
Belief In God Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I'm going to be arguing that a belief in God or the existence of God is not necessary for morality."
"One cannot even believe in the existence of God until one's heart becomes pure."
"I have never been an Atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God."
"I'm not asking for God to sort of hold my hand through this life experience. I'm asking for just enough to form a belief that He exists."
"Paul Draper... says that as an agnostic... it is 'rationally required for me to engage in religious activity'... This may actually lead to a relationship with God even if it doesn't lead to belief in God."
"Anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."
"But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
"I'm not going to give evidence to the unbeliever for the existence of God and make them the judge over God."
"I do believe in a God... it's just far more complicated than what anybody's ever even realized."
"Don't be so arrogant as to assume that if you're unconvinced by this argument, there definitely is no God."
"Atheism will destroy any nation. I'm trying to tell them they need God. I don't believe in Christianity, but I'm a huge God believer."
"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything."
"Miracles can move people into believing in God."
"But to consider the possibility that God may be real, and to explore how humans rationalize their belief in God, I confront the core claim of Christianity. Jesus is God. Let that sink in. Not like God, not representing God, but literally is God."
"If you don’t believe in God, you need to try to understand why anybody does or we're not going to be able to work in a pluralistic society."
"A person who is married or believes in the value of marriage, who is involved in the community or believes that it is very important to be involved in the community, and a person who believes in God, those are the people who are very happy in America."
"I believe in God. And I believe we're all children of the same God."
"I can remember at that time reasoning to myself, 'If there's a God, and if he made me with this mind, then he would want an honest intellectual search to point in his direction.'"
"Whether or not you believe in God, you're more or less stuck with him."
"If god could provide evidence that would convince me exists, then I would absolutely believe that god existed."
"Have faith in God, because nothing is impossible to those that believe."
"So all I'm trying to contend for is that on the one hand look, it's obvious that science and religion are in no an essential conflict because between 1900 and 2000, is it, 65% of Nobel Prize winners were believers in God."
"I believe just as strongly in objective moral truths as I do in God."
"If one follows reason to its logical conclusion, one has no choice but to believe in God."
"Consciousness indeed shows that there is a Transcendent being that we call God."
"69% believe that God exists and is the all knowing all powerful perfect Creator and ruler of the Universe."
"Common sense: it's just obvious that God exists."
"He who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him."
"If you can really conjure from the outside and they just show up like that, that means God's real."
"You accept the existence of God, there's nothing about belief."
"Dignity comes from our worth and it comes from God ultimately if you believe in God."
"Trusting God means accepting that His ways are higher, His plans more intricate."
"The wise are those who acknowledge that there is a god."
"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe in God, no explanation is possible."
"I'm atheist, but belief in God isn't foolish - just unnecessary."
"You're not more strategic than God. God is the most wisest."
"This work has come from above, there is a God in heaven."
"The more I study science, the more I believe in God."
"What is it that you fear we will lose if people stop believing in God?"
"If you're watching this and you do not believe in God, I believe this is going to be very encouraging."
"Jesus said, 'Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions.'"
"Is it possible to have a life of meaning and purpose without believing in God?"
"It's absolutely no way in shape a form that there's no God cuz it ain't no way ain't no it's no plug it's no um charger cable to the back of us and we really come out that [ __ ] fully functional."
"I always believed in God, you wouldn't see me at church every Sunday, but I would make a good attempt to go during Easter and Christmas Mass."
"Testimony of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego is faith-inspiring and lets us know that even though life is full of twists and turns, our unwavering belief in God brings success."
"I believe that you are a great God and no plan of yours can be thwarted."
"You can't make me doubt God. I've seen him do too much."
"I believe in God, but I don't believe in religion."
"If you truly believe in God, you wouldn't have fear at all."
"Have faith in God, just have faith in God."
"I'll tell you this though, God does exist, that's kind of stuff he'd do."
"I believe God exists and I believe God still works miracles today."
"Creation proves a creator; you intuitively know there's a God."
"Return of the God hypothesis and it discusses how, you know, a great many super famous scientists, maybe the most famous is Isaac Newton, absolutely believed 100% in God."
"It's got to be a God, right? It's just got to be."
"If you believe in God, you should know God's there to protect you."
"I believe in God but I've always talked about the rules of the church just like a lot of people. We all have ratchetness and righteousness; it's the yin and the yang of life."
"When we admit He exists and take certain other steps, we get a new sense of power and direction."
"Though I've never seen Him, I know God exists."
"I always believed that there was a God."
"Your heart will never be tranquil until you have Allah, a God, in your belief."
"I said there must be a god, this couldn't be an accident."