
Contamination Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"We managed to survive 100 days in the contaminated ocean."
"NASA has an entire office called planetary protection... to preserve planets... from contamination of life from Earth."
"We've had our food supply adulterated, contaminated, poisoned, tainted. On purpose."
"Kelloggs recently got exposed for having trace amounts of weed killer in their cereals."
"They said I started feeling like both my brain and my heart were contaminated."
"PFAS are linked to cancer, oh, and liver problems and thyroid issues."
"People can become radicalized... that's part of the danger of the contamination of the profane with the sacred."
"Water is not a renewable resource and once it gets contaminated in some cases it cannot be cleaned."
"Idolatry incites God's wrath, it defiles and pollutes people and the land."
"There is some sort of contaminant. The facility that this was all cooked, done, prepared, processed, whatever, it all needs to be shut down and thoroughly investigated."
"It's like having vanilla ice cream, right? Let's say you're at a Baskin-Robbins, but some of the other flavors got in, right? It ruins kind of the pureness."
"It'll be so tainted if you touch it anyway. He just looked [__] you, it pissed me off every time I see one."
"The red forest is one of the most contaminated areas on the entire planet."
"A huge Scandal exposed Mass corruption across the meat Supply industry when Undeclared horse meat was found in a load of European food products."
"The joker's tainted hundreds of chemicals at the source."
"Cash is one of the dirtiest things in the world."
"The water coming out of American taps has got glyphosate in it, it's got drugs in it, it's got fluoride in it, chlorine in it, it's a bunch of chemicals."
"We don't want to create an interplanetary incident. There are environments that NASA or even the United Nations have overlooked with regards to how do we contaminate a planet."
"You just don't want a white contaminating so fast."
"If we can remove more of those contaminants from the oil with bypass filtration, oxidation additive depletion and viscosity increase can be reduced significantly."
"Evil really isn't a thing. It's like a virus. It's not alive but once it contaminates its host it spreads. Evil has a will. It's for more evil."
"Much, if not all tap water, believe it or not, much if not all tap water contains things that are bad for the biology of our cells."
"I'm throwing that away. I'm not even using the blank pages on that pad. It's contaminated."
"Detectives collected household products and cleaners, looking for anything that may have been contaminated."
"Maybe the chaos of their unconscious mind would contaminate yours."
"And, um, obviously when that bad things like extremism started happening, I didn't want my thing to be now tainted with what was being happening."
"...someone could either steal your fuel or contaminate it."
"The green thing, or the green death, it is sometimes referred to as the first and sometimes as the other."
"Labs were set up and capsules began to come through for testing over 10 million recalled pills were tested in total 50 capsules were found to contain cyanide across eight bottles."
"That's true. My teeth must have been contaminated because of the garbage food."
"Fear tolerated is faith contaminated."
"...contaminates the entire nublar water supply with a good healthy dose of Lysine..."
"Imagine having black stuff coming out of your tap water. Would you want to stay?"
"The potential for contamination of the cloth was amazing, but also the potential for wear, because if it is as I believe, 2000 years old, things get worn out."
"It's sad. I mean, the way she was found was because people started complaining about the water they were drinking. It was coming out off-color."
"Contamination cannot change someone's DNA into someone else's."
"...what we know about botulism is that it has spores those spores are everywhere they're in soil they're in air they're in mud puddles we probably have some tract in here on our floor right now."
"Cleanliness is godliness in laying up fiberglass. Contamination can ruin a product or put a void into it."
"Weld with contaminated material, and you'll end up with welds that won't hold 200 pounds."
"Good wine is not typically mixed with water to mix good wine with water is to pollute it."
"...some of the wires have been chewed as well and if you know anything about mouse urine, it's very, very corrosive probably because it's a little bit of an acid but it does cause havoc."
"And it doesn't take much in terms of viral contamination to cause disease - 10 to 100 virus particles may cause a disease."
"Coffee, peanuts, grains, alcohol... common foods contaminated with mold and mycotoxins."
"The third trumpet poisons a third of the fresh water supply, making it bitter and causing many deaths."
"I've spent most of my career cleaning up the contamination in the environment left over from the Manhattan Project."
