
No Excuses Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"If Louis Curtis comes to Pueblo, no money, no names, no contacts, and make it, anybody can make it if they don't make excuses."
"I stopped making excuses. For me to actually change, I really had to embrace the concept of no excuses."
"Find out what's required to accomplish and do what's required, no matter what. No fucking excuses."
"Success requires no excuses, failure tolerates none."
"You have a type of strength that a lot of people don't have... when we make it through difficult things like that and we make it excellent, that's another notch, that's another stripe on our uniform."
"There's no reason why you can't be successful... there's no excuses."
"There is no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential."
"Stop making excuses. The only alternative is results."
"I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse."
"It's time to play the game, and there's no excuses."
"There's no such thing as an excuse. Just pop up a Robert Frank video and get yourself motivated."
"If you right there watching are not out there living your life to the fullest then I feel no pity for you because this story lets me know that you have no excuse."
"You just got to go do every job possible... there's no excuses."
"Stand and deliver. It's time. Stand and deliver. There are no excuses."
"If you can do the stuff yourself which you really can there's not really any excuse why you can't."
"You don't take excuses and you don't make excuses."
"No more excuses for yourself, this is the lifestyle for you."
"There's really no excuse to have bad bass in your home theater anymore."
"This season and Ronaldo is the cherry on the cake to symbolize this season is now. Now is the time to deliver. Stand and deliver now. No more excuses."
"This guy's story is inspirational... there are no excuses out there."
"Don't look at somebody else's scenario as an excuse as to why you can't or you shouldn't."
"When you have no excuses and you give everything you have and you lose."
"There's no excuses for this stuff being slow, it's so simple, very, very simple, small amount of code."
"There never was nor shall there be an excuse for the criminal behavior you were subjected to."
"If you want to be successful, you can't make excuses for yourself. You have to keep going, no matter what your circumstances are."
"Help him learn that his special problems should not become an excuse for not trying."
"Do not compromise and do not make excuses for people's behavior."
"Winners win because they have a strong mentality and don't make excuses."
"Get in better physical shape. There is no excuse."
"It's just on you, you know, no more excuses."
"Excuses are for losers. You have to adapt or you die."
"He didn't let anything hold him back and he didn't use anything as excuse as to why he should be given anything."
"I don't think I could have prepared any better really. There'll be no excuses."
"Make the decision now that there is no more bullshit. Set your standard high and get ready to kick ass in life."
"As a man, you cannot afford the luxury of excuses. You can't afford to say I don't feel like it today. You can't afford to say I didn't want to do it today. You can't afford to not get up today. You have to go out there and make yourself great."
"You don't really know what sort of genetics you have until you've pushed your genetics to the max. Train, don't use that jag thing. Work hard, work it out, there's no excuses, work hard."
"Just decide what you want and stick to it, no excuses."
"Hopefully, I heal up nice and good real quick. I want no excuses for the next game. I just want to play ball."
"Philly doesn't have an excuse. They're playing against a fully rostered New York Knicks team."
"Make moves or you can make excuses, make because that's that."
"There is no excuse for failure in this market right now."
"No one has ever paid admission to see an excuse."
"Don't stop, man, don't stop. Just do it, don't make excuses, just do it."
"Life is too short to make excuses."
"I'm done with excuses, I'm done with holding myself back."
"No more excuses, no more victim mentality. We gotta keep it moving. Plan on accepting more opportunities that have been presented to me, business-wise and also as part of the channel."
"There is absolutely no excuse for abuse whatsoever."
"No excuse that you can't do that now."
"No one would have had us down as top guys especially from ever right, so if we're coming in here now and we're delivering these incredible matches, these incredible stories, anyone else coming in from this point on, you got no excuse."
"Can't give people a pass, you gotta own it cuz that's him, you know what I'm saying? Like, there's no passes, should call, he did that, he did that."
"There is no excuse for not learning from others."
"There's literally no excuses that you can't be wearing a helmet."
"You don't make excuses, you just go out and do what you can do well."
"There's no excuses. We are mentally and physically ready for anyone."
"No excuse should excuse you from not putting yourself first."
"He's making no excuses, he's not complaining, he's not looking for no sympathy, and you gotta respect that."
"We make no excuses, man. We seek no comfort."
"There's no longer any excuse for not wearing safety glasses."
"She taught us emotional and mental fortitude, no excuses."
"Don't ever give yourself an excuse why you can't have it all."
