
Gaming Tactics Quotes

There are 957 quotes

"It's so good for zoning... it's so hard to do anything because it covers not only the ground but also the air."
"This run is going to rely on good old-fashioned stat scaling and special abilities."
"The functionality of Ash here is to poke a little bit to win the tank war but also potentially to help snipe Echo."
"The most broken things you can do are generally the cheating of mana costs."
"Eight seconds of complete invincibility to push through even the toughest of engineer nests and choke points."
"Confusion is going to make the enemy take a lot more damage and it will make it so that the enemy's stamina bar will absolutely get destroyed."
"The core of XL Abomasnow and Jellicent is pretty deadly."
"Playing Link effectively means you are constantly having to juggle that choice between consistency or explosive combos, and that choice can be a huge difference in a lot of matchups."
"Work with your team in team fights. If you're a defender or an all-rounder, try to stand in front of your allies."
"Regarding tactics, there's a new dynamic tactics system as well, which I'll be talking about in detail in this video."
"We discovered the most broken builds you could ever think of."
"Wow shut down so much potential damage uh from gloria that pretty much saved yarlo the game."
"Dude if we get the circle and hide in a little building, I think you're right, top 10 minimum."
"The Diamond Store, a heist that can be trivialized by ECM rushing."
"Finally, they managed to break the cycle. It was not the same setup. Rcds is constantly playing aggressive up past the bomb..."
"Unpredictability is the key to beating higher ranks."
"First damage spells, shadow bolt, high damage."
"Both can endanger or improve a game’s design - depending on how they are used."
"I found this random skeleton in a savannah biome and I learned that I could freeze it with my free spell and then still kill it with flame rate even without thawing it."
"Empty jar is a deck that has shown up while library FTK. I don't know if it's so good that people just don't want to play because it's so boring or if it just actually loses to things that empty jar doesn't."
"I'm not going for the void seed, I think it's too far out of the way vase."
"I wouldn't count Savage Ventmaw as a ramp card... I think part of the problem is reliability."
"These cards are smoothers. They make sure that your curve is smooth, that your play is smooth, that your land drops smooth, and everything smooths out."
"I love doing that last second ability, it always catches them off guard when they have no Mighty Miner in cycle."
"Diego Molita... phenomenally meta in this game."
"So basically what this thing does when you actually charge it up it's going to shoot all these little puddles on the ground and any zombies actually walk over it are basically going to die."
"Snowballing Matt pressure... all the pieces start falling together."
"Klaus is so creative with every single attack that he does."
"Deliverance: It allows you to make some crazy plays you'd never try otherwise."
"It has for starters so many stealth Buffs shutting things off offering distractions and silently wiping enemies yet at the same time especially in the latest updates there are builds that work great In the Heat of combat too."
"These three items together, these three weapons are massive multipliers to our wave of light damage, absolute must-haves."
"Wave of light also slows enemies and deals increased damage, another great multiplier and applying a crowd control."
"Spellbook is like really really really good into tf caglio and already stall against like heavy roaming champions that like to roam at like 5 30 which is like level 6 wave if they don't get any xp tonight it's going to be a little bit later."
"Worst case scenario on this is bounce something, make a copy of your best thing, draw a card for six mana - that's still pretty good."
"A comedic revelation that there's a gooey weakling center damaging this center is your path to victory."
"HJT achieved this incredibly fast clear of any radiance in a couple of ways."
"I'm hoping to get some real damage in this turn. Toski has to attack."
"Allows you to be just completely invincible... watching them burn to death."
"Every single map starts off with tiny little factions, and the tiny factions mostly will be eliminated pretty quickly."
"Learning strategies such as be short split on Mirage and execute at a specific second of the round will help you win games and gain elo."
"Cheesing in the world of gaming is the name for an underhanded tactic or doing something easier not intended by the developers."
"Blinding nade grenade launchers... it really doesn't get much more overpowered than completely rendering your enemies useless."
"Crowdaunt could even run Switcheroo in the last slot to ensure that it would always leave a significant mark if the opposing team was too bulky."
"The ability to solo backline carries by yourself as a support... super obnoxious."
"It's a sound strategy because it does take a long time to open those doors, so not a lot of people want to bother going down there. And no one has done tasks, which gives our Seekers so much time to mess around with."
"Red Reboot is an auto-win in trap-based matchups, making duels incredibly unfun for backrow pilots."
