
Paleontology Quotes

There are 1731 quotes

"The fossil that Forest found was identified as a new species of walrus, and in recognition of Forest's contribution to paleontology, the scientist named this ancient walrus species after him."
"Joe Davis, a conservation team leader, made a groundbreaking discovery...the largest and most complete ichthyosaur skeleton ever found in Britain."
"Researchers have been fascinated by numerous images of animals that... depicting what appears to be a dinosaur."
"This absolutely astonishing fossil specimen preserves in amazing detail the last moments of struggle as a hunt went very wrong."
"The entirety of this prehistoric animal's last moments alive are recorded in this rock, with all sorts of behaviors able to be interpreted from the marks it left all those millions of years ago."
"The fossil record, while often frustratingly incomplete, can turn up some absolutely amazing things sometimes."
"Fossilized farts... this behavior, which occurs when gases produced during digestion are released, is found to happen in a wide range of animals alive today."
"The fossil record is a testament to how remarkable the fossil record can be, sometimes giving us glimpses into ancient behaviors that allow for reconstructions to be made of these ancient organisms."
"My predictions for 2018 are: a tusk or saber-toothed dinosaur of some kind, a filter-feeding Mesozoic reptile, some new origins of snakes... and what the heck, just for fun, a prehistoric animal that might have been somewhat intelligent."
"The scientific record on paleontology has produced a wealth of data, informing us of the evolution not just of humans but of innumerable other organisms too."
"Antarctica had once been a tropical climate, replete with dinosaur species, ferns, and megafauna as well as megaflora."
"How more than 75 whale fossils turned up in the middle of Chile's Atacama Desert, one of the driest places in the world, remains a mystery to scientists."
"The Joggins Fossil Cliffs in Nova Scotia, Canada, are a record of life on Earth dating back more than 300 million years."
"The bird in question was a moa, there were several species of moa with the tallest grown up to 12 feet tall and weighing about 510 pounds."
"Every single species that has ever lived to fossilize? We're lucky to have fossils at all."
"If you say that there are no antecedents of the Cambrian animals but have to ignore the various bilaterians, stem-bilaterians, cnidarians, and sponges of the Ediacaran to do it, then you're just lying."
"According to a 2019 paper I cited, there are biomineralized fossils in the late Ediacaran."
"The bite force of Tyrannosaurus Rex is unmatched; this carnivore can open its jaws to 80 degrees and slam down with the force of up to 34,500 Newtons."
"Did you know these dinosaurs enjoyed family life? Rare T-rex trackways found in Canada and New Mexico show that these dinosaurs sometimes stuck together in small groups."
"A new Microraptorian species, Wulong bohaiensis, was discovered... known from a single complete specimen preserved on a slab of rock."
"This early Cretaceous dinosaur was found to be one year of age when it died, and the specimen preserves several types of feathers."
"The presence of pinecos and filamentous feathers indicate that these grew before skeletal maturity, at least for some Dromaeosaurs."
"The discovery of the first fossilized skin of a prehistoric penguin... shows the connective tissues, morphology, and density of the feather follicles and even a groove pattern left by feathers resting on the skin."
"A new Tyrannosaur named Thanatotheristes degrootorum... provides additional evidence of geographic segregation across North America amongst Tyrannosaurs during the late Cretaceous."
"Allosaurus jimmadseni... is represented by a very complete skull and skeleton... declared based on distinctive traits including a blade-like nasolacrimal crest not found in Allosaurus fragilis."
"This massive freshwater turtle lived in South America 13 to 5 million years ago... growing the sizes comparable to that of a car."
"Spinosaurus had a semi-aquatic lifestyle of that there is no doubt, as multiple lines of direct and indirect evidence have been used to corroborate this."
"Quetzalcoatlus, the biggest scientists have ever found evidence of, had a 12-meter wingspan. It was probably the biggest thing that ever flew. Ever."
"Using fossil evidence, paleontologists have managed to identify more than 500 distinctive genera and over 1,000 different species of non-avian dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs lived on every continent, including Antarctica."
"It's an incredible time to study dinosaurs. We now know of over 1,200 different species of dinosaurs."
"We are in the Golden Age of dinosaur discovery... finding a new species of dinosaur somewhere around the world on average of once a week."
"The reign of tyrannosaurs came to a very sudden, very abrupt, very unexpected end."
"Dinosaurs were doing well when the asteroid hit, but there's a little bit of a twist in that during the last few million years before the asteroid hit, just a few million years, a few groups of dinosaurs were kind of waning a little bit in their diversity."
"Scientists now believe that a lot of dinosaurs were covered in feathers, including the Velociraptor."
