
Jedi Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"Learn to know the dark side of the force, and you will achieve a power greater than any Jedi."
"The Jedi, wisdom keepers of one mind and one spirit, were initiates of the Assyrian Mysteries."
"There did, however, come a time when a Mandalorian named Tar Vizsla became the first of his kin to be inducted into the Jedi Order."
"The force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan
"The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant, we deal strictly in facts and evidence."
"A female Jedi, completely fine. They had it before. It's not even revolutionary."
"Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden, compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, essential to a Jedi's life."
"Failure inspired me to seek out other Jedi survivors."
"Maybe Rey or some other Jedi will finally learn from the mistakes of the past Jedi."
"He's too old. Anakin will become a Jedi, I promise you."
"Yes, Master. Overhead the chosen one had just done the impossible."
"Luke Skywalker is the most destructive [ __ ] Jedi that ever lived."
"The Jedi had no idea the Clones whom they had fought alongside for years would turn on them in an instant."
"This is the golden age of the Jedi, when they're at their height."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi: a pure conduit of the Force."
"Why would anyone walk away from being a Jedi? It's complicated."
"Deepa was on her way to becoming one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of the order."
"Electric judgments: the Jedi's version of Force lightning."
"It really shows how the ideologies of the Jedi and the Sith veer off from each other."
"They're literally retconning this now, she really and truly is a better Jedi."
"Luke Skywalker was skilled, truly a wonder if a Jedi Master of old saw him fight."
"You won't be a true Jedi if you don't build your own lightsaber."
"A Jedi's goal is to defend life, not take it."
"A secret group of five masters formed what was known as the Jedi covenant."
"Jedi can repel or kill Star Weirds with the light side of the Force."
"Because this was an era of light, an era in which the Jedi Knights, would truly be, defenders of peace and justice in the galaxy."
"The Clone Wars would be the tipping point, splintering the Republic's guardians, the noble Jedi."
"Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things."
"Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, exceeded all expectations, becoming a legend among Jedi Knights."
"Luke had become the greatest lightsaber duelist to ever exist in the Jedi Order."
"The vast majority of the Jedi Order was wiped out in a single day by Order 66."
"The Jedi order got close to the politics of the galaxy because they felt it was under the control of the Sith."
"Being a Jedi feels like a real badass sort of thing."
"Anakin Skywalker is widely regarded as one of the most powerful Jedi knights in the history of the order."
"Rey will become more of a Grey Jedi, and her ideology will shape and change the Jedi Order for the better."
"The ideals of the Jedi in their purest form that win out."
"Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life."
"A Jedi should work hardest to find the solution without resorting to violence."
"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am all the Jedi."
"When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."
"We get to see the Jedi at their height in live action."
"The Galaxy is free from the Jedi, and the citizens rejoice."
"The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win."
"It's incredible that Darth Sidious, a master with the blade, would later go on to tell Vader that he only used a lightsaber to mock the Jedi."
"The citizens know that after all, the Jedi may be an organization of warrior monks, but in the end, they're still people."
"The Jedi are important in resolving conflict, and they can be doing so much more good, but their code is undoubtedly holding them back."
"This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi."
"Rey always dreamed of being a Jedi and being trained by Luke Skywalker."
"A Jedi master who despite having every right to succumb to all his pain simply refused to walk away from the light."
"It's kind of the perfect form for a Jedi who has to hunt down Sith. Of course, channeling Dark Side energy inside of your body can be dangerous. Now, Mace Windu says it doesn't affect him, but he never really allows anyone else to use this."
"Force endure was a force power used by several Jedi to endure physical pain, masters of the ability could resist otherwise brutal injuries."
"Without Obi-Wan, there would be no Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, there would be no chance for the Rebel Alliance, and most importantly, there'd be no hope."
"Ki-Adi Mundi is credited as one of the strongest Jedi of the entire prequel era."
"Plo Koon was confirmed to be one of the most powerful Jedi ever."
"The downfall of the Jedi is a key part of the story."
"Literally generating a new Jedi temple like they're trying to rebuild the entire religion/society."
"The Jedi Service Corps fell under the jurisdiction of the Council of reassignment, helping Jedi younglings and Padawans who failed their training to still fill roles for the order."
"I'll never turn to the dark side. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
"Anakin, steady your mind and use the Force."
