
Aftermath Quotes

There are 951 quotes

"What if aliens visited Earth but only briefly, they never made any contact with humans, and when they left, they left behind a bunch of alien junk?"
"Mary now lives with her parents and she has never spoken publicly about this case."
"Trauma is a psychic wound that leaves an imprint in your nervous system, in your body, in your psyche, and then shows up in multiple ways that are not helpful to you later on."
"In any kind of crisis situation, you just get on with it. It's only afterwards that you fall apart."
"We need to understand it as history, history that cast long shadows over the years that followed."
"At the end of every storm, there are fresh rays of light."
"The craziest part about how World War II actually ended was that for some, the war continued on even after September 2nd."
"When the smoke cleared and the bodies were counted, 56 had tragically lost their lives."
"A period of 200 years of unprecedented prosperity followed in Europe after the Black Death."
"After Odin's defeat, there's a denouement involving almost the entire cast of characters. Ragnarok may have occurred, but it did not result in the end of the world after all."
"The real winners of this past week were the lawyers."
"Leaving its carcass on the island to rot, saving us all from inevitable disaster."
"But what happened after that? Did they get back to their families? Did they enjoy a nice sleep on their own beds? Did they immediately get escorted to the White House? Well, no."
"The bubble burst: the mother of all hangovers."
"So many powerful institutions benefited so greatly from 9/11 and its aftermath."
"As important as January 6 is what happens afterwards is almost as important."
"Beth saw the chimney or what was left of it."
"Trust goes up, peace comes right afterwards."
"It's literally like the biggest mystery... it just becomes compassion for others and compassion for self in the aftermath."
"Home sweet home, I guess. Considering everything that happened, it's impressive how ordinary it turned out."
"Everything is so destroyed by the end of it."
"What this aftermath did was to create a moment of hope for women in India." - Barkha
"When all this was over to explain that our cars didn't get impounded."
"After enduring that misery, I actually kind of enjoy the aftermath of it."
"Why is no one here? Did any of our people survive the blizzard?"
"In the aftermath of the YBI and Pony Down indictments."
"Now that things have calmed down and he's run out of people to help, he's being forced to look back on and reflect on his own trauma."
"For years afterwards, people would go to the forks of Monongahela and you could still find the bones."
"I want the same cast next season too. I think we have to see the aftermath play out of all of this."
"He dumped his wife's body in a shallow grave that he dug at the oil site... she landed face down... she had given birth."
"He wanted to become physical with her, it's sexual with her, she rebuffed him, he kicked her, she was unconscious, then he sees a cinder block and kills her."
"It's necessary to destroy what they left behind in their fight."
"After the storm, there is a period of instability, a test of character."
"All three of these buildings collapsed to the ground, there was nothing remaining of any of the three after they collapsed."
"Now more people will have died because of the after-effects of 9/11 then died that day."
"After the ordeal was over and Delmar was returned to her family, several lawsuits ensued."
"He's not dead yet, but after he is, I'll dance on his grave."
"Nothing is wasted, not even the corpses left behind by the nightmare alien monsters."
"It was the one night of the year that I often didn't remember everything that happened the next day."
"After all of this there are still no fucking answers."
"Looking back on it now, it utterly scares me to the point of losing sleep."
"Her political capital has 10x with nal's death."
"It leaves you definitely with demons to deal with, especially after you've seen one of these things."
"The first outbreak of the infection ended with the sealing of the Hollow Knight inside the black egg, despite this effort, Hallownest was eventually brought low."
"It's as if we can start thinking about solutions, the resolution, how we're gonna deal with the aftermath of the crisis mess."
"When the smoke cleared, the slaves were free."
"We'll probably see stragglers, dedicated people cut off from what's going on, unable to face the reality of surrender, clinging on like Japanese soldiers in Pacific islands long after the war has ended."
"It was the beginning of the end, an end so bitter, so bloody."
"The people who are making irrational unfounded claims and arguments won the referendum and in many ways they continue to win the aftermath."
