
Leadership Skills Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Listening is the most underrated skill in leadership."
"Leadership is a skill like any other, is a practicable, learnable skill, and it is something that you work on."
"Not only did Boris Johnson not have the basics of critical thinking, risk awareness, a school child level of knowledge of infectious diseases, or even an understanding of what a decimal number is."
"Regardless of what style you may be following, there are certain skills that a great leader always entails."
"Every good shepherd has to learn to be a hunter first."
"I believe that he has skills and has the knowledge and skill set to actually bring us ahead."
"Ralph rannic was not only one of the best coaches and best managers available."
"Confidence as a tool to get better ideas, humility as a tool to get better ideas."
"We could profoundly change the world if we simply gave people the skills and the courage to care for the people they lead."
"He makes you feel like you're a special person in this world. And like honestly, there's a sadness to it because there's so much insecurity and atomization out there."
"Delegation isn't a weakness, it's a skill, and not everybody can do it."
"Leaders are able to assimilate experience in order to reframe the world around themselves on their own terms..."
"Master these areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management."
"But you have to have the ability to delegate and to be able to trust people."
"He's just one of the best managers in the history of the sport."
"Before you can lead others, you need to lead yourself."
"To get to the levels that we want to go to in business, I need to work on having better leadership skills."
"Learning how to lead maybe with a softer heart and in different ways to approach people I think has been critical."
"The logic behind these moves is crucial; it's not about spoon-feeding but understanding."
"Kakashi is valued highly for his combat prowess and leadership skills to the point that many foresaw his rise to hokage status years before it happened."
"Being a serious satirist is excellent training for the top job."
"You've got to cultivate people who know things you don't."
"Starmer learned how to be an insider and make change happen within an institution."
"Teaches leadership, resiliency, communication, teamwork."
"Leadership is about vision... and then the courage and decisiveness to carry out the vision."
"This stuff is so good, provide an orientation, develop a training plan, use a combination of training methods, provide ongoing feedback, encourage independence and problem solving, conduct regular review sessions, lead by example."
"The number one driver of engagement is the ability to listen."
"One of the most underrated tools of leadership is to listen."
"Medusa is a fantastic character, she buffs herself up with her own leadership."
"All strategies work, it depends on who's implementing it."
"There's a difference between judging a manager based on the players he inherited versus the ones he's brought in."
"Michael knows how to give people space to work and create an exciting work environment."
"I had to learn to motivate and inspire and teach, and all those things in building a team."
"I think Bernie actually advantage that...because Bernie is very effective at speaking to a split in people."
"You have to communicate effectively, you have to understand the needs and desires of the people that you're trying to build consensus with."
"If you've done your job well and hired smart people, then your leadership team is capable of handling the day-to-day problems of the organization."
"Leadership takes time, like wisdom Judo. You can't just read a book and flawlessly perform a judo throw."
"It was sensational, how he read people and adjusted his motivational tactics."
"Mass exercises in close quarters highlighted those officers capable of quick and independent thinking."
"If you always need the credit, you cannot attract people who are better than you."
"Logic is running the team. I like my point guard."
"Radical candor... directly challenging something but also showing that you care personally at the same time."
"I'm a pretty good leader because I'm good at figuring out what people are good at."
"Kenny Pickett wielded the key to an efficient offense to perfection."
"Leadership: massively buffs your followers and companions, making them way more useful."
"Understanding how to build good teams is key."
"But here’s the thing: deep listening, building those relationships it is crucial to being President."
"Friendship first is what wants to come through."
"The ability to just have that charisma and that silver tongue and to be a leader... that is a strength."
"He's the greatest counter-puncher in American political history."
"Kyrie Irving is not and never will be Chris Paul or Steve Nash."
"Leadership is a practice, a skill that can be learned."
"Use your communication to be direct, powerful, and insightful, and share that with others."
"I'm very comfortable calling him the best EZA with his link set, his leader skill. Right now, like, I think that UI Goku is actually undisputed king of Dokkan."
"Policing is more about sympathy, empathy, and leadership than it is about authority."
"Jack runs around telling everybody what to do, he's a master of delegation."
"He clearly knows what leads are going to be trying to do in different phases of play."
"I don't see how he could have possibly handled that any better."
"Embrace personal development and leadership development."
"Ronaldo knows how to win a title, not many of our team have won a title."
"He isn't just assertive, he is also persuasive."
"Obama, for all the critiques that he deserves, one thing you have to give him is that he's the most talented politician probably of our lifetime."
"She's taught some of that, here's how to be a badass, here's how to be an alpha."
"Sport has the ability to unlock potential by giving young people essential leadership and resilience skills."
"Learning to work with others, leadership, being able to work hard, overcome adversity, learning how to lose, learning how to win."
"Learning how to lead in a constructive way, being a leader that empowers people."
"So overall, maybe LeBron James does not have a career in the front office ahead of him once he decides to retire."
"For a basketball coach, you improved your communication and leadership abilities by coaching community basketball lessons."
"Being ambitious for your organization, dealing with people, communicating... those are some of the things you need to learn in leadership."
"Marlborough was talented in coming to agreements with officers and generals of all different nations and personalities."
"His leadership skills are so underrated."
"Women are capable of being in leadership roles, and they're doing great jobs at it."
"The better you can influence people, the higher your leadership ability is going to be."
"If I'm not a good leader of myself, I'll never be a good leader of people."
"Improve your leadership and you can impact your organization."
"The leadership skills it teaches are uncomparable and unmatched to any other program that they could join."
"If you work on your leadership skills, you can have a very successful career."
"You've got to be able to lead yourself before you can lead other people."
"You need to learn how to become self-sufficient, you need to learn how to be a leader."