"We're doing workouts, we're not doing excuses."
"You work and train, you never find excuses."
"Those who want to find a way, those who don't find an excuse."
"Don't stop learning, don't have an excuse."
"No excuses, just execution for real."
"Once you commit to something, there's no looking back, you have no excuses, you're all in, let's go."
"Warriors have no room for excuses."
"You cannot make excuses if you want to have a successful business."
"Have you ever heard about any winners making an excuse?"
"No excuses, you've got to make it happen."
"You can do this. I don't want any excuses from you in the new year."
"We just have to like consistently motivate each other and there can't be any excuses as to why we can't go and run that day."
"Don't use it as an excuse, don't use any excuses, don't ask any more questions, just do it, just start."
"If you really want something, you can have it. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
"Commitment means no excuse is acceptable."
"If you had that as a goal, there was no excuse for not doing the job."
"You gotta push yourself and you can't make any excuses."
"He's an extremely hard worker and makes no excuses."
"We won; we don't have to make excuses."
"You can't make excuses and be successful at the same time."
"Don't make excuses if you're failing; it is on you and there is always something that you can do."
"It's amazing how life will start to take on this really beautiful momentum when you're not making excuses for anything."
"When you are committed to something, you don't allow anything to give you an excuse not to do it."
"You have to be consistent and have no excuses."
"When you get to the finals, it's the two best teams playing each other. It ain't no excuses."
"You should never accept excuses in life."
"That's what creates a real champion, because then there's no excuses."
"Stop giving yourself excuses; there is no excuse."
"Hard work works, and that's what we do, baby. We put in that work, no excuses, no breaks."
"Noble is the training brand for people who work hard and don't believe in excuses."
"No excuses, let's get up, let's do it."
"Start right now, don't have an excuse why you shouldn't start."
"You got to have the drive and the desire to get rid of the excuses out your life."
"You either make action or you make excuses."
"I struggled and I did it, okay? So no excuses."
"The only downside of games running smoother is that you can no longer blame lag when a 10-year-old beats you in Fortnite."
"It's all about just getting it done and going for it, no excuses."
"You won, he ain't giving excuses."
"There's no excuse for what I did."
"No excuses, okay, what's next is next, no excuses, a hell of a challenge for all of us, what's next."
"There's no such thing as excuses, there's either a way to do it or you don't need to do it at all."
"Shawn realized she couldn't make any excuses if she wanted to become stronger."
"You have results or excuses, not both."
"You just got to be creative with what you have and don't make any excuses."
"I just need results, I don't care about all the excuses."
"You find a way, if not, you find an excuse."
"If you really want this, there are no excuses."
"Can't make no excuses, you just gotta get out here. If you want it bad enough, you're gonna make it happen."
"This guy never complains, does he make any excuses? No, he just keeps going."
"It's painting; we can do what we like, and it's been quality, so there's no excuses."
"Whatever it takes, no excuses, no explanations."
"I'm not afraid of hard work, I have no excuses."
"You got to do what you got to do to get yourself to where you want to be, and there's no excuses."
"There's no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential."
"We can't miss these Monday workouts, and bodyweight allows you to do this anywhere, anytime, so there's no excuses."
"I can have results or I can have excuses, but I could not have both."
"This time of the season it's about going out getting the job done, so there's no excuses."
"If you want something, work for it; you don't find excuses."
"We're not making no more excuses, this 75 Hard challenge is going to be very hard, but I'm going to complete it."
"I made a decision that I wasn't going to use excuses anymore."
"I mean, I just like that he doesn't make excuses and he's always there."
"We are capable of doing anything we want to do and not look for excuses or examples of why it ain't gonna work."
"I'm not gonna accept any excuses, I'm just gonna go do it."
"The whole goal is just to take no excuses about what you do in your life, keep on showing up."
"It is No Excuses November and we are not taking any excuses."
"This shows you when you give excuses in life, you can't succeed. When you don't give excuses and you chase your dream no matter what, it can be."
"There's no call for excuses when you can do anything."
"Have that hunger, don't let anything get in your way, don't make excuses, and just get it done."
"If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way, if you don't want it, you'll find an excuse."
"Don't let any excuses hinder you at this time."
"You either have results or excuses."
"There's no excuses, I don't care what kind of cards you're dealt, there's no excuses if you want to make it, you can do what you got to do to make it."
"The moral of the story, stop making excuses and just do it."