"There's really almost no place you can go on Earth now and not find lead in the soil."
"He'll eat all of these. That stuff gets on everything he touches."
"...a little bit of contamination is very quickly going to add up to a lot of friction, a little bit more, it's another what."
"Microplastics inside our fruit and our vegetables."
"I don't think you could pay me enough money in this world to drink some of this water. I think I'd even be nervous to swim in it."
"By the time authorities arrived, so many different people had touched it that they weren't able to successfully gather it for evidence."
"Their poisons were leaching into his blood, into his brain."
"If you maintain your car regularly, you get less contamination buildup."
"Contamination... seems to do a nasty job to the inside of a transmission."
"The Medusa virus has found its way into our ventilation and drainage."
"'These flowers... They did something to it. It corrupted it somehow. We need to call this in, quarantine the area, torch, and burn everything. Get rid of them all.'"
"Numerous vehicle grave sites exist where contaminated cars and trucks were buried underground."
"Lowers your contamination rates dramatically."
"This tank is very helpful in being able to separate any contamination to allow only fresh fuel to be delivered to our engine."
"The study estimates that at least one type of PFAS of those that were monitored could be present in nearly half of the tap water in the U.S."
"Every single piece of steel on the planet that was exposed to the elements when the atom bomb blew up is now technically corrupted."
"Controlling contamination and therefore the spread of the disease would have a positive effect on the health care system's ability to treat patients."
"We ingest things like fish which are themselves contaminated by microplastics."
"Heavy metals like lead and arsenic can contaminate water and are associated with serious health risks."
"The economic impact is as follows: to clean up the radioactive contamination in this zone is thought to be between 20, 30, 40 billion."
"When it's contaminated by hands or bodily fluids from the nose or the mouth, it should be thrown out."
"There hadn't been a forest fire in one of the most radioactive and contaminated areas in the world."
"Food contamination is a very serious public health issue."
"The question must be asked, just how many indeed returned uncontaminated?"
"The concentrations of dioxin on the town's roads were as high as 100 parts per billion, more than a 100 times greater than what is generally considered safe for humans."
"When that environment becomes contaminated, or conditions become too extreme, our health may be put in jeopardy."
"Contamination is the presence of anything, be it biological, physical, chemical, that could cause harm."
"Cross-contamination is the process where harmful bacteria is unintentionally transferred from one surface to another."
"It seems as if the world is in search of purity, but I do not believe in purity, I believe in contamination."
"Space travel might accidentally bring life to other planets."
"Primary contaminants are the main contaminants that pose a risk to human health."
"The EPA maintains a National Priorities List or NPL, that lists contaminated sites that are eligible for cleanup."
"Some of these so-called food products are so contaminated with disease and feces... that they have superbugs completely resistant to all antibiotics."
"Once the well is poisoned, it spreads very far, and you might not want to drink from any faucet for a while."
"The most significant source of contamination is fact-feeding leading questions by the interrogators."
"This is one of the worst cases of police contamination I have seen."
"Blood culture collection techniques do matter and they do affect contamination rates strongly."
"Ambition contaminated Lady Macbeth's heart."
"When I did it the first time, this came out a dark gray color. I won't say black, but it was pretty well contaminated."
"What doctors were doing is they were transferring some material substance from the decaying, decomposing dead bodies that they had autopsied into the bodies of the women that they were examining internally."
"The problem is virtually all molecular biological kits that are used these days, they are all contaminated."
"The dust which had contaminated most of the planet's surface had originated in no country."
"If you look at beeswax under a microscope, it almost looks like a sponge; it's porous and it absorbs things like fungal spores, heavy metals, pesticides."
"The most important way to mitigate contamination is to use aseptic technique."
"Pollution makes land, air, and water dirty."
"False doctrine is not the opposite of the truth; it's the truth contaminated."
"A soft seat design is typically intended for lower pressure applications... it's soft so it will overcome maybe some amount of contamination or somewhere on the seat."
"A great star, Wormwood, burning like a torch, fell from the heaven and contaminated a third of the rivers and the waters."
"Pollution is a general word referring to any number of substances which pollute the air or water."
"You can revive them from chemical contamination, which is absolutely fascinating."