"That's why it's fun land your cue for dummies like it works super well and then after you land your cue you one shot him"
"But yeah the idea behind the strat is basically the least amount of effort possible."
"You can take that fight if anyone's approaching you from behind then uh you can hear them and you have your paranoid to work with so you can blind them and maybe go for a tpo play after that."
"It's not the Ray and the Fade nade here coming from loud, so this is more of a firefight util hit."
"You have got options to expand if you do feel ballsy."
"Accuracy is now significantly more meaningful since locational damage can make or break a battle."
"We don't want sniping through flinch to be the smart play."
"You can cheat so many things, you can literally cheese so many things."
"Stall forces you to make offensive plays to break through."
"These are the sort of three main formulas for a Ganyu melt team with the last character always being a flex slot."
"This is big, the nidus network has been spotted."
"It's the same idea but falcon ledge and fastball for one frame before jumping on stage."
"Sneak up behind any isolated person and knock them out."
"Position yourself to the sides of Pam's attack for less damage."
"Golden mushrooms are often viewed as the most useful of the three, but there are aspects which make triple mushrooms superior."
"Positioning is key... You always have to be adjusting, always have to be thinking about that."
"If you always fight, man, invade in solo queue it works 70% of the time."
"It's worth points. Games often reward us for abusing bad tactics that miraculously work."
"If you're not playing Sylveon on your team, you're most likely trolling because it is that good."
"Flank plays are always about distraction, not only about killing people. But you gotta get the enemy's attention on you."
"It's all about distraction. Flank plays are always about distraction."
"Catching and Sack swapping can be a very effective strategy... the difference between winning some big games and losing some big games."
"It takes a little longer to feel really good than some of the other Builds on this list, thanks to its Reliance on its imbuement ability, but once everything starts clicking together it becomes one of the fastest screen clears of the bunch."
"Mark of Death is the highest damaging move in the entire game when used correctly."
"His early game is so oppressive to play against."
"What a savage. Absolute savage. He doesn't even tell us after it's not going to be until he's done upgrading."
"The invasion on red buff to shut down Yangko early..."
"It sets up a whole new style of tactics, new style of play."
"Oh, even though the bowlers got pretty much picked off as they were in the core but he dissected that base down and took it out for a three star for nova."
"Widow's an A tier... on certain maps, a good Widow, you literally just don't play the game, you just lose."
"The bombs in general are more reliable and can kill anything really, so the F4U-1D is pretty good."
"Batman is literally Fox. Batman's damage output is absurd. If you land one combo, he could just super push it all the way."
"Viper's wall is pretty much a must-have on maps like breeze and icebox."
"Dealing with the hard mechanics super fast... helps other guys who are single target orientated to put more damage into the boss."
"This guy's just pulled forward dude he's just constantly walking at you like if I throw out butts I'll hit him watch this."
"Dude, nobody's expecting you to swap to your Trace rifle to suddenly be melting them."
"Granted, you can't craft wendigo, but still, I think explosive light combined with chain reaction, you're looking at some Mega explosions with some substantial damage."
"Even if you are playing as a man doing 10% more damage against females is still really useful."
"It doesn't matter if you have a team or if you're doing it solo because there's a glitch, but the fastest way right now to level up in Destiny 2 is by doing the format that I'm about to tell you."
"Everybody is going to try and tilt you. They're not actually [cheating]. They're metagaming you."
"Trust me, these tactics are amazing, they got me 20 and0 on the main account and a 19 and1 on the RTG."
"Third time's the charm is a good rule for fighting games."
"You should have auto deploy parachute turned off. This is going to allow you to get to the ground before other enemies do which is going to give you a huge advantage during the early game."
"Jump on top of your own train, there's no way too Charles can get you up there, that's what we've heard guys."
"If you're playing Morgana and you know the enemy jungler is cross map from you, you can just trade flash for a flash or kill."
"Take advantage of slag... incredibly powerful and useful once you understand it..."
"Backstab makes hitting enemies from behind more potent and causes them to stagger."
"For variations of bloom teams, you can run hydro with dendro."
"In this case, you need a pyro character to pop those blooms."
"The more plus skills we have, the more we murder."
"Behind that sweet, cuddly demeanor is a cold, calculating ice thing that will destroy the positioning of all who tread where it may linger."
