
Creationism Quotes

There are 412 quotes

"The universe is so finely balanced... that it doesn't really look like it's an accident."
"If God's main aim was to create a universe finely tuned for the development of intelligent life, one has to say that he's not been very efficient."
"I have a bit of a reputation at this point for debunking creationists."
"All things were made by the word, and without the word was not anything made that hath been made."
"To me, that there's a creator is purely rational... It didn't come out by itself; this world, this universe, you mean just didn't happen by chance."
"Creationism is invoked in the most famous words of our founding document: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights.'"
"Google 'answers to creationist claims' and you'll find where actual scientists point out what's actually wrong."
"He created the heavens and earth all by Himself, didn't have no help, and He's not looking for no help now."
"As a building requires a builder, creation demands a creator. And as an outstanding design points to a gifted designer, our amazing universe reveals the glory of an awesome creator."
"The first cause argument says that a being greater and more complex than the Universe, what we call God, caused this Big Bang and set the creation of the world into motion."
"The world was created through intelligent design by a Creator."
"If there is a God, then the world was created through intelligent design by a Creator."
"God created us in His image and the likeness of God."
"Creationists claiming a mitochondrial common ancestor just six thousand years ago are pretending the subtraction isn't a thing."
"If parents can teach their children laws of science such as the law of causality or the law of biogenesis, then they are implicitly teaching their children that God exists because these laws point to a creator."
"Creationism isn't a universal aspect of religion, it's religious extremism requiring a degree of reality denial in defense of doctrine."
"For an intelligent God to take the dust and make a human, that's logical. For the dust to make itself into a human, that's not logical."
"You don't have to believe in young earth creation to be a Christian."
"The arguments from design are so common and varied that we're going to actually have to divide this video up into two separate videos."
"What I understand of the scriptures, it is clear that all things have been created by him and for him."
"Fundamentally all things have been created by him and for him."
"Sound is a source of all creation. Sound and the Breath of God or the sound of God is what created even light. Remember, 'God said, let there be light.'"
"Creation science is meeting the highest standards for science."
"Creationism is more extreme than that. It's a form of religious extremism that is so today to have to deny a reality."
"Intelligent design is just the newest generation of that same scam. It's fancier language stapled onto the old god of the gaps fallacy."
"It's not possible to defend creationism honestly."
"Creationism is a clear demonstration of that because it's a form of religious extremism, because it requires a degree of reality denial, and believers readily admit that."
"Human exceptionism maintains that Adam and Eve are the first human beings and they were miraculous creations and everything that therefore springs forth is excluded from the process of evolution so humanity is excluded from the process."
"Creationism meets exactly none of the criteria required of scientific theory."
"Evolution is a fairy tale for grownups, and it's sad that so many believe that. But that's why our ministry is here. We're here to help. We can get them all straightened out."
"You will see additional powerful evidence that everything around us could never be the product of cosmic accident."
"Genesis inevitably wins in creation it's a cat as admired for its simplicity and grandeur its concept of man accord well with observable facts combined with this."
"I believe in creation just because I want to. It just makes sense to me, and I believe it."
"Young earth creationists decide that the universe was only 6,000 years old... using the same method one of his contemporaries had previously calculated the exact same date."
"Science cannot believe in a creator because of their dogmatism. A scientist cannot use language saying, 'Oh, it was non-existent, but it pops into existence.'"
"When you reject the evidence of a creator, you seek comfort in evolution. That's the other alternative to explain all of this."
"The universe didn't just happen. There was conscious choice or involvement."
"If all observations show that it is in fact the case, it may seem absurd that a creator deity would resort to a mechanism like evolution."
"Why couldn't we be living in a universe that was created by an intelligent designer from another universe? That's my question."
"If you think it's okay to lie for Jesus, then you're probably a creationist."
"Nothing comes from nothing, therefore matter and life must have had a source."
"There's nothing random in our world. Everything's by Design from a Biblical perspective."
"I do believe in a Big Bang Theory - God said it, bang and it happened."
"The creation is God's and all that God has made is good."
"Fascinating is in Daniel 2 you've got the metal pieces of the image that represent the different Empires."
"I'm personally a young Earth creationist um that doesn't mean there couldn't have been something before but basically Adam was 6,000 years ago."