"Godzilla shark: A 300 million-year-old fossil famously known as the Godzilla shark finally has a scientific name nine years after it was discovered in New Mexico's Mansano Mountains."
"Very few people can say they have found a dinosaur tooth. I am proud to say that I am one of them."
"Every paleontologist on the planet recognizes that ghost lineages are inevitable."
"So if you find mammoth tusks for example what you're really distinctly male isn't not belonging to an elephant would you accept that that is proof that a mammoth existed?"
"T-Rex: Not just a killing machine, but a real, complex animal."
"T-Rex: Not just a monstrous predator, but a complex creature with behaviors worth exploring."
"There has been great debate among scientists as to whether or not non-bird dinosaurs were already in decline when the impact happened."
"What happened to the Dinosaurs... the Ice Age."
"The discovery of dinosaurs, the fact that I'm part of something so unique, I found my passion in life."
"That's fossils! That's so cool, I cannot believe this."
"Thinking about how an organism evolved over time is absolutely fascinating and a key component of the science of paleontology."
"Dinosaurs have been discovered all across Britain."
"It might just be a dinosaur. That's my day made."
"This is a completely new species of dinosaur."
"We've just started to understand the scale and richness of Australia's buried dinosaur past."
"T-rex wasn't stupid... it was a pretty intelligent animal."
"Living fossils like Relicanth remind us that some creatures have stayed relatively the same over millions of years."
"Anning's discoveries, her skills, and her anatomical expertise helped usher in an entirely new understanding of the world."
"Naledi is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious fossil hominins known to date."
"Further evidence will hopefully further clarify the story of these long-lost hominins."
"Perhaps one of the most exciting things they can discover is an almost perfect remains of an extinct animal."
"The fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis was uncovered by a team of scientists led by American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and French geologist Maurice Taieb."
"Creature identified: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Name comes from the Greek word meaning tyrant lizard. Weight of this T-Rex is seventeen thousand five hundred pounds."
"One of the most bizarre discoveries ever: a hunter discovered what looks like an enormous fossilized footprint measuring four feet tall."
"Excavators recently found these huge Mammoth bones while digging to install a drain pipe in a village just outside of Mexico City."
"One of the best preserved woolly mammoth skeletons."
"When I saw one of them in a short video on the Discovery Channel website talking about a fossil he had just found, I lost it."
"35 million year old turtle fossil discovered in the ruins of a church."
"Someone has discovered the remains of what may be a dinosaur in Antarctica."
"It's incredible to see how many people have an interest in paleontology, Evolution, and the natural world."
"Words spread through Nieves' town that he had uncovered a two-ton Glyptodon shell."
"Finding any prehistoric bones, let alone skulls in this condition, is extremely rare."
"Mary Anning's contributions to paleontology were immense, yet she received little public credit."
"The Geological Society provided financial support and commemorated Anning's contributions after her death."
"The only dinosaurs left are birds, which are essentially theropods."
"William Buckland's work on Megalosaurus in 1824 revealed more about dinosaur bones."
"The mosquito frozen in time for millions of years, and trapped within it, well, that discovery would change our world."
"After careful analysis they discovered that the wolf pup was a young female who lived 57 000 years ago."
"They found a piece of fossilized coral that has since been confirmed at over 300 million years old."
"There's something about dinosaurs that captures the imagination, giant mysterious animals that roam the Earth for millions of years now gone forever."
"Restoring a real life mammoth tusk, that is also going to be super cool."
"The triceratops is one of the most recognizable herbivores to ever have existed."
"I mean just look at the IDs of some of these fossil remains. Chagyrskaya 60. Chagyrskaya 63. There's a lot of Neanderthals here."
"Yuka quickly became an international sensation with experts from all over the world chiming in to obsess over Yuka's interesting history."
"Generation 5 had another set of fossil Pokemon but to be honest we were back down into quite feeble ones."
"The giant guinea pig wandered the earth 8 million years ago through what is today Venezuela."
"Dinosaur excavations have generally been... you just go out, dig up a dinosaur, bring it back to your Museum."
"T-Rex might not have been the fearsome predator portrayed in books and movies."
"It was found inside a piece of coal and it's thought to be around 60 million years old."
"A rares fossil we do not yet have in our collection, this right quetzal wing is just the kind of discovery we want to showcase."
"The Megalodon was a fearsome hunter that had rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth, each measuring several inches in length."
"Skull 5, as this one is known, exhibits very robust morphology."
"The Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"It's very likely that the Dmanisi assemblage samples a population belonging to a single species."
"At Dmanisi the fossils seem clearly to be Homo."
"Thrinaxodon, the ultimate prehistoric survivor."
"Lily's discovery may be up to 220 million years old."
"The dinosaur who left the footprint behind was about eight feet long."