"Send 300 Jedi's to that place and three of them literally, three of them could kill all the droids."
"The legacy of the Jedi is failure."
"It's such a cool concept to me that this much older Jedi is still so far above. Of course, yes, because Yoda's [__] Padawan did you catch that?"
"The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way. The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwards, only about themselves, and the Jedi don't."
"Save the Jedi, save the Galaxy, save Padme, rewrite your destiny."
"The Jedi took over, the light side of the Force would reign supreme over the Galaxy, keeping the people safe."
"The Jedi aren't superheroes or superhuman; they're just like us, but they've learned special skills."
"The Sith had evolved and grown and had become so much more than a religious warrior group like the Jedi."
"A single Jedi could rule an entire planet as a God and they chose not to."
"The force is what gives a Jedi his path."
"The Jedi are meant to be emotionless, as explained by Yoda in the movie: 'No fear, attachment, anger, compassion, hate, or love.'"
"...as cool as it would be to see the Sith Slaughter every single Jedi that crosses their path and have that be the explanation for why the council didn't know about them I think there could be another reason hubis."
"...the Jedi won't like it being known that there is a power out there capable of slaughtering their order they'll want to maintain the illusion that no one can best the Jedi in combat."
"He felt the first glimmer of knowledge, something beckoning him toward a destiny that was neither tied to the Jedi of the Republic nor bound to his father's wickedness."
"No matter how powerful anyone is, the force must always balance itself. This was what Revan had said, and this is the one thing that the Jedi did understand that the Sith never truly grasp."
"They were showing who they truly were. They were Jedi."
"That's the job of a Jedi Padawan learner, which I am not."
"It's not the Jedi way. This is what the Sith would want."
"I came to warn you Jedi. You know not what path you walk."
"Compassion - that is part of being a Jedi."
"The best Jedi have either trained in the dark side or they're open to it."
"The Jedi would be seen as the heroes they once were."
"Anakin Skywalker was hailed as a hero of the Jedi and the Republic."
"The Jedi are supposed to be keepers of the peace for the people. If they are aware an innocent person is in danger, then it is a Jedi's duty to help them."
"...you are the last hope of the jedi order."
"Mace Windu nearly showed up in the original trilogy decades before he showed up in the worlds of Star Wars as one of the most respected and badass Jedi Masters of all time."
"'Is it possible to learn this power?' 'Not from a Jedi.'"
"The Jedi were no better than the Sith, their intentions were Noble but their execution was flawed."
"Ahsoka despite leaving the Jedi Order still behaved exactly as a Jedi should."
"it wasn't easy to shoot a Jedi with a blaster and that's because the Jedi had the ability to see incoming threats before they actually happen."
"if I were the chancellor of the new Republic I would immediately March to the Imperial Palace and erect a giant statue of a weary Jedi surrounded by his tired clone troopers."
"He's tired of it all... he's seen the power of the Jedi get wiped out in one swift blow."
"The Solo children were considered the strongest non-council Jedi of their Generation."
"Luke would defeat Lumaya and Darth Kitus in extremely difficult fights."
"Mace Windu is an extremely powerful Jedi, arguably second only to Yoda."
"The Mortis gods are more powerful in the force than any Jedi had ever seen before."
"To be a Jedi master means passing on what one has learned."
"I like Jedi. I like Jedi a lot. I like that the whole Jabba's, like, first of all, Luke Skywalker is a badass in the beginning of the movie. The whole opening scene is just amazing. Is he a badass? Yeah, he's a badass."
"The light of the Jedi has not fallen."
"It's because of the path that Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Voss made it to safety."
"The weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster."
"Ahsoka refused to return to the ranks of the Jedi having been falsely accused and cast out of the order. Ahsoka did something that few Jedi had dared to do before."
"Luke acknowledged the threat and said that he would do more to help from here on out he'd been so focused on rebuilding the order rebuilding this Temple but in order for there ever to be a Jedi Order the Galaxy would need to be safe free of any remnants of the empire."
"These were all people who felt first and thought second, they all had their share of disputes with the Jedi, yet the consummate Jedi was attached to them all."
"He became the most powerful Jedi and Sith in space wizard history."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan had come to know that Qui-Gon was right about the council about the Jedi becoming too reliant on the Senate rather than the force and the people of the Republic."
"He's just the epitome of who you would want or what you would want a Jedi knight to be like."
