
Annoyance Quotes

There are 1497 quotes

"Notice when you're irked or annoyed by constructive feedback."
"A pain in the neck is something that's troublesome or bothers you."
"It is happening for your growth, even though it is really annoying."
"Who has more annoying fans, Arsenal or Liverpool? I think every fan base has got annoying fans."
"You're so annoying, bro, just let me go through peacefully!"
"Name another show where everyone is 12 out of 10 annoyed but still watches every season."
"Getting kills while prone is very easy but annoying challenge."
"Stanley's always there watching, go away Stanley!"
"You don't have to be stronger in a conflict to win, you just have to be more annoying."
"Don't annoy people, but if you're going to, at least get the facts right."
"You're acting all funny and it's kind of annoying."
"It's definitely a weird gym that's very annoying gym as well for sure for sure."
"If you're in it well actually I know you're in it is so bad that annoys me though that does those sort of things annoy me where then someone where that guy's clearly he's not actually yeah he's just [ __ ] up his script there."
"What nasty squirrel, bro. Whatever, thanks for the flashlight."
"I just woke up and I was just in the mood to be annoyed."
"These filler words don't mean anything and they can sound annoying when you use them too much."
"This to me just seems kind of annoying because you're just wiping the board, you're exiling the board very often."
"Despite all my moaning and groaning over animal remains jenkins stink."
"Flora is definitely a contender to knock Bloom off of the number one spot of the most annoying character imaginable."
"So satisfying now I can go take some pills to get the headache out of my head from this dude talking the whole time."
"I feel like now if you heard people playing music you'd be like can you stop but yeah that's such a normal thing back in school."
"I can't stand trolls, y'all are so annoying."
"That annoyed me. Apart from that and not much else bothered me."
"For some people, this is an annoyance, but it can be life-changing for others."
"There's a difference between being persistent and annoying."
"People hate stupid pop-ups that have no relevancy to what they're doing."
"Humor being treated as harmful is not dangerous. That's annoying."
"Captions are so annoying so I cannot wait for this to fully roll out and everybody to kind of implement this into their code."
"I walked home to the sound of them loudly yapping their displeasure behind me."
"Faye comes off as annoying rather than a femme fatale."
"That is annoying, that is very, very annoying."
"3b is just too good it had no [ __ ] right to be this good it's almost annoying."
"Madison's back because this film wasn't quite annoying enough."
"Can't attack you, can't try to remove stuff, super annoying."
"It just allows you to spread a lot of your super across the map and it's really annoying for the enemies to deal with."
"Fighting a shinobi is like fighting an annoying mosquito that would just try to take your blood and fly away."
"Pet peeves are subjective, guys. I understand that some of you that don't have that pet peeve probably think I'm being ridiculous and I totally get that."
"I heard the same two voice lines from these people more times than I've ever heard anything in my entire life."
"It's not the little things that bother us, but the frustrating ones."
"Maximum Ride Forever feels like someone just poking the side of my head over and over again and not light pokes either."
"I just genuinely, I cannot stand having to go to the gas station."
"It's the least of my concerns with this thing... it's just annoyance, really."
"The person who has loud phone conversations in public."
"They still let her get the bad stuff just to mess with me."
"Mama Murphy is the most annoying NPC in the Fallout franchise."
"When you get the fly in your room a chance to leave but it doesn't so now it's time to murder it."
"I don't really know where to put it... but it's really going to bother me."
"I understand why she can be a little bit annoying, but I think her naiveness and her silly bubbliness is endearing."
"Now getting a coin as an item is incredibly annoying but that adds this interesting strategy to Mario Kart 8."
"So just sit back and remember that the exact thing you're annoyed about is also more than likely the reason why 'One Piece' captivated you to begin with."
"Moneybags is a round bell end who seems to exist everywhere all at once."
"Sibling rivalry... honestly that makes so much sense. I have a little sister, her name is Stevie and she's just so annoying."
