
Prenatal Care Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Every mother who goes to the antenatal clinic should have a blood level of vitamin D check."
"Protecting a baby in the womb is just as important, if not more important, than protecting a baby outside the womb."
"If we can make certain types of ethical actions that would be good for the fetus we ought to, since it's already a human life."
"You cannot say you are pro-life when you vote against prenatal care for the mother."
"The principle that you are responsible to and for your child should apply in the womb just as much as it does outside of it."
"Instead, I'm going to go to an OB appointment tomorrow to hear the baby's heartbeat. Thank you, Lord."
"Do what works for you; listen to your OB-GYN, listen to your midwife, listen to your birth partners."
"I think that's critically important. We need to share the compassion we have for the mom, for the baby, show them that you love them, surround them with all the love you can." - Senator Roger Marshall
"You don't want to download certain information to your baby in the womb while you're pregnant. You want to make sure that you're eating a happy and healthy diet so that baby can come out happy and healthy."
"Drink water, drink water, your child inside you is literally living in fluid."
"It's all small things, they add up especially over 10 20 years it adds up and it even begins in the womb."
"Start planning for that anytime you will get pregnant by watching your diet in terms of eating healthy."
"What has changed this debate more than anything, more than the legal arguments, more than the political rhetoric? Imaging ultrasounds."
"Introducing expectant mothers to their children via ultrasound... 80 percent of the time she's more likely to choose Life."
"Your dad's behavior affects your emotional well-being and your unborn baby's. However he feels, it's not as important as you and this child."
"So this Gene is just acting as a canary in the coal mine if you like it's a good example of something that really matters and is affected by the mother's diet."
"...hip circles on the birth ball and this is so good at helping get baby their head into a nice position in the pelvis."
"My biggest concern today is the well-being of the unborn baby."
"I probably should get a pregnancy massage at this point."
"The prenatal steroids that the mother is given, the methylmethasone shots, 24 hours before delivery hopefully, and at least 48 hours before delivery, decreases the rate of both of the severity and the frequency of the rds."
"I had my daughter here, I had full prenatal care, I tried to have a home birth and I had a few teams of midwives and a doctor in attendance at my home."
"They're going to be evaluating for any sort of genetic anomalies that might have occurred in the fetus that you guys have conceived together."
"Hundreds of thousands of babies have been saved through ultrasound when you go into a pre-born center. That mother is going to get to hear the heartbeat of her child, and that becomes a divine encounter."
"Incorporate assessment of these views into the first trimester anatomy scan."
"Genome sequencing is now possible for prenatal sequencing."
"Throughout your pregnancy you'll be looked after by your doctor and by a midwife."
"Accurate knowledge or accurate assessment of the gestational age is useful for obstetrical management decisions, for the assessment of fetal growth, for scheduling and interpretation of a number of prenatal tests."
"The 11 to 14 week scan is much more than the assessment of the nuchal translucency."
"The dietary supplementation of folic acid around the time of conception has been known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects."
"Pregnant women need to listen to good music."
"Eat for your baby, eat nutritiously, rest as much as you can, and try not to worry."
"The advantages of the three vessel view are that it's easy to obtain and learn to interpret throughout gestation."
"Giving corticosteroids to mothers in premature labor helps save babies' lives."
"You're going to hear me say it a lot in these prenatal workout videos: listen to your body."
"Thank you for showing up and doing something good for you and your baby today, mama."
"You did something healthy for you, something healthy for your baby."
"I've been practicing my breathing techniques for pregnancy yoga, and they have been life-changing."
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"Everybody needs a prenatal. I've been taking prenatals for years at this point."
"You are about to become a mother, so you need your vitamins."
"Taking care of yourself and your baby: Nutrition and fitness before and during pregnancy."
"If we supplement young women and men who are in the childbearing years with these nutrients, we could eliminate cleft palates, cleft lips, spina bifida, eye defects, heart defects."
"It's an amazing period of time when the inspiration and motivation for healthy, wellbeing and prenatal care can really motivate individuals to lead healthier lifestyles."
"It is an absolute joy and pleasure to be here today to discuss with you what a patient along with her physician can do and steps that she can take to help ensure a very optimal prenatal care both prior to and during her pregnancy."
"We would take much better care of pregnant women, supporting them so that we're diminishing stress in their lives."
"We're gonna have to go back and figure out what do we do to support the health of mothers and the health of babies during their prenatal period and young children."
"Work hard, work to the fitness level that is specific to you and what you have talked about with your doctor."
"Exercise is something that can actually be healthy for the pregnancy especially if you are somebody who was active beforehand."
"It's just over a dollar a day to get 12 essential nutrients for your body and your baby."
"Everything should be done before pregnancy because any kind of dramatic change in the diet that detox effect is going to go into the baby."
"Noninvasive prenatal testing has the best detection rate of 99%."
"I am so nervous, you guys, but okay, it's my first ultrasound appointment, my first prenatal appointment."
"It's going to be so good for your mind and body and the baby if you stay active through your pregnancy."
"We're going to target all the key areas of the body where you might be feeling some aches and pains and prepare for a restful sleep."
"You normalize the unnormal. It is not normal, nor is it promoted, suggested, or even okay legally to smoke anything or drink anything that has any type of alcohol in it when you are pregnant."
"Antenatal administration of steroids, particularly betamethasone when given 12 to 24 hours before the delivery, is a good measure to reduce the risk of the future development of intraventricular hemorrhage."
"It's so helpful for pregnancy and I see it as stretching and as taking care of my body."
"The way you treat your body while you're pregnant is so important because your body is their body."
"He was very excited about fatherhood and attended every one of her appointments."
"Please take care of your body and your baby when you're pregnant."
"Stretching through our psoas, our hip flexor here, is great to help get baby in the right position."
"We're going to practice breathing for an easy delivery."
"Real food for pregnancy: the science and wisdom of optimal prenatal nutrition."
"Low choline intake influences the risk of lifelong memory function and possible risk of neural tube defects."
"Taking prenatal is important, but the way she explains it in the book is very solid, research-backed."
"We really need to start thinking about it perinatally because the mother that's carrying those eggs is affecting the production of two generations before her."