
Personal Limits Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"I don't let someone else place their limits on me. My limit is the limit I set, and I believe I'm limitless."
"It's just too much for one person...I just burnt out."
"Take yourself, push yourself to the limits. You know, I never pushed myself like I could have."
"Learning that she can define herself and her own power and then set her own limits to push past rather than having to accept the definitions and limitations that are given to her by other people, which in and of itself is also kind of a motto that the rest of the team will end up going by."
"Listening to some amazing music, scribbling in your sketchbook, singing in the shower – do something to help you get out of your head."
"Everybody has a time limit on how long they'll tolerate something."
"I love adventuring, but I'm not going to put my life in danger."
"I've just learned, like, what I can tolerate, what I can't, and how to be my best self and live my best life."
"You can push so much further than you realize, and that's where I believe you find that true happiness."
"KT Rolster...a team who today their name has turned into a bit of a joke, but a team of players who you could very well argue deserve the same recognition of World Championship teams of the past."
"When someone sees devastating injury that could end it right there and they're like I'm out."
"I think I'm gonna wrap this up here because I'm tired and the my ring light is kind of burning into my eyes at this point so thank you for joining me for my rant here."
"Please don't put me on a pedestal, I can't deal with that. I'm not a saint."
"They would take me ten trips to get through one trip to keep coming, bro. It's past my time."
"I think if you're not being pushed to those types of limits, you're really not getting the most out of that fruit."
"You decide how far you want to go and how much you are willing to endure."
"There is a time when the operation of the Machine becomes so odious and makes you so sick at heart that you just can't do it anymore." - The Squatch
"It's just a matter of seeing yourself beyond the limits of what you did before."
"If you want to run good games and not get burned out, you need to have limits."
"Don't overcommit, you have the power to do what you need to do."
"Your sadistic torture trials are when you pay attention, a crucible where you get to see in the plainest possible terms what you're really capable of when pushed to the brink."
"I can't do this anymore, what are their names again?"
"I didn't know what I was willing to do until I was faced with it."
"Your rock bottom with alcohol is wherever you say it is. Okay, you do not have to wait to have actually lost everything."
"When he joined the basketball tournament, he was in over his head."
"You made me go to the extent that I never even saw myself possibly going."
"When you start messing with that, people are enough, enough's enough."
"It's all good because now I know how far you can take it and what are the red flags you should look for to know you're entering that danger zone."
"That's where you felt you gave up all you could give."
"Break the invisible cords of prescriptions and limitations in your life."
"Bezos knows when to call it quits: 'By 5 PM I'm like, I can't think about this today. Let's try that again tomorrow.'"
"Test boundaries to find out where your own boundaries are as a human."
"Always challenge yourself because you don't really realize what is and what isn't."
"When you're broken, you can't go another step, so you're only 40% of the way to your actual capacity."
"It's all awesome but I feel like I'm done... I really need to take a break."
"If gambling is part of the entertainment, when gambling becomes not entertaining for the viewer, that's when I'll stop gambling."
"As much as I wish I could just keep going on fumes, at one point it catches up with you."
"I just couldn't make it happen so I wound up defaulting to like a comfort zone which is not what I wanted to do here."
"The end of this challenge was done and even though I couldn't technically finish every game 100 I got just about as far as my body would let me."
"I'm doing what I can and that's all I can do."
"I could talk about that forever, and I just don't have the time."
"The only thing that's going to limit you is going to be your creativity."
"Be careful about physically giving that away, be careful about overextending yourself while you're in this energy as well."
"Are you brave enough to first of all go in and even see if it's possible?"
"If you have nothing to believe in, what you do is you take it to the limit one more time."
"No way I could handle anything like this, I'd be running out."
"It's down to a person's very nature how strong you can get in jjk, your own personality can put a cap on you."
"I accept compliments from anyone but I ain't accepting limitations from nobody."
"Understanding who we are by taking ourselves to the limit comes with a risk, and as we've learned, that risk must always be balanced against the greater good."
"You can go further than you think if you trust yourself."
"Break through any artificial boundaries and realize your own self-worth."
"I don't drink, I don't really drink ever, red wine is the only alcohol I have in the house, and I've already had about half a cup, and that's all it takes folks, I'm not gonna lie, that's all it takes."
"Moderation is the key to not have too many limits on you."
"They're pushing you to do more, to push your own limits."
"They helped you break past limitations and embrace your purpose."
"It's all about balance. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Challenge yourself."
"I've been streaming for two hours, Jesus. Ah, so yeah, I need to get some sleep somehow, some way. Seven in the morning."
"The best thing that you ever did for yourself was telling yourself that the limit does not exist."
"And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from."
"I got to my limit. I know a few months later that I reached my limit to where I was like I might actually die."
"No reason to keep fighting an uphill battle... enough is enough."
"Push yourself to the edge of your abilities but not beyond them."
"The kindest thing I can do for you is stop giving you my kindness."
"Even if you think that you can do it all, you don't have to do it all."
"Know yourself. Know your limitations. Know why you're asking for that specific thing."
"Being ultra means pushing beyond the limits, going extreme, and learning new things from it."
