
Quantity Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"There are over 5,000 dating sites and apps worldwide."
"I just want to give you quality over quantity."
"Quality over quantity; but certainly, the quantity side of things has been lacking. So, I hope this more than makes up for it."
"Quantity doesn't always equal quality though."
"The game has challenges... There are tons of these."
"It's a lot of food guys, but it is very delicious."
"That's like N9 or 10 Honeys, that's a lot of Honeys."
"One ist or less in total, not like each piece. This is one ist or less in total."
"60 packs inside, which is not a bad deal. I mean, that's a lot of packs, that's pretty solid."
"More often than not, quantity isn't an indicator of quality."
"Elden Ring offers quantity and nearly all of it is high quality."
"He's got more icons than I've had hot dinners, and that's quite impressive."
"A quality woman doesn't mean you're talking to just one woman. It means you're talking to a hundred women."
"Quantity does have a quality all of its own."
"I almost got like four ounces, it’s not even squeezing yet."
"And Adam Thielen will be a top 40 wide receiver this season."
"I've had more of these things, man. How many? A lot."
"You get a ton of product... it's kind of ridiculous."
"This is a lot of chicken, like, this is a lot of chicken."
"I read a lot of you said that 20 ml is so little etc you guys 20 ml is a lot of perfume like it is a lot."
"We had collected a grand total of 297 lip glosses."
"This is not a whole case, but it's a whole lot of balls."
"That's all my haul. That was so much! Oh my god, it's like little things."
"It's about the number of ounces that matter now."
"It's always better to have quality than quantity."
"How the [ __ ] do you have a hundred eleven coins?"
"Little Caesars was the runaway winner, averaging a whopping 106 grams of pizza per dollar spent."
"That's a lot. It's a big number. It's very high."
"One really impressive project is way better than 10 mediocre projects."
"Math is kind of the study of quantity, the study of space, of structure, and of change."
"This year we tested over 70 different laptops, by far a record for this channel."
"In average, I'll say about 380 to 400 liters."
"Even the weakest monsters are dangerous when there are too many of them."
"Whoever has the most gummies wins."
"We're talking 10, 12, possibly 15,000 pounds."
"It's such a shame that so few episodes of Sam and Cat were made."
"I'd rather be with someone who has 145 than zero, to be honest."
"Boom, how many pieces are there? 400."
"I think anyone would rather have three incredible characters than 20 mediocre ones."
"Just how many Miras do you think we've got in here?"
"There's more kills in this movie than any other Friday the 13th movie."
"There's probably a few hundred pounds of scuppernines here."
"I don't drink it do I can we get six of those."
"it's about the quality not the quantity"
"It's not how it's How many my friend."
"And I just counted and there were 135 diskettes that were shipped in that box. That is a lot of diskettes."
"Quality over quantity, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's so much more in real life than it looks. Two packets of oatmeal, people can do the math."
"Between 80 and 100,000 and you're knocking out 10, 20, 30 a week, yeah."
"I got 20 tattoos and 20 more got four more on the way for real."
"Quantity is a way to get to quality. Obsess about quality but do it enough that you're not precious about any one thing."
"Thirty-four, thirty-five, almost three dozen."
"That's a lot of weight. Oh my goodness, wow, that is a collection and a half."
"Quality is just as important as quantity."
"That's why you know when you see on TV and they're like it's such a small portion it's because you're having like 10 of them."
"The whole bank together was 29 kilos."
"Seriously, this is over 8 lbs of meat plus these sides, and these are not light. This is dense, heavy-packed."
"He's got 190 of them by the time you get in there could be more."
"Look at this scene that I'm just passing right now I think they make 1,000 a day."
"Focus on quality, not just quantity."
"We have roughly 500 people in this list."
"The only thing better than a box of 25 is a cab of 50, you know? I find that, you know, the moment I'm one or two cigars into a box of 25, I already feel like I'm halfway through."
"All right, sweet, we've got six pieces of bait."
"Quality over quantity but look my thing is show what's he doing over there, a show."
"No complaints it's a lot of food."
"Damn, a little bit goes a long way."
