
Dark Side Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
"Learn to know the dark side of the force, and you will achieve a power greater than any Jedi."
"The truth is that what makes the Star Wars universe interesting is the dark side of the force."
"Despite being known for its beauty, there is a dark side to this amazing location."
"Integrating your dark side looks like, by the end of the movie, Luke refuses to kill Vader. In fact, at the end of all three movies, Luke gives up control and takes a leap of faith."
"I signed for the dark side because I wanted power."
"Revan physically died, but the dark side version of himself refused to become one with the Force."
"He argues that because he shows the Dark Side of gambling being the addiction, the losses and the crush of defeat that he's morally in the clear."
"Everybody has a dark side... confront it and make it work for you... any success I've had in life is because I managed to use those dark emotions in my work and channeled them."
"The fear of loss is a path to the dark side."
"Extras are pathway to many abilities some consider to be a natural dark side."
"Awareness of one's dark side allows one to more appropriately manage and recognize it when it sneaks up the stairs uninvited."
"Cure his pain. This is why he wants to let the past die. The only thing that's keeping him from fully committing to the dark side is his family. If he can kill the past, then all that pain will be gone."
"This moment here will haunt Kylo for the next three movies. A dark side user is at his or her strongest when they are committed to the dark side."
"There's a really dark underbelly to YouTube fame."
"You underestimate the power of the dark side."
"Despite this dark side, there's something fascinating about the power of nature and its impact."
"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities that some consider to be unnatural."
"You cannot win against the dark side operating under witchcraft or sorcery."
"Yellowstone, for the most part, is a very peaceful park... but what many people don't realize is that there is a much darker and much more sinister side to Yellowstone."
"Our working relationship was still good during the making of 'Dark Side,' we had massive rows about the way it should be."
"Not everything is love and light, and facing the dark side supports the quest in achieving spiritual wholeness."
"If they mess with me, they are going to meet the very dark side of me."
"Everybody has a dark side, is the Joker the dark side that they say we all have?"
"Kylo Ren has turned to the dark side and aspires to finish what Vader started."
"The real reason that Kylo Ren isn't a Darth is because he wasn't really a Sith. He was playing around with the dark side but not every dark side force user was a Sith."
"Starkiller was someone who was placed so deep in the guise of the dark side but was able to pull himself out."
"Connect with the dark side, I will release you from this challenge."
"Sidious was simply the dark side incarnate, tamed to his will."
"Nelson fully embraced his dark side and turned into the most ruthless man in the country."
"In the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry lies a shadowy phenomenon known as blackballing."
"Devils and demons... represent the dark side of ourselves, our shadow selves."
"Show me again the power of the dark side."
"It's the anti-life equation. Finding it, then using it to dominate the stars has always been Dark Side's one goal."
"The dark side was very strong on Korriban, it ran through the planet like a lifeblood."
"The force itself wanted to purge the galaxy of the Death Star, it was the embodiment of everything that's wrong with the dark side."
"Within each one of us lies a Mr Hyde, a much darker side of our personality that sometimes can be despicable, vile, and even destructive."
"It's kind of the perfect form for a Jedi who has to hunt down Sith. Of course, channeling Dark Side energy inside of your body can be dangerous. Now, Mace Windu says it doesn't affect him, but he never really allows anyone else to use this."
"The dark side is not necessarily evil; it's just a tool."
"We all know about the obvious ones: Force push and pull, the Jedi Mind Tricks, the Force lightning of the dark side."
"The Emperor tells Luke to kill his father."
"The fear of loss is the path to the dark side."
"Their involvement with the dark side became a generational trend."
"The dark side's influence never will."
"This person has a very dark side but they accidentally caught feelings for you."
"It takes strength to resist the dark side, strength that those who embraced it cannot even fathom."
"In 'Star Wars', you have both the light side, and the dark side. But what lies in the middle?"
"It's a stark reminder that beneath the glitz and glamour, there's often a dark underbelly of greed, manipulation, and exploitation."
"Dark sides should be nurtured like nasty black orchids."
"Malus was like, 'I'm injured, so be it. I do not need even physical might. I have the dark side.' The man, while injured, walked straight through the front doors of the Jedi Temple. He sacked Coruscant with those injuries. They didn't stop him."
"Victory, you say? The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the Clone Wars have."
"The internet has given us great access and a lot of knowledge, but there is a very dark side to it."
"Sidious admired nagas adao for his manipulation skills, ruling with knowledge and the dark side of the force."
"His mere presence poisons the force for light side users."
"Sidious would be a great teacher to learn skills from he could teach you how to use the dark side of the force probably better than anyone."
"It's called viad and it's a version of form s that he created on his own where he combined his Dark Side nature into his martial art power so that he can literally fight off the dark side like it's all it."
"The Shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, I'm Ahsoka."
"Why has no Wookie ever turned to the dark side and what would it look like if a Sith ever existed?"
"You saw what you wanted and you took it. This is the way of the dark side."
"They were kids and I was like, 'Come here my child, I will introduce you to the dark side.'"
"I like kind of exploring in the dark side of humanity when you throw that you put that carrot you dangle the carrot in front of regular good-hearted people and watch them eat each other over it those are always fascinating stories to me."
