
Child Health Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"No baby should be born deficient in vitamin D."
"The British Chiropractic Association claims that their members can help treat children with colic, sleeping and feeding problems, frequent ear infections, asthma, and prolonged crying, even though there's not a jot of evidence."
"If we can really help change our food culture and change what kids are fed at school, we can really improve their health in the here and now but their trajectory on everything going forward."
"The Trump administration is literally deporting kids with cancer."
"Imagine being the parent of a sick kid who is holding on to a letter sent to you by those U.S. officials and realizing this is what you are up against."
"A child is eating over a hundred times more sugar than they did 100 years ago."
"A 2021 Polish study found vegan children to have weaker bones and were three centimeters shorter than their meat-eating counterparts."
"4 million kids a year with behavioral problems, they're being slowly poisoned."
"Proceed by subtraction: get the unhealthy stuff out of kids' lives and bring back the healthy stuff."
"There's nothing more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry than frankly a sick kid."
"What are we doing for our kids? This virus is endemic, so we should reprioritize our health."
"Children are not supposed to die, and 400 is a huge number for a respiratory season."
"The world is killing our children from the inside out."
"We know that children can be infected, we know that they tend to have mild disease but they can die from this infection so it's important that we protect them."
"If approved this vaccine should be able to safely and effectively protect your kids your youngest kids against severe disease hospitalization that's what counts."
"Sleep is not to be taken lightly. Especially in children."
"The long-awaited malaria vaccine for children is a breakthrough for science, child health, and malaria control."
"A national study showed that healthier school lunches may be able to reduce childhood obesity."
"Any death in a child from a vaccine preventable illness is a tragedy."
"What is the age at which it is most reasonable to start vaccinating? We delayed vaccinations as long as possible."
"The easiest way to describe it is childhood dementia."
"Flu vaccine is especially important for children, especially those younger than five years old."
"Pushing masks on kids... is irrational anti-science and abusive."
"Putting masks on kids at this point... is not only anti-science, but it's also child abuse."
"Medical advisors said that the babies have a 95% chance of growing up healthy."
"She's so healthy, she's so beautiful and sweet and cute and all of that stuff."
"This kid, my child, who survived open heart surgery..."
"The United States has the highest infant mortality rate of all developed countries. We are also the most vaccinated."
"We're setting up kids for such failure, hummeling them with antibiotics like allergies. It's just a no-brainer for me: give kids Whole Foods."
"You cannot protect children from all pathogens forever, it's not actually good for them."
"The 1918 pandemic: an appalling death rate amongst children."
"4100 children die every single day from illnesses that could have been prevented."
"Breast is best" honestly, "fed is best" - prioritize your child's well-being.
"Most respiratory viruses are much milder in children than adults."
"The carnivore diet is optimal for kids. They'll grow healthier, stronger, and smarter."
"He's a little boy called Joe, and he's got this big swelling in his face. He must be in a lot of pain."
"I just love that you really did hit on the most important reason I think for diesel school buses to go away which is that they are poisoning our planet they are poisoning our children."
"Kids are not immune from this disease. They can catch it, which means they can give it to other people."
"We don't anticipate seeing a COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of 12 until late fall or even mid-winter."
"An FDA advisory panel has endorsed child doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. The panel today voted unanimously that the vaccine's benefits in preventing infection in the 5 to 11 age group outweigh potential risks."
"The idea that these kids metabolic health is being utterly destroyed by the time they get out of elementary school that's not a bad thing."
"Nestle is basically making money off of ruining the lives of innocent babies."
"It's the sickest generation of children we've seen."
"Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of disease related death. One in six children diagnosed do not survive."
"The risk is low for kids in contracting and being hospitalized... but the risk is very high if they're locked down indefinitely." - Secretary of Education
"Boosting your child's immune system before the cruise."
"If your child appears comfortable, not having any distress, they look relatively well, then it is likely not an emergency and you don't need to rush to the emergency room."
"The child's potential could be condemned for the rest of its life to be at this overweight status, which, you know, evolution set to protect them and not to hurt them, right?"
"...if you see more bouncing, you definitely want to check with your child's practitioner to look for fluid presence."
"Our metric is how much did we reduce the number of children who died... if we in 15 years don't get that down to 2%, then we're not doing our job."
"I'd like to see what the child's current calorie intake is like so that I can get close to that in terms of energy management for that particular child's needs."
"Peds is usually hopeful, most of the time they get better, most of the time they do well."
"The Canadian Pediatric Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend the injectable version of vitamin K with the birth of your baby."
"The child seems ill and he also has welts, I'm concerned."
"On average, one child will spread it to 18 additional children."
"Optimism goes a long way in the health and development of our babies."
"The near global collapse of infant and childhood mortality rates over the last century was achieved by science."
"It's unethical to deprive children of these vaccines that have already been shown to be safe and effective."
"The major difference was that vaccinated children suffer from vaccine-preventable diseases less often."
"Early treatment is really critical for normal neurological outcome, and if we do this, the babies do fine."
"We want to give them a variety of different foods because it's important that we are not giving them all salt, all sugar, all of one thing."
"The health of the child and mother is very important because when the child and mother are healthy, you have the production of healthy human beings."
"The number one intervention you can do as a parent is to get your child into the correct seated position."
"We've now cured the seizures, but how do we optimize this child and make them reach their full potential?"
"Breast milk contains very important sciency stuff that helps prevent pneumonia, infection, and malnutrition."
"Do we have healthy kids? Are kids actually healthy?"
"Stay tuned for more detailed neuropsychiatric testing on children who've had MIS-C."
"Weight gain is very important in babies. That is the best parameter that your child is healthy."
"I want them to have the best possible outcomes that they can have according to the Medical Science."
"The main determinants for low child mortality is education of mothers."
"Infectious diseases and malnutrition are linked; poor nutrition leaves children underweight, weakened, and vulnerable to infections."