"Coloration work has significance for how we envision these animals."
"Melanin fossilizes so well, it's nature's super molecule."
"Dinosaurs are more diverse, more adaptable than we often give them credit for."
"True Tone makes the screen look so much better and just across all environments."
"Spinosaurus being more aquatic... would go down well with the fanbase."
"Now scientists are digging up dirt to uncover how these real life monsters were forced to fight for survival."
"New discoveries and forensic science bring to life, 'The Prehistoric Art of War'."
"When this dinosaur swung its tail from side to side, these things crossed each other and acted like a pair of bone slicing sheers."
"Utahraptor was the largest known member of the early Dromaeosaurus."
"Utahraptor is a very quick, very agile and very fast Dinosaur."
"You will never find a Megalodon tooth on the same layer as a human bone."
"The megalodon meaning giant tooth is aptly named with teeth over three times the size of the great white shark."
"The line between species and subspecies is difficult to draw when you only have fossil evidence."
"Brachiosaurus, the majestic giant of prehistoric times, captured our awe once again."
"That is amazing and that is devastating to the belief that dinosaurs became extinct 65 billion years ago."
"T-rex was likely covered in scales, not feathers."
"Achieving a new relationship with the dinosaurs, forging revolutionary ideas because we're able to better understand the past."
"Stromatolites could be a visual clue to prehistoric life on Mars."
"Her remains are proving extremely valuable in teaching scientists about ice age baby mammoths."
"Finding fossilized remains in ancient rock is one thing but how about a hundred million year old screw that isn't even from this planet?"
"A new fossil may have just pushed the theory of animal Evolution back 100 million years or more."
"Evidence of polar dinosaurs has challenged the long-standing notion that all dinosaurs were cold-blooded."
"What makes James' mastodon carvings so important is that, until the middle of the 1800s, nobody knew what a mastodon looked like."
"She was essentially a fossil hunter who was extremely prolific."
"The discovery is rare and constitutes the best-preserved dinosaur stomach ever found."
"They found soft tissue, blood vessels, blood cells. How could that be still there if these fossils were truly 70 million years old?"
"Spinosaurus egypticus: An aquatic hunter rewriting dinosaur history."
"Fossils hold immense scientific and financial value."
"Allosaurus was the Tyrannosaurus Rex before there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is without a doubt the biggest and baddest predator that ever walked North America, and quite possibly the world."
"The Siberian unicorn, an extinct genus of rhinoceros who roamed Eurasia some 39,000 years ago."
"There is no other animal that fits all the descriptions given here other than a dinosaur like the Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus."
"The creature closely resembles a plesiosaur."
"One of the most common dinosaurs that we find evidence for in our time is the plesiosaur or elasmosaurus."
"This was a perfectly preserved dinosaur and it's the best preserved armored dinosaur fossil we have ever found."
"This miraculous find shocked and amazed the whole world."
"Scientists have made one of the most shocking dinosaur discoveries of recent memory."
"You're looking at this animal that died, that fell in this spring more than 12,000 years ago."
"Raptors have been our greatest challenge to bring back from extinction, ferocious and intelligent, they are a marvel of Cretaceous evolution."
"Evidence of ancient forests in the region was found, dating back as far as more than 216 million years ago."
"The discovery of this woolly Rhino nicknamed Simon is exceptional."
"Giant dinosaur egg found in Chechnya, Russia."
"Entire classes of species were wiped off the face of the Earth, and we know this because we are able to find hints of their existence: fossils."
"Antarctica's ice preserves the oldest DNA ever recovered."
"Now it's time for the sweet topic: the Jordan River has finally dried up and now this has emerged A peculiar and large skeleton grabbing the attention of marine biologists and paleontologists all over the world."
"Fossilized animals have always fascinated us because they help us understand Earth's unusual past."
"Sue the T-rex: one of the largest, most complete, and best-preserved specimens ever discovered."
"Preserved like a statue: a 110 million-year-old creature with almost perfectly intact skin."
"Oil soros: a nodosaur discovered under the oil sands of Fort McMurray, Canada."
"How fun is that, ancient teeth from arctic hyenas!"
"Tucked beneath the roots of the modern-day Catskill forest are the roots of the very first forest on Earth."
"Recent research has shed light on the causes of the dinosaur extinction."
"Archaeopteryx was found within two years of publication, that was fulfilled."
"Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water... over the earth."
"Some prehistoric creatures had some crazy-looking features."
"There's evidence all over the planet that's the thing from this meteor impact that's 12 000 years ago very similar to the KT boundary with the meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs."
"A dinosaur very similar to the almighty T-Rex has been discovered in Thailand. They have named it the Siam Raptor, which literally means robber from Thailand."
