
Moral Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The moral of the story is it's a film about family, really."
"God said, 'Don't eat of the tree.' Your voice says, 'Eat of the tree.' God is not going to contradict Himself. Get out of my garden, you lying snake!"
"It's a horrible thing, man's inhumanity to man."
"One lie leads to another and another and another."
"There's a lovely moral lesson here about growing and accepting every part of yourself to become the best you can be."
"We must love one another. We must." - Taylor Marshall
"Life lessons are always at the heart of fairy tales."
"I love movies that give you great moral dilemmas."
"With great power comes great responsibility says spider-man's uncle."
"Responsibility is a lot like that. Once it's created, it's almost never destroyed."
"I am not disciplining you to be like me. I'm disciplining you to be like Christ."
"Whoever saves one life saves the world entire."
"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world."
"Fable: Enchanted tale-telling with a moral edge."
"Avoid a worldly lifestyle. It looks good on the surface but inside, it's rotten."
"Eventually they did the right thing, and I think in the end that's what matters."
"We are in an intellectual and moral freefall, plunging infinitely into the abyss."
"Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery."
"Remember what mom told us too, she said that we have to protect those who can't protect themselves."
"See the moral of this story is you can't force people to like you but sometimes just sometimes you actually can."
"I pushed through it, it's the moral of the story."
"The lesson of these stories is always stand up against the bully you are facing."
"I'm very excited, basically that's the moral of this."
"The moral of the story is even a dragon can be tamed with the power of music and a little understanding."
"With great power also comes great responsibility."
"Never too late to do the right thing."
"It kind of has the same moral as Hurricane Fluttershy, with more of a focus on hashtag be yourself."
"Moral of the story: It's okay if you get away with it"
"It was, weirdly enough, a spark of hope to realize that while murder is okay, cheating will not be tolerated."
"The courage, not just the physical courage but the moral courage."
"The moral lesson of the story is always remember if you're going to lead a secret life of crime make sure you don't accidentally date a detective or have a son who wants to be just like you because it might just lead to your downfall."
"The moral lesson from this film is if you love someone, go after them even if they have to go through amnesia first before they fall in love with you."
"The Amazing Spider-Man 2: powerful death scene, heavy heartbreak, lesson on responsibility."
"I feel like the way they handle themselves socially and morally actually dictate more of people's willingness to get involved."
"To be lonely for the highest possible life but it's a sort of moral ambition that I see in all my students I bet you see in yours."
"I think the moral of the story can't be 'wow these Targaryens sure are great and important and should be in charge by virtue of their blood.'"
"I think the moral of the story is spite is a more powerful motivation than love."
"ultimately from from my perspective I know that a child just needs to feel safe and loved and that's ultimately what you're doing for that child when you are providing that moral background"
"Happiness is not a psychological state or a feeling as much as it is a moral obligation."
"The moral of the story: always remember to pack extra scarves for unexpected transformations."
"The material results were not very great... but morally the result was of inestimable benefit to the United States."
"Good night, sweet dreams. Moral of the story: Batman."
"It's just this moment of like, oh man, your hero made what's probably the wrong choice. Yeah, yeah, that's kind of fun because also it well it really tests your metal right because he's like he's like a uh an idol and he's he's supposed to be the moral example."
"So you guys know what the moral of the story today is? Just don't date hairdressers."
"Yugi goes into his good moral spiel about revenge making the problems greater."
"Every Adam Sandler movie has great messages."
"The fundamental meaning and moral of the tale is reversed."
"...but this is a movie where Cruella is baked into a giant birthday cake, so I really shouldn't gripe about a questionable moral."
"Any story where a character learns a lesson has a theme."
"The point of the story lies not in thinking frogs possible maids but in the necessity of keeping promises even those with intolerable consequences."
"You're not working for righteousness, you're working from righteousness."
"This was a beautiful conclusion to the whole 'those who can't abandon everything can't change anything' moral."
"It's a harmless film. It teaches kids about the importance of family and togetherness, and wrestling's part of the story too, I guess."