"I bring an absurd amount of drinks."
"I must have hit about nine of them."
"I know books. I have 186 of them at home. 186! 20,000 leagues under the sea."
"That's an insane amount of pesto."
"The length of a vector is also known as its magnitude."
"July I only read seven books it looks like."
"I think the key thing here is just the quantity of evidence that exists in, you know, the natural world."
"It's important to always emphasize the quantity of evidence we have."
"So I'm starting at 220 and I think I'm going up to about 5,000."
"Quantity, my favorite kind of sport."
"There are 1.3 billion cubic kilometers of water on Earth, and that is all we're ever going to get."
"Thousands of bees in a hive... wow!"
"Anything is better than nothing and more is better than less."
"But I want to say roughly around 100,000."
"Fifty Adam counted fifty bees flying toward him."
"The lower down you go in terms of quality, the more quantity you get. And this is part of the reason why it's important to experiment."
"That's not just one kid, it's 15."
"It's a bit much if it's only I mean if we were talking like you get the large, only pine that's a lot pineapple, yeah, I could eat the whole pineapple, I know I love pineapples."
"Quality over quantity beats just quality, but the only way to get to Quality is by quantity."
"How many dresses have we put pockets in? Oh my god, like a hundred, at least!"
"Food is either a half or a whole."
"This is probably the biggest Cheesecake Factory feast you'll ever see on YouTube."
"They did not disappoint and I must have eaten about five of these during the cruise."
"Well, that was fun. The answer was 400 tons. Wow, that's a lot for day one."
"Absolutely mate honestly I'm up to a hundred already."
"Grisha had a whole ass of the family."
"This is like buying one or two pieces of cereal and dumping them into a tank."
"1500 watts there's six of them up there."
"15 kilos of venison in the freezer would not be much of a challenge, would it?"
"You know that they're at least going to buy two."
"Quality over quantity, but what are you guys' thoughts?"
"This is quite a bit less than the 1/8th."
"Because there's more stuff, you get more signal."
"We make approximately 400,000 gallons of water on a daily basis."
"I mean, was that like half the container though or no?"
"It's essentially like 12 bingo items."
"It's a great story of quality overcoming quantity."
"It ain't about quantity, it ain't about quality, it's about quantities."
"...the number of girls that I used to have in an average week for me was twenty to thirty-five girls."
"There isn't a rule for it, it's as much as you like, as much as you want."
"Love that they include a whole kilogram of filament."
"The quantity is extremely important. You can't overdo even healthy food."
"There's probably like two pounds of shredded lamb."
"Bro, look how many they are, lad."
"From this coil, we can get about 16,000 forks."
"I got that, it's roughly about 50."
"We produce around 150,000 wheels each year."
"It really depends on how much water you want, but eight liters of water will work, okay?"
"There were 15 bagel dogs in my package containing approximately 12 to 14 mini bagel dogs."
"I'm going with 10 items, that's the way I went."
"It's not weight or anything, it's just the number of fish you end up with."
"Quantity will become the only criteria."
"I think we got six Nets in total."
"Improve the quality and decrease the quantity of information you consume."
"This is supposed to be for three."
"Over 45,000 eggs in the alien egg pit. Oh man, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more."
"How many lobsters do you serve in a day here? I can only go with pounds. How many pounds is that? 360. Wow."
"Are you a part of the Ton? No, but you can have a ton of these roses."
"It's expensive but you only need a small amount."
"Now I'm like maybe if there is a thousand of them in one place, you bet I am."
"I'm gonna make three of the shepherd's pies. You can't see it, but I have another one right here."
"I'm considering making four Tonks."
"30 of something is more worth more than 100 of nothing."
"We caught somewhere between 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of fish."
"More does not always mean better."
"In all, there are 546 LPs, that is insane to me."
"They're insane, I think I ended up getting 300 grams which is a lot you guys."
"So between the first four laser lighters and these, I'm at over 50 bucks right now."
"It's pretty impressive given there are about 50k's out right now."
"Quantity, speed, consistency eventually will equal quality. The problem is everyone wants quality first. Doesn't happen. Quantity, speed, consistency eventually will get you to quality."