"Keyboard is loud, let me just get rid of this. Dog, go away."
"I get annoyed when somebody tells me they love it, I get annoyed when somebody tells me that they think it's sweet. Why do you get annoyed with the person who... because I think it is a tasteless fruit."
"Cancel culture is annoying is my new favorite phrase."
"You're going to annoy a lot of people when you start doing what's best for you." - Fufana
"He was such a pain in the ass, I saved about 300 grand."
"Have you ever had one of those annoying vibrations that seem to appear at different speeds but disappear while you slow down?"
"There's nothing that particularly annoys about it."
"I'd rather be the annoying person who saves lives."
"Anyone who's ever got stuck in a cobweb knows that these things are an absolute pain to go through."
"Why are you still showing up everywhere? Why are you sending these Christmas cards?"
"Any website that plays sound automatically is terrible."
"Marriage is having your spouse sit next to you and play loud videos on their phone while you're trying to watch your favorite show."
"I see that happen all the time and it drives me crazy. I just want you to be at peace with you."
"It's just annoying, it doesn't have a useful purpose, it just takes longer to boil and then it goes."
"Torb turret is incredibly annoying to deal with."
"You gotta change the way you ask for real... like it's how annoying... so many people wouldn't give you the amount I'm giving you for the job you do just saying."
"I have a feeling that it's not an earthquake, it's just Wade's loud snores. I can't sleep, make it stop!"
"This Karen buzzing around like a persistent mosquito."
"Everybody's friends are the most annoying people, you know, yeah, might be, I would say so."
"I'm kind of a perfectionist, it's really annoying, you guys know I have to do it, I'm sorry."
"I hate when people start doing spoilers in the chat."
"Ahri becomes the most irritating and obnoxious engage machine on the planet."
"That is universally reviled as kind of the most annoying part of a computer build."
"There has to be that space where you give people... being annoyed."
"That catchphrase is gonna get on your nerves."
"She won't stop talking, and I don't want to hear her."
"His character... he wants to annoy you so much that you actually start to kind of hate him, he's such a lovable guy but his character, yeah."
"That's what it is. You got charged with something, the guy is working with you, you're not cooperating, and now you're gonna walk around like you're the big cheese. It's annoying."
"I believe one of my strongest talents is that I feel annoyed by the things that we all feel annoyed by but I feel much more annoyed by them."
"Why are you always looking outside of yourself? Like that [ __ ] is irritating to me."
"What is beyond irritating to you, what is super obnoxious?"
"If you say the word 'yeah' more than like twice in succession, I'm gonna hit you with a brick."
"They are people whispering like it was like watching jeopardy you know someone's like what is true what is like yeah I would hate that to like stop [] trying to guess the punch line []."
"I freaking hate loud horns when you lock the car, just a little little digital peep, it's perfect."
"Everyone has a type, so stop acting like you don't. It's so annoying."
"Can you not stand right next to us with a fricking wizard hat, can you not?"
"I wonder how many times I've just been standing there minding my own goddamn business."
"This kind of person really bothers me. How are you so in your own world that you cannot be bothered to remember commitments for others?"
"Okay, you didn't need to wake me up like that, man. I was having a great dream."
"Widowmaker still controls games on her favorable maps, super annoying in top 500."
"Ian and Grant fight a lot and it's really annoying."
"Can people stop turning that on? Well, considering just getting rid of that."
"If you are a good Shaco player, you become the mosquito that never dies."
"I just find that attire and that smile so annoying Shen deburred me."
"You guys are right the Nether sucks I didn't remember being this annoying but holy heck those guys are super obnoxious."
"Honestly, as a buyer I don't join email lists when I see something like 'Oh after you complete this purchase do you want to join our email list?' No, no, I don't want you bugging me all the time."
"The Salamanders here just gonna be roasting in here with their fire attacks, they're mobile, they are such an annoying unit."
"So this is why these guys were bugging me." - Kat
"If you can annoy Bunny while he's winning the game, why the heck not do it?"