"The Beast fell to the ground and Valias still wasn't sure whether it was really dead."
"Henry's troubles have gone from bad to worse since Becket's death."
"Even when the battle is over and the bonds that connect us are severed, we always return."
"That's when it really hits you; it's the ashes of the old world."
"Whatever ability President Trump had to control himself vanished on election day."
"You see guys like this who are users right, they don't see the aftermath effect of what they're doing to the other person."
"The scariest part of the whole story comes years later."
"Brace yourselves for the shocking aftermath of the Francis Scott keybridge collapse."
"The families are getting along after this fight, they're actually getting along."
"We all worked so hard here to get to that grand opening like that was the day and it was like oh and then we made it we made it it's here now we've got the aftermath."
"The corpses of Magda and Joseph Goebbels are taken by the Red Army back to Russia, they are kept until 1970 when without ceremony they are destroyed like rubbish."
"I think its important to realize that the parole board looks at what happens after trial."
"And her story will be about establishing her own identity which is very, very fitting for the aftermath of the Narzissenkreuz Questline given all of the themes of wills and self that we find in there."
"Bean balls happen a lot or sometimes in Major Leagues guys throw at each other's head, benches clear, there's raw feelings, when's the last time you saw one of those situations happen where the next day anyone slaps each other?"
"The day after... if you survive it you have to live in The Fallout."
"They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow, through Eden took their solitary way."
"Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won."
"I want the aftermath to raise even further questions left for the character and readers to ponder over."
"Trump's loss might be a big boon for the QAnon movement."
"Mom, mom!" Since the harrowing incident, her lawyer says Gomez has been the target of harassment and hostility by some of the officers."
"The aftermath of said night was somewhat of a disaster."
"After you kill someone, anything is possible."
"The cops then coming in taking Michael Myers's body away."
"Let's try to recover from that epicness that just happened."
"Regardless what I what happened as a result of everything that went down after that, I truly believe was justified."
"After you do something like that, it's a surrender."
"He’s able to suppress the rage that used to get him in trouble after the war, and become a collected, calculating psychopath."
"It felt like I was looking at the aftermath of something that had its own ideas and love for what made Disney an animation Powerhouse in the first place."
"The ones left behind are the ones that suffer the most."
"So many people come to me after divorce, after failed relationships, and realize that they were chasing somebody else's ideal."
"There are bodies out here, all over the place."
"The majority of the decline, the majority of the drop in the crash in the major stock markets, occurred after the Federal Reserve pivots, not before."
"After everything he had been through, Frodo wished for there to be no more killing."
"The neuron network revolution has happened; we're living in the aftermath."
"As they caught their breath and surveyed the aftermath of the intense battle, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude towards each other."
"The terrors they had unleashed would soon cast a shadow over their glorious victory."
"After about a few weeks, radiation levels are likely as low as they're gonna be for a long time, and should be safe enough for humanity to emerge from their vaults to either flee or rebuild."
"We will have to remember that there's probably going to be a little bit of fallout for this entire thing."
"It's like the calm after a storm."
"Okay, you killed Satan, now what?"
"...even after war ends you can never go back to the way things were, that trauma sticks with you."
"After the ordeal is over... after the scuffle, after the fight, after the trauma... you come face to face with that man again."
"I remember lying there and I'm just covered in blood, mostly other people's, but some of mine."
"The explosion was so great that it even made the ground on the surface fall apart and cave in."
"He lost the fight, and right away on both sides, it started getting crazy."
"It's the aftermath of just a failed operation, man."
"the Fallout following the funeral no when I reach my falling not I keep on falling but yeah so that happened."
"Though the rubble went, people have gone mad."
"Extinction events are fascinating not only because of what they destroy but because of what happens right after."
"Everything's suddenly so quiet, isn't it? Like the clouds clearing, after a storm."
"Navigated the aftermath of their divorce."
"Cleaner: Samuel L. Jackson plays one of these guys who will come in and sterilize and clean up all the gunk after something horrible has happened."
"We did this year. I mean, after the big thing that happens in the end of season 2, we were in the room for weeks."