"There's a balance, one thing I've noticed, people stretch themselves way too thin."
"You cannot tell somebody when they can be upset, when they can be mad, when they're at their breaking point."
"When you think you're broken and couldn't possibly go another step, you're only forty percent of the way there."
"Not what God said over your life that determines the limit of what you will be. That limit is determined by your belief."
"Goku's ability to break his limits serves as a testament to his character."
"That was such a terrible fight. I know I couldn't have done that."
"Never push yourself further than you can go."
"There's only so much a person can take before they finally say, 'Enough is enough.'"
"Don't try to run faster than you have strength. You've got enough."
"Aries seems to always be going at top speed, so it's worth taking a moment to recognize that no matter how good you are or how competitive you become, you can't do it all."
"Every man has to know his limits, and I am sick and tired of being pushed around."
"So many of our limitations are self-imposed... until we can get past that and see what we're really made of... you don't really know what you're capable of."
"My dad is not walking from no f***ing D.C. to New York to save me. Not happening."
"Failure means that you're playing at your upper limits and you're trying."
"It's important to not quit and not give up on yourself, but sometimes it's okay to quit."
"I'm really competitive so I push myself at the limit all the time."
"As much care as Celeste puts into balancing and gradually ramping up its difficulty, it's cool that the game acknowledges that everyone is going to have a different limit."
"Believe it or not, most people could push themselves to the limit if they had the fortitude."
"I'm really grateful for the experience of learning what my work limits are because truthfully, I don't know if I ever would have learned them."
"Pushing into the places you didn't know you could take yourself."
"I am not surprised... I cannot continue to put limits on God's promises and God's calling on my life." - Michael Chandler
"There really are no limits. The only limits are the ones that you put on yourself."
"I want to continue to do this because this is what I love but I need to start saying no when I can."
"I just knew that if I had gone any further, I was going to lose myself."
"You're only limited by what you're trying to accomplish, you feel me?"
"Sometimes you can end up biting off way more than you can chew."
"He knows he could do more, but did he need to?"
"If they are unwilling to put forth the necessary work to overcome this and you know that their depression is too much of a burden for you to deal with, then you should not move forward in a relationship with that person, plain and simple."
"Try not to limit yourself, try to observe what's obvious as well."
"It's the only way that I don't break with the workload and stress load."
"You can't usually move backwards from boundaries."
"Become aware of when you start feeling exhausted."
"You can't really have everything in life, and if you want to pursue being the best, you have to constantly try to push yourself towards new limits."
"Believe in the impossible. Something that you thought was impossible is going to become possible."
"I never thought that I would be able to push the limits of sport climbing."
"I wanted to break some rules but not all the rules."
"I have the thickest, easiest red lines in the world because I reach them and I just go, 'That's where we stop.'"
"If someone burns the bridges, I find it very difficult to kind of let them get away with it."
"Do not allow yourself to get to a point where you hit that wall."
"Just recognize that you simply don't have the time or energy to manage all of this stuff."
"You're not limited by anything, you're only limited by your skill and knowledge."
"To set limits on yourself you're crazy because everything has limitless you're the one who can control and take whatever you wanted to believe forgiving you started."
"External circumstances do not dictate the ultimate destination of your life; it's an internal game."
"Limitless is not about being perfect, it's about advancing beyond what you believe is possible."
"Try to take it to where you've never went before."
"I couldn't sit there any longer and accept that."
"I think when you get tired, that's when you're done."
"In his last season with the Wizards, Michael Jordan's drive to succeed may well have eclipsed his ability to lead."
"I cannot imagine that anyone could tolerate."
"Just say no, that's it. It's not worth your time. If someone wants more, just say, 'That's it, that's all I can give.'"
"The only limitation is the limitation you place on yourself."
"It can't be more than five years, even I'm sure you've had burnout at some point man, like at some point you're just like I can't dude, I just need a break from this."
"Everybody has a boiling point that I've reached mine."
"What aligns with you, you know what is the best version of just you as you are at your core if there was no limits which half the time there is no limits but we kind of believe that there is limits in places."
"You can only limit yourself. Nothing stops you. You only stop yourself." - Christine Lewis
"It's like going one step too far. I have this thing I'm doing, and all these things interact with that first thing I'm doing. That's as far as I want to go."
"People can love you, but they can't save you."
"Dare to dream a little bigger, dare to ask for a little more, not because everything should be bigger, but for you to see where your limits lie, where your limits are."
"You can't keep doing this forever, man. You can't keep doing this forever."
"I could have streamed more. Yeah, I mean, that can be stressful or that can be a load for some people."
"There's times you can feel like you can rise to it and there's times where you feel like you cannot, and the whole thing seems too damn difficult."
"You won't rise above your belief system; your belief system represents your paradigm."
"The reason why you think you can't do something is actually an actual reason why you should be doing something."
"I'm just pushing the limits to see how well this is gonna lay out."
"That humbles you on so many levels because when I was boxing, the guy said, 'You know you're not a heavyweight.'"
"Was it her finally reaching her boiling point and acting out?"