"Machimosaurus Rex: the largest ocean-dwelling crocodile ever known to have existed."
"This ancient crocodile possessed a massive head astonishing bite strength and short brutal teeth."
"This is somewhat consistent with earlier research on growth in mapasaurus."
"The remarkably intact bear lived alongside woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers."
"Troodon dinosaurs were quite smart by dinosaur standards famously having the largest brains in comparison to their body size of any non-avian dinosaur."
"Ichthyostega marks a crucial turning point in the history of the Earth by being the first four-legged vertebrate to set foot on land."
"Tap into that childlike fascination with the prehistoric world and create some fantasy-style paleo art."
"The halfway point between the dinosaur extinction and today saw a very interesting and very different world ecology."
"In a groundbreaking discovery in 2022, researchers have Unearthed the fossilized remains of a colossal otter species in Ethiopia, shedding new light on the fascinating coexistence of early humans and unique creatures of the past."
"The significance of the tongue child cannot be overstated; this extraordinary fossil provided compelling evidence for the theory of human evolution and shattered long-held misconceptions."
"The Sahara has turned up fossils of all sorts of aquatic life - fish, mollusks, and even plants - indicating a rich and diverse ecosystem."
"Juvenile ostr opius afferences individuals already had many of the bipedal features found in adult specimens."
"The oldest vertebrate fossil tracks ever discovered at Grand Canyon National Park date back 313 million years."
"Seeing these fossils being found in this area it's just it's hard to deny the existence even if this is an Atlantis"
"Not everything that is big and dead is a dinosaur."
"We now know for certain that birds are living dinosaurs. This is the consensus among scientists."
"The first ever fossilized evidence of a dinosaur sitting on its nest of unborn babies."
"If you're afraid of modern sharks, get ready for these facts because this prehistoric predator puts them all to shame."
"Archeops is such a good take on the archaeopteryx."
"So we propose two hypothesis in the paper one is that perhaps the shell became stuck in the throat choked the fish it drowned and was preserved like this."
"By far the coolest and most amazing dinosaur fossil ever found hidden in the Sahara desert was that of the Spinosaurus."
"Thylaco leo appears to have developed some incredibly terrifying carnassials too."
"The problem that a lot of paleontologists have had with this paper so far though is the actual evidence that the species level split has been based on."
"Did you know that more time passed between the time of the stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex than between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and humans? Cool dinosaur fact."
"Parasaurolophus is one of my favorite dinosaur designs in this game because it's really been updated to reflect our modern understanding of what the animal looked like."
"T-Rex is the largest land living meat-eating dinosaur we've ever discovered."
"Did people in the past also encounter fossils? And if they did, what on earth did they think?"
"Number 6: The Gigantopithecus. This genus of ape may have been quite large, but..."
"People say dinosaurs didn't evolve into birds. Oh well, just actually just wrong because..."
"Finding fossils is always a big deal, but it's sometimes strange to find them of a new creature that nobody had ever really heard of before."
"Velociraptor: A small-bodied, fast-moving theropod carnivore, inherently cooler than its counterparts."
"Velociraptor: From narrow snouted to wedge-headed, the evolution of Hollywood reconstructions."
"The Ice Age was much more than that and filled with weird extinct animals that are often forgotten about today."
"Ground sloths related to Modern sloths but lived on the Ground and were much much bigger than modern sloths."
"Nature's finest creation, the Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"Canada got a lot of love... multitude of biomes... 75 species of dinosaurs."
"At the start of the Paleozoic, over about 25 million years, the fossil record suddenly reveals the appearance of complex animals with mineralized remains."
"Along with the dinosaurs, almost all other large land vertebrates had vanished."
"By the middle of the Paleocene Epoch, animal life was on the rebound."
"Pakicetus were clearly already becoming adapted to an aquatic lifestyle with significant changes occurring."
"Pterosaurs are just about as closely related to dinosaurs as it's possible to be without actually being dinosaurs."
"Hallelujah, our great King is coming back for a church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish."
"Scientists discovered a huge fossil graveyard of squiggly alien-like Jurassic era creatures."
"This significant finding has greatly Advanced the field of paleontology and provided valuable insights into Africa's prehistoric history."
"The first reptiles appeared about 350 million years ago."
"The fact that Pachyrhinosaurus is found in so many different areas suggests that these dinosaurs had a remarkable ability to adapt."
"It’s one of the best studied prehistoric creatures and the discovery of frozen carcasses in Siberia and Alaska has been instrumental in understanding the animal."
"It was like waving a magic wand and bringing a 60 million year old fossil back to life."
"We're always finding new evidence, that's such a cool problem to have."
"Trace fossils get to tell us things that the bones don't."