"In the battle between light and dark, society grapples with the chilling reality of these sinister forums."
"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities."
"Every darksider's dream to kill their master and take over as the master."
"Malgus gave himself over to the dark side and became a conduit for its power."
"Palpatine trained Vader by not only making him believe he killed his wife, but also ensuring he would never forget the monstrous machine he had become."
"The dark side is so much more fun."
"Koji Yamada was a man who liked to live on the dark side of life."
"What I saw was there was two different ways that this would go down kind of in Star Wars the light side of the force and the dark side of the force."
"If the person you like turns away from you when you show your dark side, it feels like your whole world has collapsed."
"The dark side would be proud. Anti-life equation. How do you stop Darkseid?"
"She would be reborn in the ways of the dark side and that name would serve from now until the day she died as the symbol of her new and greater existence."
"However, much like many things in our modern culture, that love can also come with a dark side."
"Now you will experience the full power of the dark side."
"I think Mark Shirley comes across as just a normal man, but I think that there is a dark side to him that he unleashes when he wants to."
"His dark side power began as a small spark deep inside his being, now it was a raging inferno, white hot and prepared to channel his emotions and fury into power."
"The embodiment of the dark side removed the dagger from his back as black mist spilled out of his body he was still alive but he was very weakened."
"Come to the dark side, everyone. It's so much fun."
"He had killed his own father that night, through the power of the dark side."
"There is an extreme Intrigue to this gangster lifestyle and there is an extreme glamorous the cars the girls but there's a very ugly B-side to it."
"...once Bane implemented the grand plan, he took on his apprentice Darth Zannah, training her in the dark side and passing on his Sith knowledge."
"...Zannah went on to ultimately kill her master Bane, becoming the next Sith master and continuing his grand plan."
"Once you start down the dark path, forever when it dominates your destiny, consume you it will."
"I think that everyone with an internet router and a mouse has heard of Reddit, and of those, everyone with about two brain cells knows that at times it can be quite a dark and disturbing place."
"Ahsoka join me. Help me. The dark side is the only way to achieve victory over the emperor. He knows all about the Rebellion. He knows everything. Only the dark side can defeat him and truly bring peace to this galaxy."
"Cowards are those who follow the dark side, Your Majesty."
"Learn to know the dark side of the Force and you will be able to save your wife from certain death."
"Are we gonna get the Dark Side of Harry in this movie?"
"Anakin's fighting style becomes much more brutal and aggressive after turning to the dark side."
"The dark side is actually unisex."
"If he loses his hatred for Kenobi, he physically dies. Repercussions of the dark side."
"He will never join the Dark Side."
"The Sith and the dark side had a natural symbiosis and they thrived off it."
"The taste of that poison turkey haunted our dreams, reminding us of my brother's brief encounter with the dark side."
"Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side."
"You are no match for the power of the dark side."
"But I’m also well aware that there’s another side to Bitcoin, too, a dark side."
"This is what Palpatine had been waiting for, the right moment to manipulate Anakin in hopes of turning him to the dark side again."
"You choose your path down the light side or the dark side."
"I have given in to the dark side; I'm just full-on Sith Lord now."
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact, it's all dark."
"Creating the evil characters, letting that side of yourself out into them."
"Become the mystical Sith apprentice and turn to the dark side of the force."
"Exar Kun demonstrated immense skill and potential in his use of the Force, being one of the strongest dark side adepts in galactic history."
"Plagueis expressed that he taught his student everything he knew about the dark side."
"I found myself at a place where I was like, 'Oh my gosh, like the thing that I think is like my best friend... actually has this really dark side.'"
"I've recently learned the dark side has cookies."
"For the first time ever, we were able to pierce through the gas around galaxies and actually see the dark side of our galaxy."
"The dark side being selfish is the ever so tempting quick and easy path."
"The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is."
"It's supposed to show you the dark side of tech."
"Phoenix ended up losing herself to the dark side after her interaction with the Hellfire Club."
"The path of the dark side cannot lead to immortality."
"The dark side should always seem like a fruitless endeavor in the end."
"You did well, Ezra. Now, grab the lightsaber of that Padawan. Yes, Master, you will learn how to bleed this blade, and your journey to the dark side will truly begin."
"I've come over to the dark side a little bit and it wasn't so bad."
"You can't let the dark side control you, but you got to learn how to harness it."
"Pain is a pathway to power in the dark side."
"The dark side does not forgive. It's a pathway to power, not clarity."
"Trilla fell to the dark side and became the inquisitor known as the Second Sister."
"Anakin's turn to the dark side happens when he intervenes and stops Mace Windu from killing Palpatine."
"The Jedi Order's refusal to help Anakin's emotional instability is what leads him to the dark side."
"Discover the true power of the dark side."
"Star Wars, the dark side is leaking everywhere, man."
"They have cookies on the dark side."
"Arrogance is the fatal flaw of all who wield the dark side."
"You will become the apprentice of Palpatine, the apprentice of Darth Sidious, and from him, you will learn the ways of the dark side of the force."
"Always the dark side is in everyone."