
Health Beliefs Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I've looked into it to such a degree, I truly believe this is the optimal way for human beings to eat."
"Turn your assumptions about what you thought was healthy on their head."
"Every time you get vaccinated... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Every time you... deplete your stores of vitamin D."
"It's extraordinary that there are people who still don't believe in vaccines... to me, it's extraordinary that there are people who do not believe in natural immunity."
"I believe wholeheartedly that the majority of issues that people are dealing with today is because of food."
"Christian Science is so much more than just abstinence from drugs and medicine."
"They won't tell you what you can eat, so they don't believe in good or bad foods."
"I think I'm healthier because I was, you know, playing in the dirt as well."
"The immune system has always worked and remarkably it's continued to work throughout the last three years even though for some reason our Public Health officials haven't wanted to acknowledge that."
"We're made out of trace minerals, but toxic heavy metals weaken us."
"This idea like, 'Oh, you're sick in body, you, God must not heal, just go, go somewhere else, just get out.'"
"If you will stay inside truth, you will not become ill, you just... you just won't."
"I truly believe leaky gut is the underlying cause of most modern health issues."
"The Amish do not vaccinate. There should be hundreds of autistic children in the Amish communities. There's zero."
"It's placebo or not I really don't give a [ __ ] because it actually helped."
"Thinking that when you get sick it's because you've done something wrong is ingrained in you in Scientology."
"The curse, which is what disease is, doesn't come without a cause."
"For the most part, I do think what we put in our body is the most important thing."
"If you put in a program that 'I am healthy' and at that moment I am sick with cancer, what do you think the function of my mind is?"
"This is a standard cognitive bias, and you see it a lot with the anti-vaxxer movement."
"Aversion to certain foods on a raw vegan diet is detox; ultimate health comes from whole, raw, undenatured foods."
"Tell me you don't believe vaccines work without telling me you don't believe vaccines work."
"People didn't get heart disease when they ate butter, cream, and eggs."
"Your fruits should have seeds in them... eating something that cannot reproduce itself... that's poison."
"Canned food is abbreviation for cancer food."
"I love things that nature Made not not not that or God made not that man-made because they tend to be more problematic."
"I don't think that I am making any sacrifice in terms of my longevity by eating meat and organs in fact I think I'm improving it on a day-to-day basis."
"The cure for any disease is a healthy immune system."
"Food is medicine, whether we acknowledge it or not."
"Sometimes peeps need hugs, hugs cure the CV, don't tell anyone."
"Most of anxiety is either you're living or focusing on the past or the future where life only happens literally one second at a time."
"You go where you look, but every time and so I think people mess up everybody that I know that's obsessed with getting sick they're always sick."
"I'm not the sick trying to get healed, I'm the healed and the devil's trying to give me the flu."
"Fasting and ketogenic diets are in my opinion the best."
"People tend to worry about a lot of things, but plant-based eating is extremely healthy."
"I am pro-vaccine, I've been vaccinated, my family's been vaccinated."
"Having true and undeniable faith that you are creating perfect health is about as powerful as anything in our entire universe."
"Oh, mom makes me eat random [ __ ] and her excuse is always to make me prettier."
"Just imagine you're at home and you drink this for at least five mornings straight on an empty stomach. Miracle will be happening in your life."
"But one thing I am really strict on is I do believe that people out there need to maximize their genetic potential first as naturally as possible."
"We already got you know we already black don't crack but this adds electrons to your cells to your skin cells and [ __ ] this actually helps to reduce aging."
"Thank God you're not vax because I I think and this is you can say what you want about this I don't think there's any reason to think that he is less sick because he or that if he had been backed that he would be less sick right now."
"Eat your Cheerios, makes you strong." - Priority: 1
"I genuinely want to hear what your reasoning is why you don't believe you should be wearing a mask."
"When you sleep, your body heals itself, right? That's what they say anyway."
"They say you're creating it with your thoughts... it's actually sick, what's happening."
"If you pro it the virus, I mean it goes right down along political lines."
"Imagine if she ever had kids and she didn't believe them when they felt ill. That would be considered neglect."
"If there's a disease, there's a solution, if there's a disease, there's a cure."
"Cancer is not a genetic disease, it is a disease of metabolic dysfunction and mitochondrial dysfunction."
"Water cures, drugs kill... All of the doctors who hold the outdated ignorant paradigm of disease will be stunned when they realize what is ahead."
"All health begins in the mouth or the gut. Are they connected? I think so."
"High testosterone as a man fixes 99% of your problems."
"Back pain is one of the conditions most amenable to placebo effects."
"Positive belief goes toward health, negative belief goes toward disease."
"Even if I'm wrong, I don't think anyone's gonna argue with me that people need to eat more fruits and vegetables."
"Avocado is the world's healthiest fruit. It's a fact of life for us."
"Pepper is good for you. I believe that. I guess even back then they thought and they knew that pepper was good for you."
"Many of us don't think twice about popping aspirins or pain medication; after all, they can only help us, right?"
"The ancient Romans used to drop a piece of toast into their wine for good health."
"The ancient Babylonians... felt that illnesses should be left to the wisdom of the public."
"I'm a big believer in vaccinations and challenging the immune system."
"Health and well-being are your natural states."
"It's just detox, if I eat more fruit I'll be fine."
"Human bodies aren't made to eat meat."
"Doctors go by Western medicine, them natural remedies hit majority of the time."
"The belief that it is the key to longevity or things like that, I just think we have no idea about."