I don't want it being part of your shows...'"
"I think most people are shocked to find out that movies even exist." - George Lucas
"George Lucas will now be always loved and honored."
"There's I mean this is not all George Lucas's creation, right? These artists that were involved, it came with just some amazing stuff, so many details go into that production."
"It's always a good sign when the creators at Star Wars Celebration reference George. Obviously, we're all here because of George."
"The myth of Star Wars has done in our society, the myth of Star Wars is so indelibly linked to the hero's journey because that's how George Lucas crafted it."
"Interesting people than George Lucas we all know. He's a filmmaker, but also a genius at technology and he understands music and art. He is a true renaissance man."
"George told me himself, 'I make my movies for nine-year-old kids. It's not my fault that adults like them.'"
"There's something about George Lucas. He knows how to create a defining thing."
"George Lucas is one of the best storytellers of all time."
"George Lucas was brilliant because what he did, he realized this."
"This was George Lucas's project, this was his baby."
"George Lucas was kind of trying to warn us and these things happen in cycles."
"I really wish George Lucas had been able to hand over the outlines to a competent seasoned screenwriter."
"This new Star Wars films are missing George Lucas."
"I've been such a huge supporter of it and I love this world and George everything."
"George created a perfect myth and I believe he gave the planet something to believe in."
"I'm retired filmmaker George Lucas and today is Star Wars Day, May the 4th."
"Faster, more intense, the George Lucas approach, I feel like."
"In the 1980s, George Lucas was talking about garage filmmakers and how they were going to change the world. I think it happened."
"We are here for the childhood memories that we have with these beautiful characters that George Lucas created."
"When George set out to make Star Wars, he had those six films, he had those nine films in mind."
"Star Wars was originally made by George Lucas for as he himself said 12-year-old boys to help bring spirituality to the young and to encourage them to find purpose beyond the self."
"The creation of George Lucas, Star Wars quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon after the release of A New Hope in 1977."
"George Lucas used to be the coolest dude when it came to fans doing fan films."
"The Clone Wars makes you realize that the story that George was telling in the prequels was an extraordinary story that was way too big for three movies."
"Hello, I'm George Lucas, creator of Star Wars."
"It's all George Lucas left us with, his hope."
"George Lucas has a great way of creating these characters."
"If George Lucas is known for anything, it's human warmth."
"It was terrific to see Mos Espa finally as the way it was envisioned by George over 20 years ago."
"It's fitting then that it's heavily inspired by George Lucas's first film, THX1138."
"George Lucas just had this mind for like, let's take some of the most bizarre iconic shapes, let's turn them into recognizable."
"The immersive nature of the universe that George Lucas created... sitting in that theater when that crawl started to roll."
"George Lucas does know his stuff, he knows a good epic fable."
"We're seeing Star Wars in a way the way George Lucas thought about it."