"Creationism is a form of religious extremism."
"Science supports the idea of creation rather than an accident."
"There are things in nature that it just makes sense that they have been created by God."
"Lucy is enough on her own to really cause problems for creationism."
"In order to be a true scientific theory, creationism would have to be falsifiable and have predictive power."
"On the grand scale of things, it would be just below creationism."
"The spirit of God moved, but we didn't see anything created until God spoke."
"My starting place and answer your question is that Jesus Christ is Lord he is the creator he made the world it's his."
"Teaching evidence against evolution was really just a modern manifestation of creationism."
"He created the earth with forests rivers mountains oceans and all living creatures each coming into existence with the appearance of age."
"In the beginning God created heaven and earth."
"God created us and will tell us what the purpose of our life is."
"I think there's more of a case that can be made for views other than young Earth Creationism than what I thought in the past."
"The belief on Earth is that the universe was created 6,000 years ago unfortunately."
"So when people are telling me that men can get pregnant, I can take that back to creation."
"An attack on masculinity is an attack on the God who created us."
"Denying the creation order means denying a fundamental part of Christianity."
"We were created in the image of God, male and female."
"God created in six days, he created Adam and Eve on day six."
"We exist, so someone must have brought us into existence."
"God created gender, God created sexuality, God created uteruses, God created periods. No amount of culture's lies will ever change that."
"Why don't creationists understand that if you have to lie in defense of your truth, then it was never truth to begin with?"
"Did God create the Earth? Yes. Did God inspire the written word? Yes. So if God created the world and inspired the written word, merging those two together is a genuine act of worship."
"I think God intentionally created a habitat for us that allows us to see him through the creation that he is left behind and this habitat is conducive for us to do scientific research."
"Why are we here? For I have created him for my glory, for my glory mean he made us for his pleasure."
"Alternate explanations like they were created there as fossils when God gave the Earth its history six thousand years ago."
"I have no compelling evidence to believe that a creature could create itself."
"He was the intelligent designer and we should worship Him."
"Is there an intelligent designer behind all of this?"
"You're not here by accident. You're not space goop thrown together by some stardust."
"If there is design in the universe, that's probably a designer."
"Evolution stole the cookies, and creationists make up childish stories."
"God created man in his own image... and god saw that it was good."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"Just because we don't understand the function doesn't mean it doesn't have one. God is a perfect creator."
"Creationism is based on a whole bunch of foundational falsehoods and also logical fallacies, frauds, falsehoods, and fallacies are all there are to it. That's it, and that's all."
"If the worldwide flood made the great majority of the fossils, then the geological periods do not exist."
"Recognize it or not, God's creation of all things and His sovereignty over everything are a fact."
"Something so beautiful as the human body, I had no other explanation other than an artist, a creator."
"The miracles of the human body have made me clearly see that there must be a god involved in the design."
"Information comes from other information and ultimately comes from an information Giver."
"There is nothing about our solar system or the rest of the universe that supports the idea of an invisible sky fairy poofing it into existence just for us."
"The Sabbath is a sign and seal of creation and redemption."
"It's manifestly irrational to deny the existence of God. He hasn't paid attention to the data he's supposed to master, because the creation itself screams of the Creator through the data."
"The idea that God created the universe is a more respectable hypothesis today."
"Because under your view you think God designed everything right everything was designed by God right."
"The Bible begins by explaining the origins of the universe... God created everything out of nothing."
"Even the earth, all things that are on the face of it and the motion and all the planets which move in their regular form, witness there is a supreme creator."
"God cannot leave his creation without purpose."
"It's more likely that it's designed than that it was randomly done."
"I'm a creationist because of what I see, not what I don't see."
"If you take a computer, we know it's been created."
"Intelligent design just says things look as if they've been intelligently created."
"That was a giant shot in the arm for the Creations community."
"The true Bible computation carries the creation of man nearly 2,000 years farther back."
"Creationism fails at every step of the scientific process."
"I think even if you believe in evolution, something had to make that happen. Something must have created the universe."
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in literal Genesis..."
"DNA actually cries out 'In the beginning God'..."
"This is a perfect design that God came up with."
"The only thing that makes sense is intelligent design because when we look at the things that are actually here we see wow DNA, a code, why someone must have made all this."