"It's like you're pushing the boundaries of how far you could take things."
"We can only handle so much... when it's pertinent or when you're ready."
"Rewrite them it says, don't just accept the limits, overcome them."
"He got to the point where he reached the end of what he thought was possible."
"Sky's the limit now for self so that's for real."
"I'm good, I don't want to play anymore. I'm good."
"I know myself, I know my head, I know my body. My body could have done it but I wouldn't have had it in my heart."
"Leave that sword, you cannot handle it. It's not for you. Move ahead."
"I'm not gonna put myself in a box because I'm bigger than a box."
"Unfortunately, it was Antoine just a little bit too much for you."
"Where it's not the project that finishes but your mind."
"Listen to your body. When you hit those walls, take a break. People understand. No one's gonna look at you any different."
"But not everybody can do that. And there has to be some forgiveness or some grace for not everybody being able to handle every situation perfectly."
"I'm not down for another game, too stressful. No, it's just, yeah, just give me like a quick 2-0 here from Noah, Bobby, get me out of here early, get me out of here, off to let me go catch the sunset."
"I'm a big advocate of failure... it's the only way of finding where your limits are."
"I feel like a lot of limits have been lifted, you know?"
"Our limitations are often self-imposed. Enjoy being outdoors, connecting with people again."
"Don't let things, okay, even your emotions and your mind limit you from the infinite abundance that the Universe has for you."
"You should never give your 100, because they always expect more."
"Tolerance for pain may be high but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize however dimly that there must be a better way."
"Take as much risk as you possibly can stand and then add a little bit more."
"Sometimes you try too hard, but it's like you burn yourself out as well."
"Chen realized that even if he trained for another 10 years, he might be unable to fight the Beast. Chen is simply too strong."
"If I ever lose that edge or I'm not having fun anymore I'm done racing."
"Fundamentally I think what's happening is I have no limits."
"Knowing when enough is enough is an essential question in life."
"It's only when you realize your limits and actively work towards surpassing them that you improve yourself."
"If it ever becomes too much or overwhelming, then you can do that, you could pause it, you could put it on break, you can pump the brakes."
"I would feel sick if I had eight pints in a row."
"Wow, what a day of shooting 50...there's only so much I can handle of that caliber out of this gun but holy [__], that was amazing fun."
"This is what happens when you push a man to the point where he has nothing else left to lose."
"I officially physically just cannot do it anymore, I'm probably out on that."
"I would rather be crushed by hundreds of pounds than to one day die and not know what I was capable of."
"I love you all, but I can't take it anymore."
"I got close enough to clearly see the summit and just decided it simply wasn't worth that last push to the top..."
"The limits don't exist unless you set them yourself."
"You don't start a project like this without being an optimist. But optimists also tend to bite off more than they can chew, and right now I'm on the brink."
"Pushing yourself is not [priority], so don't be stupid."
"You don't have to do everything. You're cool doing the things that you're doing and that's enough."
"Guess what? You've been lied to. You can't have it all. You have to make choices."
"Know your boundaries and when you need to take a break."
"There's things out there that I don't think my little mind can ever explain or comprehend."
"It's amazing when did you realize, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is a moment when I need to step back from this?'"
"Knowing your boundaries and being fine with that."
"Boundaries change, what may have been okay with us one time may not be okay with us the next time."
"It's the only way that you can find out what type of person you really are when you're pushed to the limit."
"Safety is all fine and good, but you gotta draw a limit somewhere."
"Sometimes we do need to reach that kind of like corner metaphorically speaking we need to be pushed against the wall to say no enough I'm done I deserve better than this."
"We're not all the same. What our limits are gonna be different, how we're gonna evaluate things are gonna be different."
"That's just damn nerve-wracking, I would not be able to do this with a regular controller."
"There's nothing quite like being up in the high country like this and being pushed right to your limits."
"I love the world of those movies but there's only so much I can take."
"Burnout for a situation or a person is real."
"If you know what you want then you know what the limits are... getting there, you know yourself and you'll know what you truly stand for and what matters to you."
"More activity has been happening in this place since the hidden room has been opened."
"I always like watching people do things that I could never ever accomplish in my life."
"I can't make everyone happy, but I also know I never want to make anyone feel excluded."
"Obsessed with what you can do, how far you can reach."
"Are you more committed to your limits than you are excited about your true self?"
"Utmost respect utmost we've been giving birth any time come on rachel i can't do it i've experienced i mean i probably could."
"Listen, man, there's going to be a point where like we push it right to the edge, and I go, 'That's where I want to take it.'"
"More often is not always better. You have to study yourself."
"People can only get hurt so many times before they just go like, 'Alright, well seems to me like this is not working.'"
"Spiritual evolution hindered by self-imposed restrictions."
"Rest is very important. Sometimes we'll go beyond our limits, but sometimes you need a break."
"So if you feel like you're not ready to be done with all of this, I would say just set some boundaries and set some like strings limits of when you're gonna talk and how long it's gonna be for."
"I know very little... so the little that I know I tried to share with people."
"The objection I was going to have is if we're talking about doing anything to Children, I'm out."