"The Geonosis Arena scene, this is like an S-tier scene. This is when you fully realize the full power of the Jedi."
"It's annoying when you've got a true Jedi active and there's things to destroy in the room, and it's like, yeah, well, you gotta navigate over there while the camera is locked onto a person who's in the center of the room or whatever."
"'Jedi aren't pacifists, but they are keepers of the peace. It just so happens that in these movies, keepers of the peace means war generals.'"
"What if the Jedi were smarter or just more prepared?"
"Palpatine's respect for Yoda contrasts with his disdain for Mace Windu, who he views as a fool wielding power he doesn't deserve."
"Never, never will I turn to the dark side. You have failed, Palpatine. I am a Jedi, as my father was before me."
"This group of five Jedi was the best that the Jedi had to offer."
"A Jedi gives much to his fellow men," Saitriyamba answered thoughtfully. "He protects the weak, he battles for the common good."
"he failed everyone he ever loved he was supposed to be the greatest Jedi ever if only he'd practiced a little bit more patience."
"The Jedi fought every day for the Republic."
"I want to learn as much as I can about the Jedi ways. I want to become a master as quickly as I can."
"Hope in the Jedi... if only he could find it."
"Jedi is gonna tear this up, I promise you."
"The Jedi were dogmatic and... it ultimately weighed them down."
"In the end, Anakin had the potential to outshine any Jedi who ever lived."
"The force within him is stronger than any known Jedi."
"He aimed to quickly overpower and overwhelm surviving Jedi."
"The tenth brother was once a Jedi master named crossette dibs although completely blind he was regarded by Mace Windu as being exceptionally powerful in the force and mindfully insightful."
"Palpatine was in no rush to clean up every single Jedi... he wanted the Jedi to feel what it was like to have to hide in the shadows."
"Despite winning the initial back and forth, Obi-Wan rose at his full strength as a Jedi Master and confronted Vader again, gaining the upper hand and defeating the Dark Lord."
"A Jedi's strength flows from the force."
"The Jedi would be rebuilt, and they would rebuild their temple on Coruscant."
"You'll never see any Jedi around here, it's not safe down here."
"It's like 'Sith Among Us' or something like that, and it's just a bunch of Jedi but you have to find the secret Sith that's killing everyone."
"There was more that the Force could do, and it wouldn't inhibit him or stop him from being a Jedi."
"She was seen by many as the very symbol of what being a Jedi was, almost as if she were the living incarnation of the Light Side itself."
"...how come the Jedi are so limited in number? Surely they should be swamped with applicants because everyone's going to want to have the force."
"They fought for their brothers, for the Jedi, and for the Republic."
"Windu kind of realizing the hold that the darkness can have on a Jedi and trying to counter it not with a battle but just with the mercy of the Jedi."
"He was going to extinguish the Sith for eternity."
"An energy that is almost everywhere, Jedi can tap into the Force to manipulate the world."
"The Jedi have a code and structure that is reminiscent of this, and their devotion to the Light Side of the Force is analogous to the devotion to the Samurai’s code of Bushido."
"Your plans, your ambition ends here, it does. The Jedi will not fail, the Galaxy not enslaved will it be, balance restored it is."
"One day, the Republic will fall and the Jedi will be wiped out."
"He's not alone. There he's not the Last Jedi. There's another."
"It was forged over a thousand years ago by the Mandalore Tar Vizsla. He was both Mandalorian and Jedi. Cool."
"The reason I'm killing you is because this is what the Jedi are. They're a lie."
"At the core of the Jedi was an organization dedicated to studying and understanding the Force."
"The Jedi were a universally trusted Institution for a time period."
"Accepting a slave army that doesn't obey you is much more in line with Jedi ideals than the idea that Jedi want to just have control."
"The relationship between the Jedi and their Master is like that of a parent and a child."
"I love this scene because it was a rare moment where we see the Jedi kind of take their breath and take stock of what it means to be fighting in a war."
"Let's face it guys the Jedi were actually destroyed because they chose to lead the Clone armies and the Clone Wars they abandoned the will of the force in favor of the will of the government."
"The inquisitors were a small group of force sensitives formed by Emperor Palpatine to hunt down any remaining Jedi."
"Kade Skywalker is the answer to what a Skywalker and a former Jedi would look like after the galaxy kept using them as an intergalactic punching bag."