"If you control the language, you control the moral judgment."
"Shigaraki's speech about the dichotomy between heroes and villains is so poignant."
"...it's a warning I think to the individuals who do choose greed in the film."
"Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's looking."
"The moral lesson of the animation is that sometimes the best things in life come from unexpected places."
"You wear your moral superiority like a cloak of human excrement. No matter how much you try to smile and show a joyous side, you reek of sadness."
"We seek only to serve the greater good."
"What's the moral of the story, you know, for we didn't title the movie."
"Honestly, at what cost? Your integrity."
"Don't assume that their main issue was intellectual. They may have other moral or ideological commitments that they don't want to give up."
"It's about how long you can go while still feeling like you're in integrity."
"There doesn't seem to be a clear satisfying answer to a situation like this one, but the show's eventual moral of the importance of personal responsibility rings hollow."
"Moral to the story, yeah there we go."
"The moral arc of the universe is curved towards justice."
"It just feels like there's a positive moral at the end of it... but it adds like a little extra commentary, a little extra spice to it."
"...let this be a lesson there's a moral to this story heed my words don't just take this as entertaining I think that's very important."
"The ending leaves you questioning who the real 'villains' are."
"Not everybody lives by this principle."
"The moral of the story is wear your sunscreen so you don't get skin cancer."
"The moral victory is really what counts today for me."
"Moral of the story I suppose is don't be mean to fairies."
"I want people to read comic books to be driven to be better people."
"It's not all about you. Alright? Sometimes we have to choose what's right."
"The seven virtues: prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice, faith, hope, and charity."
"Don't judge a book by its cover is the moral of that story."
"The moral of the story: there's always consequences."
"Moral of the story, you're always right."
"Was there any kind of moral to this movie?"
"This along with the slight edge in tone that wore the story's moral of 'be careful what you wish for' on its sleeve helped Coraline to stand out in the eyes of many, including my own."
"The moral of this story is always to be aware of your surroundings."
"That is the moral of this story. All bad things often have good endings."
"It's a little tongue-in-cheek, a little reference to Dr. Strangelove there."
"My mum always said, 'Just because they're a bad man, doesn't mean you've got to become a bad man.'"
"There is not a clear distinction between the legal and the moral in the Islamic domain."
"Not killing someone until they pay is definitely a quiz."
"The left exposing themselves as being... morally... like just giving themselves a whole lot more work to do."
"Moral of the story: don't trust the community."
"...you're a bad guy but this does not mean you are a bad guy."
"At the end of the day, would the galaxy be better off or worse if malik had been redeemed? Again, I feel like it really comes down to just kind of how you look at it."
"That's an important fable of tolerance and acceptance."
"But I guess the moral is just being nice to everybody."
"So there's no reason for there to be any ethics at that point."
"The problem isn't in the ark; the problem is in the heart."
"The moral of this anime is clear: with hard work and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals."
"Moral of the story, when you find the joy in the everyday small things, you're just happier in life."
"The moral of the story is in Doctor Who the canine wins."
"The real Beast was a man with a gun. Scooby-Doo has finally taught us that the real monsters were a guy with a gun."
"The moral of Tara's bedtime story: It pays to stick to your vision."
"The show has your typical lesson of the day set up where the major conflict will be resolved by everyone learning how to be a better person."
"Maybe the moral of gawain's life is that you don't have to be perfect but you know maybe try a little harder."
"Oh my gosh, help! I think the moral of the story is don't let me prepare for things, just don't."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is to keep trying despite many obstacles."
"Moral of the story: do more with your scarves."
"Don't strike like that. Strike with power. You have spirit and moral superiority."
"No matter what, there's gonna be some sort of moral conclusion to the book, whether the author intends it or not, and that's something I'm really much hooked on to, and again, this is why I'm so much of a thematic reader because these are the ideas that keep me going."
"He always wanted to do the right thing."
"The moral of the story is maybe next time don't have a character be a silhouette for four years if you're gonna turn them into a broccoli and then paralyze them."