"Down in the valley with the girl! But her friends, her friends are annoying."
"It seems like almost every website out there these days has a popup asking you to subscribe, their email newsletter, there's a sidebar, there's mid-content ads, all kinds of crap that is just distracting and makes the page load slower."
"Getting a song stuck in your head wouldn't be so bad if it was the full song instead of 10 seconds on loop."
"You don't inherently care. It's not the end of the world that there's popcorn on a plane. I agree with that."
"There is nothing more obnoxious than an arrogant dog."
"But she's definitely gonna be a top meta, very annoying character to deal with."
"Greg is at my house eating my salads again. Greg, get out."
"I'm America's champ, I'm Donald Trump's favorite fighter."
"I think the most annoying one I got though, 'cause it hurt my heart."
"I feel like things come up in your life like expenses that you're like, 'Oh, this is so annoying,' but you know that it's going to happen."
"Jimmy from Philly called in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times in an hour."
"Gouge in general, annoying with its sets, definitely a ranker high."
"It's more annoying putting the work in and the effort."
"Look out, here comes Tom Bong Badil. He stays here for six months. He's thorough, he's very annoying, he's an awful man."
"I just don't get it. The thing is, why are they making those noises at 11 o'clock?"
"You just like the kid that you roll your eyes at and you know he's gonna misbehave."
"I am not her hero anymore I'm getting on her nerves."
"Sometimes people do say um, sometimes they pause between sentences, sometimes they say the word like an unnecessary amount, and sometimes it's annoying but sometimes people forgive them for it."
"Sometimes in life, you just have to look at stuff and say, you know, well it's annoying, but... Oh my God, that's adorable!"
"Everything you're doing is bothersome."
"How can you be annoyed with tiny marshmallows that everyone keeps picking off of the Lucky Charms cereal?"
"I think the best thing to do for me with this is just to stick with it, appreciate that some days it will annoy you and other days it won't."
"How can I miss you if you won't go away?"
"My biggest ick is like when I have to do everything or make all the decisions."
"There's only one beer left, rappers screaming all in our ears like we're deaf."
"I don't like sand. It's cold, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
"Ouch, that's like the fourth time you've done that."
"Sorry it's late, but he keeps doing this thing where he just slams his feet down."
"She freaks out after hearing about it and tells AI to shut up."
"I've been here freaking five minutes, this is sick."
"I've become so annoyed with people having Nostalgia for Windows 2000 incorrectly."
"I'm really annoyed, seriously stop."
"As soon as my alarm goes off, I am hitting it and turning it off because I cannot stand the sound of an alarm in the mornings."
"It's like your little sibling being like, 'Not touching you, I'm not touching you,' but you're bugging me, though."
"I've never had like real mechanical issues just kind of those annoyances like the AC with the check engine."
"I'm not going to waste my time even naming the idiot because that's exactly what he is."
"I'm a guy that's always hated fans blowing at me."
"New year, new me is just like the most annoying, cringiest thing ever now."
"Teeth are so annoying. They're literally just outside bone. Why are they so much work?"
"Don't tell people they should smile; it's annoying as heck and personally, I think it's rude."
"We all despise the man who demands continued assurance of his own virtue, intelligence, or delightfulness."
"It's as bad as mode and I hate that song."
"They stopped me from eating, they were interrupting your meal."
"Man I can't stand somebody watching over me while I'm doing my work like bro if you don't move on I'm like I'm more successful like I'm gonna mess up if you don't get off my neck"
"No-see-ums bite the snot out of you, they're worse than the mosquitoes."
"It's the bug that keeps biting you and sort of going on."
"That's the one thing about social media that I cannot stand, is the grifting."
"She's annoying because she's a smarty-pants know-it-all."
"It's not the first time you said it."
"Oh, all right, enough of the cinematics."
"Nobody wants to hear hum or static or crackling in their amplifier."
"Imagine waking up to a day where every little annoyance...no longer has the power to disrupt your peace."