"A Jedi does not cling to hatred or revenge."
"Luke decides he is ready to begin his own Jedi Academy."
"The lightsaber tells the Galaxy that the Jedi are not destroyers we are protectors."
"In the hands of a skilled Jedi pilot, it was basically untouchable."
"Luke Skywalker, a truly awe-inspiring combatant, would stand as the strongest unamped Jedi in all of galactic history."
"Maul wanted the Jedi there for some reason and he had no intention of allowing the Jedi to be sidetracked at the pivotal moment of the Clone War."
"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi."
"He has the potential to be the second ever Mandalorian Jedi which I think would be so [ __ ] awesome."
"Never wield his lightsaber in anger or in vengeance."
"There's no black and white to the Jedi and the Sith."
"The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi Knight, though a true Jedi rarely uses it to settle a dispute. It is better to outthink and outmaneuver your opponent, but when forced, a Jedi strikes quickly and decisively."
"I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came back here with freed all the slaves."
"Yoda's lineage of Jedi are the most influential, the most powerful, and some of the best Jedi that have ever existed, period. Full stop."
"Unaware that he was being drawn away from the Jedi and into the trappings of the Sith."
"The Sith wayfinder also appears in the Jedi text."
"I wanted to be a Jedi. That would be amazing."
"Anakin would be the one to lead the Jedi back into a new era of high Republic and high Jedi."
"The Jedi would be on the front lines of freedom and the restoration of peace in the Galaxy."
"You don't just throw a kid into space monk school and expect him to forget everyone."
"Someday I will be the most powerful Jedi ever. I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying."
"Until then, my fellow Jedi-inside friends, remember, the Force will be with you always."
"The Jedi were strong of knowledge, they practiced Serenity, they lived in Harmony, and in peace."
"It's also great to finally have a badass female Jedi in a film."
"It was relieving that a Jedi General would rather save your life than their own."
"If Anakin lives, we have hope, no matter how dark it gets or how lost our cause may seem. He is the New Hope for a Jedi future. May the force be with us all."
"The members of the path view the Jedi as some of the most dangerous individuals in the galaxy."
"There's a lot of birdified Jedi out there and some are combinations like Stella and Leia and others are brand new like freaking Yoda bird."
"Compassion is the greatest thing a Jedi could have."
"Always remember the teachings of the Jedi and embrace the light."
"The Jedi would rebuild but form a new moral code where they would be able to find true success, in a new galaxy founded on peace and justice for everyone."
"The force does not belong to the Jedi. It existed long before the Jedi and will exist long after they are gone."
"True Jedi cause when you hear this sound this is how it should feel by owning one of these Lego sets."
"The remaining Jedi in the galaxy would reform the Jedi Temple over time and things would return stronger than they were but never forgetting the ones who fought for their freedom."
"The Army of Light was a legion of Jedi who had banded together to face the rising Sith threat."
"Good is a point of view. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power."
"Jedi knights are so wizard, and now there are two of them."
"A training lightsaber is pretty much self-explanatory. It was a lightsaber specifically used in the training for lightsaber combat, specifically though for Jedi younglings as described by various Jedi Masters."
"The weapon was designed to overwhelm Order 66 survivors and was used by the inquisitors inquisitors being those that were meant to hunt down Jedi after Order 66."
"Nothing will ever change strongly that the Jedi be removed from as many military matters peacekeepers."
"So if a Jedi Temple is something you want, this is definitely an option for you."
"Here's an era of Jedi that is new and when we say new we mean at their Prime at their Peak."
"The Jedi we meet in the Star Wars films and the Clone Wars those are the Jedi right before the fall."
"Are you allowed to love? Thought that was forbidden for a Jedi."
"I can sense you. This is one of the powers of the Jedi."
"The three Jedi were accompanied by Master Yaddle as she hopped onto Anakin's shoulder as the four made their way down into the back of the lines all jumping down and igniting their lightsabers standing before the two Siths."
"Jedi, their order is a fading light in the dark, corrupt and arrogant. They must be punished. The Jedi shall fall." - Assaj Ventress
"It was time for it all to end: the Jedi and the Sith."
"being a Padawan is harder than I thought but you are an amazing Padawan"
"I am a Jedi. I am with the Force. The Force is with me."