"I get about five eggs a day and about five days a week. So, 25 eggs a week, two dozen a week, which is pretty good."
"It's like six Ducatis in a row or five or whatever it is."
"Using just a little bit of vinegar isn't really going to help you, so why not make sure I do a lot?"
"This is a lot of macaroni and cheese. Have you ever seen anything like this in your life?"
"I mean for filming purposes even four or five fish is enough."
"Now I know that's a little more than the rice calls for but there's a reason for everything."
"When there's more anime released, there's more good anime released; it's just a numbers game."
"I think today we got to put a figure of, well, certainly at least about 2,000 on it."
"There's a tremendous amount of stuff here."
"They actually went, I think it's over 10,000 that they've activated internally."
"Taco Bell at least you get a bunch of meat."
"All right, guys, so one stack of ultras is 50 total cards. So that means if you guys count up the 300 that we originally got right here, that means we have a total of 486 ultra rare Pokemon cards in one single video, ladies and gentlemen. That is absolutely crazy."
"That's actually quite a lot of cars from today's event."
"If I eat this entire thing, it will get me to ten thousand and eleven."
"Quality over quantity... I look for moves that I can get into and ride the wave instead of just trying to scalp."
"If you worry about quality, quantity takes care of itself."
"It should be noted that there were not just 14 of them all over Colombia, but many times more."
"As long as it's five mil, it's still good."
"I think I can confidently say I have over 100 shoes now. I didn't know that until yesterday when I was organizing all this, but I definitely got over 100 shoes now. So that's crazy."
"Let's buy a few of these. Buy 12 of these."
"Are lights important? Well, yes, they are important, but to what extent and how many do you need?"
"This animal here, I filmed in Africa last year, they get to be a hundred of them in a troop."
"Let's go ahead and cover some of these, just about five of them."
"...total of about 14 pieces that comprise the sculpture."
"2024 is the year of the 20 lb bag."
"Sweater quantity is super specific to the person's size and how much positive ease the garment has."
"I got 42 sausages out of this batch."
"There are about a hundred and forty watches that came in, so it's going to be quite a long one."
"More is not better. Only the right amount of the right type of training is better."
"It's not an easily divisible amount, if that makes sense."
"Luckily I've not gone too deep into the rabbit hole... but we've now got 10 more today."
"I'm so hungry. Oh, how many scoops? Two scoops."
"We've probably cooked over 10,000 briskets between the three of us, at least."
"You know what, next time bring six. Next time bring six."
"Someone ordered 84 helmets. 84 is insane."
"If I us to make grilled cheeses at home I always make two, one is just not enough."
"That databases received over 75,000 reports."
"Content quality over quantity still."
"Quality over quantity. Sometimes less is really more."
"We use concepts of number and quantity all the time."
"Symbolic numbers still invoke a continuous sense of quantity."
"It literally goes from 4,000 to 30,000. 3,000, almost 4,000."
"He pocketed nine thousand balls last week."
"I'm okay but if you want to get some we'll take 100."
"Quantity brings its own special type of quality to the equation."
"Dude had 367 punchlines in his set."
"It's wrong to sacrifice quality to quantity."
"Having water like this, I mean, 20 quarts is really not a lot when it comes to drinking water."
"I think All-American 5 started with 20,000."
"...probably... 30 to 40. Okay, which is amazing."
"It's the quality, not the quantity."
"There's enough to get a truck on here, but three of them have a hundred dollars."
"If it's quantity over quality, this type of product wins every time."
"That's huge, that's like 75 snicker bars!"
"Quality is just as important as numbers."
"Pathological Liars compensate for the poor quality of the lies by sheer quantity."
"It is better to accomplish a little well than a great deal unsatisfactorily."
"There were 118 cards in this category, I paid 50 cents per card."
"I can't believe I've never seen so many before in my life."
"Four ants out of one or ten quantumaniums."
"That's probably going to be 100 tickets right there."
"I would recommend that you have 12 of each."
"I was getting how much compare you got enough."
"You can get a lot in one scoop, I really like that."