"It's not just a story of judgment; it's a story of hope."
"Moral formation used to be a huge part of our culture... we stopped teaching people how to be good."
"The moral about bravery is really strong."
"We'll always find our way back, that's the moral of the story, really and truly."
"You have courage, not just physical courage, moral courage, and that's far more important."
"I really enjoy Stella's character and I think the moral was done very well."
"The right thing to do is always to be honest."
"At the end of every story, there is some kind of lesson to be learned."
"The cosmic order which we observe in nature is also a moral order."
"The moral of the story is try to source things locally, do what feels good in the long term and health."
"Once upon a time, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
"Moral of the story: try and spread positivity."
"Any enemies could be friends bro, that's the moral of the story."
"The moral lesson from this animation teaches us about teamwork, perseverance, honesty, and respect for all living creatures, no matter how small or different they may seem."
"Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."
"There is going to be a lesson and a moral to this story that I'm about to tell you guys."
"The moral of the story is still the same."
"That's with some great power comes great responsibility."
"Never give up, I guess, is the moral of the story."
"The moral of that story is always keep running. When you outrun something, just keep running; don't stop."
"Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right using of strength."
"The moral of the story is spread positivity, everyone."
"The moral of this story is to speak up about your feelings and be honest with yourself and others."
"You only won because I fell asleep," said the hare. "Oh yeah?" said the tortoise.
"I think these stories feel a lot like parables or fables."
"What matters is what you do after that; as long as you go back in and do the right thing, then it's all good."
"We're taking a moral and spiritual stand for justice."
"God will help you learn moral excellence."
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes; I think that's the moral."
"The moral of the story is that one should maintain their faith in God."
"I think the end moral of the story is like he has to live the life that he's been afforded through the love of his life."
"He who has shown mercy will have mercy shown to him; he who has not shown mercy will not have mercy shown to him."
"Moral truths are so deeply ingrained in us that they feel like they are objective."
"This story is a very important lesson for all humanity."
"Moral of this story is always be true to yourself."
"Every single time you read it, the tortoise wins."
"The purpose of it, like all these internet fables videos, is to relay a story to you for both entertainment value purposes of course, as well as to maybe impart a lesson and message from all the internet tomfoolery."
"A four-year-old can walk away from Veggie Tales video and say this is what I learned about forgiveness or about thankfulness."
"A good story should always do that too; it should make a larger point about human experience and about the world."
"That's the moral of this story in this video, that is the lesson that we are learning today."
"The moral of the story is to never judge a bug by its cover."
"Theme is the overall idea of a piece of literature; think about the lesson or moral of the story that the author is trying to get across to you."
"The moral of the story they give you is slow and steady wins the race."
"One good turn deserves another, doesn't it?"
"The moral of this story is to always take your time and not rush things out."
"The moral of the story is listen, study and learn."
"The moral of the story is keep learning."
"The moral of the story is whenever you're stuck in an unpleasant situation, come and seek help."
"The moral of the story is never give up."
"You have no reason not to be kind."
"Do unto others as you will have others to do unto you."
"It's not a likely story maybe, but it's a good one. And it even has a moral."
"The moral of the story is that things aren't always what they seem."
"A simple story where there is a deeper moral lesson."
"The moral of the story is hang in there and don't give up."
"Take the compliment; that's the moral of the story."
"Often it focuses on some kind of moral lesson like don't pollute, don't eat too much junk food, and don't watch too much TV."
"The moral of the story is that even if it's just a couple blocks in town, always wear proper gear."
"I'm telling y'all what I want y'all to know, a lot of these story times I tell y'all because at the end of the story there is a moral."
"With what judgment you judge, ye shall be judged."
"Enjoy life is, I guess, the moral story."
"They teach a moral code, they teach a compass, they teach you how to be a better person."
"The moral of the story is that we started out rough, but when things get tough, you do not run."
"Well the whole point of the story was to be yourself."
"These cannot be story tales; this cannot be entertainment. We have to take lessons from this."