"The longer you can wait, the better it is. That's why instant speed is so important."
"Opponents got to spend their until your turn paying for this pack so we're not gonna kill this turn and they lose a land which is even better."
"Leaning towards top side knowing there's a lot of action."
"Every blink, every recall, every bullet in your gun needs to be used with intent to have impact."
"You can do a quick one two three combo, go into slide beats, and you've played all your songs very quickly."
"If your deck can use the graveyard well, you're going to have a big advantage against Decks that can't."
"You always want to have a body and this generates bodies for you to just throw away or for you to buff up. That's really good."
"Cheese is one of the most important things in RTS. It should work just such a low percentage of the time."
"Primeape's Cross Chop hit harder than Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick."
"Even ghosts weren't safe as U-turn would allow Primeape to safely bring in a teammate with Pursuit."
"The battle machine held the defenses while using the ability to regenerate that health."
"Regenerator plus shed tail makes this mon kind of, well, as a support mod, this mod is as good as it gets."
"Royal moon has continued to take advantage, grass lasers, you can use an entire flying with acrobatics to neutralize fairy types."
"For Endless mode - Battle Ballad is basically a cheat code."
"I could just save up and grab a load of bursts there."
"You can't really go wrong with this tank if you set it up correctly."
"It'd be a really fun strong combination...almost unkillable...very kind of new player friendly."
"These defensive mortars are so effective because that splash helps clean up the princesses and the dark islands that you have a difficult time getting to."
"Mega Gnar now will be even more tanky, which is of course what you kind of want when you're in that form."
"You sit on a boat, play some loud noises, they come to the noises, and you just snipe them off one by one."
"The assault squads with the priests in particular look particularly fun to use."
"He really was 1v1ing Huni very well but Reignover, he pitched a tent."
"This thing is amazing for stealth play, and I have been saying that stealth play needs to be buffed for survivors."
"Hard-hitting character, that's what you want to exploit."
"I'm gonna have to wait for the Shroud, step Mez, step again to see do, blind him, stun Sam, and somehow make it back to Mez to stun him before he can burrow."
"Reforging your accessories can significantly boost your magic prowess."
"I think they're really, really good at mitigating early game pressure."
"I would add Master Chief, because you know, to have an enforcer in the Elite like that, Master Chief just wouldn't be able to be stopped."
"And when the boss says learn to read which is a special attack you just run to the opposite square and that's the entire boss fight."
"Anticipate damage, heal through it, and heal early and often."
"Real deal stealth is very much possible in Elden Ring."
"Play to your outs. Sometimes you have to take that chance because you know you're going to lose the game in the long run if you don't."
"The true power in Fortnite is the ability to build. The gun you find in the world only lasts so long, but the ability to have plans about making things..."
"My dual lathe ship is doing a better job of clearing the map than my headquarters ship. It might be a valid strategy for a rush."
"The lower the enemy's health, the more executes you want."
"This deck is insane, it's explosive, it can make negates, it can break boards, what else can does that do? It even slices and dices, makes thousands of julienne fries."
"Running gun class, zoom around the map like a pro."
"This move is amazing to use because Cloud has slight armor on himself and you can easily put most enemies into pressure off of this move to help build up some stagger."
"If you kill either the main tank or the main support, it's almost a guaranteed one fight."
"Those who enjoy burst spamming with her... I will include some generic DPS-based bows that still maintain solid base attack for her elemental skill."
"Insta-lock your agent. I would rather have three insta-lock duelists with tons of games who are comfortable with their characters than three people on my team filling just because they want to create a good team comp."
"Counter-attacking is very effective against super early rushes."
"Height wins your games in Warzone, it really does."
"Realize you can just keep yourself hidden as this often results in the enemy jungler revealing themselves first, making a mistake, and then letting you punish them."
"A mega basic but effective movement technique is to heal peak."
"If you're going to attack a group of five...always take out the healer first."
"Having a teammate get knocked is tough. You can kind of play this though by faking a revive."
"In each of these phases, good use of the mounted weaponry is a surefire way to bring Fatalis crashing down to the grounds."
"Spam our skeletons here and unfortunately a bomb Tower."
"Playing around Ashe's dynamite cooldown, set yourself up to use it right as it comes off cooldown for maximum impact."
"For resurrect it might seem like a mean but spinning while raising does actually help you stay alive."