"I didn't sleep well those first few nights after my encounter with a figure in the forest. I didn't sleep well at all."
"Imagine if this comes out after Endgame, like this is your first movie after Endgame."
"I was tendered then, I glanced down again at Aerys, his life's blood oozing from the wound."
"Eventually, the hungry bear made its way back into the woods, unfortunately leaving the car with the marks of an unexpected encounter with wildlife."
"They kill the [__] out of Tiberius and like two or 300 of his followers, like, it's just this bloody nightmare."
"We wake up 18 months later and we didn't just wake up with a vaccine."
"With everything restored and Goku and Vegeta remaining dead, the story's focus shifts to a focus on the characters that are left behind."
"A nurse who witnessed the attack has not stopped vomiting."
"You just did the most intimate thing you could possibly do, and then nothing. You can't tell me that you feel good afterwards."
"Why wouldn't you after the events of the last 20 minutes?"
"do you really think that they had an ant problem like after that for like years and years and years"
"In the verdict aftermath, Nicholas's cousin Shannon Brady told the media that she was stunned by the verdict. Brady noted he in an admission from Ashley that Nicholas had never laid a finger on her."
"The blackened trees, bloated corpses, and screams echoing from the caves haunted the aftermath of Heart Home's destruction."
"...chirilla was found unconscious in the Camry with her foot still on the accelerator she was hospitalized with serious injuries and the police launched an investigation following the accident."
"The city was suddenly calm and quiet as if nothing had happened."
"That paranoia goes for 39 days, and when it's over, and we get to final tribal, you can see in their face it's like they just got out of like 30 years in prison. They just have nothing left."
"I felt like ass afterwards and the next day, but honestly, very much worth it."
"What does the galaxy at large look like after Star Trek Six? What's changed, what stayed the same?"
"When the army broke camp on July 4th, they observed that the road was littered with dead horses and Seljuks, which they took as an evidence of the saints charging after the routed enemy."
"After all this insanity, the Avengers go for lunch at a Shawarma place."
"But he at least he got some shawarma."
"After all this Jessica Jones decides to become a Private Investigator while Luke Cage is"
"Despite Thanos's death, his legacy of devastation left the Avengers defeated once more."
"...I'm sure there'll be lots of aftermath with planes falling out of the sky and stuff like that..."
"I'd rather you be mad at me for that than having to wake up the next day or make a call right after you get shot."
"A job with the Empire is a really big deal, especially in the aftermath of the Clone Wars."
"Granted, people may come up here just gabbing, scavenging, looking for things... it's been scavenged, I mean 20 years after the battle this was rediscovered."
"After the intense fight, no Smo then wakes up full of bruises and wounds in every part of his body."
"In the aftermath of the battle. I went into the temple and I found a baby. Small for a Giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die, Laufey’s son."
"Love after the fall always involves sacrifice."
"I don't know man like that Tupac's [ __ ] craziest thing that he ever did was after he gets shot he's like gurgling with blood"
"This incident has left him shocked."
"Dispatchers carry a heavy burden long after the call has ended."
"At the end of that ten day period... it's a pretty horrific sight."
"The audacious act was complete, leaving the homeowners in turmoil."
"Mr. Baumeister committed suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
"he continued even after Ash had stopped screaming"
"I just stand there for a moment by the smoking corpse in my fancy suit with all the screaming and the bloodshed and the death around me. I just stand there for a moment thinking my thoughts."
"But it was later determined that she had suffered a traumatic brain injury from her tumble."
"It certainly leaves you shaken up for a bit after."
"The scent of Rocket Fuel lingered in the air, mingling with a stench of Ash, burned flesh, and metal."
"The show actually went out of its way to show the aftermath of all the destruction rather than just skipping it."
"Auckland went about his normal routine for a few days after the killing."
"It's like a later text that's reflective of the messy situation thereafter."
"But the thing about it, I didn't know what happened. Chief came over and covered him after it happened."