"Miz taunting Braun Strowman there. Shut up Cole!"
"If a girl can't do that, I can't be with you, you know what I mean? 'Cause I'm, I'm going to be annoying."
"God, she's wearing that Bloody hat again."
"The annoyance of driving makes you not want to do things. Once that's eliminated, you will just be much more connected to the world around you."
"It was the martyrdom, it was the victimhood, it was them writing that nobody believed in us. That is so annoying."
"It just feels like a cliffhanger now rather than it being like an ending, like a full ending with Superman and Lois kissing, they're now together that's been resolved but no, Lex Luthor's alive like that's so annoying."
"When you search up a character and find out how she/he dies. Duck, what the hell."
"...instead of those annoying beeps... that lets everybody know you're a terrible driver."
"I'm sick of hearing it. It's like, yeah, I get it, he's talented."
"There's a roach behind the screen of the clock on my oven. I keep my house extremely clean but I live in the woods. This is bothering me so much."
"People leaving the theater and leaving their rubbish when there's empty bins on the way out."
"Kids, I hate these kids, these damn kids, who needs them? I guess I do."
"Kevin was standing around. You asked him to do something, he would move very slowly, waste time, or just blabber away and ignore it."
"The only blot in his paradise which James has so far been able to discover was the infernal dog William."
"I wanted nothing to do with Karen and having to listen to her like she was the queen of the neighborhood or something."
"People skipping queues, I'm not having it."
"Having this unfinished room is just like this nagging little thing in the back of our brains that I know upsets her."
"And I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to buy a huge bag."
"Lois Lane, the films have done irreparable damage to Lois Lane in my eyes. She is so goddamn annoying to me."
"However, every time like literally every single time I head out to the property to do any work on/in it, I get hounded by one or more of four or so busy buddies who keep trying to get me to sign the contract."
"Oh, my God, that's so annoying, how did that happen?"
"Well, let's just say that I'm pretty sure there is a special place in hell for the neighbors."
"One thing we don't like is that it blows around like crazy in the wind."
"I want to know who the genius that Apple is that made it so that when you answer FaceTime now you have to press 'I accept' twice. You have to press two buttons to answer FaceTime. I think that is the dumbest thing in the world."
"...something kept shining in my face."
"Listen, I was being bothered myself. I would agree there's just so much junk out there."
"You okay? The eyepiece is too high on the mask. It drives me crazy."
"Nobody likes an eyesore in their front yard."
"I don't even want to shower sometimes just because of that [__] dog."
"We're not just roasting you, we're creating some growth paths through annoyalties as I call them, realities."
"Yeah Chris is really funny though so I think he was just kind of like annoyed but we were cracking up about it"
"What I find annoying about ISTJs is they're kind of traditional."
"People who block hallways just to talk like sis, you are not important and get out of my way."
"The annoying Nobles would find fault with everything he did."
"Looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of the hamster wheel this morning."
"That's an open invitation to bother you all the time every day over nothing."
"Every time I switch from one stream to another, I have 15 to 30-second ads, then like every 10 minutes, I have 15 to 60 seconds. I can't even quickly look at a few streams and decide which one I want to watch because the ads are so annoying."
"You two are so annoying. I wish you two never met!"
"People will waste their talent, get on my nerves."
"Like a bad penny, he kept popping up."
"New rule: smoke detectors are [expletive] if you require, they should not be required at any apartments. I hate smoke detectors, they're too sensitive."
"I hate the word 'vlog.' I absolutely despise the word 'vlog.' It bothers me. It's like nails on the chalkboard. I hate it."
"One of the most unattractive habits is when you're talking to a man and then he's just looking at you and not actually listening to what you say."
"Why are you shoving this bright light all up in my face?"
"I have never met a more irritating man in my entire life, and I have met a lot of irritating men."
"he's finally stopped farting for two seconds"
"How can I get sleep if she's gonna talk and sing to her at the top of her lungs? I gotta hear every hymn."