"I want to increase ever-so-slightly his line of sight so you can distract him a little bit easier."
"What's considered best in slot might not actually be best in slot in your game."
"The best way to counteract this and avoid getting scouted and positioned around is just swap your units around randomly right at the end of the round."
"Freezing the lane close to your tower is very oppressive. You do not need to just shit on your laner through kills, as long as you know how to manage them."
"You have frame advantage, so you can just do whatever you want."
"Once you break the third bracelet before he moves it forward, it actually goes to the air."
"The last word with its hip-fire versatility and its incredibly fast optimal time to kill is an extremely good secondary weapon."
"Let's go into the champion points really quickly."
"It stuns, slows down recovery, and puts a damage shield on the enemy."
"The hypest thing in Tekken is when they just do nothing."
"There's my next War versus them...fight whoever is easiest."
"At this point I can also go ahead and vassalize Parma...ready to move on with your wars."
"I love when you have the whole table just sort of by the throat with Altar of Dementia."
"Movement speed and armor piercing are the name of the game. You gotta go fast if you want to party with Slaanesh."
"Thought of following up nearly every spell that you cast with an arrow shot or maybe a sword strike is really quite nice."
"Maru with the proxy RX Reaper into bunker in the mineral pocket with the SCV all tucked in there which might look like something you can easily pick up but I'm sure he will Dodge the shots."
"Wasted assassin, that's exactly how you have to play against this killer though."
"With Watson in your squad, you'll be able to dig in and hold your ground."
"Having the shield there is really, really valuable."
"If someone attacks me at that moment, I need to throw down that danax probably or throw down the shield one or the other and get myself into a situation where I actually have weapons in my hands that I can use together."
"We just beef up Wings and Dyna and keep poking everything. It'll be good."
"The second animatronic amalgamot will most of the time attack after revenant's end."
"I swear to God, all you have to do is kite them, all you have to do is fall back."
"Luckily, the possible patterns of attack make dodging each blast pretty simple."
"Once the to idolatry ads are down the blasphemy ad will begin to pulse a high damage raid wide blast six times before it too begins to cast explosion."
"Communication during this phase is key as the orbs explode in a wide a Lee blast when popped."
"We've effectively skipped just three of the six portals of the level already."
"Don't accidentally off Solaire! That's the needle we're trying to thread."
"This bow is not to be judged based on its DPS values; it's that Peak orientation going in and out of cover and landing large amounts of damage every single time you do so."
"Building a Scout first may be a fine and solid move."
"There's going to be a lot of Shenanigans in today's video and methods that no one else has ever used in the game because once again we're on such a unique and specific account."
"This is where the lobber weapon really shines."
"Wild Flames is being able to have two puddles at the same time is just incredibly useful for her."
"It just allows you to spread a lot of your super across the map and it's really annoying for the enemies to deal with."
"Good players will always use walls to their advantage."
"I am also buried in his deployment zone, able to knock him off his home objectives hopefully really soon."
"Once we kill all the monsters in one zone, we get to unlock different levels."
"Improvise it's a fixed 30 damage which is very strong especially in Heist as well so that's gonna be the better stop power now."
"In my sights is probably one of the best stockpiles in the game you definitely need it."
"Now with Prowler's Claw, even if you're standing next to a wall, she can still flip behind you and proc the ult, removing this counter."
"You just need one solid push with tanks or high DPS Brawlers."
"Wall break options...it's gonna be a lot easier to push back and not get spawn traps."
"You're such a good lurker, don't cash out on one guy."
"That is how you defend against the TNT dropper."
"You want him to survive a long time... Put him on vampire, ignore defense, and even if he doesn't have a tremendous amount of attack, as long as he has crit damage, he's gonna do fine damage."
"It's a you can completely fuck the inner enemy team's assault by using it properly or it can do jack dick or you can place it in the worst worst spot and it does nothing."
"Dual wielding shields into an enemy's face is just the highest level of disrespect."
"I love that, but now we need to start thinking about rotations, we need to start thinking about it now."
"Okay, we've got that so iron sword there you go we're gonna go in with fireball I will get two fireballs."
"Just block. Just blocking is the one way to shut down an era Musha."
"Using Kylo properly does not include mindlessly slashing your lightsaber until your stamina is drained and instead requires strategy and ability cooldown."
"The counter card exception is what brings everything together... because the deck has good counters to the cards in the other deck."