"I hate you, what happened, what happened? 3 months later, one, I won't say it, but like, he lost a lot, it got ugly, got bad."
"I'm only just now kind of starting to come down from the adrenaline that I experienced watching this because it was a lot."
"The issues don't stop when the abuse stops."
"Everyone was really worn out after the war ended."
"After the incident, Nina stays in the basement, looking traumatized. Soon, Wes arrives to help Daan dispose of Radja’s body."
"We're all feeling pretty lethargic after that."
"You don't deliver that amount of butt-kicking to your party and then be like, okay, well, you got your asses kicked, now what?"
"Can you still get like post-nut clarity though?"
"The crash did have some effect on Jason's life."
"It was crazy. It was a lot of mayhem after that."
"So after his arrest, how did Ed explain himself?"
"You're familiar with this idea, I'm sure, the notion that a really horrific death leaves a kind of specter behind that haunts the area. It's not uncommon."
"I think indeed we will see some tears from him afterward."
"Dawn rises over Villand, and the storm has subsided. The barges take up their positions of the previous day, and the search for the boiler on the Milbank begins."
"The place looked like it survived an atomic bomb."
"The creature screams, there is the sound of meat and magic and hot viscera, and then silence."
"There was nothing left that you could recognize in that pile of debris."
"The aftermath of this war, and especially the fiscal crisis that it sparked in Britain, eventually led to a lot of important consequences."
"Their prank works and the world is left in an awful mess Kenny however apparently didn't have the Constitution to survive such a blast."
"Who is going to clean up the giant mess that the tower is now?"
"Once all the dust had settled and the evacuation was complete, the scale of the damage could be seen."
"There's something about moving forward after a battle."
"Vader was not okay after that moment... it kind of rocked his world a little bit."
"An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded."
"As soon as the tour ended I never heard from him again."
"As the shocked survivors assembled in the darkness, the full extent of that disaster gradually became apparent."
"The two fellows just coming into the picture at the right here now were washed overboard on the way home. That means two empty bunks."
"The aftermath of the age of darkness caused the Imperium its wisest minds."
"Awareness and conversation about toxic workplaces is increasing in awareness, like in BuzzFeed articles and stuff like that, what isn't being discussed is the aftermath of a toxic workplace and how they can hurt your well being your career and your bank account."
"The aftermath, there are some realizations I had to come to."
"Everyone is always looking for that one thing to blow them up but no one talks about what to do after you get it."
"'With the tower destroyed, everyone began to return back to their normal lives.'"
"We're back, it's the next morning."
"What are the British heroes of Rorke's Drift? Well, I'd like to say they lived happily ever after, but unfortunately that wasn't always the case."
"The later died that while you guys were cleaning the place up, did she pass away?"
"Ever since the end of the second World War."
"The real battle is what would you do after everything is done?"
"The aftermath was, to say the least, chaotic."
"That they not only did they make all these bad decisions, it was right after Endgame."
"A chilling silence fell over Upsala once the deed was done."
"The house seemed very quiet after the police left."
"So we climb out of the water and everything's back to normal, like nothing ever happened. But it did."
"She hands me a mug of water that says lisabloom.com yeah I mean how many weeks after the incident days oh that was his day I was not in my right mind I just want to say it was so nuts"
"A boat is a lot of responsibility. And when you finish the party, everybody having fun, everybody that you invite, everybody take their cars and live and leave you with a mess for yourself."
"There was, of course, an inquiry into what happened that began almost immediately."
"Miami is quiet tonight and calm, no longer held hostage by Andrew Cunanan and his lust for blood."
"Elsewhere in the galaxy, the Republic Senate would go through weeks of back and forth as Mace Windu was trying to take over for Palpatine after his death."
"The aftermath sees a large search and rescue operation to account for missing persons."
"We both just sat there for a few moments collecting ourselves and coming down off the adrenaline High."
"Nothing would ever be as it was before."
"You know what's hilarious is after the fizzle, you kind of have a second to think about it."
"Here's what really happens after the happily ever after."
"When it was all over, Derek went to the hospital."