
Causes Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Noticing your emotional states and their causes is crucial... What is causing these states? It's not just a matter of 'oh yeah, I'm angry', it's also 'why am I angry?'"
"Our mission is to be worthy advocates of these causes."
"Strikes usually happen as existing grievances pile up over time, and then one inciting incident pushes people to strike."
"We're giving to a wide range of causes from the Malaria Consortium to the Clean Air Task Force to the International Rescue Committee."
"With passion and conviction, we can find the courage to pursue worthy causes."
"Bankruptcy is not solely caused by bad decisions, it's often caused by bad luck."
"Most addictions can be traced back to trauma and abuse... all addictions can be traced back to some kind of pain."
"The most human thing one can do is die for a cause."
"It wasn't only wickedness and scheming that made people unhappy; it was confusion and misunderstanding above all."
"The deadly power of undersea landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, and asteroids can all cause tsunamis."
"Real grievances drive political derangement on both the left and the right."
"Capitalism is dying from internal as well as external causes."
"The drivers of economic inequality are complex."
"When something is unstable it comes apart and comes apart for different reasons."
"I think what's been really exciting... is that... I can focus even more energy on [causes]."
"Violence against trans people stems from terrible beliefs about trans people."
"Schizophrenia: no one cause, biological, environmental, genetic factors."
"Overwhelmingly right-wing violence is the cause of death in politically violent acts."
"Flights can be canceled for many reasons, including mechanical and weather issues."
"Anger is oftentimes caused by frustration, abuse, unfairness, injustice, irritations, disappointments, failure, and setbacks."
"The most common cause for secondary hyperthyroidism is a pituitary adenoma."
"Philanthropy is find those causes that you care about the most and support them."
"Policy is not monocausal, it is multicausal."
"Haters will say it's fake, it's not just like rebels, they're fighting for the right causes."
"There's no single reason gun violence happens because of an intersection of multiple things."
"A chemical imbalance is not the cause of depression."
"We just can't start throwing away lives in the name of causes."
"Money gives you the opportunity to donate to causes and charities that you believe in and want to support."
"As far as the fracturing of the wrist and so forth, that probably was from the roll."
"Think about these things that cause us to sin: anger, comparison, narcissism, lust, distraction, and all of those."
"We're going to dig deep and uncover the real root causes of eczema."
"Like so many other complex neurological conditions, it's not totally clear what causes ADHD."
"The great depression is not from a pandemic, but from a world that has been falling apart."
"Coronary heart disease can be caused by a buildup of fatty deposits." - Identifying a major cause of heart disease.
"Acne can be worsened by many things such as hormones, medications, and some cosmetics, but the main cause of breakouts for most people is similar: bacteria living on our skin mixing with oil released from our sebaceous glands."
"Lancaster's activism extended beyond Hollywood, championing causes close to his heart."
"Persistence is based upon definite causes."
"It can be a root cause of anxiety depression insomnia stress all of those things combined are contributing factors to issues that a lot of people face."
"Eliminating a single cause of death is not the same as delaying 20 causes of death."
"There has to be more in-depth coverage on the causes of homelessness."
"What caused it? Was it about slavery or states rights? It was absolutely about slavery."
"It's not enough to just say this is a bad thing, but the Buddha taught a number of times that the wise look at the causes and not just the effects."
"People do stand for certain causes... in sports, that's the essence of what makes sports so great."
"It's the kind of thing that causes economic downturns."
"Understanding that the symptoms are not the problem, the actual problem is what's causing the symptoms to manifest."
"There are four primary sources of inflammation: infection, imbalances, intolerances, and lifestyle."
"Understanding what causes ED is critically important because it lays the foundation for understanding how we can both treat and cure it."
"We still don't understand the causes of depression."
"What causes borderline personality disorder? One of the most prominent theories is by Marsha Linehan."
"Headache is caused by either traction, displacement, or inflammation of pain-sensitive structures in the head or neck."
"Different things can trigger it including stress, getting sick, rundown, your immune system being suppressed."
"The French Revolution was not the result of a single cause but rather a convergence of several factors."
"The main causes of depression are family breakdown, increasing loneliness, and stress from today's competitive workplace."
"Depression has three important causes nowadays, but a variety of accessible Solutions exist."
"Remember the word 'VITAMINS' to recall different causes: vascular, infection, trauma, autoimmune, metabolic, ingestion, neoplasm, psychogenic."
"Why are insects declining? Here are the major causes of insect declines."
"It's extremely important to find out why... your sensitive skin may be iatrogenic."
"I still think it's really important to donate money where I can, to causes I believe in."
"You must be a leader, as a member of this Church, in those causes for which this Church stands."
"Lightning storms are one of the main causes of late-season fires in our area."
"You're supporting great causes and you have the chance to win one of those incredible Vehicles."
"He has some of the best speeches and it's really heartwarming to see him fight for causes he believes in."
"Imperialism is one of the fundamental causes of World War One, period."
"Wildfires can spark from a variety of sources."
"Risk factors for brain tumors include prior radiation therapy to the brain and certain genetic syndromes."
"The exact cause is unknown. However, research is still in the works. The following elements appear to be involved: genetics, immune system response, environmental triggers, race, and age."
"Inflammatory causes of diarrhea can be remembered with the mnemonic SUCCESS: Shigella, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease, Compilobacter, Entamoeba histolytica, Salmonella."