"Maybe the biblical version of creation is quite a bit more spot-on than NASA might lead us to believe."
"There is a creator... we are at the center of creation." - Flat Earth Dave
"Despite widespread controversy, you can know with absolute certainty that an all-intelligent mind created the universe and all life on earth. I can."
"They're trying to make the connection that we evolved from apes, but when we go back to God's word, his foundation in Genesis, we see that he tells us in Genesis 1:26 then God said let us make man in our image after our likeness."
"Where there's a design there must be a designer."
"Belief in the theory of evolution is done exactly parallel to belief in special creation."
"We have a creator, there's no doubt. This is not random."
"When we think of Wonder, it demands the Creator as its explanation."
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him."
"The designer has to be way more complex than the thing that they designed."
"We serve a supernatural God, somebody who spoke creation into existence."
"Everything God created was good. If you don't believe me, do your homework. Ephesians 1 says everything was created."
"I do believe that Jesus created everything, and without Him, nothing came into being."
"Why do creationists insist that evolution has to answer the something from nothing question?"
"Creationism is not the litmus test for salvation; it's important, it does change your whole view of the Bible, but there are many people that have not truly thought about what they're saying."
"It is scientifically impossible for the earth to only be six thousand years old and for the entire universe to have been made in six days."
"It's interesting to me to see just the doubt the creationists introduced in so many of their arguments. It's just doubt, because science can't be true about everything, which is a completely false statement."
"The scientific evidence actually supports theism if God created the universe then the universe had a beginning."
"The incarnation of the God-man is not only a reaction to the fall but it's actually the very purpose of creation."
"This supports my faith in creator. This is way too complex to be the result of random atoms and molecules."
"Everyone is created in the image of the creator."
"Creation science as well as intelligent design are based upon a specific Christian doctrine called special creationism."
"In the beginning was the word makes infinitely better sense than the naturalistic view."
"This is just a creationist argument, guys."
"If you're already a convinced atheist, you hear him say 'creationist' and you shout 'Boo' at the screen really loudly."
"The lie: Evolution. Why you should not take evolution and millions of years and mix it with your Christianity."
"We tend to project it onto outward onto the laws of the universe, which is why creationism and astrology and synchronicity and the vague sense that everything happens for a purpose is so compelling."
"Creationists the right-wing Christians creationists believe every word Genesis says I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer."
"It is so clear that there's incredible complexity in nature, something everything had to come from somewhere."
"There is a flood of evidence for creation, friends."
"The evidence is so overwhelming that the evolutionist said okay okay, you're right, there was a big flood."
"Nobody has ever observed macroevolution where it is vertical between species."
"Order and rhythmic perfection show design, and design means that there must be a designer, a master designer."
"We have allowed generations of our kids to be told you can believe in millions of years."
"Even if you're in this group, even if you reject Evolution, all that does is put you back in the other category. God's omnipotent. He can do what he wants. He's still the Creator."
"The fossil record reveals the opposite of what naturalistic evolutionary models predict."
"Even if we took that, even if we said fine, you can have a thousand years for each creation day, how old is the Earth then? 12,000 years? Did that really get you close to the millions of years at all? No, it doesn't even come close to it."
"... the more we learn about nature the more evidence we get for the supernatural handiwork of the Creator."
"...the impression seems to be 6 24-hour days... which seems to run counter to Modern scientific research."
"When the secular media come to the Creation Museum... very rarely are there questions about Evolution... They really care about if you don't believe in billions of years."
"The reason that I get so passionate about this issue of the age of the Earth because I'm zealous for the word of God."
"The complexity of life is a very good argument against everything happening by accident."
"The evidence for creation, for divine design is overwhelming."
"Creationism contradicts the evidence."
"All we've ever observed scientifically is exactly what the Bible says: the various kinds of creatures we study around the world reproduce according to their kinds."
"The evolutionary theory fails a hundred percent in this area; only the global flood theory provides an answer to this."
"The evidence is crying out for catastrophe. It screams Noah's flood, it therefore screams a young Earth."
"The more you study about dinosaurs, they really fit with creation."
"A much better explanation is that the Bible is right that man and dinosaur did live together."
"The idea of millions of years came primarily out of naturalism atheism."
"Isn't the most reasonable explanation that intelligence put it there if we need intelligence to get it out how' it get there in the first place this seems to me to be nothing more than a direct inference from the facts."
