
Narrative Themes Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"This is a story of love, greed, money, good people who make bad decisions, and bad people who make good decisions."
"The attempt to shift back to an earlier format and not being able to get there reflects a major theme through the season."
"Our morbid fascination with doomed love has even given rise to an entire archetype dedicated to the romance of dying."
"Heroes versus villains, right versus wrong, good versus evil."
"Sometimes we're all better off when the dead stay down."
"The Rayman series has always had a certain element of rescue to it."
"It's basically a story about jealousy... leading to a literal battle between heaven and hell."
"The politics of this game are really interesting."
"It's not a story that ends in happiness, it's at what cost."
"Instead of power for its own sake, she might offer Star something else. Freedom."
"All the things that the main characters are kind of thrown into are very much bigger than themselves and also just giant again monsters."
"This is a story about men rebelling against Gods, it's about apocalypse, it's about Hope and despair."
"Being the last anything can give someone a lot of pressure and anxiety. There's a lot you can do with this from a storytelling perspective. Again, it's one of those things that's kind of a no-brainer."
"I loved the whole theme of the rise of the Stark children. They're all taking control."
"There are huge lessons that need to be learned about hope, wisdom, strength, and fortitude."
"Harlem Heat: A Story of Evolution, Betrayal, and Redemption."
"This is really a fight between good and evil."
"A boxing match is not a man versus man narrative but a man versus self narrative."
"It's the ultimate human narrative: nefarious deeds meeting comeuppance."
"What kind of story is George RR Martin trying to tell here?"
"I love the premise. This idea that these guys who were so heralded heroes got caught up in their own apathy and procrastination."
"Characters who were ostracized and couldn't fit in."
"I like a good oppositional pair that learned to be friends story."
"Characters like Obito show that people are not beyond redemption."
"The morally ambiguous themes in Aeon Flux help us to question our original assumptions about who's good in this story."
"It's insane to sit through, actually caricature but it hammers the point home: society sucks, everyone's complicit or against you, and it's only by pure luck, pure magic that anything changes."
"Mass Effect's revival reminds us it's time to abolish the space police."
"There is no black or white in this story... It's all gray."
"Their failures throughout the story represent the inadequacy of military technology."
"This chapter, the scouring of the shire, is about making things whole again after everything that has happened before."
"They both deal with opposites in a romance, characters that have very conflicting outlooks on life."
"You were supposed to bring balance to the force."
"The triumph of good over evil, sacrifice of self."
"That blew my mind like watching an entire movie where the white man was villain."
"Black and White 2 show that people can change and show why growth is necessary."
"History can be viewed as a narrative of love and compassion."
"Grizabella is fighting to regain a feeling that she's lost while the Phantom is fighting for a feeling that he's never had."
"Dune Messiah is about just how problematic a hero can be."
"Kamigawa's primary conflict was a clash between the mortal world called Utsushio and the spirit realm called Kakurio."
"Melkor would shun the design given to him by his creator, rebelling against him and becoming the greatest evil that ever touched the land of Arda."
"This story has notes of deception, betrayal, and more than a hint of fraud."
"The whole overarching story of the trilogy is about overcoming your demons, setting your course right, and coming full term to what's the trauma that's occurred, facing your demons down."
"The legacy of the Taika verse is fun, adventure, humor, but heart."
"I really want to explore mental illness through this character."
"It's blatant honesty about corporate greed and workplace discrimination sticks out like a sore thumb but not in a bad way."
"The Narrative isn't solely about doom and retribution it underscores a fundamental truth that even in the bleakest moments salvation remains Within Reach."
"The villains' real threat is the world as a whole."
"A story of redemption, of horror, and of love."
"The greatest heroes are the ones who maintain their morality in the face of this threat and the greatest villains are the ones who honestly contend with it but choose to give in to that horror."
"Battles won or lost, it's relationships that truly Define a hero."
"Samara: we always want most what we cannot have and this is definitely true of Samara."
"Love in other words is childhood friends too estranged to lovers."
"Despite the tragedies the Jedi dealt with, they would be the resurgence of hope in the galaxy."
"This is the story of what happened. He tried to save the earth and he missed. Well, that's what it's about, telling stories, right?"
"The darkest moments affected me the most, with tragic yet triumphant endings."
"We as people love nothing more than a Redemption arc."
"Heroes and villains both have the same void to fill."
"I always love those 'I lost my family but now I have a new one in my friends' type of stories."
"Blasphemous is a story about our capacity for sin."
"A villain can be a hero and a hero can be a villain."
"It's a tale of downfall and Redemption with the sprinkle of divine intervention."
"Even if Mass Effect didn't abandon the Reapers Lovecraftian vibe, it would still have shown us how worthwhile it is to react and resist and stand together."
"The past is the past is it not? It need not be. I intend to wind time back to its beginning and restart history."
"For all its gore power fantasies and sex minigames, this story is really about hope and forgiveness in the end."
"Weak characters being outclassed by stronger opponents that they've beaten is the definition of a true underdog narrative."
"The greatest heroes are defined by their nemesis."
"Power fantasies are a good example of this as well."
"Freeza's fear of the Super Saiyans is always a very interesting talking point."
"It's a combination of both... it's a love story."
"It is filled with determination, some setbacks, a lot of chaos, friendship, and of course triumph."
"There's utterly ruthless revenge, calculated revenge, and life-ruining tales of revenge."
"Their core theme revolves around their failures and inability to fulfill a role they were chosen for, eventually redeeming themselves."
"If you look at the game from the sense of the whole game is about accepting mortality and all these themes of death, then you can kind of justify it."
"The story explores revenge and hate and pain and grief and what that does to a person."
"It's a story about hubris, about excess, but above anything else, it's a story about debts."
"It's a story about grief, obsession, and redemption."
"A story mired with tragedy, loss, and a bloodlust fueled by the desire for revenge."
"The idea of having superheroes fight each other, I find a little depressing."
"This is the story of love and hate, revenge and redemption, destruction and salvation, and an impossible choice."