"Competition for good causes is actually healthy."
"Magnesium deficiency: the root cause? Sugar, stress, coffee, medications, and gut inflammation."
"What caused the crisis was the subprime mortgage market."
"Hair loss can be caused by numerous reasons including DHT, stress, and inflammation."
"We know what causes society to become worse: trauma, lack of resources, poverty."
"We want to list the causes of variation and intermittency of the solar resource and quantify their time constant and magnitude."
"It's the root cause of many people's tragedies in life."
"I think they will be up there with the Obamas, with Oprah Winfrey, people who have dedicated themselves to causes."
"What causes mental illness in the first place?"
"It’s where we deeply connect with people. It’s where we engage people in causes that are bigger than themselves."
"I have always admired the Monarch's ability to lend credibility and visibility to causes that don't always get the attention they deserve."
"As you know, the causes of epigastric pain, the number one cause is idiopathic."
"Chronic kidney injury is kidney damage for more than three months, usually the cause is hypertension or diabetes."
"Focus on something because the number of different causes in this world that could grab your attention are far too many to count."
"We have to look at the root causes."
"The causes of climate change are diverse: modification of the Earth's orbit, changes in solar output, and geological factors."
"Homelessness, for example, is not caused by someone having no money."
"I believed in some of the causes that the op-ed was seeking to advance."
"War can usually be traced back to miscommunication and fear, but sadly, everything is always 20/20 in hindsight."
"The reason why this is happening is actually not religious at all; it's all to do with political ideas and political ideologies."
"Figure out why you are unmotivated in the first place."
"The most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and hypertension."
"In this world, there are causes worth fighting for, regardless of the pain we're sacrificing for, regardless of the risk."
"The source of your bitterness is not anger, it's either fear, frustration, or hurt."
"Negativity arises from attachment, aversion, and ignorance, known as the three poisons."
"We're fabulous at identifying what children aren't doing as well, but actually identifying the causes and therefore encouraging the children to make progress is something that we really need to work on."
"Motor vehicle collisions and falls are common causes of traumatic brain injury."
"Most common dysrhythmia: AFib. The most common cause of AFib: coronary artery disease and hypertension."
"It's really important to understand the root causes like poor lubrication, contamination of the lubricant, excess load from unbalance, misalignment, resonance, and so on."
"I will support women, I will support Black Lives Matter, I will support every cause in this world that needs a voice."
"From what I've read, vomiting can be a sign of food poisoning, heart attack, emotional stress, even pregnancy."
"Thank you so much for always spreading awareness about not only the environment but other very important social causes."
"There's actually two reasons that root rot happens; it's not just overwatering."
"The shop supports so many people and so many causes."
"Acute pancreatitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including alcohol, gallstones, and infections."
"Dementia is always caused by Alzheimer's disease is false."
"Fatigue has many causes, and thyroid is one of them."
"The whole purpose is to donate sea time to really worthy causes."
"If we're a bloody charity then let's start doing some charity work and giving it to some good causes."
"So is cirrhosis of the liver always caused by alcohol abuse? No, certainly not."
"These causes all combined to trigger, contribute to, accelerate, and result in CTS's tragic collapse that killed 98 people and leveled 55 condominium units in seconds."
"To just reject these people as evil is deeply ineffective because it ignores the reasons that led them to go down that route in the first place."
"Many racial disparities have multiple, interwoven, interacting causes from culture to politics to economic incentives to historical accidents to environmental influences."
"The structural issues of war have to do with its causes, with what types of men and women it throws up into command, with its effects upon economic and political."
"Extraterrestrial and terrestrial causes are not mutually exclusive."
"Artificial values created by societies... led to the three causes of human misery: indulgence, desire, and ignorance."
"I think it is donated to good causes."
"You have to find out the reasons why people migrate and then you have to try reverse some of those reasons."
"Hyperpigmentation is caused by genetics, allergic reactions, eczema causing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and even excessive sun exposure."
"Spiritual people are largely interested in causes and are progressively less interested in the effects as they grow more and more mature."
"The most common cause of faults on transmission lines is lightning."
"The most common causes of photophobia are going to be migraine, blepharospasm, traumatic brain injuries, and especially blast injuries."
"We're fighting for very respectable causes."
"Is the proven gender bias among the faculty in this study enough to explain these large gender gaps we see in STEM, or might there be other causes as well?"
"Our listeners, they love supporting great causes."
"The origination of suffering: craving, anger, ignorance."
"World War one started in Europe as a result of militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism."
"Every cause has its ribbon now, red for AIDS, blue for child abuse, pink for breast cancer, green for the rainforest, purple for urban violence."
"Age, alcohol, infections or diseases of the reproductive organs are causes of infertility in human beings."
"Focus on the causes of gun violence and serious violence."
"The causes of World War One are militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism."
"It wasn't just about fighting for the people he loved, but also the causes he believed in."
"People with paralysis... as you can see on the pie chart, the reasons for this paralysis range from stroke through spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and other diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease."
"He had a predilection for redeeming lost causes."
"Small fruit is caused from overcropping or it may be a rootstock sucker that's grown."
"We're seeing the symptoms of things. But we really want to get to the actual cause."
"Cheating is just the leaves on the tree, it's not the root."