"We need a historical Adam and Eve as real people, a historical fall as a real event. And this is the explanation of the human story."
"Human beings are not created in exactly their present form because I believe in the Christian doctrine of the fall which means that our being has been corrupted."
"The evidence of fossils challenges the notion of millions of years and supports a young Earth view."
"Intelligent design is not magical thinking. Minds generate information."
"Natural selection does not answer the question of origin."
"Creationism is a belief that asserts the Universe, Earth, and all life forms were created by a Divine being, typically in line with religious texts such as the Bible's Genesis account."
"The earth is seven thousand years old."
"...and we predicted that these discoveries would be made and it's actually going to lead to more secure evidence from a Christian perspective that the God of the Bible created everything."
"I tend to be a young Earth creationist. But I'm not necessarily a 4,000 BC creationist. Not at all. I recognize that there could be some generations that are skipped over in the biblical record. That's entirely possible."
"Perhaps the most straightforward answer a World Builder can use for how abiogenesis occurred is creationism."
"We all have a worldview, and the fossil record and science itself points so clearly to creation."
"It's way easier to just be like 'God did it in six days,' right? And then on the seventh day, he took a nap, ate a sandwich, and yeah. Then you're like, 'What are you doing?'"
"Maybe these machines aren't just giving evidence of the appearance of design maybe they're giving evidence of actual design intelligent design."
"The theory of evolution is not inconsistent with the notion of creation."
"If we deny the fact that God created the universe, we must reject the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation."
"If God can become human and a virgin can have a baby, he can create the earth in six literal days."
"The literal six-day creation account testifies to God's goodness in the creative act."
"For life to be so intricate and finely tuned, there must have been an intelligent designer."
"There is a creator, the design is just too evident."
"...anytime you see a fossil you have to think that's after Adam sinned and you because Adam sinned that's why death entered the world."
"Natural selection is one of those places where creationists and evolutionists all often argue over it, even though they both agree with it if they stop fighting and listen they would find agreement."
"The only reasonable explanation for all the information in DNA is that a designer put the information in the original DNA sequences."
"The same thing Jesus did in Matthew chapter 19, that Michael already mentioned, 'from the beginning it was not so,' this is how God made male and female. This is how the family was to function, you go back to the created order as the foundation of these things."
"I was the only creationist in my Christian college biology department."
"I am a creationist. I believe we just didn't evolve from some type of space dust."
"It's a hell of a lot easier to say where nothing came from than it is to say where 30 million species of highly complicated organisms plus a super intelligent god came from."
"Science, when it's done right, points toward a supernatural Creator."
"Many Christians don't even know that they don't know that the leading opponents to liberalism five generations ago...were not young Earth creationists."
"The young Earth creationist movement has been so successful that many Christians I meet have never even heard that there are other views of creation or the flood. Many Christians don't even know that they don't know the options."
"There were no spirit children of Heavenly Father on the earth before Adam and Eve were created."
"That variation in finches is just that in the finch kind. You have all this genetic variability, but they're still finches. So, bottom line, humans are humans, and apes are apes."
"God made everything in six days. That's where our seven-day week comes from. It just takes the right conditions."
"The Bible reveals that the all-powerful, all-knowing supernatural God created the heavens and the Earth out of nothing and all life according to its kinds."
"If you understand sentence one 'In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth,' the rest is just engineering details."
"The Earth is not millions of years old, it's just not."
"Travis Rhymer a pastor in Rhode Island says I see this as a creation issue and a gospel issue I believe God's creation is good and designed for human flourishing my call to love my neighbor is to want what's best for them."
"Creationism is an attempt by literalists to dishonestly force their marginal religious view as an alternative to science in public schools."
"There's no contradiction between believing in evolution and believing in a Creator."
"The probability of life arising on earth by purely natural means, without special divine aid, is less than the probability of a flight-worthy Boeing 747 being assembled by a hurricane roaring through a junkyard."
"The data, the evidence that we see in the present, makes sense. Genetically, we are descended from Adam and Eve, genetically."
"What we know historically is what is recorded in history books, and the Bible is that. It's a history book that tells us the history of the universe, how it began, and the history of mankind, how they began."
"If God tells us he did it in six days, we should take him at his word."